Nana'S Japanese

Monday: -
Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 15:00
Friday: 12:00 - 15:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -

About Nana'S Japanese

Hearty, healthy, delicious Japanese meals and great coffee served with a smile by Nana and her team. Dine in and take away options available.



#10yearchallenge 32 to 22 Same jewelry. Different glasses. Skinnier back then.... Wiser now (I hope!). Still the same Nana.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #japanese #selfie #japaneserestaurant #japanesefood #10е№ҙеүҚ
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠSalmon Katsu with sesame miso sauce. пјҠJagabata deep fried potato with butter and soy sauce. пјҠStewed mooli and bean curd with yuzu пјҠCucumber salad with sesame oil.... пјҠNukazuke carrots.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #loveleam #жө·еӨ–гҒ§е’ҢйЈҹ #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #japanese #japanesefood #homestyle #japaneserestaurant #restaurant #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғі #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғігӮ№гғ‘ #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“
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January Sushi night will be on Thursday 31st January!! The first Sushi night of the year! Opening hour 18:30-21:00(last order) Swipe to see the menu . .... Everything will be freshly prepared by orders. Appology in advance for the slow service. . . вҖ»Normal menu won't be served. We have a special Sushi menu! вҖ»No student discount. . . пјҠDear customersпјҠ Sushi night is extremely popular, please inform us if you can't make it and that will make someone else happy!! Thank you. . . вҖ»Bookings only 01926311323
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #nanas #leamington #жө·еӨ–гҒ§е’ҢйЈҹ #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #sushi #japanese #realjapanese #japaneserestaurant #japanesefood #authentic #propersushi #loveleam #еҜҝеҸё
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠMapo tofu spicy stir fried okara, pork mince and tofu. пјҠTurnip leaves with shio kombu salted sea kelp. пјҠOkara mochi with dashi soy sauce. пјҠStir fried bean sprouts and french bean with ponzu.... пјҠNukazuke cucumber.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #loveleam #japanese #japanesefood #japaneserestaurant #homestyle #homecooking #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #жө·еӨ–гҒ§е’ҢйЈҹ #okara #гҒҠгҒӢгӮү #е®ҡйЈҹ #authentic #teishoku
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Vegan night at Nana's on Thursday 17th January 18:30-21:00. . . пјҠA la Carte orders only. пјҠBooking recommended.... пјҠIt might take time to serve as cooking by orders. пјҠNo student discounts. пјҠMenu might change depends on supplies. . For bookings 01926311323 or . . #nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #japanese #japanesefood #vegan #japaneserestaurant #жө·еӨ–гҒ§е’ҢйЈҹ #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #loveleam #veganmenu #veganuary #vegandessert #зІҫйҖІж–ҷзҗҶ #гғҙгӮЈгғјгӮ¬гғі #authentic #homestyle #homecooking
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Today's Tasting Tray. пјҠOkara and pork burger with grated mooli and ponzu. пјҠBean sprouts salad. пјҠTurnip leaves furikake rice condiment. пјҠUnohana stir fried okara.... пјҠNukazuke mooli.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #жө·еӨ–гҒ§е’ҢйЈҹ #loveleam #leamingtonspa #leamington #comfortfood #warwickshire #Japanese #japanesefood #authentic #okara #гҒҠгҒӢгӮү #healthy #soybeans #japaneserestaurant #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғі #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғігӮ№гғ‘
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First pic: I finally feel it is New year after having Ozoni the New year's Mochi soup (Tokyo style). . . Second pic: In Kanto region New year last until 7th January, called Matsunouchi, the day we take down all the New year's decoration and eat nanakusa gayu the seven vegetables congee to rest our stomach from eating heavily over the new year, also to wish for healthy year. .... . гӮ„гҒЈгҒЁгҒ“гҒ•гҒҠйӣ‘з…®гӮ’гҒ„гҒҹгҒ гҒҚгҒ ҫгҒ—гҒҹгҖӮ 家гҒ«гҒӮгҒЈгҒҹгӮӮгҒ®гҒ§дҪңгҒЈгҒҹгҒ®гҒ§гҖ ҒеҪ©гӮҠгҒҜгҒӮгӮҠгҒҫгҒӣгӮ“гҒҢгҖҒеҝғгӮ’иҫј гӮҒгҒҰдёҒеҜ§гҒ«дҪңгҒЈгҒҹгҒ®гҒ§гҖҒзҫҺе‘іг Ғ—гҒӢгҒЈгҒҹгҒ§гҒҷгҖӮ . дёғиҚүгҒӘгҒ„гҒ‘гҒ©гҖҒд»Ҡжңқеңҹдә•е–„жҷҙгҒ •гӮ“гҒҢеӨ§ж №гҒЁи‘үгҒ гҒ‘гҒ§гҒ„гҒ„гҒӢгӮү гҒЁгғ„гӮӨгғјгғҲгҒ—гҒҰгҒ„гҒҹгҒ®гҒ§гҖҒгҒҠй ӣ‘з…®гҒ®гҒҠеҮәжұҒгӮ’дҪҝгҒ„гҖҒдёғиҚүгҒҢгӮ ҶйўЁгҖӮ . . иҮӘеҲҶгҒ®еӣҪгҒ®ж–ҮеҢ–гҒҜеӨ§еҲҮгҒ«гҒ—гҒӘгҒ „гҒЁгҒ„гҒ‘гҒҫгҒӣгӮ“гҖӮ . #nanasjapanese #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #loveleam #leamington #comfortfood #newyear #newyearfood #Ozoni #Nanakusagayu #japanese #japanesefood #japaneserestaurant #nanasleamington #warwickshire #leamingtonspa #mochi #гҒҠйӣ‘з…® #дёғиҚүгҒҢгӮҶ #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“ #жө·еӨ–гҒ§е’ҢйЈҹ #japanesenewyear
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The first Tasting Tray in 2019. I hope to make more of customers smile and happy at Nana's this year!! . пјҠChicken tempura. пјҠTamagoyaki rolled omlette with red ginger. ... пјҠMonk's tofu and potato miso gratine. пјҠSeaweed tsukudani rice condiment. пјҠNukazuke carrot.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #loveleam #leamington #comfortfood #homestyle #leamimgtonspa #warwickshire #japanesefood #jaranese #authentic #teishoku #homecooking
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It's our last day in 2018 tomorrow!! Don't forget that we open as usual from Friday 4th January. . . Thank you all for lovely support and it's been a fantastic year!!... . I would like to keep improving and do the best to serve great home cooked Japanese food in 2019. . жҳҺж—ҘгҒҢ2018е№ҙгҒ®жңҖзөӮе–¶жҘӯж—ҘгҒ§гҒҷг ҖӮ д»Ҡе№ҙгҒҜгҒҠе®ўж§ҳгӮӮеў—гҒҲгҖҒгҒЁгҒҰгӮӮе… …е®ҹгҒ—гҒҹе№ҙгҒЁгҒӘгӮҠгҒҫгҒ—гҒҹгҖӮ гҒҫгҒ гҒҫгҒ жңӘзҶҹгҒ§гҒҷгҒҢгҖҒгҒ“гӮҢгҒӢгӮ үгӮӮзІҫйҖІгҒ—гҒҰгҒ„гҒҚгҒҹгҒ„гҒЁжҖқгҒ„гҒҫ гҒҷгҖӮ гҒ„гҒӨгӮӮжҡ–гҒӢгҒ„еҝңжҸҙгҒӮгӮҠгҒҢгҒЁгҒҶгҒ ”гҒ–гҒ„гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ
#bestnine2018 #nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamingtonspa #japanese #japanesefood #japaneserestaurant #loveleam #leamington #homestyle #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #warwickshire #foodie #foodgram #authentic #cooking #food #comfortfood #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“ #thankyou #2018
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Merry ChristmasрҹҺ„ Hope everyone had a lovely time!!
гғЎгғӘгғјгӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№ гғӣгғғгғҲгӮ№гғўгғјгӮҜгӮөгғјгғўгғігҒӢгӮүгҒ ®дёғйқўйіҘгҒқгҒ—гҒҰгӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№гғ—гғҮ гӮЈгғігӮ°гҒ§з· гӮҒгҒҸгҒҸгӮҠгҖӮ... д»Ҡе№ҙгӮӮзҫҺе‘ігҒ—гӮ…гҒҶгҒ”гҒ–гӮ“гҒҷгҖӮгҒ ӮгӮҠгҒҢгҒЁгҒҶгҖӮ
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamingtonspa #leamington #warwickshire #christmas #christmasdinner #dinner #hotsmokesalmon #turkey #Christmaspudding #гӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№ #гӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№гғҮгӮЈгғҠгғј #fortnumandmason #гғ•гӮ©гғјгғҲгғҠгғ гӮўгғігғүгғЎгӮӨгӮҪгғі #гӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№гӮҜгғ©гғғгӮ«гғј #дёғйқўйіҘ #гӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№гғ—гғҮгӮЈгғігӮ° #homecooking #japanese
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠSteamed cabbage and chicken with ponzu and yuzukosho. пјҠSteam fried carrot with umeboshi saltem plum. пјҠDeep fried beetroot with sumiso sweet vinegar miso. пјҠChinese leaf and beancurd stew.... пјҠNukazuke cucumber.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #nanas #leamington #leamingtonspa #japanesefood #japanese #japaneserestaurant #teishoku #authentic #foodie #foodgram #warwickshire #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #loveleam #homestyle #homecooking #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“ #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғі #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғігӮ№гғ‘ #lunch #speciallunch
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠBeef curry пјҠTamagoyaki rolled omelette with shiokombu saltem sea kelp. пјҠSteam fried carrots and mooli with sesame oil. пјҠStir fried Konjac.... пјҠNukazuke mooli.
#loveleam #nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #japanesefood #japaneserestaurant #restaurant #independentbusiness #japanese #homestyle #homecooking #teishoku #beefcurry #authentic #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“ #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғігӮ№гғ‘ #гғ¬гғҹгғігғҲгғі
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠChicken nanban kara-a-ge soaked in vinegary sauce with homemade tartar sauce. пјҠBroccoli and cabbage stir fry with miso. пјҠChinese leaves ohitashi with yukari shiso basil. пјҠSteam fried mooli.... пјҠNukazuke cucumber.
#ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #nanas #japanesefood #japanese #japaneserestaurant #teishoku #food #chickennanban #loveleam #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #instafood #homecooking #homestyle
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠMa-po tofu spicy stir fried pork mince and tofu. пјҠPadron pepper with teriyaki sauce and ginger. пјҠStewed mooli with kinzanji miso. пјҠSeaweed tsukudani rice condiment with sansho mountain pepper.... пјҠNukazuke carrots.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #nanas #japanesefood #japanese #properjapanesefood #homecooking #homestyle #japaneserestaurant #loveleam #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #loveleam #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #instafood #restaurant #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“ #teishoku #lunch #balanceddiet
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠhanba-gu Japanese style pork burger with ponzu. пјҠMooli steak with sansho mountain pepper. пјҠJaga-butter deep fried potatos with soy and butter. пјҠStir fried broccoli with garlic and soy.... пјҠNukazuke carrots.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #balanceddiet #homecooking #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #loveleam #japanesefood #japaneserestaurant #japanese #properjapanese #teishoku #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“ #instafood
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠMenchi-katsu deep fried bread crumbed Japanese style pork burger. пјҠNitamago boiled egg soaked in dashi soy sauce. пјҠStewed Chinese leaves and tofu with ponzu. пјҠSalmon flakes cooked in soy.... пјҠNukazuke cucumbers.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #japanese #teishoku #japanesefood #japaneserestaurant #Leamingtonspa #leamington #warwickshire #restaurant #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #е®ҡйЈҹ #menchikatsu #гғЎгғігғҒгӮ«гғ„ #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“ #homecooking #homestyle #healthyeating #balanceddiet
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Today's Tasting Tray пјҠSteam fried chicken and cabbage with yuzukosho (yuzu chilies). пјҠTamagoyaki rolled omlette with red ginger. пјҠStir fried tofu with sesame oil. пјҠChinese leaves ohitashi with yukari.... пјҠNukazuke mooli.
#nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamington #leamingtonspa #warwickshire #japanese #properjapanese #realjapanese #japanesefood #food #healthy #teishoku #е®ҡйЈҹ #ж—ҘжӣҝгӮҸгӮҠе®ҡйЈҹ #lunch #гғ©гғігғҒе®ҡйЈҹ #japaneserestaurant #е®ҡйЈҹеұӢгҒ•гӮ“
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Once upon a time... Chatsworth House is just stunning with festive mood. . и©ұгҒ«гҒҜиҒһгҒ„гҒҰгҒ„гҒҹгғҒгғЈгғ„гғҜгғјгӮ №гҒ«иЎҢгҒЈгҒҰгҒҚгҒҫгҒ—гҒҹпјҒзҫҺгҒ—гҒ„дёҳ гҒЁзҙ жҷҙгӮүгҒ—гҒ„е»әзү©гҒ®иӘҝе’ҢгҖӮ .... #nanasjapanese #nanasleamington #leamingtonspa #leamington #warwickshire #japanese #japaneserestaurant #derbyshire #chatsworth #chatsworthhouse #peakdistrict #Christmas #christmasdecorations #гӮҜгғӘгӮ№гғһгӮ№ #гғҒгғЈгғ„гғҜгғјгӮ№ #гғ”гғјгӮҜгғҮгӮЈгӮ№гғҲгғӘгӮҜгғҲ #гӮӨгӮ®гғӘгӮ№ #иӢұеӣҪ @ Chatsworth House
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гӮӯгғғгғҒгғіиЈңеҠ©гӮ№гӮҝгғғгғ•гӮ’еӢҹйӣҶгҒ —гҒҰгҒ„гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ иҲҲе‘ігҒ®гҒӮгӮӢж–№гҒҜгҒ”йҖЈзөЎгҒҸгҒ гҒ•гҒ „пјҒ гӮҲгӮҚгҒ—гҒҸгҒҠйЎҳгҒ„гҒ—гҒҫгҒҷгҖӮ


We've been to Nana's twice now and have been delighted with the super-tasty comfort food and yummy drinks. The BBQ beef donburi and marinated chicken donburi are particularly noteworthy and the matcha latte is a real treat. I'm gluten intolerant and it is easy to find non gluten-containing meals here. We find the atmosphere really calm and relaxing and the staff are lovely. So nice to have a proper Japanese cafe in Leamington!


My favourite restaurant to come home to in the uni holidays! Nana and team are so friendly and her restaurant has such a relaxing atmosphere. The food is always so tasty and interesting to try! Thank you Nana пҝҪ


I visited last month at lunchtime to try the taster tray. What can I say, it was full of different flavours and textures and highly recommended. The staff that served me were highly enthusiastic and clearly passionate about the food they serve.

Next time you walk by this place and are hungry, stop in your tracks and go for it!!


I have been after somewhere that does authentic Japanese food, tried all the local places but they are either too commercial or too expensive and just not right.

I was had high hopes for this place as it felt right, well it definitely exceeded my expectations just now. The food is excellent, it is served just like the many times I have been in Japan. They have managed to use local vegetables in place and it works very well. The rice is endless (real sticky rice) and the tea (I have the one with rice in under her recommendation and that was a new flavour and taste, going to be hard not to have that next time).

I felt a little reluctant to give a review as they dont have many places and I want to make sure that I can get a spot next time that we go which wont be long!

Love the fact that they do Bento boxes and Sushi takeout, means that even if they are too busy (I bet Saturday's are bad) then I can get my fix!

Oh and the people in there are lovely, very attentive and seem very proud of their food and willing to explain it.

A big 5 stars from me.

More about Nana'S Japanese

Nana'S Japanese is located at 31 Regent Street, CV32 5EJ Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
Monday: -
Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 15:00
Friday: 12:00 - 15:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -