Mummas And Beans Windsor & Maidenhead

About Mummas And Beans Windsor & Maidenhead

Midwife devised & endorsed Antenatal classes & Worskhops for modern day parents-to-be and baby class suitable from birth including Baby Massage, Sensory Baby Yoga & Messy Play classes in Windsor



☆ ☆ P R E S E N T I N G A R C H I E ☆ ☆
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are pleased to announce they have named their first born child:
Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor
... This afternoon Their Royal Highnesses introduced Her Majesty The Queen to her eighth great-grandchild at Windsor Castle. The Duke of Edinburgh and The Duchess’ mother were also present for this special occasion.
Photo credit: Chris Allerton ©️SussexRoyal
#mummasandbeans #teammummas #royalbaby #harry&meghan #windsor
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☆ ☆ P R O U D P A R EN T S ☆ ☆
Look at these three! The Duke & Duchess of Sussex introduced their son this afternoon from Windsor Castle. The couple were then on their way to introduce him to the Queen & Prince Phillip.
Here a few comments they made during their interview as they beamed
... “It’s magic. It’s pretty amazing. I have two best guys in the world so I’m really happy”
“Parenting is amazing”
“He’s been a dream”
No name announced yet ... what’s your money on??💙 💙
#mummasandbeans #teammummas #royalbaby #harry&meghan #windsor
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☆ ☆ N A T I O N A L W E A N I N G W E E K ☆ ☆
As it is National Weaning Week, we are sharing this Mummas Hack courtesy of Joe Wicks - Wean In 15.
Banana is an easy quick hand held snack for babies but they can be quite sticky & slippery for baby hands to hold ... here is the trick
... 6N3EgPoB/…
🎥 : @whatmummymakes
#mummasandbeans #teammummas #weaning #babyledweaning
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☆ ☆ B L I S S F U L B A B Y B U B B L E ☆ ☆
Harry’s announcement is just gorgeous, he looks so elated, even euphoric if a touch knackered! He’s bouncing with happiness!
And giving a big shout out to all the Mummas and saying how “incredibly proud” he was of his wife just gives me all the feels!
... #mummasandbeans #teammummas #windsor #maidenhead #harry&meghan #royalbaby
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Today is International Day of Midwives and what a bloody marvellous job they do! Their guidance, reassurance, support and cheerleading skills are second to none.
Thank you to all of the midwives who guided my through my pregnancies, supported & reassured me me through my miscarriages & a special thank you to the amazing midwives present during my labours & births.
... We are so lucky to have such wonderful women & men in this incredibly important role despite the pressures, emotional & physical stresses, shift work exhaustion and politics. You make a positive difference to people’s lives daily & will forever be a positive part of many birth stories.
Shout out to my colleagues & friends Melissa m Anna who juggle family, teaching & midwifery seemingly seamlessly 💪
#internationaldayofmidwives #midwife #nhs
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Today is International Day of Midwives and what a bloody marvellous job they do! Their guidance, reassurance, support and cheerleading skills are second to none.
Thank you to all of the midwives who guided my through my pregnancies, supported & reassured me me through my miscarriages & a special thank you to the amazing midwives present during my labours & births.
... We are so lucky to have such wonderful women & men in this incredibly important role despite the pressures, emotional & physical stresses, shift work exhaustion and politics. You make a positive difference to people’s lives daily & will forever be a positive part of many birth stories.
Shout out to my colleagues & friends Melissa m Anna who juggle family, teaching & midwifery seemingly seamlessly 💪
#internationaldayofmidwives #midwife #nhs
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Anxiety and depression are not always once Baby has arrived, this can also happen during pregnancy. Here is some advice for Mums from Mums who have been through it #maternalmentalhealth


As part of #maternalmentalhealth week Steph from Mummas & Beans - Horsham, Cranleigh and villages has given her honest account of her highs & lows of Motherhood touching on her experience of PND as part of the #highlowmum campaign to promote the importance of Maternal Mental Health.
The highs and lows are polar opposites and that’s how low PND can make you feel. Reach out to a Mum if you think she’s in need or if you are in need of some support & help, reach out to someone you trust. That isn’t you failing at being a Mum, it doesn’t make you a bad Mum, getting help will make you stronger 💪


☆ ☆ T E A M M U M M A S ☆ ☆
Here we are! Honoured to be a part of this feature on @itvnews tonight
Hopefully Meghan will join our Antenatal classes in her next pregnancy and we hope to see her in Baby classes over the coming months!
... #mummasandbeans #teammummas #itv #itvnews #antenatalclasses #birthchoices #antenataleducation #windsor #maidenhead #harry&meghan #royalbaby
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☆ ☆ T U N E I N T O N I G H T !! ☆ ☆


Suitable from 8 weeks - 5 months Over the 5 week course you will learn a full body baby massage routine. This class is a wonderful opportunity to really bond with your baby over positive touch.


Sensory Baby Yoga - Stage 1 is suitable for babies aged 4 months - Crawling. This 45 minute session is lively, sensory & fun! The class gives you an opportunity to bond with your little one whilst singing, moving and playing together. We move baby and sing to them to stimulate baby's vestibular system, inhibitory control system and proprioceptive system. We play “what’s in the box” and explore sensory props and toys to stimulate their senses. And we do all of this in an entirely age appropriate way. Encouraging babies physical and mental development without overstimulating or putting any pressure on them whatsoever. We always work to baby’s abilities and all of our classes contain activities appropriate for the age range.


☆ ☆ S P R I N G T E R M D A T E S ☆ ☆
After a fab 2.5 weeks off school with my two babes topped off by a gloriously sunny Easter weekend it is back to work this week with the start of our Spring term.
There are some spaces left so please comment below or email for more details
... ☆ A N T E N A T A L C L A S S E S ☆
☆ MUMMAS COMPLETE Tuesdays 19:45 - 21:45 5 wk course starting Tues 30th April Antenatal course covering all things labour, birth & practical newborn care mummas-complete
☆ ULTIMATE BIRTHING Saturdays 09:00-10:30 6 wk course starting Sat 27th April Mums only pregnancy movement & relaxation class ultimate-birthing
☆ B A B Y C L A S S E S ☆
☆ SENSORY MUMMAS Thursdays 10:30-11:30 5 wk course starting Thurs 2nd May Music, movement & messy play suitable from 6m - Walking sensory-mummas
☆ SENSORY BABY YOGA (Stage 1) Thursdays 12:00-12:45 5 wk course starting Thurs 2nd May Baby yoga with sensory play suitable from 4m - Crawling sensory-baby-yoga
☆ BABY MASSAGE Thursdays 13:00-14:00 5 wk course starting Thurs 2nd May Baby massage suitable from 8 wks - 5 months aby-massage
I look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new Mummas & their Beans
Help us spread the word and recommend our classes to a local Mumma!
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Your cervix dilating can be a strange thing to get your head around, I’ll be honest at first I didn’t really understand it or how it worked.
Some clever person has realised that there is a quite simple way of illustrating your dilation from 0cm - 10cm ... by using Easter Eggs of course!! From the humble Mini Egg, to the Kinder Egg, right up to the Cadbury Egg and Ta-Da you are 10cm!!
... 📷: Kalma Mamas
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☆ Y O U R B A B Y’S V I S I O N ☆
Today I had the pleasure of spending the morning with the lovely Jen Fuller; the brains behind Etta Loves to hear how the brand has evolved from conception to market & to geek up about the science behind the products. I took my 19month old daughter, also called Etta, along to our gorgeous local baby shop Natural Baby Shower to learn more.
It all started with a muslin range inspired by Jen’s daughter Etta’s early fascination with a zebra p...rint jumper - Jen saw the potential to turn the humble white muslin into something practical, stylish & stimulating. All of Etta Loves products are intricately designed with stunning patterns to support baby’s age appropriate vision development. I got a sneak peek of some fab new products in the pipeline which are just gorgeous!
Here are a few things we all learnt today ...
~ A baby’s eyes are fully developed when they are born but they need to learn to see ~ A baby’s sight is their least developed sense at birth ~ In the first 4 months babies respond to high contrast patterns in black & white in larger scales ~ Their colour receptors only see bold Red & Green colours from approx 2 months ~ Its not until approx 5 months that they see full bold colours & can focus on smaller scales ~ It’s not until approx 8 months that they see pale colours
So interesting to learn more about the science behind the products knowing how much goes into the design down the millimetres of the scaled patterns used. Thanks for having us Jen x
#Repost @ettaloves Well today is intense but amazing! First talk of two done and I've met some amazing mums and even more gorgeous babies. Oh and there were two Etta's in the group, just wow!! It's a bit nuts telling the story of the brand and what's to come, but I'm feeling very very lucky today.
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☆ Y O U R B I R T H C H O I C E S ☆
The furore surrounding the new Royal Baby started even before Harry & Meghan announced they were expecting their first child together. The expectation from family & friends is enough for any couple to carry when trying for a baby, let alone having the whole world & media speculating, watching and publicly commenting on your every move.
In our Antenatal classes we educate & empower expectant parents to make informed choices and decisions... during their pregnancy, Labour, birth & beyond to allow them to have a positive experience. The media are slating Meghan for doing just that; for making choices that are hers to make and calling her a “birth brat” in the process ... shouldn’t we all be “birth brats”? The Royal Communications announcement today felt like a thoroughly deserved big “up yours” to the media.
Why shouldn’t she choose how and where she gives birth? Why can’t she hold and touch her bump when out in public? Why shouldn’t she pull up the drawbridge (no pun intended) and enjoy those precious first few hours & days to indulge themselves bonding with their first born?
Just because William & Kate announced the birth of their children within hours of them being born, and then promptly greeted the worlds media outside the Lindo Wing babe in arms sporting a bouncy blow dry & a pair of heels doesn’t mean that is what should or has to happen. And the media seem to be forgetting that underneath that carefully chosen dress, Kate will have been wearing a maternity pad, smiling despite being in a lot of discomfort & probably back in comfies as soon as the door was closed.
Every woman is different, every birth is different, every parent is different. This is a positive thing. We should embrace, encourage & respect it.
Good luck Meghan, but I don’t think you need it - you’ve got this Mumma! (and you look bloody fab!)
#meghan #royalbaby #birthchoices #positivebirth #empowerment #birthbrat #yourbaby #yourway #mumma #teammummas
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Sensory Baby Yoga - Stage 1 is suitable for babies aged 4 months - Crawling. This 45 minute session is lively, sensory & fun! The class gives you an opportunity to bond with your little one whilst singing, moving and playing together. We move baby and sing to them to stimulate baby's vestibular system, inhibitory control system and proprioceptive system. We play “what’s in the box” and explore sensory props and toys to stimulate their senses. And we do all of this in an entirely age appropriate way. Encouraging babies physical and mental development without overstimulating or putting any pressure on them whatsoever. We always work to baby’s abilities and all of our classes contain activities appropriate for the age range.

More about Mummas And Beans Windsor & Maidenhead