Nadiya Naturopathic Nutritionist

About Nadiya Naturopathic Nutritionist

Naturopathic Nutritionist / Health Coach in Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Nadiya Naturopathic Nutritionist Description

Dear Sir /Madam,

My name is Nadiya, I’m a qualified Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist from the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in London, a member of the professional Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA) and registered with Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).

My aim is to help people improve their health and manage their health issues exclusively with natural methods and food. I believe that all in nature is interconnected (body, mind, social factors and environment) and these combined determine human health. My approach is based on reinforcing the body's natural self-healing mechanisms to restore wellbeing and promote homeostasis.

My approach is based on functional medicine which searches deeper to find the root causes of a disease and evaluating triggers and mediators specifically to each client. I analyse information from multiple systems of the body to identify which areas are out of balance, in order to restore the optimal function.

If appropriate I will recommend my clients a functional testing, to help understand better the situation on a molecular level. I work only with well-established professional laboratories in the UK and GP’s.

I have a specific interest in:

Thyroid health
Adrenal health

Other fields of interest are: + Gut health + Weight Loss + Parasitology + Detoxification

I hold consultations in Botanica Health Clinic (TN4 8RY) and I also offer Skype consultations.

If you have any queries or you need assistance please let me know and I will be happy to help you.

Best regards
Nadiya NN



📝 Studies show that more than 45% of people have an adverse reaction to multiple foods they eat on a daily basis. 👻These intolerances are mostly silent for years but in the long term may threaten and negatively affect health. . The Intolerance Tests are used to analyse the sensitivity one has towards the most commonly eaten foods. They test for the presence of IgG antibodies in the blood, which are produced by the immune cells in reaction to components found in foods. . Ever...ybody would benefit from knowing which foods are causing low grade irritation and inflammation in their bodies, but especially people with the following symptoms: . – Fatigue – Bloating – Tiredness – Migraines – Low mood – Headaches – Low energy – Panic attacks – Aches & pains – Fluid retention – Chronic fatigue – Excessive weight – Irritable bowel symptoms (IBS) – Skin rashes like dermatitis, eczema psoriasis and acne . If you are tired of guessing the root cause of your persistent symptoms and nothing has really worked so far, testing for intolerances could be the solution to minimising or eradicating completely the above symptoms. . . #test #intolerance #intolerances #intolerancia #intolerancetesting #intolerancetest #health #healthiswealth #london #londonfood #londonfoodies #londonfitness #londonfit #londonfitfam #londonfitnessguy #londonhealth #londonhealthyfood #healthylondon #healthylondoner #yogagirl #yogalondon #yogateacherlondon #nutritionist #nutritionistlondon #londonnutritionist #tunbridgewells #tunbridgewellsmums #tunbridgewellness #tunbridgewellslife #tunbridgewellsyoga ❤️
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Think of your heart this St. Valentines

Heart - a fascinating faithful organ, the job of which often taking for granted. The heart disease are one of the leading cause of death in the UK, account for 1 in every 3.
Let’s care for heart more on daily basis to prevent health complication and make the process of pumping 10 million litres of blood a year.
... Top Tip for a Healthy & Happy Heart:
1) Potassium is number one mineral required for properly functioning heart. Potassium is also essential for water balance in the veins and all cells. High stress eliminates potassium from the body and therefore people affected by stress ideally should supplement with potassium. Food we eat on daily basis are usually very low on potassium, to increase your potassium through food make sure you have this daily celery, apricot and avocado.
2) Magnesium as important as Potassium and its availability though food is limited. Ideally one should supplement with magnesium daily. It helps fighting stress and play big part in muscle relaxation, just what most of us need at the end of the day.

Magnesium rich foods are asparagus, chickpeas, mackerel and rocket. Likely we can also absorb some of magnesium through skin, meaning that we can add it to the bath or apply a magnesium oil or lotion before bed time which will improve the quality of sleep.
3) Heart is one of the centres of energy flow in our body which is called Anahata in ancient Sanskrit or can be interpreted as UNSTRUCK = Not having been struck.
Often our non expressed emotions are STUCK writhing us in the heart area which affect the energy flow and reflects on physical body and in our characters.
Unfold your feelings, fears and expectations for your self and discover the work must do for better long lasting wellbeing.
Your hands can be used to help you to open this centre, as they are there for a good reason (in a line with your heart). Rise and open your hands today 5 times to give comforting hug to people you love and care about.
Happy St. Valentines ❤️
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Top TIPS to eradicate Acid Reflux!�� 🔥😃🔥
Many of us are ignoring the mild digestive symptoms for years, sometimes even decades and don’t take into consideration that its a message of a malfunctioning process.
With time these symptoms become more persistent and a times they can affect our confidence and day to day life. ��It is a normal progression of something which was ignored for a long time. In fact Acid Reflux is not a condition that develops over night.
... Let’s have a look at 5 TOP TIPS that will help you to eradicate Acid Reflux.
1️⃣ Eat only when you are hungry:�
You should eat only when you are hungry, this is because when you are hungry your body is prepared to receive food, your salivary glands excrete saliva and enzymes that are ready to start breaking down the food.
The chemical messages are circulating in your system, stimulating your stomach to produce acid (Hydrochloric Acids (HCL), which is essential for breaking down nutrients, killing bacteria, fungus and worm’s eggs.
These messages are also stimulating a pancreatic response, to generate the insulin for further sugar absorption. ��If the body is not ready to eat, which is very common nowadays, as we eat partly because of habit or duty, or under the stress – subconscious eating.
This results in undigested food passing from stomach to the intestine, where it starts to ferment and this creates a good environment for dysbiosis and bad gut bacteria and sometimes for parasites to take over.
Undigested food is also linked closely to leaky gut (increased permeability), which results in intolerances, autoimmune disorders and allergies.
2️⃣ Avoid the most common triggers arch as fried foods, coffee, chocolate, peppermint, alcohol and nicotine.� 3️⃣ Drink Digestive Elixir with enzymes and/or bitters before your meals.
4️⃣ Optimise your weight as it affects the performance of your stomach.
5️⃣ Eat smaller meals (see previous article).��It can take from 2 to 12 months for you to feel the deference, the time depends on your current health. � The next Digestive Wellness Program starting soon, if you would like to join us to receive more personalised approach and motivation, please comment below or visit my website .uk
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Acid reflux, explained 🧐:�
Acid Reflux or also called GERD is the primarily sign of enlarged stomach and lack of stomach acidity.
Let’s have a look at the process that leads to this symptom.
... When food passes through your oesophagus into your stomach, it makes the stomach muscle stretch and it enhances the production of the acidity.
Once the certain concentration of acidity is present in your stomach, the muscular valve called the lower oesophageal sphincter closes, preventing food or acid from moving back.
If your stomach does not produce enough stomach acid, the esophageal sphincter does not receive the messages to shut down and this results in the stomach acid leaking, resulting in reflux. ��It is important to understand that reflux is not a disease cause by excessive acid production, but is a symptom related to the opened sphincter.
Small meals require less stomach acid to be produced, therefore after some time this should help with acid reflux.
But try make sure that you do not drink with or for at least two hours after your meals. It you feel very thirsty you can have a few sips of digestive tea. �More methods to alleviate and/or eradicate symptoms of Acid Reflux will be in the next post ��Practicing healthy habits for your digestive system will help you to get rid of most persisting symptoms and prevent from many chronic conditions.
The Digestive Wellness Program can help you to claim your health back and start to live again properly.
Book your place today by filling the contact form on my website .uk
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⏰ As mentioned in the previous article our stomach size is approximately 350ml, but can be stretched and hold up to a couple of kg.
This happen when we over eat or eat a big meal portion and then drink alcohol or other drinks on top.
This affects the performance of organs in our digestive system which results in unwanted symptoms including:
... - disbiosis - acid reflux - constipation - excessive gas - IBS symptoms - abdominal pain - abdominal swelling
If you suffering from any of the above symptoms you should implement the following suggestion along side other recommendation you can find in Digestive Wellness Insight.
Meal size:
Aim for three regular meals, they need to be not more than 400 - 500 grams each time, approximately the amount that can be held in your hands when held open together.
Try to avoid snaking.
Time between meals will allow for the body to relax from the production of stomach acid. Further this will result in more concentrated stomach acid when the main meals are consumed, which will aid better digestion and nutrient extraction.
This is also very important in improving reflux, IBS symptoms, excessive gas and dysbiosis.
Practicing healthy habits for your digestive system will help you to get rid of most persisting symptoms and prevent from many chronic conditions.
The Digestive Wellness Program can help you to claim your health back and start to live again properly. Book your place today by filling the contact form on my website .uk
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How big is your stomach?

 🧐🤓🧐 Feel sick after eating? 🤢
Do you have complaints about your digestive system, or perhaps experience the following symptoms:
... - nausea 
- bloating 
- acid reflux - weight gain - constipation - excessive gas 
- stomach discomfort - fat around the middle - intolerances and inflammation in the body 
 If so, I invite you to read the article below:
In a healthy person, with healthy dietary and hydration habits, the stomach when unstressed has the approximate capacity of 350ml.
But during a meal the stomach can be stretched and reach up to 2kg!
TIP: The lighter the meal the quicker and more efficiently it will be digested.
Ideally the meal you are eating shouldn't be larger in volume than 500ml! This includes food and if needed a small drink.
Overeating leads to an enlargement of the stomach and many health pathologies over time!
When the stomach is enlarged, it puts pressure on the organs below (pancreas, liver, gall bladder and intestine), breaking microcirculation which affects their function.
We are living in time where most people overeat, and don’t respect the body’s physiology.
Until this happens, one cannot expect an improvement in their health.
Your body is your temple, take care and respect it’s needs. Top tips for your digestive health will be in the next article.
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🍋 Bitter & Savour 🍋 
 It’s been know for centuries that bitter and sour flavours act like stimulants for organs in our digestive system.
They are extremely important for:
... - balancing hormones 
- supporting liver function
 - promoting a healthy digestive tract
 - enhancing the stomach acid production
 - stimulation of the gall bladder
These two flavours have anti-parasitic properties and they suppress bad bacteria in our digestive tract.
Bitter & sour foods should become your conscious choice on a daily basis if you are looking to have good health long term or you are recovering from an illness.
If you are suffering from the following health complaints, balancing out sour, bitter, salty and sweet flavours would help to eradicate your symptoms.
 🤢 - nausea
 - bloating
 - acid reflux - weight gain - constipation - excessive gas 
- stomach discomfort - intolerances and inflammation in the body 
 Bitter foods to choose from:
Sour foods to choose from:
 Citrus fruits
 Plain Yogurt
 A. C. Vinegar
What other bitter or sauerkraut foods you know?
#healthiswealth #fitlondon #fitnesslondon #londonyoga #tunbridgewellsevents #nutritionistlondon #healing #healingenergy #healthprogramme #healthprogram #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlossprogress #digestivehealth #functionalmedicine #healingvibrations #healingjourney #healthylifestyle #tunbridgewellness #tunbridgewells #nutritionistapproved #healthylondon#devon #devonseaside #kingsbridge #healthiswealth #fitlondon #fitnesslondon #londonyoga #tunbridgewellsevents #nutritionistlondon #healingquotes #healing #healingenergy #healingvibrations #healingjourney #healthylifestyle #tunbridgewellness #tunbridgewells #nutrition #nutritionistapproved #healthylondon #rusthall #happyvalley #n_n_nutritionist ☺️
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How much added sugar could we eat?

According to the NHS, the recommended sugar intake should not exceed the following numbers coming from both food and drinks:
- no more than 19g/day for children aged 4 to 6; 
which equates to 5 sugar cubes / 4 teaspoon
... - no more than 24g/day for 7 to 10-year olds; 
which equates to 6 sugar cubes / 5 teaspoon
- no more than 30g/day for children from age 11 and adults; 
which equates to 7 sugar cubes / 6 - 6.5 teaspoon
🔥🔥🔥 Current average intakes of added sugars in the UK are at least twice the RDA for adults and three times in the 11 to 18 years old group!
🔥🔥🔥 Did you know?
🔥🔥 Sparkling soft drinks on average contain 15g of sugar per serving.
🔥 - Coca-Cola (330ml) contains 9 cubes/39g of added sugar
Interesting facts:🤓✅🤓
Before 1991 it was widely advised that the total dietary energy intake from sugar should not exceed 10%
However from 1991, this was reduced to 5% because of the increased cases of related health conditions.
🤭🤔🤭 Actual UK average sugar intake 
49-64g/day in females and 63-84g/day in males 😬😬😬
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😋 In rushed modern lifestyle our food choices are primarily based of foods rich in sugars and salt😋.
Both act as preservatives and killers of living creatures and therefore our cells.
Too much salt contributes to:
... - Stroke - Heart attach - Water Retention - High Blood Pressure - Cardiovascular disease
Hidden sources of salt.
Deli items Takeaways Long life foods Processed food
Another dominant flavour is sugar, called “white death”.
Never before in history have our bodies received so much sugar in a refined form. From the 1800s when sugar production began, we have steadily increased our sugar consumption from 8kg to 68kg per year (UK adult in 2014). How crazy is that? 🤓
Hidden sources of sugar:
Alcohol Deserts Processed foods Processed drinks
Health concern
- Colorectal health: IBS, IBD, colorectal cancer, constipation, inflammation, dysbiosis. - Cardiovascular health: stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attack (myocardial infarction), angina. - Metabolic health: obesity, diabetes, PCOS, migraines, chronic fatigue. - Oral health: tooth decay
Many professionals in the medical field list the following influences of high sugar consumption on our health.
- Damages the liver - Increases blood pressure - Contributes to osteoporosis - Causes metabolic dysfunction - Decreased HDL and increased LDL - Leads to overweigh and especially accumulation of fat around the middle - Increases uric acid level which is a major risk factor for heart and kidney diseases
When aiming for better health these two flavours should be balanced out with bitter and sour flavours. Which bitter and sour flavour foods do you know and eat on daily basis?
More detail about sugar consumption will be in my next post tomorrow 🙂
#healthiswealth #fitlondon #fitnesslondon #londonyoga #tunbridgewellsevents #nutritionistlondon #healing #healingenergy #healthprogramme #healthprogram #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlossprogress #digestivehealth #functionalmedicine #healingvibrations #healingjourney #healthylifestyle #tunbridgewellness #tunbridgewells #nutritionistapproved #healthylondon#devon #devonseaside #kingsbridge #healthiswealth #fitlondon #fitnesslondon #londonyoga #tunbridgewellsevents #nutritionistlondon #healingquotes #healing #healingenergy #healingvibrations #healingjourney #healthylifestyle #tunbridgewellness #tunbridgewells #nutrition #nutritionistapproved #healthylondon #rusthall #happyvalley #n_n_nutritionist ☺️
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🔥 Supplements to improve your HLC 🔥
If you have low stomach acidity along side all other recommendations supplements would greatly speed up your recovery time.
I personally use both animal and plant based supplements for digestive system.
... Although here I will be talking only about plant based supplements.
We can split supplements into two categories:
The first one helps directly to break down food - they are enzymes.
Enzymes improve the digestive process by splitting up the food compounds into smaller particles. This helps:
- nutrient absorption - improves metabolism - eliminates excess gas - enhances the immune system - facilitates the assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats
There are multiple varieties of enzyme derived from fruits and plants.
An interesting fact about enzymes: they cannot be synthesed in a lab, only mother nature can be so creative.
When people with low stomach acid take enzymes, they help the digestive system to properly digest foods, which also facilitate liver performance and keep inflammation at low levels which is essential to prevent most diseases and improve the digestive system’s health.
Other groups of supplements are Betaine based.
Betaine Hydrochloride (HCI) is a chemical compound that has acid like function similar to what our body produces in the stomach.
Used in combination with other methods the Betaine has the capability to restore stomach acid production and it’s concentration.
Usually Betaine is combined with Pepsin (an enzyme of animal origin that helps to break down protein).
Supplementing with Betaine is better under the guided supervision of a health practitioner in case some complications occur.
The Betaine supplement must be taken with protein rich meals.
I usually recommend to take these supplements together with Digestive Elixir to speed up the stomach and digestive tract recovery.
Have you ever tried any of these supplements to improve your health, if so what are your favourite brands?
Our Digestive Wellness Program starting soon, if you would like to join us to receive more personalised approach and motivation, please comment below or visit my website .uk
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Low stomach acid? 🤷‍♀️ . Stomach acidity is one of the major factors in how healthy the digestive system is and therefore, how healthy you are overall.
Hydro chloric acid (HCL or stomach acid), although it sounds toxic, is actually your new best friend! It acts as a barrier between parasites and unwanted bacteria and the gastro intestinal tract (GIT).
... The higher the concentration of HCL, the better protected the GIT is, as it helps to preserve the good bacteria, or gut flora.
Let’s have a look at ways we can increase the stomach acid production naturally:
Digestive Elixirs:
If regularly consumed, Digestive Elixir combined with other healthier habits for your Digestive System could help you to improve stomach acid production and reduce symptoms such as:
- nausea - bloating - acid reflux - weight gain - constipation - excessive gas - stomach discomfort - intolerances and inflammation in the body
It can take anytime between 2 - 12 months to feel the difference. The time depends on your current stomach health, to understand how healthy your stomach is, perform this easy Stomach Acidity Test which you can find in my previous article or on my website: .uk
👍 Digestive Elixir Variations:
✅Option one: 100ml of filtered water + 1 teaspoon of organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
✅Option two: 100ml of filtered water + 1 teaspoon of (ACV) and a squeeze of half a lemon
✅Option three: 100ml of room temperature sparkling water + squeeze of half a lemon or lime
✅Option four: 100ml of filtered water + Digestive Elixir Drops (Viridian) or Digestive Bitters (Napier’s the Herbalists)
✅Option five: 100ml of tepid organic digestive tea (fennel, mint, digestive mix) and a capsule or two of digestive enzymes
Drink this Elixir 15 - 20 minutes before each meal. NOTE: feel free to add cayenne pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper and other spices for even greater benefits :)
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💦 Hydration 💦

Water as the first step towards a healthy you!
Quantity: 30ml for 1kg of body weight: Example: 50kg = 50x30ml = 1.5l a day for an optimum flow of metabolic processes.
Your weight x 30 = of water a day!
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💦Do you drink with meals or after💦?

 . Drinking water with meals is one of the most common triggers for poor health long term.
In order to extract nutrients from food the body produces stomach acid (hydrochloric acid). The greater the concentration of the acidity during the digestive process, which is approximately 2 hours the better food will be digested, nutrients separated from the proteins and bad bacteria neutralised.
... For example good stomach acidity is required to activate the intrinsic factor which is responsible for transporting B12 to the colon for its absorption.
B12 borderline deficiency or severe deficiency is a very common condition observed in my clinical practice in clients over 40 years old.
The severe B12 deficiency manifests with:
. - brain fog 
- low energy
 - poor memory 
- heart palpitation
 - numbness.
But often it can be also asymptomatic.
The primarily reason why we should not drink water with meals is the difference in pH.
Water is alkaline and it neutralizes stomach acid interfering with the digestive process. Low stomach acid means the food will not be properly decomposed resulting in lack of availability of nutrients, especially minerals and amino-acids.
Undigested food creates inflammation in the body and unbalanced pH in the intestine which contributes to SIBO and other pathological bacteria and viruses.
Over years this habit massively affects the performance of the digestive system, the malfunctioning of which is linked to many chronic health issues.
It is very important to hydrate your body prior to your meal, to provide the resource to create stomach acidity when you eat.
💦Optimal drinking timing💦:
TIME: The perfect time is 30 minutes before each meal and not earlier than 2h after, when the digestive process has completed.
🕵️‍♀️QUANTITY: Drink between 300 – 500ml each time. As mentioned before digestion takes approximately 2 hours, that’s the time you should leave your digestive system in peace to perform its job optimally for your better health.
🙌Out Digestive Wellness Program 🌈 starting soon, if you would like to join us to receive more personalised approach and motivation, please comment below or visit my websitehttps://www.tunbridgewellsnutritio
#healthiswealth #fitlondon #fitnesslondon #londonyoga #tunbridgewellsevents #nutritionistlondon #healing #healingenergy #healthprogramme #healthprogram #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlossprogress #digestivehealth #functionalmedicine #healingvibrations #healingjourney #healthylifestyle #tunbridgewellness #tunbridgewells #nutrition #nutritionistapproved #healthylondon #n_n_nutritionist 😃
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Stomach acidity is one of the major keys to digestive and therefore overall health. This is because HCL (Hydro Chloric Acid) is the first defence barrier between bacteria and other parasitic forms from outside and the GIT (Gastro Intestinal Tract). . The greater the concentration the higher the protection and preservation of the good gut flora in the intestines.�� . Another vital role of the HCL is the break down of foods particles to smaller pieces so they can be further pr...
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Were you told you have High Stomach Acidity? It’s FALSE

! . Our body symptoms are often interpreted superficially and not investigated properly in orthodox medicine. Do you agree? . This is because of a lack of wholistic knowledge in physiology, time limits and because medicine primarily is based on symptom reduction and not prevention or investigation of root causes.

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Our digestive system is closely linked to our brain, this explains how stress affects our digestion. The body has two modes that express our state. The first mode is “Fight or Flight”, during which we experience an increased heart rate, anxiety, high concentration, blood pressure swings and sweating. This mode prepares our body to fight and if we have a full stomach that will be flushed out the body to make it lighter (a familiar situation for people with IBS).�
High stress s...ituations also suppress the product of Hydrochloric Acid, therefore eating at this time will result in food not being digested properly.
Consequently, perialstisis (involuntary bowel movements) is slowed leading to constipation, excessive gas and the sluggishness associated with a feeling of undigested food sitting in the stomach.
�The second mode is “Rest & Digest”, during which the body extracts all the nutrients very efficiently, energy is preserved and repair and restoration are allowed to take place in the body.��
The Rest & Digest mode is very important for the production of stomach acid (hydrocloric acid) which ensures the extraction of nutrients and optimisation of the following passages of the food’s digestion. To ensure this happens, prioritise your meal time and give your body sometime to switch off from “Fight or Flight” to “Rest & Digest”.��
Other factors that lead to a poorly functioning digestive systems can vary from person to person, such as a lack of minerals (especially zinc), low stomach acid production, physiological abnormalities in the organs of the digestive system, SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth), dysbiosis, or an overgrowth of H. Pylory, mucus in the intestines (but especially in colon).
The most efficient way to find out your root cause is to receive a professional opinion and guidance, book your consultation today and get better quicker, click here: .uk
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Digestive System is a set of multiple organs that work synergistically in order to perform vital functions for our body.
This fascinating “machinery” transforms food we eat into small particles that our bodies use as fuel, to rebuild and to initiate multiple chemical reactions which promote life. Isn’t that brilliant?
The whole digestive process is very complicated and involves thousands of simultaneous reactions, but let me guide you though this process and simplifying it ...
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More about Nadiya Naturopathic Nutritionist

Nadiya Naturopathic Nutritionist is located at High Street, TN4 8RY Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent