Mummas & Beans Farnham

About Mummas & Beans Farnham

Antenatal, Newborn, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga and Baby Sensory Classes in Farnham, Surrey.



This is tricky - I think it’s when you demonstrate the Colic Massage & then Mums come back the following week saying they tried it & it helped. Some babies suffer terribly with trapped wind & incorporating the Colic massage a few times a day can help get that wind moving & provide some comfort
Just last week I had a message from a Mum saying “Thank you so much, I’ve been doing the colic massage for the past few days & she really enjoys it & is more settled to go to sleep”
My daughter had a horrid few weeks of spending her evenings screaming, writhing around in pain and I wish I knew about this massage to provide her with some light relief
We teach this specific routine in our Newborn class and in our Baby Massage class
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Sorry I’m behind so just catching up (with an adult headache after my friends hen do yesterday!) We are now focusing on our Baby classes and yesterday’s question was what is your favourite class & today’s question is what is your favourite theme? So I’m going to combine them!
This is my first term of teaching Sensory Mummas Messy Play (in Windsor) - some babies she straight in & get very messy very quickly, others are slightly more ca...utious but as the weeks go by they get more & more confident. I love seeing their little faces beam as they squelch the jelly, splash in the yoghurt or water and pretty much eat anything & everything in the trays - luckily everything we put in the trays is edible!
I love our themes not sure I can choose a favourite - I love doing Under the Sea / At the Beach, Space, Jungle & On the Farm ... These photos show just how much they love it!!
Sometimes the clean up operation is a pain & I prefer Baby Massage!!
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My Lightbulb Moment was importance of hormones & their role in labour. It wasn’t something I had really taken into consideration before I spent last Summer training with Nicky. I didn’t appreciate how your levels of Oxytocin (love hormone), Endorphins (our natural pain relief) and Adrenaline could speed up / slow down your labour or even make it more painful.
Making your environment as comfortable as possible whether that be at home or in hospita...l to help keep you calm & relaxed will help. Feeling safe & supported by your birth partners & the people around you; reassurance is key. Keeping fuelled & hydrated so your adrenaline levels don’t spike is key too so take lots of snacks!
As they say “every day is a school day”, there have been many Lightbulb Moments as I have learnt on the job as a Mum - a baby doesn’t come with an instruction manual telling what to do in every different possible scenario so what has been your biggest Lightbulb moment? [] #mummasandbeans #teammummas #mummasjunechallenge #mummassocialmediachallenge #mummasandbeans #positivebirth #antenataleducation #babyclasses #womenempoweringwomen #mumsempoweringmums #farnham
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Here is the Frimley Park Hospital infographic for all of the May babies ... more boys than girls this month, the most babies born in 24 hours was 21 and big Congratulations to the 198 first time Mummas - I’m lucky to have 6 of these Mummas & babies in my Newborn classes currently x


Active Birth often conjure up the image of a labouring woman pacing around for hours. We refer to the term Active Birth as being an active participant in your labour & knowing how different positions & movements can encourage those contractions & help baby get into the optimum position.
The lovely Clemmie Hooper (aka Mother of Daughters, Midwife, Mum of 4 & Author) shared this video on her Gas & Air blog to show you how you can change the layout o...f a hospital room & use the furniture to support you. [] You don’t have to give birth lying down on a bed like you see in films - you can try on all fours, standing, kneeling whilst rocking / swaying will work with gravity & encourage baby out! [] Which position where you in when you gave birth to your babies? I was side lying with stirrups for my first & all fours in the pool for my second [] #mummasandbeans #teammummas #mummasjunechallenge #mummassocialmediachallenge #mummasandbeans #positivebirth #antenataleducation #babyclasses #womenempoweringwomen #mumsempoweringmums #windsor #maidenhead
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Ultimate Birthing, our Mummas only pregnancy movement & relaxation class is by far my favourite class to teach & I’m lucky that I get to start & end my weekends teaching it in Windsor on a Saturday morning & Farnham on a Sunday evening 🙌
I totally underestimated how something so simple as deep breathing could & would affect my first labour. I ended up “purple pushing” & feeling like my head was going to explode as I was actually holding my bre...ath whilst trying to push. Trust me, that does not work!
The basic technique of taking a deep breath in through your nose, and a long exhale through your mouth sounds ever so simple but it is ever so effective. Breathing is the one thing we can control during labour so we encourage you to practice, with your partner, during pregnancy. It helps keep you calm, keeps your adrenaline low, and floods your uterus with oxygen. Deep controlled breathing will help keep those oxytocin levels up which coupled with oxygen act as the fuel in your labour 💪
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Yes Helen Mummas & Beans Haslemere This is brilliant!
Sharing for our ☆ DAY 14 - WHY? ☆


The lovely Haslemere teacher Clare has shared her amazing birth story of the early arrival of her twin boys. What a superwoman! Proof that birth breathing & using breathing techniques to help keep calm, relaxed & focused.
Welcome to the world Austin & Evan!
... #mummasandbeans #teammummas #birthannouncement #twinpower #birthbreathing #ultimatebreathing
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Hurry! We have two spaces left on our Baby Sleep Workshop with Kelly Dawson - My Child Sleep Consultant taking place this Friday!
To bag yourself a spot, you can book via our website... sleep-workshop
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Mummas Challenge Day 10
Why should parents join a Mummas course?
... There is a huge variety of Antental education and baby classes on offer so why should you choose a Mummas and Beans class?
🌟We are non judgemental 🌟 All Mummas teachers are mums ourselves and we are here to support you in your journey through motherhood. There is no wrong or right way to birth your baby, feed your baby, or parent your baby. We are here to support you and empower you to make your own choices, not tell you how to do things.
🌟We have small class sizes🌟 Big class sizes can be intimidating, but we have a maximum of around 8 couples for Antental and 10 babies for postnatal. This means we get to know you and your babies. It also means that you get to know the other mums in the classes and can make friends.
🌟Our classes are age appropriate🌟 Each of our baby classes have a really small age range, meaning they are truely age appropriate. Tiny babies can be overwhelmed by too much stimulation, so we introduce sensory play slowly throughout the courses so they can enjoy it at a rate suited to them. It also means you are in classes with other mums who are going through the same stages of motherhood as you.
Take a look at our testimonials on the website to see why our mums have enjoyed classes - ials
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Why did you chose to teach for Mummas?
... I attended Mummas Complete, Ultimate birthing and every Mummas Baby class with Teddy (in the photos) and absolute loved it!
I found this email that i sent to Nicky and Steph back in 2016 which i sent as i came to the end of baby classes with Teddy.
"Hi Nicky, Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and Steph for all the wonderful classes teddy and I have got to have fun at over the last year. From starting Ultimate Birthing with Steph at 20weeks pregnant and the couples antenatal course, followed by Massage, Sensory yoga and then Sensory Mummas, we have loved every moment!
Teddy will be 1 tomorrow and your classes both in the lead up to having him and in his first year have kept me sane! We have made some wonderful friends, and are so sad that our Mummas and beans journey has come to an end .
If you can also pass this on to Steph for me that would be great. I hope to return if we are lucky enough to have number 2!
Love Katie and Teddy"
Little did i know that this was actually only the start of my Mummas and Beans Journey! Having experienced all the classes through pregnancy and my first year as a mum, i was so happy to be able to bring these to Farnham to spread the Mummas magic that i enjoyed so much ⭐️☺️
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This week we move on to our "why?" Why we teach, why we chose Mummas, why we do what we do!
... Today its "what did you do pre babies"
Before I had Teddy, I was part of the fashion team at Cosmopolitan Magazine. I assisted on all the fashion shoots, celeb cover shoots, created my own fashion pages and was even featured in the magazine a few times. The photos bellow are from a swimwear shoot in Miami, and the most beautiful rail of clothes for a cover shoot!
It sounds very glamourous, and a lot of it was. But it also meant lots of travelling to shoot locations around the world, often at short notice. Lots of late nights to attend events and launches parties, and working full time in London, on a very limited wage. I got lots of lovely freebies and discounts at all my favourite shops, but that doesn’t pay for childcare 🤦‍♀️
So after my maternity leave I decided not to return to my job. And just before Teddy turned 2 I joined the Mummas Teachers team and it was the best decision 😊
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Here’s a quick quiz just for fun on this miserable rainy Friday ... Here is Lou’s and if you head to our Instagram page you’ll find Katie’s @mummasandbeans_farnham
We’ve also included a blank one for you to do so save the image, edit & post in comments
... Because I don’t like either tea or coffee (I can’t stand the smell of either 🤢) I have chosen both Marmite & Peanut Butter!
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Meet Lindsay who runs West Surrey Sling Library In Farnham 👋🏻 Well worth checking out the amazing range of slings before you buy one. They run drop in sessions on Mondays at St Marks Church - see their Facebook page for dates & times


After the bath-time & bedtime I’ve just had with my two, I would like to here RIGHT NOW!
3 things I would take to a desert island...
... ☆ Polly - my best friend of 24 years! She would be building the fire / making a den / catching fish while I poured the...
☆ Gin & Tonic - a whole heap of it please!
☆ Music - we used to make each other mixed tapes as teenagers & I would love to be able to listen back to them again. We used to record songs from the Chart Show on our cassette radios - if you know, you know!
With those 3 things I think I would have an awesome time!
What 3 things would you take to a desert island?!
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No one can teach you how to be the best parent. These babies don’t come with a manual with step-by-step instructions. You have to learn on the job & I believe it is hands down the hardest job in the world. It is also the best job in the world.
Take each day as it comes
... Nobody is perfect but remember you are enough
These are some of my favourite quotes - designs are by the fab Stacie Swift
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☆ DAY 4 - HIGHS & LOWS ☆
Highs and Lows - this pretty much sums up parenthood for me (Lou). There are enormous highs, and some very low lows but is all part of the journey (as cheesy as it sounds) and eventhough I have been a parent for nearly 6 years (eek!) we still have good days & bad days and there are more highs & lows to come.
☆ H I G H S ☆... I think for me it has to be “the firsts”; their first yawn, their first grunts & groans, their first smile, their first laugh, their first tastes, their first wobbly steps, their first words, their first successful potty poo, the first time they write their name, their first day at school ... all of which melted my heart & made me so bloody proud ❤️
☆ L O W S ☆ I lost two babies in between having Finn & Etta and after falling pregnant so easily & sailing through pregnancy first time round it was a pretty hard pill to swallow, accept and move on from. It was especially hard to keep it together for Finn’s sake and to return to work acting as if nothing had happened. It made me realise how fortunate we are to have our babies & even when we are having a tough day, I have to appreciate the fact I have my babies with me.
What are your parenting highs & lows?
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More about Mummas & Beans Farnham

Mummas & Beans Farnham is located at Upper hale, GU9 Farnham