
About Mro

M. R. O Proud to be a Manc

Mro Description

ManchesterRadioOnline. Com is an alternative radio station to the ‘burger’ stations*, and has a mission to provide genuine entertainment, online. We have professional broadcasters, we’re professionally managed, and we’re quite partisan about the fact that we’re Manchester owned, Manchester based and Manchester focused.
Why is online better than FM /AM?
Being internet based means that our material can be more challenging, more original and more experimental. Traditional stations have streaming, but this is only their ’same old’ FM or AM output - but streamed. We recognise online listeners are not seeking the same experience and we deliver accordingly (background noise, we most certainly ain’t)

So listen in @ http://www. and see what you think, you won't be dissappointed!

To get in touch. . .

email -

phone - 0161 660 0545

MSN Studio@ManchesterRadioOnline. Com

or just use the contact form on the website. . .