National Migraine Centre

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About National Migraine Centre

National Migraine Centre is a charity with over 40 years experience of treating people with migraine and other headaches, research and education.



National Migraine Centre is doing another live Facebook session this time with Dr Manukyan. She will be talking about less frequent types of headaches that we manage here at the Centre. She will be discussing chronic form of headaches and how to distinguish them from episodic migraines and how our specialists help patients to untangle complex headaches. We will particularly be looking at medication overuse headache and how to avoid this migraine complication.
Join us if: * suffer headaches on more days through the week than not * you feel you never recover from migraine attacks and have persistent symptoms between migraine episodes * previously effective painkillers lost efficacy * you have other symptoms, such as irritability, fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory loss, or a constantly fuzzy head
Please send us your questions and we will try to answer as many as we can during this live session.
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How to treat migraines.................?
We asked our Headache Specialist Dr Briscoe some of the most asked questions on #Google #Autocomplete about #migarine.
Here is a link to the video: a8&t=4s
... In the comments let us know what questions you have asked Google for your migraines?
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It is #NationalCholesterolMonth. Did you know that 60% of the UK’s adult population have a higher cholesterol level than is recommended?
Research shows that #migraine is associated with increased risks of several cardiovascular diseases, particularly #stroke, in the first year after diagnosis, which persisted in the long term. The risk seems higher in younger women experiencing migraine with aura, though the absolute risk, however is low.
Dr Manukyan, one of our headache spe...cialists, wanted to highlight the importance of stopping smoking, keeping a healthy weight and controlling your cholesterol to reduce your overall risk, especially if you suffer with migraine with #aura.
Please share and raise awareness!
#NMC4U #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope
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Did you know Botox is a preventative treatment for chronic migraine?
If you have tried it, has it worked for you?
Please leave any comments to let us know about your experiences.


Do you often get a #SaturdayMigraine? Some people find that after a busy, stressful week, as soon as you are able to relax... BANG... a migraine hits! Our doctors often say 'boring is good for migraine', as soon as we change routine this can sometimes trigger an attack.
Remember to try and keep a similar routine from weekdays through to weekends.
Watch Dr Katy Munro's video for more information on managing lifestyle to help your migraines:
#Migraine #headache #NMC4U #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope
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What do you find is the worst thing about commuting when it comes to your migraines/headaches?
Is it being stuck in traffic, crowded trains, delays, noisy passengers or public transport's terrible temperature control?
Comment below and share with your friends.
... #MigraineAwareness #Commuting #migraine #headaches #NMC4U #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope
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Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay!
Did you know that severe chronic pain sufferers are more susceptible to mental health conditions.
#Depression is 3 times more common in people with #migraine or severe headaches than in healthy individuals.
... "I honestly believe that migraines had a direct contribution towards my depression." Read Andrew's story and the impact 'just a headache' can have on people's lives! world-mental-heal…/
Please share your own story and let others know they are not alone.
#DontSufferSilently #NMC4U #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope
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Migraine is one of the most misunderstood and under diagnosed conditions in the world. The impact it has on people’s lives is immense. Many have a migraine attack almost every day of their life and yet it’s for many “just a headache”.
#migraine #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope #NMC4U #disability #invisibleillness
Please share and help raise awareness.


For those of you that were unable to see Dr Munro talk about the National Migraine Centre on Hellenic TV you can watch it here: w0
#migraine #headache #NationalMigraineCentre #hellenicTV #migraineclinic #headachespecialist #headachedoctor #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope #NMC4U


The NMC team wanted to wish our CEO a very Happy Birthday!!


Many of you have heard that there is a new drug available in the UK for the prevention of migraine. #Aimovig
Our headache specialists are able to prescribe this privately here at the NMC. If you would like to know more then please give us a call on 020 7251 3322.


