
About Mylegaladviser

Finding a lawyer, made easy.

Mylegaladviser Description

MyLegalAdviser is an online legal marketplace making it easy for consumers and businesses to find a lawyer.

Post a job for free on our site and within hours we'll send you up to three of the best quotes from the hundreds of hand-picked and rated lawyers on our service.

Hiring a lawyer takes the click of a button and paying them is done safely and easily though our secure payments system.

So, whether you're looking to find a lawyer, just want to know what it would cost to instruct one or want to check whether you're getting a good deal from your current lawyer, MyLegalAdviser makes it easy.



Have you lost a loved one?
Check out our complete guide to probate. Written by solicitors, it's got everything you need to know about the probate process as well as a handy probate checklist.
Got any questions? Just drop us a message or email us on


Trying to work out how much inheritance tax you'll pay?
Put that abacus away and check out our brand new inheritance tax calculator.
Just fill in the details for a free, instant, tax calculation.


Getting divorced?
Find out everything you need to know about divorce with our simple guide: what divorce is, how it works, what happens with finances and children, how long it takes and how much it will cost.
Still confused? Drop us a call or email. We're always happy to help!


We know how heartbreaking it is to lose a loved one. But somehow you're still expected to pick up all the pieces and sort out probate.
If you don't know where to begin, our Simple (But Complete) Guide to Probate covers everything you need to know: what probate is, the probate process, inheritance tax, how much probate will cost and how long it will take.
There's also a free probate checklist for you to download (with all the steps to required to obtain probate).
... Need a hand? We're here to help, just drop us a message or get in touch.
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Wondering what on earth probate actually is and how you get it?
You're not alone. That's why we've put together this helpful guide to the probate process: what it is, how it works and how long it will take.
Got any questions? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser.


Legal issues getting you down?
Head over to our advice centre to see if there's something we prepared earlier which can help you out.
Missing what you need? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser and we'll do our best to point you in the right direction!


£9,700 - that's how much failing to make a Will costs your heirs on average.
That's a lot of money lost for no good reason. Failing to make a Will also means you don't get to choose your heirs, so the wrong people may also inherit!
Avoid these common pitfalls, check out our free Guide to Making a Will.


Been offered a settlement agreement?
You could be giving up a valuable claim, so make sure you understand the deal before you sign on the dotted line.
Got a question? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser.


Do you live with an unmarried partner?
If you think you're protected by the rules governing common law spouses, we're afraid that's a myth.
Find out what the law says when you're cohabiting and how to make sure loved ones are protected.
... Got a question? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser.
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How can employers avoid expensive dismissal claims? Simple, follow our guide when dismissing employees.
Got a question? We love to help, drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser


Employer asked you to sign a settlement agreement?
You could be giving up a valuable claim, so make sure you understand the deal before you sign on the dotted line.
Got a question? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser.


Have you made a DIY Will?
Most DIY services aren't set up to properly understand your situation or wishes. This means you may miss out on valuable tax planning opportunities and your heirs may not inherit properly.
Learn how to make a legally valid Will which works with our guide.


Losing a loved one is hard enough without the difficulty of having to get probate after they die.
If you've lost a loved one recently and have no idea where to even start, check out our guide to the probate process.
Got any questions? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser.


Been unfairly let go from work in the past 3 months? Find out if you could make a claim with our free guide.


Struggling with a legal conundrum?
Check out our advice centre. It's full of useful guides written by legal experts to help you navigate the murky world of law.
Missing what you need? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser and we'll do our best to point you in the right direction!


Q: What do EMI schemes and cartwheels have in common?
A: They're both great ways to make yourself feel dizzy!
If you've been considering the best way to incentivise employees, but haven't been able to wrap your head round EMI schemes, check out our helpful guide.


We often get asked by employers how they can avoid expensive claims when dismissing employees.
That's why we put together this simple guide to dismissing staff, to ensure employees are treated fairly and employers stay out of court rooms.
Got a question? We love to help, drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser


Been asked to sign a #settlement #agreement? Find out what you need to know with our helpful guide


We're excited to announce the launch of our new advice centre!
It's packed full of helpful guides for individuals and small businesses struggling with legal problems.
Missing what you need? We love to help, just drop us a message or tweet us on @mylegaladviser and we'll do our best to point you in the right direction!


We used the site to find a lawyer to write our wills. The site was easy to use and generated a great selection of lawyers for us to choose from. I'd definitely recommend others try the website.


Really good new service, made life much easier, can't believe it hasn't been done before! Highly recommend it.


Really convenient way of finding a lawyer. We used it to find a solicitor for conveyancing for our house move and we're really happy with our lawyer and the price!


MyLegalAdviser made it really easy to find a great lawyer without the fear of being overcharged.


A simple idea that saved me so much time and energy


We used the site to find a lawyer to write our wills. The site was easy to use and generated a great selection of lawyers for us to choose from. I'd definitely recommend others try the website.


Really good new service, made life much easier, can't believe it hasn't been done before! Highly recommend it.


Really convenient way of finding a lawyer. We used it to find a solicitor for conveyancing for our house move and we're really happy with our lawyer and the price!


MyLegalAdviser made it really easy to find a great lawyer without the fear of being overcharged.


A simple idea that saved me so much time and energy

More about Mylegaladviser

Mylegaladviser is located at 71-75 Shelton Street, WC2H 9JQ London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 203 372 5680