Msk Sports Injury Clinic

Monday: 07:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 20:00
Friday: 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Msk Sports Injury Clinic

Based in Westerhope, Newcastle upon Tyne, MSK Sports Injury Clinic are a hands-on results-focused sports injury clinic specialising in sports massage therapy.



When looking for treatment and searching the web for a company or therapist to choose for your treatment then you should ask or look for the following;
Qualification ūüéď Accreditation ‚öēÔłŹ Insurance ūüŹ•... Reviews ‚≠źÔłŹ
This is very important as the Therapist you decide to choose are the people you are relying on to apply added pressure, mobilise joints and stretch muscles to help with your recovery and if done incorrectly, this can further damage the human body.
DO YOUR RESEARCH ......... just like you would when going on holiday, buying a car, going to a restaurant or getting a take away.
Here at MSK Therapy we have all this information visible for you in our clinic.
Qualifications; BSc Degree and Diploma Accreditions; The SMA and BASES Insurance; Greybrook Reviews; ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ Google and Facebook
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A lot of people always ask us why there neck, back, knuckles, knees and hips crack and pop and why it feel so good! Well here is the answer; ūüĎá
1ÔłŹ‚É£ Each joint is filled with synovial fluid ... 2ÔłŹ‚É£ Synovial fluid acts as lubricant for you joint 3ÔłŹ‚É£ Over time gasses enter the synovial fluid 4ÔłŹ‚É£ Gasses create more pressure in the joint 5ÔłŹ‚É£ This extra pressure can cause pain
How to get relief from this with joint and spinal adjustments;
Stretch the joint and apply pressure ‚úÖ This will rapidly release the gasses ‚úÖ This will make the joint more mobile ‚úÖ This will release the joint pressure ‚úÖ This will relieve nerve pain ‚úÖ This will help restore normal function ‚úÖ
MSK Therapy wouldn't recommend forcing joints to snap or pop. But please remember this, when joint cracking is accompanied by pain it generally means there is some mechanical problem around the joint.
For any further information please feel free to contact us on ‭0191 241 4373‬.
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Good luck for everyone running the GNR tomorrow. Tomorrow will be an amazing day for you all and your chosen charity. ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüö∂ūüŹ Ľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüö∂ūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
ūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáū üĎáūüĎá
ūüí• Post GNR Treatment PROMO ūüí•
... Post run aches and pains ✅ Book in for a 1hr treatment ✅ Show your finish medal at appointment ✅ Only pay £20 instead of £35 ✅ The £15 saving pay towards your charity ✅
For treatment availability please check out our online booking system;
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ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®Info Alert ūüö® ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®
Just want to give everyone some pre event advise wether it be the GNR, Tough Mudder, Iron Mans etc. DO NOT ‚ĚĆ get a Deep Tissue Massage within a week of the event.
A Deep Tissue Massage causes trauma to the muscle which in some cases takes one day to recover but I have also seen cases that can take longer than a week to fully recover which will have a negative effect your event performance of the muscle is still suffering from the trauma. Each individual different, you just don’t want months worth of training to be hindered.
You SHOULD ‚úÖ all be getting Pre Event massages. A Pre Event massage is a much faster form of treatment and prepares the body for optimal performance.
Decreases stress levels ‚úÖ Increases blood flow ‚úÖ Calms nerves ‚úÖ Stimulate nerves ‚úÖ Improve joint mobility ‚úÖ Stretches the muscle tissue ‚úÖ Aids Deoxygenated blood to Oxygenated ‚úÖ
If you would like any further advice on different treatment treatment options please call us on: ‭0191 241 4373‬
Kind Regards MSK Therapy
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ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹFollowi ng on from my previous post about the Great North Run training. ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ
It happens every year that as a Therapist I get panicking runners book in for treatment or call me for advice as they feel injured during the tapering period of training and they are worried after all that training they have done they are not going to be able to compete due to injury.
Well I though I would re assure you all that this is normal and is called or knows as;
... ūüĎĽūüí•PHANTOM PAINSūüí•ūüĎĽ
A totally new pain strikes for no apparent reason.
Twinges and passing aches are all part of the body's rejuvenation process. During a taper, tissue repair on the microscopic level causes muscle twitches and cramp.
When we run less, and worry more about our marathon, everyday aches and pains which would normally be ignored get exaggerated to the point of lunacy.
Don’t worry, keep hydrated and stretch. Think of the Phantom Pain as the body healing process. This would also be a good time to get a deep tissue massage to further aid the healing process.
For further advice on this please feel free to message on messenger or contact the clinic on:
0ÔłŹ‚É£1ÔłŹ‚É£9ÔłŹ‚É£1ÔłŹ‚É£ 2ÔłŹ‚É£4ÔłŹ‚É£1ÔłŹ‚É£ 4ÔłŹ‚É£3ÔłŹ‚É£7ÔłŹ‚É£3ÔłŹ‚É£
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Our TheraGuns are fully charged and excited for a full day in clinic!!! ūüėĚūüí•
1ÔłŹ‚É£ Releases Muscle Knots ‚úÖ 2ÔłŹ‚É£ Breaks Up Scar Tissue ‚úÖ 3ÔłŹ‚É£ Improves Mobility ‚úÖ... 4ÔłŹ‚É£ Reduces Chronic Pain ‚úÖ 5ÔłŹ‚É£ Improves Recovery Time ‚úÖ 6ÔłŹ‚É£ Industry Leading Percussive Therapy ‚úÖ
To book an appointment with us and for more information please visit our website at or alternatively you can call the clinic on 0191 241 4373 ūüďě‚ėéÔłŹūüď≤
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Training for the Great North Run! ūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
Here are some top FREE tips to stay injury free;
Have a good dynamic warm up for 10+ minuets ūüĒ•
... Rest between exercise at least 2 rest days per week ūüėī
Correct running footwear a minimum of two weeks before the event ūüĎü
Keep your self hydrated at least 2 litres per dayūüíß