Dr Munro is talking about the National Migraine Centre & about #migraine with Vasilis Panayis at 20.10. Sunday 30th September on Hellenic TV. Channel 264 on Smart TVs. (Vision channel)


Is the sudden change in weather giving you migraines/ headaches?
If you would like to see one of our headache specialist doctors then please fill out our online booking request form: …/book-consultation
... #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope #NMC4U
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Professor Paul Booton answers Google's most asked questions on migraine.
Are migraines... are-migraines/
... #migraines #headache #googleautocomplete #HeadacheHope #HelpForMigraines #NMC4U
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Interesting article on the prevention and management of exercise-induced headaches:…/exercise induced-headaches-pr…
#migraine #headache #exercise #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope #NMC4U


What is the best advice someone has given you about your migraines? And who gave you that advice?
#migraine #support #advice #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope #NMC4U


Could you be suffering from menstrual migraine?
Have a read of Dr Briscoe's blog on #menstrualmigraine below.
#migraine #headache #hormonalmigraine #HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope #NMC4U
...…/… /06/hormonal-migraines/
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Have you ever had a special moment/occasion ruined because of #migraine?
Share your stories in the comments below and tag your friends and family who were part of that moment.
#HelpForMigraines #HeadacheHope #NMC4U


What triggers migraine?
This is just one of the most asked questions on #Google #Autocomplete about #migarine.
In the video our Headache Specialist Dr Manukyan answers various 'Most Asked Questions on Google'.
... Here is a link to the video: Bo
In the comments let us know what questions you have asked Google for your migraines?
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This centre never gives up on you ! Expert advice and very supportive staff.


The care and service from the National Migraine Centre has been outstanding. I first went there about 8 years ago when my GP refused to refer me and I self-referred. It turned out that what my GP was prescribing was making my chronic daily headaches and chronic migraines worse. It was amazing to speak to someone who knew what they were talking about and I was diagnosed with medication overuse headache, classic migraine and menstrual migraine. Best of all they knew how to treatment them. These days my migraines go through better and worse phases and I am always so grateful that I can speak to the National Migraine Centre for specialist advice.


The NMC has been life changing for me and I am only at the start of my treatment. I feel and look younger, have the confidence to go out without the worry of an attack. My meds are no longer in a big bag from the pharmacy but a small single bag. I am like a Labrador that has jut seen the sea!!


Saved my life! I was suffering intensely since I was a child from aura and cluster migraines. At The national Migraine Centre , they didn't see me as a patient complaining about a wee headache. They understood the severity of the condition, they gave the best advice and really cared about my future management plan. Every time I went I got answers and whole hearted caring. I can honestly say this clinic saved my life! Before that I was getting aura migranes 3 times a week and clusters 5 times a year (Even on my wedding day) and I don't know how long I could of kept that up for. Thank you NMC for existing, I could never have done it without you!


Really pleased with my first consultation. Left feeling hopeful about multiple avenues of treatment. I find a holistic approach to health very important, so when a specialist can offer multiple ways to help me, and they often do in combination, it leaves me feeling more hopeful and also assured they have a very well rounded knowledge as well as specialised knowledge.

I came to this centre hoping to find a specialist who wasn't intimidated by my complex chronic migraines, and would feel confident I could be helped, as I need that hope from others to help fuel my own!

I found that and more. A Dr who was also aware of my more rare conditions and how the compound on neurological conditions and other comorbid conditions I either do or may have. The long term implications of this is much better health care in general!

I'm really excited about moving forward with my treatments and it's great to know I have these specialists behind me if I ever need them, which in combination with the NHS is amazing.

The short waiting time is also a huge huge bonus.

It's great to have an option towards what is essentially a sort of private health care, when you are on low income. This charity is hugely important to migraineurs and I really hope for it to only grow more.

I'll definitely be spreading the word! :D


Really pleased with my first consultation. Amazing experience to speak to a clinician who was extremely knowledgeable in migraines and offered great advice. I left feeling positive and hopeful. I wish the charity all success in the future and hope they continue to receive donations to help them expand their services. A fantastic service.


National Migraine Centre quite literally changed my whole life(not to sound too dramatic)! Diagnosed with Hemiplegic Migraine at 17 and went from job to job trying to find something flexible and suitable enough. I became sooo miserable after not really getting any help with my GP or neurologist! Just a cocktail of tablets thrown at me, all changed when we found NMC. After seeing Dr Munro just once i felt like i understood my own condition at last and although if course no cure, i felt so much more equipped to handle it. Last year I was also diagnosed with Cluster Headaches, but with the help of NMC I've got fantastic treatments and just a much happier outlook on life in general! The difference in me in 4 years is unbelievable. Now 21, running my own business and happier than ever. None of it would have been possible without Dr Munro and National Migraine Centre. Thank you!! X


I went to the clinic about 4 years ago. Previously I'd tried Triptan's and propanalol as well as lots of over the counter medication. I wanted to talked about non phamacalogical methods of prevention. When I left the clinic I wondered why I'd bothered as I got information and leaflets and didn't really think anything was particularly

Life changing. I was wrong, I'd actually learnt a

Lot. I now have a much greater understanding of the things that trigger my migraines and been able to take better control of my

Life. So no tea has worked, negotiating minimal night shifts at work, having a fairly boring more regular sleep pattern and drinking more fluids has worked. I feel like the migraine centre really helped me take back control. I feel so grateful. The other thing that has really helped is breastfeeding my child for a long time ( he's almost 2 and I'm worried they'll come back when I stop completely). I do feel I have a tool kit to help now though. Thank you so much.


I had been having migraines all my adult life, I am in my sixties now & they seemed to be getting worse! I was constantly having to leave work in the middle of the day, & the number of social occassions ruined were countless. My gp was generally uninterested. In desperation, as I was at home recovering from an attack, I decided I was going to have to find someone to talk to who would be interested. I googled 'migraine' & discovered the National Migraine Centre. I called them straight away and had an appointment booked in 2 weeks. I followed the advice given to the letter & I returned for a 3 month follow up appointment today. I'm extremely happy to say I have been migraine free for all of these past 3 months. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I would recommend these guys to anyone who is at the end of their tether with this, as I was.


I developed hemiplegic migraines at 28, struggling with frequent stroke like symptoms. After feeling dismissed by my GP and local NHS services, I found the National Migraine Centre. Finally somewhere that took me seriously and recognised the impact these attacks were having on me! A huge sense of relief to have Dr Munro work with me to try to get my migraine under control. I've still a way to go, but the support of the National Migraine Centre has given me hope again. It has helped me take big steps forward in taking control of my migraines, rather than them controlling me. I am certain I would have lost my job by now without their help. Thank you Dr Munro and the team at the National Migraine Centre!


Hi, my names Laura and I'm 14 years old. I suffer with really bad migraines( every second of every day) with loads of side effects: vomiting ( pretty much everyday), blurred vision/ can't see at all when happens ( every morning), numbness everywhere in my body, face drops when really bad. Slurred speech( once a week), Itching on my back and face( hurts ) and I get all of this every day and I would like to know what side effects people get and if they have been diagnosed, I have had tests ( MRI, lumber puncher and eye tests) I got a special eye test on Monday. My parents and friends and teachers do not understand and I need to know that someone gets this to


Has given me hope when I had practically given up after a 6month long migraine and little help elsewhere. Understanding Dr who listened and took time to explain options...only wish I had gone months ago....


Fantastic place for sufferers of migraine and other headaches. Everyone is really welcoming and always happy to chat about how you're doing.

Yes, it's not in the easiest of locations, but parking is usually easy enough to find and not particularly expensive. You could always make a day of it and visit some of the many nearby attractions.

The team are great at seeing people as soon as possible and are always ready to give advice.

It really is such a shame that there is so little funding for the service, as so many people could benefit from their expertise and assistance. Please try and support them if possible. There are plenty of ways to help:- be it giving a donation when you visit; having a cake sale; doing a sponsored walk; donating from eBay sales; using Amazon Smile, and so on....


Changed my life for the better...........


Brilliant! Dr Katy Munro was so knowledgeable about migraines & also Fibromyagia...she took time to explain things to me & came up with suggestions for how I can stop flare ups, also how to deal with migraines effectively. I would highly recommend the National Migraine centre to anyone who suffers from these debilitating episodes, they give you a glimmer of hope.


Been suffering for 18 months with terrible migraines. Finally been referred to the national migraine centre on Thursday for my first appointment with such a lovely doctor who was so kind and understanding and helped me with a personalised plan to help me. Would definitely recommend this place to anyone who suffers with migraines


After suffering with migraines with auras for well over a decade, I stumbled across the National Migraine Centre online. They have been so amazing, the staff are very understanding and extremely knowledgeable and have made a massive difference. My migraines are much less severe than they used to be and I was prescribed better medication than any of my local GPs had given me over the years. I am very grateful for the service that the National Migraine Centre offers.


After over 2 decades of migraines (15 ish per month) and seeing NHS neurologists a couple of times a new GP recommended The Migraine Clinic - and they were wonderful. They LISTEN and give you TIME and recommend treatment specifically for you. After about 4 years I went into menopause and things started to get worse again. So I have been back this week. Again I feel revitalised in that they know exactly what mix of meds need changing/adding. Now I just need to get an appointment with my GP to sort out the prescription...... wish me luck �.


After having headaches and migraines and being on lots of medication from 16 now 42 I was told by hospital I had migraine with aura. Having been to nmc I was told I had chronic migraines with vertigo. 4 lots of new medication. There is a light at the end of the tunnel after all


This centre never gives up on you ! Expert advice and very supportive staff.


The care and service from the National Migraine Centre has been outstanding. I first went there about 8 years ago when my GP refused to refer me and I self-referred. It turned out that what my GP was prescribing was making my chronic daily headaches and chronic migraines worse. It was amazing to speak to someone who knew what they were talking about and I was diagnosed with medication overuse headache, classic migraine and menstrual migraine. Best of all they knew how to treatment them. These days my migraines go through better and worse phases and I am always so grateful that I can speak to the National Migraine Centre for specialist advice.


The NMC has been life changing for me and I am only at the start of my treatment. I feel and look younger, have the confidence to go out without the worry of an attack. My meds are no longer in a big bag from the pharmacy but a small single bag. I am like a Labrador that has jut seen the sea!!


Saved my life! I was suffering intensely since I was a child from aura and cluster migraines. At The national Migraine Centre , they didn't see me as a patient complaining about a wee headache. They understood the severity of the condition, they gave the best advice and really cared about my future management plan. Every time I went I got answers and whole hearted caring. I can honestly say this clinic saved my life! Before that I was getting aura migranes 3 times a week and clusters 5 times a year (Even on my wedding day) and I don't know how long I could of kept that up for. Thank you NMC for existing, I could never have done it without you!


Really pleased with my first consultation. Left feeling hopeful about multiple avenues of treatment. I find a holistic approach to health very important, so when a specialist can offer multiple ways to help me, and they often do in combination, it leaves me feeling more hopeful and also assured they have a very well rounded knowledge as well as specialised knowledge.

I came to this centre hoping to find a specialist who wasn't intimidated by my complex chronic migraines, and would feel confident I could be helped, as I need that hope from others to help fuel my own!

I found that and more. A Dr who was also aware of my more rare conditions and how the compound on neurological conditions and other comorbid conditions I either do or may have. The long term implications of this is much better health care in general!

I'm really excited about moving forward with my treatments and it's great to know I have these specialists behind me if I ever need them, which in combination with the NHS is amazing.

The short waiting time is also a huge huge bonus.

It's great to have an option towards what is essentially a sort of private health care, when you are on low income. This charity is hugely important to migraineurs and I really hope for it to only grow more.

I'll definitely be spreading the word! :D


Really pleased with my first consultation. Amazing experience to speak to a clinician who was extremely knowledgeable in migraines and offered great advice. I left feeling positive and hopeful. I wish the charity all success in the future and hope they continue to receive donations to help them expand their services. A fantastic service.


National Migraine Centre quite literally changed my whole life(not to sound too dramatic)! Diagnosed with Hemiplegic Migraine at 17 and went from job to job trying to find something flexible and suitable enough. I became sooo miserable after not really getting any help with my GP or neurologist! Just a cocktail of tablets thrown at me, all changed when we found NMC. After seeing Dr Munro just once i felt like i understood my own condition at last and although if course no cure, i felt so much more equipped to handle it. Last year I was also diagnosed with Cluster Headaches, but with the help of NMC I've got fantastic treatments and just a much happier outlook on life in general! The difference in me in 4 years is unbelievable. Now 21, running my own business and happier than ever. None of it would have been possible without Dr Munro and National Migraine Centre. Thank you!! X


I went to the clinic about 4 years ago. Previously I'd tried Triptan's and propanalol as well as lots of over the counter medication. I wanted to talked about non phamacalogical methods of prevention. When I left the clinic I wondered why I'd bothered as I got information and leaflets and didn't really think anything was particularly

Life changing. I was wrong, I'd actually learnt a

Lot. I now have a much greater understanding of the things that trigger my migraines and been able to take better control of my

Life. So no tea has worked, negotiating minimal night shifts at work, having a fairly boring more regular sleep pattern and drinking more fluids has worked. I feel like the migraine centre really helped me take back control. I feel so grateful. The other thing that has really helped is breastfeeding my child for a long time ( he's almost 2 and I'm worried they'll come back when I stop completely). I do feel I have a tool kit to help now though. Thank you so much.


I had been having migraines all my adult life, I am in my sixties now & they seemed to be getting worse! I was constantly having to leave work in the middle of the day, & the number of social occassions ruined were countless. My gp was generally uninterested. In desperation, as I was at home recovering from an attack, I decided I was going to have to find someone to talk to who would be interested. I googled 'migraine' & discovered the National Migraine Centre. I called them straight away and had an appointment booked in 2 weeks. I followed the advice given to the letter & I returned for a 3 month follow up appointment today. I'm extremely happy to say I have been migraine free for all of these past 3 months. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I would recommend these guys to anyone who is at the end of their tether with this, as I was.


I developed hemiplegic migraines at 28, struggling with frequent stroke like symptoms. After feeling dismissed by my GP and local NHS services, I found the National Migraine Centre. Finally somewhere that took me seriously and recognised the impact these attacks were having on me! A huge sense of relief to have Dr Munro work with me to try to get my migraine under control. I've still a way to go, but the support of the National Migraine Centre has given me hope again. It has helped me take big steps forward in taking control of my migraines, rather than them controlling me. I am certain I would have lost my job by now without their help. Thank you Dr Munro and the team at the National Migraine Centre!


Hi, my names Laura and I'm 14 years old. I suffer with really bad migraines( every second of every day) with loads of side effects: vomiting ( pretty much everyday), blurred vision/ can't see at all when happens ( every morning), numbness everywhere in my body, face drops when really bad. Slurred speech( once a week), Itching on my back and face( hurts ) and I get all of this every day and I would like to know what side effects people get and if they have been diagnosed, I have had tests ( MRI, lumber puncher and eye tests) I got a special eye test on Monday. My parents and friends and teachers do not understand and I need to know that someone gets this to


Has given me hope when I had practically given up after a 6month long migraine and little help elsewhere. Understanding Dr who listened and took time to explain options...only wish I had gone months ago....


Fantastic place for sufferers of migraine and other headaches. Everyone is really welcoming and always happy to chat about how you're doing.

Yes, it's not in the easiest of locations, but parking is usually easy enough to find and not particularly expensive. You could always make a day of it and visit some of the many nearby attractions.

The team are great at seeing people as soon as possible and are always ready to give advice.

It really is such a shame that there is so little funding for the service, as so many people could benefit from their expertise and assistance. Please try and support them if possible. There are plenty of ways to help:- be it giving a donation when you visit; having a cake sale; doing a sponsored walk; donating from eBay sales; using Amazon Smile, and so on....


Changed my life for the better...........


Brilliant! Dr Katy Munro was so knowledgeable about migraines & also Fibromyagia...she took time to explain things to me & came up with suggestions for how I can stop flare ups, also how to deal with migraines effectively. I would highly recommend the National Migraine centre to anyone who suffers from these debilitating episodes, they give you a glimmer of hope.


Been suffering for 18 months with terrible migraines. Finally been referred to the national migraine centre on Thursday for my first appointment with such a lovely doctor who was so kind and understanding and helped me with a personalised plan to help me. Would definitely recommend this place to anyone who suffers with migraines


After suffering with migraines with auras for well over a decade, I stumbled across the National Migraine Centre online. They have been so amazing, the staff are very understanding and extremely knowledgeable and have made a massive difference. My migraines are much less severe than they used to be and I was prescribed better medication than any of my local GPs had given me over the years. I am very grateful for the service that the National Migraine Centre offers.


After over 2 decades of migraines (15 ish per month) and seeing NHS neurologists a couple of times a new GP recommended The Migraine Clinic - and they were wonderful. They LISTEN and give you TIME and recommend treatment specifically for you. After about 4 years I went into menopause and things started to get worse again. So I have been back this week. Again I feel revitalised in that they know exactly what mix of meds need changing/adding. Now I just need to get an appointment with my GP to sort out the prescription...... wish me luck �.


After having headaches and migraines and being on lots of medication from 16 now 42 I was told by hospital I had migraine with aura. Having been to nmc I was told I had chronic migraines with vertigo. 4 lots of new medication. There is a light at the end of the tunnel after all

More about National Migraine Centre

National Migraine Centre is located at 226 Walmer Road, W11 4ET London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -