Nations Carey Academy Language Learning

About Nations Carey Academy Language Learning

A community of peoples in PRAYER and ACTION for world evangelisation. The founding, training, and development of new indigenous mission movements.

Nations Carey Academy Language Learning Description

The Carey Academy of Language Learning is a Christian-based training school, with a strong interest in World Mission, and located in an area of significant historical Christian interest. John Bunyan, author of Pilgrims Progress, John Newton, writer of Amazing Grace and William Carey, the Father of Modern Mission (and prominent linguist after whom our Language School is named) all lived within 20 miles of our Centre. Courses encourage personal development and spiritual growth.



18-20 February we will have a Pre-Celebration for the Nations in Seoul, South Korea.
Elim Art Hall in AHyun Evangelical Holiness Church from 15.00-22.00 daily. We will be worshipping together, preparing for the summer and praying for One Korea.
... For more information
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In memory of Sue Hughes - her life was bigger than you may know.
Nations Trust is a small UK Christian charity that has a global mission vision. It has two UK bases, both manned by Christian volunteers from local churches. You will find alongside them small emerging indigenous mission groups from Africa and Asia who train and partner in the work of world evangelisation. The local base here in Wellingborough is in what we call Careys Patch, to reflect the global influence of l...
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For any of our former students from 2001 to 2010 who may be reading this, I have sad news of Sue Hughes, a most kind and valued friend who used to teach English at the Carey Academy. She was diagnosed with a rapid form of cancer last year, and passed away earlier this month, Saturday January 16. The funeral will be next Thursday February 4, at 11 am. We are particularly thinking of her husband Chris, their two daughters and grandchildren at this time, along with other family ...members.
We have been asked to share some memories of Sue to include as part of the address / eulogy at the funeral. If anyone who remembers her could write a few words and post them here for us to pass on at the service, that would be most appreciated. We will need to have them by Monday next week - sorry this leaves so little time.
Dan Hulland
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영국에 오시는 기회를 최대한 활용하세요! 웰링버러에 위치한 네이션스 캐리아카데미에서 영어연수강좌 및 제자훈련 과정을 제공합니다.
--------------------------영어연수 및 제자훈련-----------------------------
... ***봄학기 1. 기간 : 2016년 1월 4일 부터 3월 24일
- 중급레벨목표로의 영어수업1 (옥스포드 프레스의 Headway intermediate 1) - 회화 및 발음 수업 - IELTS 강좌 (IELTS 테스트를 치루고자 하는 학생) - 원어민가정에서 숙식 - 런던, 캠브리지, 옥스퍼드, 스트랫포드등 여행지답사하며 문화탐방 - 휴가시즌(2월 15일 부터 19일까지) 을 포함한 개인 여행기회
2. 비용 : £990 (개인적으로 쓰는 비용과 여행경비외에 교제비 제외)
***여름학기 1. 기간 : 2016년 4월 11일 부터 7월 1일
- 중급레벨목표로의 영어수업2 (옥스포드 프레스의 Headway intermediate 2) - 회화 및 발음 수업 - IELTS 강좌 (IELTS 테스트를 치루고자 하는 학생) - 원어민가정에서 숙식 - 런던, 캠브리지, 옥스퍼드, 스트랫포드등 여행지답사하며 문화탐방 - 휴가시즌(5월 30일 부터 6월 3일까지) 을 포함한 개인 여행기회
2. 비용 : £990 (개인적으로 쓰는 비용과 여행경비외에 교제비 제외)
각각의 과정은 일주일에 최소 15시간이상의 수업이 주어지며, 80% 이상의 출석을 요구합니다. 한과정 이상의 과정을 등록하시면 £40 할인 기회가 제공됩니다. 숙식은 저희기관이 영국 원어민 가정으로 연계해드리며 비용은 12주에 £960 (£80/1주) 를 직접 가정에 지불하는 방식입니다.
신청을 원하시는 분은 Robert Chirgwin 에게로 이메일주시거나 페이스북 페이지를 통해 연락하셔서 지원양식을 받으세요. 지원양식과 추천서를 제출하시고 연수비를 지불하시는 대로 최종적으로 저희 기관에서 보내드리는 초청장과 과정에 관한 세부정보를 받게됩니다. 영국에서 6개월간 머물수 있는 학생비자를 요구하며, 영국 청년교류제도(YMS, 구 워킹홀리데이비자)를 통해 오시는 분들에게 이상적인 코스입니다.
여러분들을 만나뵙길 희망합니다.
Carey Academy of Language Learning 42 Oxford Street, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4JG, UK • tel (+44) 1933-223454
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Our language school was stared in 2001 with our first students, a Korean couple. At that time, and until 2010, we were based in temporary rented accommodation and looking for a permanent centre. From this small start we have had, over the following years, over 60 full time students along with many part time students. From the fees paid by you for your English language teaching we saved what money we could towards the day when we could purchase a new and permanent centre for o...ur work.
It turned out that the purchase of our new Centre was only possible because of this money which became the needed deposit to secure our new building. So thank you to all past students of the Carey Academy, even though neither you nor us knew it at the time, you helped make the purchase of our new Centre possible. We would love you to come back and visit our new Centre just as Panhi Hong and Haein Kim did just a few weeks ago. Come and see what you invested in. and some of your former teachers of course, whether passing through England for business or pleasure.
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Nations Team , members of the Korean Ehad Training Team and memebers of the Mizo Mission Movement. Who do you remember?


Spring Term: English Language Intermediate 1
Term Dates: 4th January to 24th March 2016...
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More about Nations Carey Academy Language Learning

Nations Carey Academy Language Learning is located at 42 Oxford Street, NN8 4JG Wellingborough, Northamptonshire