Have a good static stretch routine daily and hold each stretch for minimum of 40 secondsūüßėūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
Get regular Sports/Deep tissue treatment one per month to MOT your body. ‚úÖ
The rule no pain no gain is correct when training in the gym as progressive overload tonstimulate muscle growth comes with pain but when it comes to your body outside of the gym then listen to it. If there is pain there is more than likely a problem. ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•
For further information on staying injury free please call the clinic on; ‭0191 241 4373‬ or contact us via email at
Thanks Mark MSK Therapy
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ūüí•ūüí•Breaking Newsūüí•ūüí•
I am proud to announce that today I have been awarded a British Association of Sport and Exercise Science Certified Exercise Practitioner certificate.
I am one of only two Certified Practitioners in the North East which is a massive achievement.
... BASES Certified Exercise Practitioner (CEP) is a professional certification providing recognition for exercise professionals with a sport and exercise science degree. CEP establishes the credibility of practitioners who can demonstrate the necessary practical vocational knowledge and skills to work effectively in a clinical exercise environment, underpinned by an academic qualification to degree level. ūü•áūüéĖūüŹÜūüďĚūüďĖūüĒĖ
So what does this mean for you?
Nothing! You have always been in safe hands haha
I always give 100% in every treatment ‚úÖ I always give 100% in your after care ‚úÖ I always want the best results for you ‚úÖ I am always looking to develop my skills ‚úÖ
Thank You Mark MSK Therapy
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Suffering from Muscle Spasm? ūüöĎ
You can literally see the muscle relax in this video! WOW ūüí•ūüí•ūüí•
Over 50% of patients at MSK Therapy suffer from muscle spasm resulting in pain.
... The results we get from using specific treatment to target the muscle spasm is great.
The main treatment we use is called counter strain technique, using hands on treatment only and using passive movements to reduce the muscle spasm.
Once we feel this relax we then use the industry leading percussive therapy device the TheraGun G2PRO which will further release the muscles spasm, increase lymphatic flow and decrease waste products resulting in decreased pain.
Counter Strain Technique ‚úÖ TheraGun ‚úÖ
Released muscle spasm ‚úÖ Pain free ‚úÖ
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ūüí•ūüí• Recover like a PRO ūüí•ūüí•
Matt Fraser is now ranked as the fittest man in the world winning his 3rd consecutive CrossFit games. As the fittest man in the world he tackles his recovery with all the seriousness that he applies to his training and that is why he uses the TheraGun G2PRO. t-games-2018/amp/
... If it is good enough for Matt Fraser, it is good enough for you!! ‚úÖ‚úÖ‚úÖ‚úÖ‚úÖ‚úÖ
Here at MSK Therapy our main focus is our clients. We offer the highest level of treatment no matter what your background.
We currently use not 1ÔłŹ‚É£ but 2ÔłŹ‚É£ TheraGun G2PRO during each treatment. This only means the best possible outcome for all our clients.
Call the clinic for more information or book in online to experience a TheraGun G2PRO treatment. ūüí™ūüŹľūüí™ūüŹľ
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Suffering from deep shoulder blade pain?
In this video we will show some advanced Rhomboid TheraGun treatment!
What is great about the TheraGun G2PRO is that the adjustable head and end pieces can reach places most therapists may not be able to get to.
... Putting the clients arm behind their back will pop the shoulder blade up allowing the TheraGun G2PRO to get deep under the scapula.
This client arrived with severe shoulder and back pain and left feeling great ‚úÖ
#slomo #theragun
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Suffer from tight legs?
Some advanced Soft Tissue Release with our TheraGun on the quadricep of one of our clients at MSK Therapy.
1ÔłŹ‚É£ - Hold 10 seconds as close to the origin as possible
... 2ÔłŹ‚É£ - Hold 10 seconds as close to the insertion as possible
Sweep between points 1ÔłŹ‚É£ + 2ÔłŹ‚É£ for 20 seconds contracting and relaxing the muscle at the same time!
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Remember to pack your Foam Roller!
With the travel season upon us, remember to pack the essential first to keep your body fully mobile whilst enjoying your holiday.
Prevents injury ‚úÖ... Helps you recover quicker ūüöĎ Breakers up scar tissue ‚úÖ Improves mobility and flexibility ūüßėūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüßėūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ Removes lactate acid ‚úÖ Saves you money ūüí∑ūüí∑ūüí∑ūüí∑
When foam rolling DONT!
Roll to fast ‚ĚĆ Roll direct in the pain initially ‚ĚĆ Spend to much time on knots ‚ĚĆ
So how often!
Research has suggested that foam rolling on each body part form 2 minutes lengthens and increases the range of motion in the targets muscle. ‚úÖ
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Rounded shoulders, shoulder blade pain and chest pain ūüėęūüöĎūüĎ®ūüŹľ‚Äć‚öēÔłŹūüė°
Rounded shoulders are very common in people who sit on computers all day. When your upper back and shoulders are rounded forward, the shoulder blades (Rhomboids) start to pull away from each other. This over stretches the muscles and causes them to fatigue and strain.
Tight Chest ‚ĚĆ... Rounded shoulders ‚ĚĆ Shoulder blade pain ‚ĚĆ
Quick tips to relieve pain at home ‚¨áÔłŹ
Stretch chest ‚úÖ Strengthen should blade muscle ‚úÖ Stretch should blade muscle ‚úÖ
Stretch twice per day for 40 seconds ‚úÖ Strengthen once per day 3 sets of 10 ‚úÖ
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‚ĚóÔłŹClinic opening time Saturday 4th August‚ĚóÔłŹ
We are getting some building work done on Saturday 4th August between 9am - 12pm which means we are changing our opening times on that day.
We will be open 1pm - 5pm instead of the usual 8am - 1pm.
... Sorry for any inconvenience cause.
MSK Therapy
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And the winner is.................... Ami Taylor! Please contact the clinic on 0191 241 4373 to book in your free 1hr double TheraGun treatment.
Thanks to everyone who liked and shared the video. Some people’s Facebook settings restricted them from letting us view their share so sorry to those people who did share.


1 day remaining to enter! Remember to like and share for a change to win a FREE 1hr double TheraGun treatment ūüĎćūüŹĽūüí™ūüŹľ


ūüí• ūüí• FREE GIVEAWAY ALERT ūüí• ūüí•
So after the results our clients have been getting from the TheraGun G2PRO‚ĄĘ we have got some great news for you. MSK Therapy have invested in our clients health and got a second TheraGun G2PRO‚ĄĘ.
Double the effectiveness ‚úÖ... Relaxes muscle spasm twice as fast ‚úÖ Double the revolutions per second ‚úÖ Breaks up scar tissue twice as fast ‚úÖ Cover more areas during your treatment ‚úÖ
Like and share this post for the chance to win a free 1hr double TheraGun treatment.
Winner will be announced on Friday. ūüéČ
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Great to have former Newcastle United No1 Goalkeeper Tim Krul in for Deep Tissue TheraGun G2PRO‚ĄĘ Treatment today at MSK Therapy.
Deep Tissue Treatment ‚úÖ Joint Mobilisations ‚úÖ TheraGun Treatment ‚úÖ
... =
Optimal Performance ‚öĹÔłŹ
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One of the best treatments I ever had: Mark’s knowledge of the body/dancers needs is on point! Thank you Mark that was the BEST!


Mark is great at what he does! Having a very busy active working lifestyle working on a farm and running a livery Centre he gives me honest and realistic advice which keeps me at work every day pain free.

Would highly recommend him. He has fixed multiple areas for me; Shoulder, lower back, plantar fasciitis and sciatica.


Mark is definitely one of the best Physio‚Äôs I have used. He has sorted my back, legs and sciatic problems. Don‚Äôt hesitate just book him !! ÔŅĹ


Mark is amazing and wouldn‚Äôt go anywhere else! Definitely the best physio I‚Äôve ever been too, so what you waiting for get booked in!!! ūüĎäūüŹľ


Mark is a nice, genuine guy & very professional. He puts you at ease & knows what he’s doing. After suffering years of reoccurring back injury i’ve had great results. He’s brilliant, highly recommend his service.


Mark is a great sports therapist, friendly, professional, and extremely knowledgeable. Always feel great after a sports massage and Mark offers loads of advice on how to look after myself between appointments, helping me train safely. Highly recommended!


Mark at MSK Therapy was excellent from start to finish, I was very impressed by his polite customer service skills & professionalism. Intelligent comments he made throughout my treatment made me feel very relaxed knowing this guy really has the knowledge & certifictates to prove it. I had a really bad shoulder for months from lifting, no other treatments would seem to work. A few sessions later & I‚Äôm feeling brand new benching cars for fun. Thanks again mate I‚Äôm feeling stronger than ever. ÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ


I would definitely recommend Mark to anyone with muscle pain or injuries. As a dancer I've had lots of sports massages that have never completely fixed a problem but after just one session with Mark a pain in my hip flexor was so much better, and the range of movement had also improved so much! Plus he's a nice guy and will make your trip to Westerhope worthwhile.


I was recommended by a friend to MSK, having already seen 3 other therapists i was sceptic to whether it would be worth it, i was suffering from PF, after 2 treatments i am already feeling the benefits, the after care is like no other i have received either, very genuine guy. highly recommended.


I have been using Mark for over a year now for shoulder and neck massages and highly recommend him for this type of treatment. He recently added the use of a TheraGun to his treatments which has taken the results to the next level!


I had suffered with plantar fasciitis for many years and was told by previous physiotherapists that my case was chronic and could not be cured. After only 1 treatment from MSK I was pain free the next morning which is something I hadn’t experienced in years. The problem was fully cured after a very short amount of treatments so I would recommend MSK not only for treatments, but for second opinions as well as that would have had me back to running and physical activity straight away


Highly recommend! Mark has a wealth of knowledge and experience. Fixed my back- shoulder blade area/neck/hip flexors and more! Super friendly guy too. Thanks Mark. Will be booking soon again.


Highly highly recommend!! Professional knowledgable, I can take my son which gives me more flexibility to book treatments!! ThermaGun is unreal ÔŅĹ amazing long lasting results!! Thank you!


First session with Mark, long chronic shoulder problems and I'm in constant pain, much better first week still a way to go but I know I'm on the right track. Explains everything, very professional and competent would recommend seeing Mark for all types of muscular pain, if really works


Finally bit the bullet and had a deep tissue massage. Mark was fantastic and troubleshot my problem areas. From start to finish, it was absolutely evident he has a wealth of knowledge and skill. Mark is professional and easy to talk to. I highly recommend.


Excellent professional physical therapy. Worth every penny. Completely sorted my shoulder mobility after one visit and is doing a great job with my hip pain.


Can not recommend MSK Therapy enough!!!!!!

Mark is so professional and knowledgeable.

Even my GP recommended I visit him to help with a trapped nerve and issues I have with my back.


Can highly recommend this therapy I went with what I thought was a problem with my neck/shoulder, to discover it was all to do with the muscles all down my back, i had a few treatments which sorted the problem out.

Would definitely recommend this service.


Best sports injury treatments in town as far as I'm concerned! Mark is extremely experienced and able to diagnose and treat problems! I would have had a full-blown tendinitis by now if it hadn't been for his help! Thanks!

More about Msk Sports Injury Clinic

Msk Sports Injury Clinic is located at 14 Ayton Close, NE5 5QE Newcastle upon Tyne
Monday: 07:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 20:00
Friday: 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -