Natal Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Natal Hypnotherapy

UKs leading provider of hypnobirthing downloads, books, classes in person and online hypnobirthing course - Est 2001



Lovely inspiring read.


Huge congratulations to Harry and Megan




Over the summer I’ve been working hard in a new online training course. Watch this space.... via


A miracle!


National talk like a pirate ! 🏴


So true! How many of us have woken up with a leg or arm across our face!


Always a controversial topic but one which should be talked about openly. Personally we slept with all our babies until aged 2. That worked for us and just felt right.…/babies-sho uld-sleep-with-thei…/


And breathe....


Relax ✌ ️


A wonderful demonstration of natural instincts kicking in. Admittedly the tiger was in captivity and being observed but still a wonderful video showing the natural (calm, quiet) progression of birth o-lifeless-cub-th…/


And here is the last advice to stay on top this summer! I hope these tips have helped you to live better this summer during pregnancy! Take care of yourself 🌞🌻❤️


Before last advice for stay cool in the summer... Relax 🌻❤️


Good day to all 🐱


Breastfeeding week 👶💗


Tip n°13 🌞❤️


"A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone"


Thanks to natal hypnotherapy I birthed my twin girls last night in 1.5 hours, breathed them out. They are both so relaxed and I had a dream delivery minimal intervention. I cannot recommend this enough. One very happy mother.


Natal hypnotherapy is amazing! I used it for the birth of my 1st child 2 years ago and I'm now practicing Natal Hypnotherapy for home birth for my 2nd child. This time around I have not been able stay awake yet while the cd has been playing and have had some anxiety about it not working when I need it to!! Having had some Braxton hicks and twinges tonight I'm relieved that I seemed to enter a relaxed hypnotic state automatically and I know this will be my support through birth number 2. Absolutely amazing!


My first birth was very traumatic ending in an emergency c-section. When I got pregnant again I was determined to have the natural birth I had wanted the first time around. A friend recommended the Natal Hypnotherapy book and CDs. Reading the book helped me to understand what went wrong the first time and how staying calm, relaxed and in control would give me more chance of having a natural birth. I listened to the CD a lot which was also brilliant for relaxation and giving me strategies to use during labour.

I ended up contracting for 70 hours before giving birth and had a lot of self doubt during that time about how I could keep going but I played the CD a lot and used the strategies I had learnt.

I went to the hospital at 5cm dilated, only 4 hrs before I delivered. I used tealights and music in the room as well as a lavender bag and pillow and blanket from home. What helped me the most was using 321 relax during every contraction and visualising being on a beach. I had to be monitored the whole time but was still able to stand and do what felt right for my body.

I ended up with a ventouse delivery due to baby's heart rate dropping at the end, but still felt calm and in control throughout. They had wanted to use forceps but I felt confident that I could push the baby out with the help of the suction cap. I delivered the placenta naturally after 4 minutes and then enjoyed hrs of skin to skin with baby, something I barely remembered the first time around. Thank you Natal Hypnotherapy!


Life changing! Before attending the two day course I was dreading labour, but I found that my anxieties melted away and I had a really relaxed and calm birth experience. There were challening moments in the car on the way to hospital but I was able to focus on my breathing and calm myself back down. I actually found that I loved the labour! I really credit NH for giving me the tools to enjoy the experience and have a drug free birth (which was an added bonus). I would highly recommend anyone who is pregnant attned one of the local courses and listen to the downloads.


Just want to say a big thank you for making my birth experience a better one. I was very worried about having my first child but then I was introduced to Natal Hypnotherapy. I purchased the book and three cds. I wasn't sure at first if this wud make any difference to my anxiety but gave it a go anyway. I was committed to each disc from day dot and followed the scheme completely. I became more confident and less stressed about the idea of giving birth. So wen the big day arrived I zoned out and used all the skills I had learnt. My birth partners were surprised at just how well I was coping. They supported my choices and allowed me to do what I needed. Unfortunately my birth was complicated and ended in an emergency c-section which I accepted. Was a shame tho as I wanted to follow the labour disc right to the end. Nevertheless I wudnt of stayed as calm and in control without it and I wud definately use these again if I had anymore children. Thank you so much!


I wanted as natural birth as possible. I listened to the cd towards the end of my pregnancy, and had the soothing music playing in the birthing room. I felt like I could fully trust my body and had a wonderful calm water birth. (Won't mention the tearing as not relevant..) My midwife said it was one of the calmest births she'd ever attended. My partner was amazed that I uttered not one swear word! Will definitely be using the Cd's for my next birth.


