My Search For Meaning

About My Search For Meaning

In a world where enough is never enough, I pause & reflect on what is there that matters. I lay my cheek on my very palm and in philosophising I surrender.



'Jeta Studio Flat' is open and waiting to host you! Because: Life is a railway station of partings and meetings. We are constant travellers, Holding in our hands our inseparable baggage, ... A little suitcase, Of struggles, onslaughts and memories. 🏠🎆🏞🏝
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“Reducing stigma is crucial for encouraging vulnerable adolescents to seek help.”


Dozens of Santas, giant inflatable turkeys and even a few furry friends took to the water for a festive paddleboard through the centre of Cambridge.
Taking in the city's famous sites, including the Backs of the colleges, Sunday's Santa SUP looked to raise funds for cancer research.
Participants made the one mile (1.6km) trip from Lammas Land to Jesus Green before making the return journey.
... More than £500 was raised by the event, which has become an annual fixture on Cambridge's festive calendar.
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Love comes with no age limit...


It was a grey rainy day... We were determined though...So many turned up! It was pleasantly unbelievable to see how devoted and loyal and loving and committed all the participants of the #MemoryWalk2018 were. The support, the smiles, the joy... The lovely people of Cambridge Unite Against Dementia! Five things to know about DEMENTIA: 1) Dementia is not a natural part of ageing 2) Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain. 3) It's not just about losing your memory.... 4)People can still live well with dementia. 5)Alzheimer's society is here for anyone affected by dementia. Symptoms of dementia include: Difficulties concentrating. Problems planning and thinking things through. Struggling with familiar daily tasks. Problems judging distances. Mood changes and difficulty controlling emotions.
But lets not lose hope! Although there is no cure to dementia, scientists and researchers are working hard to find one.
I would like to thank all my friends and family who supported me in this initiative, physically or spiritually !!!
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User ps
Fatos Arapi was an Albanian poet, short story writer, translator and journalist. Arapi’s publications have been highly praised by his readers and his peers and have been awarded various national and international poetry prizes. In 2008 Fatos Arapi became the first Albanian poet to win the Golden Wreath Award (Struga Poetry Evenings Award). Born in 1930 in the village of Zvërrnec near Vlorë, died in Tirana, October 11, 2018. He stud...ied economics in Sofia, Bulgaria from 1949 to 1954. He then worked as a journalist in Tirana. He soon made a name for himself as a poet, and went on to work as a researcher for the History and Philology Department of Tirana. A master of meditative poetry, love poems and elegies, Fatos Arapi was one of the most celebrated poetic voices in the country and a leading figure in modern Albanian poetry. Never fearing innovation, despite the cultural isolation of his country, Arapi was a pioneer of free verse and experimental poetry in 1960s Albanian literature. Born on the seaside, the maritime universe has always inspired his verse, as has Albania's troubled history.[1] He has authored more than twenty-five books including six poetry collections and many short stories and novels. Arapi was an avid translator who brought to the Albanian reader the works of Sappho, Pablo Neruda and Nikola Vaptsarov. He was the editor-in-chief of two anthologies: Songs of the Peoples and Anthology of Turkish Verse. He made his debut in published poetry in the second half of the fifties, and in 1962 and 1966 he came out with two poetry collections, Poetic paths and Poems and verses. Later came Rhythm of Iron, Give me a name, Gloria Victis and Solar Eclipse. Fatos Arapi is also well known for his versatile prose. He has written several novels: Wild Geese, Snow Cove and Headless Genius, to mention a few. He was also the editor-in-chief of two anthologies: Songs of the People and Anthology of Turkish Verse.
Shtigjet poetike (Poetic Paths), 1962 Poema dhe vjersha (Poems and Verses), 1966 Ritme të hekura (Rhythms of Iron), 1968 Më jepni një emër (Give Me A Name), 1972 (later banned by Enver Hoxha's regime) Gloria victis, 1997 Eklipsi i endrrës (Solar Eclipse), 2002
Short stories
Patate të egra (Sour Potatoes), 1970 Dikush më buzëqeshte (Someone Was Smiling At Me), 1972 Gjeniu pa kokë (Headless Genius), 1999
Partizani pa emër (The Anonymous Partisan), 1962 Qezari dhe ushtari i mirë Shvejk (Caesar and the Good Soldier Švejk), 1995
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User aE
Splitting and meeting stations life is...... Forever travellers we will be... And in our hands, an inseparable luggage, a small suitcase of attempts, attacks, memories.
Jeta është stacion ndarjesh e takimesh. Jemi përherë udhëtarë dhe ndër duar, bagazh të pandarë, një valixhe të vogël përpjekjesh, sulmesh, kujtimesh.
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User…/ndahet-nga-jeta -shkrimtari-fatos-a…/
And somehow life has to go on... I can't but be proud of being part of the same family! It hurts and at the same time it doesn't...... knowing that such an eclectic soul is flying free around the puffy clouds... It's flapping gloriously among the eagles' wings... It's shining brightly through the sun's rays... It hurts but it also doesn't knowing how much your being brightened up this world... And these tears that are caressing my cheeks so sweetly at the moment.. they are not but tears of joy... tears of humility... tears of love... you the love poet... you the poet of love... Like a star you glimpsed with light whoever read you... Like a fountain you quenched our thirst for the divine... Like a waterfall you showered us with your wisdom... I will not ask 'why'...Even though 'why' is what my heart seeks to ask... For why is a question only philosophers ask... You philosophised extraordinarily the essence of our beings... LOVE... And as philosophers always do, you left with a pearl... <> and you dramatically closed your eyes forever... With endless respect, humility and LOVE for an extraordinary brain and a glamorously bright soul that will always live with me forever and ever, years to come. For my beloved uncle Fatos Arapi and his family Ina Arapi Fatos Arapi♥ <3 <3 May you Rest In Peace and continue to inspire our humble souls... Të dua shumë <3 Lorina
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A story of true devotion...


A story of true devotion...
It all started when what to us seemed easy, for him seemed eternity... My dad was recently diagnosed with an early stage of Alzheimer disease. The news were devastating for my mother, who has still not accepted the reality of the facts, and for the entire family in general. Who would have expected him, the brightest and most outstanding part of our family, the man who set the foundations for who me and my brother are today, to have such a tragic s...tory? We used to call him the 'Live Library'. He knew everything! It would struck you how much knowledge a human brain is capable of preserving. Before we migrated to Greece, my father, Vladimir, used to work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania. He spoke 5 foreign languages (amongst which Russian,Serbian and Italian) and had travelled around the world with prestige and humility for multiple important for the country projects that he had personally and successfully dealt with. He had always been a beloved fellow citizen and an admired friend by many. He enjoyed chatting about history, Treaties, economy, films, arts, music and loved to share funny stories greedily accumulated during his many trips to Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Russia etc. But politics change fast...and when they change, severe consequences occur for the ones involved in them.. My family had to move to Greece, to pursue a safe and peaceful life... That is when my dad's career started braking into pieces, that would eventually cruelly chop his emotional and inner world the way it did. When, Vladimir moved to Athens with me, my mom and my brother in 1995, he was trapped into a vicious circle of lack of social integration, unfair working conditions and significantly corrupted bureaucratic processes. All this though never demotivated him. He kept on being strong and motivated the entire family with his extremely inspiring devotion to us and our goals. This is the person, the most important person I am dedicating this Memorial Walk to and the reason I decided to participate in the first place! Join me at ~REMEMBER AND SMILE ~ Memorial Walk on Sunday 14th of October
JustGiving - Sponsor me now!
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It all started when what to us seemed easy, for him seemed eternity... My dad was recently diagnosed with an early stage of Alzheimer disease. The news were devastating for my mother, who has still not accepted the reality of the facts, and for the entire family in general. Who would have expected him, the brightest and most outstanding part of our family, the man who set the foundations for who me and my brother are today, to have such a tragic story? We used to call him the... 'Live Library'. He knew everything! It would struck you how much knowledge a human brain is capable of preserving. Before we migrated to Greece, my father, Vladimir, used to work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania. He spoke 5 foreign languages (amongst which Russian,Serbian and Italian) and had travelled around the world with prestige and humility for multiple important for the country projects that he had personally and successfully dealt with. He had always been a beloved fellow citizen and an admired friend by many. He enjoyed chatting about history, Treaties, economy, films, arts, music and loved to share funny stories greedily accumulated during his many trips to Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Russia etc. But politics change fast...and when they change, severe consequences occur for the ones involved in them.. My family had to move to Greece, to pursue a safe and peaceful life... That is when my dad's career started braking into pieces, that would eventually cruelly chop his emotional and inner world the way it did. When, Vladimir moved to Athens with me, my mom and my brother in 1995, he was trapped into a vicious circle of lack of social integration, unfair working conditions and significantly corrupted bureaucratic processes. All this though never demotivated him. He kept on being strong and motivated the entire family with his extremely inspiring devotion to us and our goals. This is the person, the most important person I am dedicating this Memorial Walk to and the reason I decided to participate in the first place! Join me at ~REMEMBER AND SMILE ~ Memorial Walk on Sunday 14th of October
JustGiving - Sponsor me now!
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More about My Search For Meaning

My Search For Meaning is located at 24 Cambridge Rd, CB21 5HQ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire