Mummy Tummy Training

Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Mummy Tummy Training

Mummy tummy training is a private personal training business especially focused on ladies that are pregnant that want to improve health in a positive way.

Mummy Tummy Training Description

Mummy tummy training is a private personal training business that focuses on pregnant ladies maintaining their health, figure and emotion in a positive way.
Sessions are individually tailored specific to your needs, goals and stages of pregnancy. most personal training sessions are done in the comfort of your own home, i come to you and bring all the equipment that will be needed.

About me:
I have been a qualified personal trainer /anti natal instructor for 8 years, focusing on people like you achieve your health and fitness goals.
Because of the complexity of pregnancy a specific qualification should be taken when training pregnant ladies that have baby and bump, so rest assured you can have piece of mind that your in safe hands when achieving your goals.

So why is this for you? You might ask?
Pregnancy is an incredibly difficult time, hormones are up and down, excess weight gain, that can put a strain on your joints and body.
Exercise is a great way to feel great and feel positive in yourself releasing natural endorphins to help you feel great on a daily basis.

The benefits you will get from working with me at mummy tummy training.

• Gain less weight possibly up to 7lbs less than if you didn’t train at all.
• Labour and delivery time will be easier if you’re having a natural birth, strong core and cardio vascular system gives you more energy to push baby out.
• Gestational diabetes risk is lowered, studies have shown up to 27% and reduces long term risk of developing type 2 diabetes post pregnancy.
• Feel positive /feel great its proven that mums that are active feel better during there pregnancy.
• You can become more flexible and nimble as your body releases a hormone called relaxin it’s the only time this hormone is released normally within the first trimester mainly.
• Regular research as shown that up to 75% less likely to need a forceps delivery, 55% less likely to have an episiotomy and 4 times less likely to need an emergency C section.
• Feel comfortable in your own body which portrays a happier more confident you.
• Natural labour may be shorter on average 4hrs 24 minutes compared to that of 6 hours 22 mins if you didn’t exercise.
• Less likely to suffer leg swelling has exercise helps improve blood flow, this is more predominant as our body retains more fluid as pressure in the uterus pushes against veins which impairs the return of blood to the heart.
• Takes your mind of morning sickness if that something you suffer with.
• Recovery after pregnancy seems to be quicker as your body is healthy and working more efficiently.
• A REALLY IPORTANT ONE… you may be at a lower risk for the no. 1 cause of premature birth aka preeclampsia, this causes high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine, approximately 5 to 8% of ladies develop it and the % is growing.
• In some cases less likely to avoid pre natal depression, this is because of endorphins and released when exercising making you feel happy and positive.
• You get that a
• Amazing pregnancy glow that all women want when there pregnant.
• Training and working our pelvic floor muscles help bladder weakness especially in those ladies that plan on having a natural birth, these can be done straight away and lower the risk of incontinence after having baby.
So why is this for you? You might ask?
Pregnancy is an incredibly difficult time, hormones are up and down, excess weight gain, that can put a strain on your joints and body.
Exercise is a great way to feel great and feel positive in yourself releasing natural endorphins to help you feel great on a daily basis.

The benefits you will get from working with me at mummy tummy training.
• Gain less weight possibly up to 7lbs less than if you didn’t train at all.
• Labour and delivery time will be easier if you’re having a natural birth, strong core and cardio vascular system gives you more energy to push baby out.
• Gestational diabetes risk is lowered, studies have shown up to 27% and reduces long term risk of developing type 2 diabetes post pregnancy.
• Feel positive /feel great its proven that mums that are active feel better during there pregnancy.
• You can become more flexible and nimble as your body releases a hormone called relaxin it’s the only time this hormone is released normally within the first trimester mainly.
• Regular research as shown that up to 75% less likely to need a forceps delivery, 55% less likely to have an episiotomy and 4 times less likely to need an emergency C section.
• Feel comfortable in your own body which portrays a happier more confident you.
• Natural labour may be shorter on average 4hrs 24 minutes compared to that of 6 hours 22 mins if you didn’t exercise.
• Less likely to suffer leg swelling has exercise helps improve blood flow, this is more predominant as our body retains more fluid as pressure in the uterus pushes against veins which impairs the return of blood to the heart.
• Takes your mind of morning sickness if that something you suffer with.
• Recovery after pregnancy seems to be quicker as your body is healthy and working more efficiently.
• A REALLY IPORTANT ONE… you may be at a lower risk for the no. 1 cause of premature birth aka preeclampsia, this causes high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine, approximately 5 to 8% of ladies develop it and the % is growing.
• In some cases less likely to avoid pre natal depression, this is because of endorphins and released when exercising making you feel happy and positive.
You get that Amazing pregnancy glow that all women want when there pregnant.
• Training and working our pelvic floor muscles help bladder weakness especially in those ladies that plan on having a natural birth, these can be done straight away and lower the risk of incontinence after having baby.

