Msc Health Data Analytics University Of Leeds

About Msc Health Data Analytics University Of Leeds

Our official Facebook page for prospective, current and alumni students of the MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Leeds Institute of Genetics, Health and Therapeutics (LIGHT) at the University of Leeds.

Msc Health Data Analytics University Of Leeds Description

This MSc aims to train scientists to pursue careers in epidemiology, biostatistics, public health and health-services research. Students all undertake four Common Core modules before choosing a Specialist Theme to focus on before moving on to the Research Project.

The Specialist Themes are:

Statistical Epidemiology
Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology
Spatial Epidemiology
Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology



China and SE Asia online webinar event.
Learn more about our medical imaging, health data analytics, international public health, molecular and cancer biology masters courses.
Friday 13th December at 11am (UK time).
... Live presentations from SE Asian and Chinese students currently studying at Leeds and a Q&A session to ask your questions directly to our students and admissions team.‚Ä ¶/9180111055406103052
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Former Student Karrie Liu - originally from Hong Kong - has been shortlisted for the Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd, Women in Technology 2019 TechWomen100 awards.
During her career Karrie has brought technology with Maths and Data to healthcare/Pharma and also works with the charity IMA and @WaterHarvest.
Karrie will need some public votes in order to be successful. So please click through the link to read her profile and support her with your vote.
... hringer-ingelheim…/
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Keep up to date on the Faculty of Medicine and Health news and event here. Like us to find out more...


Health Data Analytics MSc online webinar event
Sign up for our next webinar which will provide an in-depth overview of course modules.
Book your place - 11th July 2019...‚Ä ¶/2523116802309771275
This webinar will be delivered by Dr Peter Tennant and some of the Module Leads.
- Introduction to Health Data Science - Dr Peter Tennant - Modelling Prediction and Causality with Observational Data - Prof Mark Gilthorpe - Further techniques in Health Data Analytics - Dr Richard Feltbower - Professional Skills for Health Data Scientists - Dr Paul Baxter - Modelling Strategies for Causal Inference with Observational Data - Prof Mark Gilthorpe - Latent Variable Methods - Prof Mark Gilthorpe
The webinar will also include an overview of the full course content; further details about our teaching team, teaching philosophy, research interests and expertise; entry criteria, language requirements and application process; and a Q&A session with current students and staff which will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
We look forward to ‚Äėmeeting‚Äô you online on the 11th July 2019.‚Ä ¶/2523116802309771275
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Webinar event recording from the 12th APRIL 2019
We recently delivered another online event highlighting details of our MSc Health Data Analytics course.
VIEW WEBINAR RECORDING:‚Ä ¶/8899648723947078145
... This webinar was delivered by Dr Peter Tennant and provides:
- Overview of the course content, - Details of our team, teaching philosophy, research interests and expertise, - Entry criteria, language requirements and application process, - Information about living and studying in Leeds, - Q&A session with current student.
VIEW WEBINAR RECORDING:‚Ä ¶/8899648723947078145
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We are delighted to announce that we have arranged another online event ‚Äď MSc Health Data Analytics course overview
Friday 12th April 12pm - 13pm GMT (UK time)
... BOOK YOUR PLACE:… /5765311607916037899…
Our refreshed MSc in Health Data Analytics reflects our course‚Äôs aim of providing cutting-edge training in the analysis of observational, routinely collected, and ‚Äėreal-world‚Äô data. Our course is fairly unique because of our focus on data description, prediction, and causal inference - in the contexts of health or medicine.
Our short presentation will provide:
- Overview of the course content, - Details of our team, teaching philosophy, research interests and expertise, - Entry criteria, language requirements and application process, - Information about living and studying in Leeds, - Q&A session with three current students, giving you the opportunity to ask any further or more detailed questions you may have.
For further details about our course please visit: ata-analytics-msc
We look forward to ‚Äėmeeting‚Äô you online on the 12th April 2019.
Dr Peter Tennant
BOOK YOUR PLACE:… /5765311607916037899…
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We are delighted to announce that we have arranged another online event ‚Äď MSc Health Data Analytics course overview
Friday 12th April 12pm - 13pm GMT (UK time)
... BOOK YOUR PLACE:… /5765311607916037899…
Our refreshed MSc in Health Data Analytics reflects our course‚Äôs aim of providing cutting-edge training in the analysis of observational, routinely collected, and ‚Äėreal-world‚Äô data. Our course is fairly unique because of our focus on data description, prediction, and causal inference - in the contexts of health or medicine.
Our short presentation will provide:
- Overview of the course content, - Details of our team, teaching philosophy, research interests and expertise, - Entry criteria, language requirements and application process, - Information about living and studying in Leeds, - Q&A session with three current students, giving you the opportunity to ask any further or more detailed questions you may have.
For further details about our course please visit: ata-analytics-msc
We look forward to ‚Äėmeeting‚Äô you online on the 12th April 2019.
Dr Peter Tennant
BOOK YOUR PLACE:… /5765311607916037899…
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MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics & MSc Health Data Analytics webinar event
We are delighted to announce that we have arranged another online event ‚Äď describing our MSc Epidemiology & Biostatistics and MSc Health Data Analytics
Thursday 28 June ... 2pm - 3pm GMT (UK time)
BOOK YOUR PLACE:‚Ä ¶/1957193761172302337
Our refreshed MSc in Health Data Analytics reflects our courses‚Äô aim of providing cutting-edge training in the analysis of observational, routinely collected, and ‚Äėreal-world‚Äô data.
Our course is fairly unique because of our focus on data description, prediction, and causal inference - in the contexts of health or medicine.
A short presentation will provide:
‚ÄĘ an overview of the course content, ‚ÄĘ our team, teaching philosophy, research interests and expertise, ‚ÄĘ the entry criteria, language requirements and application process, ‚ÄĘ information about living and studying in Leeds, ‚ÄĘ Q&A session with three current students, giving you the opportunity to ask questions.
BOOK YOUR PLACE:‚Ä ¶/1957193761172302337
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MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics & MSc Health Data Analytics webinar event
We are delighted to announce that we have arranged another online event ‚Äď describing our MSc Epidemiology & Biostatistics and MSc Health Data Analytics
Thursday 28 June ... 2pm - 3pm GMT (UK time)
BOOK YOUR PLACE:‚Ä ¶/1957193761172302337
Our refreshed MSc in Health Data Analytics reflects our courses‚Äô aim of providing cutting-edge training in the analysis of observational, routinely collected, and ‚Äėreal-world‚Äô data.
Our course is fairly unique because of our focus on data description, prediction, and causal inference - in the contexts of health or medicine.
A short presentation will provide:
‚ÄĘ an overview of the course content, ‚ÄĘ our team, teaching philosophy, research interests and expertise, ‚ÄĘ the entry criteria, language requirements and application process, ‚ÄĘ information about living and studying in Leeds, ‚ÄĘ Q&A session with three current students, giving you the opportunity to ask questions.
BOOK YOUR PLACE:‚Ä ¶/1957193761172302337
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MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics & MSc Health Data Analytics webinar event
We are delighted to announce that we have arranged another online event ‚Äď describing our MSc Epidemiology & Biostatistics and MSc Health Data Analytics
Thursday 28 June ... 2pm - 3pm GMT (UK time)
BOOK YOUR PLACE:‚Ä ¶/1957193761172302337
Our refreshed MSc in Health Data Analytics reflects our courses‚Äô aim of providing cutting-edge training in the analysis of observational, routinely collected, and ‚Äėreal-world‚Äô data.
Our course is fairly unique because of our focus on data description, prediction, and causal inference - in the contexts of health or medicine.
A short presentation will provide:
‚ÄĘ an overview of the course content, ‚ÄĘ our team, teaching philosophy, research interests and expertise, ‚ÄĘ the entry criteria, language requirements and application process, ‚ÄĘ information about living and studying in Leeds, ‚ÄĘ Q&A session with three current students, giving you the opportunity to ask questions.
BOOK YOUR PLACE:‚Ä ¶/1957193761172302337
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The University of Leeds has come third in the UK in a major survey that asks students about their experience while studying.
Leeds is also the highest ranked among the Russell Group of research-intensive universities and scores particularly highly for its campus environment, facilities and extra-curricular activities.…/students_vote_ leeds_top_three_in_t…


Welcome to link to Leeds
If you‚Äôre thinking of applying to or are an offer holder for the University of Leeds and would like to hear about other students‚Äô experiences or have questions about being a student here ‚Äď such as‚Ķ
‚ÄėIs it easy to make friends?‚Äô, ... ‚ÄėIs there somewhere in Leeds I can buy some of the food I like?‚Äô, ‚ÄėAre the libraries easy to use?‚Äô
…then Link to Leeds is for you!
Link to Leeds gives you the opportunity to talk directly to some of our students.
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Dr Marlous Hall (Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds) has led research which identifies the devastating impact of pre-existing health problems on recovery from a heart attack.
Marlous said: ‚ÄúNow we have an idea of how certain chronic conditions group together in heart attack patients, we can target those groups of diseases ‚Äď to try and improve treatment options.
“Previous research has focused on the interplay between heart attack and... single long-term conditions but as the population gets older, more and more people who experience a heart attack are already suffering from a number of other illnesses.
‚ÄúFurther research needs to focus on the way those other illnesses may complicate recovery from a heart attack.‚ÄĚ…/chronic_ill_h ealth_and_the_chance…
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Interested in a PhD project on populations studies research into cardiovascular and metabolic disease?
Applications deadline: 25th March
Available PhD projects include:... 'Missing data methods for large and complex data - multiple imputation and latent variable approaches'. - supervisors: Paul Baxter, Mark Gilthorpe
'Identifying the risks of cardiovascular, metabolic and other health outcomes following treatment for childhood and young adult cancer and their care pathways: a population-based data linkage study'. - Supervisors: Richard Feltbower, Chris Gale, Marlous Hall, Adam Glaser
'Computational phenotyping of cardiovascular disease following acute myocardial infarction in primary care: a large scale electronic healthcare record study'. - Supervisors: Marlous Hall, Chris Gale
For a full list of available PhD projects visit: ortuni…/academy.php
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Easter volunteers wanted
Following the great success of the Christmas in Leeds programme, the International Student Office is looking for staff volunteers to help support Easter events.
In collaboration with a range of internal and external partners, the International Student Office arranged the Christmas in Leeds programme for students and their families. The programme included events outside of term time, providing opportunities for those staying in Leeds over the winter br...eak to meet others, experience Christmas traditions, and find out about help and support.…/art…/5990/e aster_volunteers_wanted
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More about Msc Health Data Analytics University Of Leeds

Msc Health Data Analytics University Of Leeds is located at Worsley Building. Clarendon Way, University of Leeds, LS2 9LN Leeds
0113 343 7646