Mummas & Beans Lightwater, Bagshot, Windlesham, Virginia Water And Ascot



🌈This is why our Newborn course would be perfect for Stacey... getting out the house in a relaxed environment with like minded mummas all experiencing a similar thing to share information. If Stacey was nearer I would definitely be telling her about the Mummas Newborn course🌈


🎈This email has just come through to me.. First Aid 🌈
Good afternoon,
We have some spaces available on our next Baby and Child First Aid Course with Liane from Daisy First Aid, on Thursday 11th July 2019, 7.30pm - 10.00pm, here at Bagshot Children's Centre. There is a charge for this course of £15 per person.
... If you are interested in attending, please email me back or phone us at The Children's Centre on 01276 473093. Please note, the Children's Centre is closed tomorrow, Friday, so I will respond to your emails and calls from Monday onwards.
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I may be behind on the June Mammas Challenge.. attempting a catch up today but this came up and couldn’t resist sharing! Who remembers this?! or has this to come!!! 😜🙄😝


Good afternoon,
Please note that the Baby Weighing Clinic in Lightwater on Tuesday 25th June has been cancelled.
We have a clinic this coming Monday, 17th June, 1.30pm - 2.30pm, at Bagshot Children's Centre which you are welcome to attend instead.
... We expect the Baby Weighing Clinics in July to run to the usual schedule: -
at Bagshot Children's Centre on Monday 1st and 15th July, 1.30pm - 2.30pm and at All Saints' Church Hall, Lightwater, on Tuesday 23rd July, 1.30pm - 2.30pm
Further clinics will run at the other Children's Centres at various times, so please visit our website, or call or email us if you would like more information.
We will email you again if there are any changes.
Kind regards,
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❤️ B I R T H ❤️ S T O R Y ❤️
Here is the incredible birth story of our very own Claire from Mummas & Beans Haslemere who gave birth to twin boys unexpectedly early on Tuesday this week, vaginally (one breech)
... She is a complete warrior woman!
Read all about it in her announcement below, waters breaking, plumbers, nearly giving birth on the loo! Her story shows exactly how unpredictable birth can be, but how being prepared and informed about birth can make all the difference, especially when things change suddenly!
Well done Mumma, they are too scrummy ❤️❤️❤️
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Mummas June Challenge 🌸Day 13 🌸Why do you want to support and empower parents? Being a midwife I can see how good Antenatal education/ advice/ tips can help make a difference to parents experience in labour/ birth and in the early days with a Newborn. Having a baby is life changing, and having good/ supportive/ fun postnatal classes to go to will make the whole process a lot easier. So with mummas I can play a little part in their journey to make it better.


Mummas June Challenge.. I knew I’d be no good at this! It’s getting the time to sit down, think and write!! So here goes a catch up!
🌸 Day 9🌸 Why did I choose to teach for mummas?... I saw my friend and colleague had started with Mummas and thought It would be good and something I could do too. My children were all at school and I did not want to increase my hours at the hospital and so I emailed Nicky and the rest they say is history!!
🌸Day 10🌸 Why should parents choose Mummas? There are a range of classes from Antenatal to toddler age.. so good continuity for mums and babies. I did standard Antenatal classes with my 1st but so wish I had known about Mummas, I would definitely have attended them all (and I’m not just saying that!) The Antenatal classes are non judgemental, supportive, covers all aspects of labour and birth, advice and information on whichever way you want to feed your baby and the 4th trimester. The baby classes are age appropriate, are great fun and are smaller class sizes. They start from Newborn- a good introduction to classes , through to massage and sensory/ yoga.
🌸Day 11🌸 What’s been my class highlight? I think it’s seeing mums with their babies come to my baby classes who have been to my Antenatal classes and hearing the birth stories too.
🌸Day 12-today🌸 How do I juggle home and work? Honestly- a diary!! 😝 I’ve worked after all my babies, so I’m used to it.. I think on the whole I’m quite good at it! 🙈 Sometimes I don’t get it right though! After each baby I’ve been very lucky to have only worked part time so have spent a lot of time with each of my children- Whether it be at home playing/softplay/ parks/ friends/ LEGOLAND etc. I didn’t want to miss out on anything. I miss it so much. The shorter day shifts at the hospital when the girls were young worked well and then with the 12 1/2 hr shifts when I went back to work with the 3rd- being introduced, nights were the only option for me. I still wanted to do most drop offs and pickups, attend assemblies/ sports day/ be at home when they are sick etc. I’m rubbish at asking for help! With Mummas it totally fits around the kids- classes are run when they suit me and admin/ social media is done when they are at school or in bed. I try to have the weekends and school holidays away from Mummas. A cleaner has been a must, one less this to worry about and I hate cleaning anyway! Online shopping is fab too- food shopping is boring anyway! Not putting too much pressure on myself.. and if I haven’t got makeup on for the school run, or I haven’t had a shower after getting up from a night shift to collect the kids, it doesn’t matter! Be kind to yourself 😘
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So how did we get to week 2 already? Mummas June Challenge 🌸day 8🌸 What did I do pre kids? That’s an easy one.. I was a midwife! 👶


Mummas June Challenge 🌸Day 7 🌸 Without thinking too much about it what would you circle? This is mine....


Mummas June Challenge 🌸Day 6🌸 What would I take with me to a desert Island?
1. Tea bags.. I’m a massive tea drinker.. ... 2. My kindle.. I love reading , just don’t get much time usually 3. My daughter says.. my bed or my phone!
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Mummas June challenge! Well... this was meant to be a daily thing but I’m a few behind so will catch up today... I blame the night shift, the 3 children and single parenting this week while the hubby enjoys... sorry.. I mean ‘works’ in Singapore this week!!
🌸Day 4-parenting highs and lows..
... Where do I start?!! There have been plenty but I’ve loved it all. Don’t get me wrong it’s been challenging at times and I’m no way perfect but just enjoy and cherish it all. The old cliche ‘it goes so quickly’ is so true.. There have been so many highs .. It’s too much to write but just the pictures I’ve taken and the memories I have show this. ❤️
The lows are probably that dreaded phone call from school when I have overslept after a night shift to ask if I’m coming to pick my children up from school.. 😱
Always look for the positives.. I have, and take lots of pics, but remember those memories in your head too x 💖
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🌸Day 3.. how was early motherhood?..
I stayed in hospital for 2 nights when Isabelle was born. For me it was lovely as I knew so many people there. Coming home was great... the 1st night she woke twice for a feed... hubby slept the whole night and I remember him saying in the morning ‘that wasn’t too bad!’ Feeding was a struggle to start with I was breastfeeding, pumping and giving bottles. She was a hungry baby and I spent a lot of time at home as getting out was tricky- but... I didn’t mind. My most hormonal and teary day was day 8.. I literally cried all day. Isabelle spent a lot of time sleeping on me during the day, she didn’t like sleeping in the day , but slept well in her crib at night. I can remember at 9 weeks saying to myself ‘I can do this’- I felt I could look after isabelle, myself and the house and life had settled down well. The hardest thing I found was not being able to nip out to the shops etc and everything was focused around this little bubba.
With 2 & 3 life was so much easier when they were born.. by 3 weeks with Ellie I was out and about regularly to soft play etc. Ellie was a great breast feeder.. feeding every 2 hrs in the day and once or twice at night. And by the time number 3 came I was breastfeeding walking around the kitchen making breakfast for the girls before school. Unlike Isabelle,Fraser fell asleep easily and I would often lie him down while I did something with the girls to come back and find him asleep!!
I wish I could do it all over again!!
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🌸Day 2🌸 June challenge... my birth stories (I’ll try snd keep it short!)
9 days late Sunday afternoon I had a few niggles at a family bbq, kept it quiet and once home and it was time to go to bed stronger contractions started. Using a tens machine I got through the night. Unsure if my waters had broken and worried about baby’s movements we went to hospital that morning... they hadn’t gone and I wasn’t in labour and baby was fine so home again... the contractions were very ir...regular and I had a strong pressure feeling. Spent the morning trying to sleep and in the afternoon I walked around the pitch and putt course at Frimley lodge while hubby played and went to the barber! By 10.30 that night the pressure feeling had turned to wanting to push do a trip back to hospital to find out I was 10 cms! Anyway after a long night of pushing, a hormone drip and by the morning a spinal and a forceps delivery my 10lbs 6oz baby girl was born 💕
Baby number 2 was 13 days late, I was booked for an induction that day.. Isabelle had been dropped off with family the night before so hubby and I went out for a meal and came home to bed ready for the next days events. However at midnight I woke up contracting... I stayed in bed for a bit but they became too painful. I had some paracetamol and by 1.30 they were strong. I tried a bath but hated it and thought after a long first labour I can’t go to hospital yet... they will laugh at me!! Anyway by 2.15 the contractions were painful and at 2.30 I said to hubby we need to get to hospital NOW! Fortunately the roads were quiet at that time of the morning we arrived at hospital at 2.45.. a quick March up the stairs to labour ward and a bit of entenox and my baby girl was born at 0303 weighing 11lbs 9oz! 💕 and then it was a spinal for repair of a 3rd degree tear.
And baby number 3 was to be an induction at 38+1.. the day after my 2nd daughter’s 4th birthday we went to hospital.. around midday the pessary went in... nothing happened for 24hrs, so it came out and I had the next stage of the induction. 6hrs later at 1800 ish my waters were broken. A few niggly contractions and LOTS of water (I didn’t have much with the other 2 at all) and by 8 pm entenox was needed.. a few strong contractions and then I needed to push, lying on my right side, still using the entenox and the support of a great midwife I slowly birthed my son at 2118...9lbs 12oz 💙 and a much smaller tear.
I loved all my births.. they were what they were and I had 3 amazing children. I guess it was very different for me being a midwife and having my babies where I work, but also a great advantage.
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So for the June challenge 🌸 Day 1🌸....I’m almost out of time..its all about me! I’m Melissa. I’m married to a Graeme whom I met when I was 19, I’m now 42 and we will have been married for 17 years in August. I have 3 beautiful children.. Isabelle is 13, Ellie is 11 and Fraser is 7. I live in Lightwater and have always lived around this area. I am a Registered Midwife.. now working nights which is exhausting (but works well so I can be at home as much as possible with the ki...ddies) and started with Mummas in June last year, for another challenge! I ran a half marathon in 2018 and have a couple more running challenges later this year! I love the summer and the sun... and love a bit of sunbathing! We are just back from our first camping trip which was a success! This year I will have seen Take That and Westlife in concert! I love drinking tea. I iron almost everything I watch Home and Away and Neighbours everyday (although I did stop watching it for 5 years) -tell me what your guilty pleasure is!
#mummasandbeans #teammummas #mummasjunechallenge #mummassocialmediachallenge #mummasandbeans #positivebirth #antenataleducation #babyclasses #womenempoweringwomen #mumsempoweringmums
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Pinch and a punch the 1st of the month.. So for the month of June the Mummas teachers will a little social media challenge! We will be sharing more about us, who we are, what we do & why we do it. We’ll give you more of an insight into all things Antenatal and what offer in our Baby classes.
... We will be posting across both our Facebook & Instagram pages so make sure you check out both.
Today is all about ME ... but I will post later on today!
#mummasandbeans #teammummas #mummasjunechallenge #mummassocialmediachallenge #mummasandbeans #positivebirth #antenataleducation #babyclasses #womenempoweringwomen #mumsempoweringmums #windsor #maidenhead
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🌈⭐️ A bit of Friday fun ...this is mine .. 💚💚❤️

More about Mummas & Beans Lightwater, Bagshot, Windlesham, Virginia Water And Ascot