So if you are interested in changing the way you feel through your pregnancy, or just wanting to achieve a certain goal drop me a message and we can organise a free consultation to help you feel fantastic and train you for the result that you want and deserve.



Happy new year everybody hope you have had a fab xmas and new year. Time to get on your diets and exercise programmes why not start the year with a positive impact on your life. A new year , a new you. Custom diet and workouts plans specifically Designed to your life style.... Inbox for details . I would be happy to help.
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Happy Halloween everybody hope your all having a spooktacula day as promised here is a little workout that you can do in 15 mins either first thing in the morning or before bed whichever suits your lifestyle. I have custom made programmes also available too which can be made to your requirements and goals if you fancy something more specific. Inbox Inbox me for details have have a great day and enjoy enjoy the candy :p


Morning everyone hope your having a fab week just a little reminder during these wet and cold days when we lose summer hours and it's really miserable, exercising just a 20 minutes a day can help lift your mood, release endorphins and put you in a much healthier mindset to tackle your day. I Will post some short style workouts that you can try with with a friend or on your own though out the week. ♡♡♡♡


Not fitness or even gym related but I didn't know this so just passing it around while we have this amazing sunshine got to keep our little babys safe :)


Afternoon hope you are all having an amazing weekend :), finding time to train when your a busy parent and juggling childcare, cleaning and general tasks that take up your day to day time, it almost feels as if you may not have time to commit to an exercise programme. I can tell you now that you could get a training session in the comfort of your own home for 15/20 minutes that will make you feel like you have worked and better still help you reach your health and fitness Maybe doing a circuit style session where the intensity is fairly high enabling you to have a productive session. Please inbox me if you want your very own tailored work out programme that you can do on your own or in the gym space. All programmes are tailored to you and your goals, and any injuries or conditions that may affect your session. So your programme will be individual to you. ☺☺☺ Have a great weekend whatever your doing 😀
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Depending what stage of pregnancy your are at or whether it's post pregancy your training will differ massively. I like to think that exercise during pregnancy is more suited to maintance and helping having an easier birth and less problematic pregancy. Where as training after you given birth will help your body ajust to the changes that have happened during the 3 trimesters. Diet should also reflect this too. Apropriate calorie intake for maintance and pregancy should also b...e applied. Losing weight and cutting calories shouldn't be done during pregancy because baby needs all available nutrients for growth and devolpment. I have custom tailored diet plans and exercise programmes available for you and your situations. Feel free to inbox I'l be more than happy to help. Have a lovely week :)
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Happy mothers day to all you great moms out there, hope you all have a lovely weekend.......heck you deserve it ❤


When your pregnancy is around the 3rd trimester some ladies earlier trimesters depending on the size of the baby, the abdominal wall will stretch due to the widening of baby growing as a rule this should return back to normal within time but here are some things that can help speed up the process. Having a strong core with a diastasis less than 2 finger widths apart should be the ideal norm of a fully recovered core. The worst thing you can do is to attempt to do sit ups and... crunches if anything these will hinder your results. Again every mom is different and every pregancy is different so see what works best for you. If ever in doubt always seek the aid of a professional who can guide you on the rights and wrongs. Have a great start to your week :)
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Being a personal trainer is for me the best job in the world, everyday helping people feel better about themselves. Giving them the confidence to take on new endevovers and smash them. Yea at times I will push you and you will likely hate me for it in the short term, but long term transform the way you feel, look and think about things and love me for it. It's as much mental as phsical and that bond between client and trainer is something that I pride myself on.
... I still have a few personal training slots for mornings through till afternoons early evenings in the week. If this is something your intrested In just drop me a inbox message and I'l be happy to help, I bring the equipment to your home and train you in the comfort of your own home, sessions typically last just over an hour.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)
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Struggling to find time to work out after having baby, maybe you don't have a gym membership or the equipment to train at home. Here are some exercises that can be done with just you and your pushchair in the middle of a secluded open space. Aim to do 4 sets per exercise and rotate. These exercise both work upper and lower body and are a great thing to try with other moms and there. Warm weather will soon be here so give these a shot have a fab week :)


If you are pregnant there's a good chance that you may have heard of pregnancy supplements that you can take during your pregnancy. Supplements are exactly that to supplement a healthy diet which you can get plenty of nutrients from, here are a couple of the most common ones you can take during your pregancy. Trimester 1: folic acid this can be taken before pregancy too to help with conception and help with potential health conditions like spina biffida. Trimester 2 and onwards taking a vitamin like vitamin D will help boost both mother and baby's bones and immune system giving you both best start post pregnancy. Have a great day :)


Depending when your baby is due and the trimester it falls in e.g third trimester in summer you may feel like you cannot be bothered to exercise it may feel to warm for you want to take part in any exercise. Try swimming not only will you feel cool but the health benefits really do you a world of good. It's low impact meaning no impact on joints compared to that of running. Ideally you don't want to be going into a swimming pool any warmer than 31 degrees. You can always ask ...the people at the swimming baths this but as as rule it's normally cooler than this. With the excess weight expected during the 3rd trimester being in the water will help you feel more comfortable and just takes the pressure off your joints especially if your an on the go mom. It's great for lowering water retention in the body too. It helps improve circulation, strengthening of the cardiovascular system and general health and well being. It also great to help with any aches and pains that you may have devolped during your pregancy. So next time you feel like giving the class a miss or the gym try having a splash in the pool the health benefits are there and you can have fun doing it. Have a great day :)
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Something you hear plasted all over the media is about plus size women having babies and gaining more weight during their pregnancy.
Now it's a given that your going to gain weight during pregnancy and trying to lose weight and cut calories while pregnant is not always the best idea your effectively eating for 2 and they rely on the calories and nutrients to grow and devolp into a healthy happy baby. So what do you do you have your gp telling you about the risks of gestationa...l diabetes and other health implications like hight blood pressure.
The key is simply to think of your pregnancy as a maintance stage making sure you eat healthy and drink lots of fluid. High quality foods will provide a lot of nutrients for you and your baby at such a crucial time.
Health professionals use BMI body mass index to asess your weight to height ratio, this is not always a solid guide though, as some ladies train within the gym gain muscle weight which weighs more than body fat per pound for example. So a healthy women with a bit of muscles bmi could be off even though she does cardio and has a healthy strong heart, lowering the risk of any negative health affects related to a high BMI count. Every pregnancy is different and every women is different, we all give birth to different sized baby's and hold different amounts of water weight. Try not to get caught up with numbers and rather focus on a healthy lifestyle like a gentle exercise programme If your unfamiliar with exercise and healthy eating start off small making little changes at a time that way its less daunting in an allready stressful period for you. Anyway hope you all have a great start to your week and stay positive.
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During your third trimester you are most likely to be at your heavyist due to baby's growth and water retention weight. You may notice your feet and ankles swelling this is often called edema. Not only that but your uterus growing in size puts pressure on the veins and vena carva this pressure slows down blood flow that goes back to the legs. This can be found in women carrying a lot of amniotic fluid or carrying mutiple children twins etc. There are some things you can do t...o elevate the pressure on the lower legs.
Put your feet up elevating your feet on a foot still can help pressure of blood pooling.
Wearing more comfortable shoes and shoes of a slightly larger size can give your feet that release of pressure too.
Drinking plenty of water helps too and helps dehydration, if your body is dehydrated it's hold on to fluid so keeping hydrated in important.
Stretching the calf muscle too will help reduce any swelling too so give the stretches below a try and see if they help you if your suffering any similar problems.
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You know that feeling that dreaded morning sickness feeling.... some ladies suffer with it through their first trimester others and suffer with it during all three pregnancy trimesters.
Here are some little tips to help with those morning sickness feels.
A full stomach can trigger nausea, so try to drink at least 30 minutes before you eat, and limit how much you drink with meals so you have enough room for food. Don't forget to drink plenty throughout the rest of the day beca...use staying hydrated is especially important during pregnancy.
Eat small meals often
An empty stomach can make nausea worse. Eating small, frequent meals can help your stomach from feeling empty and keep your blood sugar stable. Nibble on bland snacks, such as crackers, throughout the day.
Prepare cold meals
Cooking smells can bring on bouts of nausea, so you may prefer to stick to cold meals until your morning sickness passes.
Get protein and vitamin B6
Eat simple, high-protein foods that are rich in vitamin B6, such as nuts. Skip foods that are rich, spicy, acidic, fatty, or fried because these might trigger nausea.
Try dry ginger
Consumed in moderation, ginger can settle your stomach and ease nausea. Make ginger tea by putting the peeled, grated root in a cup of boiling water, or try taking ginger syrup or candies. Ginger capsules or tablets are also available, but ask your healthcare provider to recommend a reputable brand.
Eat breakfast in bed
Jumping out of bed with an empty stomach can trigger morning sickness. Ask your partner to bring you a small snack, such as dry toast, or keep crackers by your bed and eat them slowly before getting up.
Keep a morning sickness diary
Tracking the times of day when your morning sickness peaks and when you feel better can help you determine the best times to eat and drink.
Taking your prenatal vitamins with food right before you go to sleep may reduce nausea.
Get plenty of rest
Stress and fatigue can make morning sickness worse. Get plenty of rest and relaxation when you can.
If non of these ideas work for you might be worth contacting your gp to discuss anti sickness drugs other methods like aromatherapy and acupuncture and acupressure can also help certain women. Have a great weekend.
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Hiya well its the start of the week, if you have just had a baby or planning to give birth soon try working your pelvic floor muscles these type of exercises can be done while your sat down at a table and require very little energy. By doing these exercises you are strengthening your pelvic floor muscles which can help with incontinence after pregnancy. Best way to start is by feeling your pelvic floor muscles if you try to stop the flow of urine when you go to the toilet.
I...t's not recommended that you regularly stop your flow of urine midstream as it can be harmful to the bladder, but can be done occasionally. To strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, sit comfortably and squeeze the muscles 10-15 times in a row.
Don't hold your breath or tighten your stomach, buttock or thigh muscles at the same time.
When you get used to doing pelvic floor exercises, you can try holding each squeeze for a few seconds.
Every week, you can add more squeezes, but be careful not to overdo it and always have a rest between sets of squeezes. See how you feel when doing them and take your time.
After a few months, you should start to notice the results. You should carry on doing the exercises, even when you notice them starting to work.
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Afternoon hope your all having a good start to your new year. Just a little word of advice the best type of diet is the one that you stick to. Consistency really is the key when it comes to healthy living see it more as a lifestyle change than a diet and you won't go wrong :). When you start to shed the Xmas pounds and feel better in yourself it makes it all feel worth while. I have custom diet plans tailored to you if it's something that your intrested In drop me a message a...nd I'l get back to you. Start 2018 right and have a great day :) Try these little tips along the way :)
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Merry Xmas from mummytummytraining hope you all have a fabulous day :)

More about Mummy Tummy Training

Mummy Tummy Training is located at flat 1, boots court , Cranfleet way, ng10 3rj Nottingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -