Naomi Louise Massage Therapist & Reiki Master

Monday: 08:30 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 19:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -

About Naomi Louise Massage Therapist & Reiki Master

Whether you are looking for Soft Tissue Therapy and advice on a problem or a relaxing massage then I'm the therapist for you. Trained in Sports Therapy /Massage, Swedish Massage, Warm Bamboo and Complimentary Therapies for Cancer.



Anyone interested in how you should be stretching out properly, before and after exercise is welcome to join is.
All abilities welcome!


Who fancies being shown how to warm up and cool down/stretch properly?
It’s the one thing most people ignore but it can def help stop injuries/aches and pains.
Plan of action, warm up starts at 7pm, run around Henlow Lakes, finishing off with a good stretchy cool down.
... Don’t worry if you’re not that fit, this is not a race, more of a social. I’ll probably have to walk part of it 😂
Totally free and bring a friend!
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Do you drink enough?


Fed up with painful massages?
Why not try Myofascial Release?
Myofascia is a sheath of tissue that surrounds all our muscles and when we get adhesions between the muscle and Myofascia then it restricts the muscles movement, leaving tight, sore muscles.
... Myofascial Release is also very relaxing as it is long, slow movements. The pressure is firm enough to release the adhesions without being painful.
Why not give it a go?
Have a great evening all! 😊
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Mind over Matter?
Can we really overcome physical ailments with our minds?
Simple answer is yes!
... Now we are not talking major ailments such as diabetes, cancer etc
We are talking your every day sick bugs, colds, some depression etc
How many times have you really dreaded doing something or going somewhere and you’ve woken up feeling ill?
In a job that you can’t stand but you need to work and you’ve struggled finding another job, then bingo,depression comes knocking on your door.
Has your child been ill more than usual lately? Maybe it’s time to talk and find out what’s really going on in their head. They may not even know it themselves.
Are they really as happy at school as they seem?
Or maybe you’re busy working parents and these are just symptoms that they want to spend more time with you? If they are off school sick they get to spend a whole day with a parent who has to take time off too.
Very often we are so busy with our lives that we don’t see what is going on underneath and our mind helps us to cope by throwing an illness into it all so we have to stop.
We’ve all got that one person in the workplace that is constantly off, what is really going on in their lives? How happy are they?
With some people their mindset is so fixed that they can’t see a way out, they enjoy playing the victim or having people fuss over them when they are ill, so again the mind makes a physical ailment for the process to happen.
How do we change this?
First you need to identify the why. This can take a lot of soul searching and you need to be totally honest with yourself.
Once you know why, that’s half the battle done.
Next puts steps in place to change.
If it’s your job, get someone to look at your CV to see if it can be improved. Take your time applying for jobs rather than just rushing and applying for everything.
If it’s a child, discuss with them setting a time aside each week that is quality one on one time. It can be anything from a picnic in the park to a day out. Make sure there is time to really sit down and talk.
For families, make sure you sit down for a meal together a few times a week. You’d be surprised at how many families never eat together but all live under the same roof. It’s a great time to talk and bond.
So yes, your mind can play all sorts of tricks on you including real physical ailments.
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I’m a very lucky lady! Look what one client bought me back from their holiday to Cornwall.
Thank you so much! I love fudge!


Zoe West, congratulations!


Are you pregnant or know someone who is?
Are you worried about giving birth?
Why not have a chat with Abby to see how she can help you.
... dbeyond/
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This isn’t just carpal tunnel prevention, sitting at a desk all day is common in many back, shoulder, neck or arm related problems.
So jack in the office job and get outside 😃
And yes, tell your boss I told you too 😂🤣


Let’s have a bit of a GIVEAWAY! 😃
In my marathon clear up today I came across a few items I’ve been given as freebies.
Here’s the first one, a set of chakra stones.
... To be in with a chance, make sure you like the page, not just this post and comment with Reiki Rocks! 😃
I’ll put all the names in a hat and draw it on Sunday 12th May at 8pm!
Good luck!
Ps winner must be able to collect from SG16
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As I’ve been telling some of you, they are finally out on display.
All the fragrances I use when massaging or doing Reiki you can now purchase! posts/334344353895862?sfns=mo


Do you look after your feet?
We spend a long time on our feet and I’ve seen lots of marathon runners lately that have given their feet a good pounding.
Very often we start building up areas of hard skin and if we build up enough it can alter, very slightly, how we walk or run.
... It can become dry, cracked and painful.
Did you know I am qualified to deal with this?
I can remove the hard skin, tidy your nails and finish with a lovely foot massage. Bring along your favourite nail polish and I’ll paint them too!
So with summer just around the corner, why not add this onto your normal appointment for just £10!
Leave feeling like you are floating on air!
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This is how I will look at 8pm tonight! Massively busy day 😂😂


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Now filled ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have a cancellation for tomorrow morning, yes a Saturday appt, at 11.20am. If you would like to take it please contact me!
... Thank you
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So this week has been quite surreal!
On several local pages people have asked for recommendations for a massage therapist.
On every single one I have been recommended and sometimes several times.
... It’s recommendations like these that keep me as busy as I am.
So as a thank you to those that recommended me, I know who you all are, there will be a little something for you next time you I see you.
Have a fantastic Friday! 😃
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We have been having some lovely weather and the flip flops are coming out.
Unfortunately, flip flops create all sorts of problems.
... Problems caused by flip flops can range from sore feet, tight calves, knee pain and even hip/lower back pain.
So what can you do to help?
My official advice is don’t wear them, but that is never going to happen, is it 🤷🏻‍♀️
So look for ones that have more support, these ones in the picture are flat as a pancake, with no support at all.
Limit the time you wear them. If you are on the beach, around the pool or in the house, you are better off bare foot.
Don’t wear them for long walks, my friend used to do the 2 mile school run in them and then wonder why her legs hurt 🤦🏻‍♀️
Each day spend some time rolling a tennis ball under your foot to massage it. A tennis ball can even be used on your calves and legs to help them.
If you have any problems that can’t be fixed by the above, then you know who to call! 😃
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For those of you that like the holistic side to massage.
Massage rocks! I have plenty of crystals here to help restore balance to your body and mind.
Just take a look at the crystals I have and if one jumps out at you, I shall place it on your body whilst working on you and explain how the crystal can help you.
... Have a fantastic Friday all! 😃
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Kids going back to school, make sure you book in for some ‘me’ time.
Even if you have no kids or their older, well just book in anyway 😉

More about Naomi Louise Massage Therapist & Reiki Master

Naomi Louise Massage Therapist & Reiki Master is located at Bedford Road, SG16 6DZ Henlow
Monday: 08:30 - 19:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 19:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -