
About Myonlinetherapy is UK's first virtual psychology clinic.



Psychodynamic therapy is focused around the belief that our unconscious mind holds onto painful feelings and memories that are too difficult for the conscious mind to process. This type of therapy will help you unravel, experience and understand deep-rooted feelings in order that they may be fully resolved. 🧠 πŸ™Œ


The ability to set boundaries generally comes from a healthy sense of self-worth. If you find yourself constantly being walked over by your co-workers or being taken for granted in your relationships, therapy is safe space to identify your own personal roadblocks and to start implementing changes.


Still on the fence about therapy? Here's what to expect from your first session. βœ¨πŸ™Œβœ¨


Minds carry emotional stress - but our bodies do too. Take a moment to check-in with your body today and notice where you might be storing any tension.


Ever wondered about the difference? We spill the beans.


Happy Friyay. Remember to put yourself first this weekend. You can't pour from an empty cup.


How do you cope?
Coping mechanisms are strategies we adopt in order to deal with difficult emotions and experiences. They can be both healthy (adaptive) and unhealthy (maladaptive). Therapy provides a safe space to explore maladaptive coping mechanisms and build new healthier ways of coping. ⚑️


Anxiety is much more than just worrying. It can come with a whole host of physical symptoms too. Getting familiar with some of the less talked about symptoms is really important, both so we can recognise them in ourselves - and also so that we can support the people around us too. πŸ€βœ¨πŸ™


New day, new week = new goals. Let today be the start of something new. ✨ #MondayMotivation


Sundays are for hitting pause ⏸


Being conscious about our health is really important, but sometimes this can get out of hand. People suffering from health anxiety spend a lot of time symptom searching, and worrying that they might have serious physical illness - when there is often no reason to think this. Here’s what to look out for. πŸ™


A little reminder from us that thoughts are not facts. Reminding ourselves of this when the difficult ones crop up can help us deal with them in a more skilful way. ⚑️


When we experience something painful in our lives we might try to ignore it. Sometimes we become experts in ignoring a problem. When this happens, a past experience can continue to affect our behaviour and how we feel years later. Read more about DIT:


Success starts from within.


Online therapy means there's no need to leave work early or sit in a traffic jam on the way to your session. You can have therapy in your lunch break and still have time for a sandwich 😎
It's easy to make up excuses for the things that scare us or we know will bring change (even when it's for the better!) This fast-paced busy lifestyle may be the norm, but taking time out to self-care and grow is really one of the most important things we can do for ourselves.


Therapy: on your terms. β˜•οΈπŸ“±βœ¨


Sunday vibes. 🌈


"Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all womankind" - Maya Angelou.
Happy International Women's Day! Here's a shout out to all the extraordinary women in our lives. We admire you - today and every day. ✨
#IWD #BalanceforBetter

More about Myonlinetherapy