I used the effective birth preparation cd to prepare for the birth of my third child. I had wanted to birth her at home, with no pain relief in water.

My first birth was very traumatic leading to all kinds of interventions and an emergency section.

My second birth was a lot better and I had a natural birth in hospital; however I spent the whole labour in fear and feeling out of control. I ended up tearing and taking a long time to recover

I started these cds from 32 weeks and set time aside most evenings, I also incorporated essential oils. I gave birth to my daughter last week using the techniques I learnt: at home, in water as planned achieving a lovely calm birth. I felt in control and I did not have any tearing or even feel like I had given birth afterwards (9lb14oz). My husband has since commented that he didn't even believe I was in labour as I was so calm and quiet throughout.

I will now be recommending these cds to all pregnant friends!


I used the cd during my second pregnancy after a horrible delivery with my first baby. All I can say is it must have helped as my second labour and delivery couldn't have gone much smoother! A much better experience all round. Thank you!


I used the Effective Birth Preparation CD. I cannot speak highly enough of it. I like practical, no nonsense advice and found the style of the narration suited me perfectly. I bought the CD thinking it might have some positive effect and to my astonishment I found not only did it relax me in my late pregnancy, it also equipped me to have the most wonderful and enjoyable birth. If I ever met Maggie Howell she would find me crying, hugging her and thanking her from the bottom of my heart for helping me to have the birth experience I had. I cannot recommend Natal Hypnotherapy enough. Thank you for the amazing work you are doing. Keep up the good job.


I listened to the birth preparation CD during both of my pregnancies. I felt relaxed throughout both my labours, even when things didn't quite go to plan. I'd recommend Natal Hypnotherapy to anyone expecting a baby.


I just had the book and downloaded the CD’s, but I listened to them religiously from about 36 weeks onwards. I had planned and envisioned myself having a beautiful, calm MLU water birth.

However, baba had other plans! He stopped growing from 38-40 weeks, the placenta was giving up and we were given the option of induction. After using BRAIN and considering our options, we chose to be induced, which was booked the following day. Not long into the induction, babas heart rate dropped repeatedly, and once my waters had broken, it didn’t recover. The decision was made very quickly to perform an emergency section under general anaesthetic.

Our birth was my worst nightmare, the complete opposite of what we had hoped for! However, to this day I believe it is partly thanks to hypnobirthing that I was not only able to keep myself extremely calm, but I have coped exceptionally well. After the section, the anaesthetist and surgeon both commented on how calm I was. (I will also say here that this was also hugely with credit to the amazing staff at Arrowe Park hospital on the Wirral, especially the hypnobirthing trained midwife who kept me in my mind space - all the staff were phenomenal. This is only why I say hypnobirthing was partly to thanks - that and the staff were joined up beautifully).

So thank you for giving me the tools to cope with my worst nightmare, and to still, somehow, be able to consider my birth a positive experience!

I don’t know how I will choose to give birth next time - if baby gives a choice � but I know that we will be booking onto the full course!


Horrible, 51 hour, first labour in hospital, having not used hypnotherapy. I was determined to have a completely different experience the second time and that's what I got, thanks to these CDs, being at home and having a birth pool. Only 8 hours from the the very beginning until she was in my arms. I was so relaxed and in control. The sensations felt like pressure, not pain. I used no pain relief - I just didn't need it. I needed to have a birth like this to help heal the trauma I remembered from the first. It changed the way I felt and gave me the most precious experience of my life. Thank you. I can't recommend the CDs highly enough and tell anyone I meet (who is pregnant :) ) to get hold of them. I only wish they were available to all Mums, on the NHS.


Highly recommended! I used the natal hypnotherapy cd's with my first child 5 years ago and had a great birth experience. This year, pregnant with my second child I used them again although found myself doubting myself more this time round-so many people talk about a bad birth experience was my first a one off? This was heightened when I went overdue and had to fight not to be induced, I was scared of ending up on a drip and not getting the waterbirth I wanted (I had to fight to he able to be accepted for that due to my booking in bmi making me "higher risk" despite having a healthy pregnancy). I ended up starting the induction process after being scared into it by the hospital. I had some back ache that morning so I think I was already starting myself before the hospital started the induction process. I kept thinking back to the cs's, that whatever happens I will be able to cope. I needn't have worried. Although I was in a ward without my partner and my contractions weren't regular enough for the staff to think I was in labour I relaxed and focused on my body. When the staff came to check me (due to starting the induction process the baby needed monitored for around 30 minutes every 4 hours) they suggested checking how I was doing as I explained I was feeling some pressure. Turns out I was 4cm dilated, had to finish the monitoring but then got to go to the birthing pool and around an hour later my beautiful 10lb 10oz boy was born (his sister was over 3lbs lighter so I was not expecting that!). No stitches and out of hospital 9 hours later. Thank you natal hypnotherapy, thank you thank you thank you!


Hi there, I want to thank you so much for the wonderful natal hypnotherapy cd. I 100% believe that it enabled me to bring my baby safely into this world without the need for any medicated pain relief and also whilst keeping my baby calm throughout it all. I listened to the cd every day for 4 weeks prior to the birth and although I didn't listen to the relaxation cd at the birth ( I left it in the car by mistake!) I used the techniques recommended and just felt very calm and in control. The midwives were in disbelief at how relaxed I seemed and told me that next time I should opt for a home birth as I was so chilled! I will be recommending the cd to all mothers to be! I went to hospital at 8pm and gave birth at 3:09. Not long at all!Thanks so much


Found the cds amazing. I used them when pregnant with my first. So started using them 7 years ago and then again 5 year's ago when pregnant with my 2nd.

Both my pregnancies were so relaxing and enjoyable, my birthing experience is still vividly strong in my mind, which is beautiful as all I feel is joy and happiness, and I'm sure it's all to do witg these cds and if I think 3 2 1 relax I do feel instantly calmer.

I think these cds helped in making me the person I am now. I feel so happy snd calm and feel ss though I've found peace within myself

So yes highly recommend. I'd also recommend the general relaxation CD, which I also purchased :)


Absolutely fantastic! I had such a calm and quick labour thanks to the cd! It helped so much, I would thoroughly recommend everyone to try it!


Absolutely amazing. I had 3 increduble births using natal hypnotherapy. The third birth was not straight forward but thanks to natal hypnotherapy and a wonderful independent midwife I remained calm and relaxed and had such a positive experience. I recommend this programme highly.


Absolutely amazing! in April 2015 I had a vbac it was the most healing experience of my life after a traumatic cesarean section in 2011 I knew I wanted to try hypnosis for my next baby and it worked a treat the midwives and my consultant didn't believe I was labouring I smiled all the way through my surges and remember every detail 😍 Maggie Howell you are amazing and have changed my life and the way I view birth I tell everyone about hypno birthing!


I like it. Natal in Portuguese means Xtmas which I did like the last xtmas though but apart of that hated. Its cold dark and scary.i like to be safe snuggling and warm .but I love my mum


Thanks to natal hypnotherapy I birthed my twin girls last night in 1.5 hours, breathed them out. They are both so relaxed and I had a dream delivery minimal intervention. I cannot recommend this enough. One very happy mother.


Natal hypnotherapy is amazing! I used it for the birth of my 1st child 2 years ago and I'm now practicing Natal Hypnotherapy for home birth for my 2nd child. This time around I have not been able stay awake yet while the cd has been playing and have had some anxiety about it not working when I need it to!! Having had some Braxton hicks and twinges tonight I'm relieved that I seemed to enter a relaxed hypnotic state automatically and I know this will be my support through birth number 2. Absolutely amazing!


My first birth was very traumatic ending in an emergency c-section. When I got pregnant again I was determined to have the natural birth I had wanted the first time around. A friend recommended the Natal Hypnotherapy book and CDs. Reading the book helped me to understand what went wrong the first time and how staying calm, relaxed and in control would give me more chance of having a natural birth. I listened to the CD a lot which was also brilliant for relaxation and giving me strategies to use during labour.

I ended up contracting for 70 hours before giving birth and had a lot of self doubt during that time about how I could keep going but I played the CD a lot and used the strategies I had learnt.

I went to the hospital at 5cm dilated, only 4 hrs before I delivered. I used tealights and music in the room as well as a lavender bag and pillow and blanket from home. What helped me the most was using 321 relax during every contraction and visualising being on a beach. I had to be monitored the whole time but was still able to stand and do what felt right for my body.

I ended up with a ventouse delivery due to baby's heart rate dropping at the end, but still felt calm and in control throughout. They had wanted to use forceps but I felt confident that I could push the baby out with the help of the suction cap. I delivered the placenta naturally after 4 minutes and then enjoyed hrs of skin to skin with baby, something I barely remembered the first time around. Thank you Natal Hypnotherapy!


Life changing! Before attending the two day course I was dreading labour, but I found that my anxieties melted away and I had a really relaxed and calm birth experience. There were challening moments in the car on the way to hospital but I was able to focus on my breathing and calm myself back down. I actually found that I loved the labour! I really credit NH for giving me the tools to enjoy the experience and have a drug free birth (which was an added bonus). I would highly recommend anyone who is pregnant attned one of the local courses and listen to the downloads.


Just want to say a big thank you for making my birth experience a better one. I was very worried about having my first child but then I was introduced to Natal Hypnotherapy. I purchased the book and three cds. I wasn't sure at first if this wud make any difference to my anxiety but gave it a go anyway. I was committed to each disc from day dot and followed the scheme completely. I became more confident and less stressed about the idea of giving birth. So wen the big day arrived I zoned out and used all the skills I had learnt. My birth partners were surprised at just how well I was coping. They supported my choices and allowed me to do what I needed. Unfortunately my birth was complicated and ended in an emergency c-section which I accepted. Was a shame tho as I wanted to follow the labour disc right to the end. Nevertheless I wudnt of stayed as calm and in control without it and I wud definately use these again if I had anymore children. Thank you so much!


I wanted as natural birth as possible. I listened to the cd towards the end of my pregnancy, and had the soothing music playing in the birthing room. I felt like I could fully trust my body and had a wonderful calm water birth. (Won't mention the tearing as not relevant..) My midwife said it was one of the calmest births she'd ever attended. My partner was amazed that I uttered not one swear word! Will definitely be using the Cd's for my next birth.


I used the effective birth preparation cd to prepare for the birth of my third child. I had wanted to birth her at home, with no pain relief in water.

My first birth was very traumatic leading to all kinds of interventions and an emergency section.

My second birth was a lot better and I had a natural birth in hospital; however I spent the whole labour in fear and feeling out of control. I ended up tearing and taking a long time to recover

I started these cds from 32 weeks and set time aside most evenings, I also incorporated essential oils. I gave birth to my daughter last week using the techniques I learnt: at home, in water as planned achieving a lovely calm birth. I felt in control and I did not have any tearing or even feel like I had given birth afterwards (9lb14oz). My husband has since commented that he didn't even believe I was in labour as I was so calm and quiet throughout.

I will now be recommending these cds to all pregnant friends!


I used the cd during my second pregnancy after a horrible delivery with my first baby. All I can say is it must have helped as my second labour and delivery couldn't have gone much smoother! A much better experience all round. Thank you!


I used the Effective Birth Preparation CD. I cannot speak highly enough of it. I like practical, no nonsense advice and found the style of the narration suited me perfectly. I bought the CD thinking it might have some positive effect and to my astonishment I found not only did it relax me in my late pregnancy, it also equipped me to have the most wonderful and enjoyable birth. If I ever met Maggie Howell she would find me crying, hugging her and thanking her from the bottom of my heart for helping me to have the birth experience I had. I cannot recommend Natal Hypnotherapy enough. Thank you for the amazing work you are doing. Keep up the good job.


I listened to the birth preparation CD during both of my pregnancies. I felt relaxed throughout both my labours, even when things didn't quite go to plan. I'd recommend Natal Hypnotherapy to anyone expecting a baby.


I just had the book and downloaded the CD’s, but I listened to them religiously from about 36 weeks onwards. I had planned and envisioned myself having a beautiful, calm MLU water birth.

However, baba had other plans! He stopped growing from 38-40 weeks, the placenta was giving up and we were given the option of induction. After using BRAIN and considering our options, we chose to be induced, which was booked the following day. Not long into the induction, babas heart rate dropped repeatedly, and once my waters had broken, it didn’t recover. The decision was made very quickly to perform an emergency section under general anaesthetic.

Our birth was my worst nightmare, the complete opposite of what we had hoped for! However, to this day I believe it is partly thanks to hypnobirthing that I was not only able to keep myself extremely calm, but I have coped exceptionally well. After the section, the anaesthetist and surgeon both commented on how calm I was. (I will also say here that this was also hugely with credit to the amazing staff at Arrowe Park hospital on the Wirral, especially the hypnobirthing trained midwife who kept me in my mind space - all the staff were phenomenal. This is only why I say hypnobirthing was partly to thanks - that and the staff were joined up beautifully).

So thank you for giving me the tools to cope with my worst nightmare, and to still, somehow, be able to consider my birth a positive experience!

I don’t know how I will choose to give birth next time - if baby gives a choice � but I know that we will be booking onto the full course!


Horrible, 51 hour, first labour in hospital, having not used hypnotherapy. I was determined to have a completely different experience the second time and that's what I got, thanks to these CDs, being at home and having a birth pool. Only 8 hours from the the very beginning until she was in my arms. I was so relaxed and in control. The sensations felt like pressure, not pain. I used no pain relief - I just didn't need it. I needed to have a birth like this to help heal the trauma I remembered from the first. It changed the way I felt and gave me the most precious experience of my life. Thank you. I can't recommend the CDs highly enough and tell anyone I meet (who is pregnant :) ) to get hold of them. I only wish they were available to all Mums, on the NHS.


Highly recommended! I used the natal hypnotherapy cd's with my first child 5 years ago and had a great birth experience. This year, pregnant with my second child I used them again although found myself doubting myself more this time round-so many people talk about a bad birth experience was my first a one off? This was heightened when I went overdue and had to fight not to be induced, I was scared of ending up on a drip and not getting the waterbirth I wanted (I had to fight to he able to be accepted for that due to my booking in bmi making me "higher risk" despite having a healthy pregnancy). I ended up starting the induction process after being scared into it by the hospital. I had some back ache that morning so I think I was already starting myself before the hospital started the induction process. I kept thinking back to the cs's, that whatever happens I will be able to cope. I needn't have worried. Although I was in a ward without my partner and my contractions weren't regular enough for the staff to think I was in labour I relaxed and focused on my body. When the staff came to check me (due to starting the induction process the baby needed monitored for around 30 minutes every 4 hours) they suggested checking how I was doing as I explained I was feeling some pressure. Turns out I was 4cm dilated, had to finish the monitoring but then got to go to the birthing pool and around an hour later my beautiful 10lb 10oz boy was born (his sister was over 3lbs lighter so I was not expecting that!). No stitches and out of hospital 9 hours later. Thank you natal hypnotherapy, thank you thank you thank you!


Hi there, I want to thank you so much for the wonderful natal hypnotherapy cd. I 100% believe that it enabled me to bring my baby safely into this world without the need for any medicated pain relief and also whilst keeping my baby calm throughout it all. I listened to the cd every day for 4 weeks prior to the birth and although I didn't listen to the relaxation cd at the birth ( I left it in the car by mistake!) I used the techniques recommended and just felt very calm and in control. The midwives were in disbelief at how relaxed I seemed and told me that next time I should opt for a home birth as I was so chilled! I will be recommending the cd to all mothers to be! I went to hospital at 8pm and gave birth at 3:09. Not long at all!Thanks so much


Found the cds amazing. I used them when pregnant with my first. So started using them 7 years ago and then again 5 year's ago when pregnant with my 2nd.

Both my pregnancies were so relaxing and enjoyable, my birthing experience is still vividly strong in my mind, which is beautiful as all I feel is joy and happiness, and I'm sure it's all to do witg these cds and if I think 3 2 1 relax I do feel instantly calmer.

I think these cds helped in making me the person I am now. I feel so happy snd calm and feel ss though I've found peace within myself

So yes highly recommend. I'd also recommend the general relaxation CD, which I also purchased :)


Absolutely fantastic! I had such a calm and quick labour thanks to the cd! It helped so much, I would thoroughly recommend everyone to try it!


Absolutely amazing. I had 3 increduble births using natal hypnotherapy. The third birth was not straight forward but thanks to natal hypnotherapy and a wonderful independent midwife I remained calm and relaxed and had such a positive experience. I recommend this programme highly.


Absolutely amazing! in April 2015 I had a vbac it was the most healing experience of my life after a traumatic cesarean section in 2011 I knew I wanted to try hypnosis for my next baby and it worked a treat the midwives and my consultant didn't believe I was labouring I smiled all the way through my surges and remember every detail 😍 Maggie Howell you are amazing and have changed my life and the way I view birth I tell everyone about hypno birthing!


I like it. Natal in Portuguese means Xtmas which I did like the last xtmas though but apart of that hated. Its cold dark and scary.i like to be safe snuggling and warm .but I love my mum

More about Natal Hypnotherapy

Natal Hypnotherapy is located at Unit 2, Riverside Business Park, GU9 7SS Farnham
01252 716859
Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -