Nat'S Hydration Station

About Nat'S Hydration Station

M. Network are a company specialising in flavoured powder sticks with nutritional benefits such as energy boost, appetite suppressant, focus and more.



With so many amazing testimonials coming out, I have to start sharing!
Life changing testimonial from Lauren:
“I’ve been mentally writing this post for days, I don’t usually go into detail too much about my illnesses or my medications, but this is too good not to share.
... I’ve been drinking these Core stiks for the last couple of months, I’d read lots of testimonies on the benefits of mangosteen and super antioxidants, and figured I had nothing to lose. I was sceptical, I didn’t really believe that a little powdered sachet could really help me.
For those that don’t know, I have CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, IBS and I’ve recently been diagnosed with Coeliac disease. In a nutshell, I’m in pain every second of every day. Not just pain, the most painful chronic pain there is. I’m heavily medicated, and even with very high dose pain meds, I still suffer from aches and pains all the time.
I’m prescribed endone for breakthrough pain, on top of my sustained relief medication, up to 3 a day. Most months I run out at least a week before my next prescription is due.
A few days ago I had my monthly appointment with my doctor, and got my usual prescriptions. It was only then that I realised I had almost a full box left, 17 to be exact. Instead of running out early, for the first time ever I have some left, and it dawned on me how much less I’m taking, how much easier it is to get through the day. How I’m getting quality sleep for the first time in 5 years.
In all honesty, it is due to drinking Core, as well as using M’s M3Z balance spray. My family have all noticed the change in me, I’m healthier, happier, and lots more fun to be around. I’m able to play with my kids without worrying about how I’ll pay for it physically later, I’m not in constant fear of flaring.
I’m by no means saying that my pain is gone, nor am I stopping my treatment plan, but it’s a wonderful thing to be feeling so much happier, and without having to take so many meds.”
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Try something new with your Stik!


Back to school is just around the corner and I think the “big kids” need colours too!!…/s h…/shop/for/wellness…. #backtoschool #schoolsupplies #clarity #energy #antioxidante #appetitecontrol #mood #happymommy #happydaddy #hydration #healthylifestyle #uk #canada #calgary #chelmsford #essex #london


💦With one Stik I was hooked and I can’t believe how good I am feeling! Who wants to have a go? I’m currently taking pre orders, buy a water bottle and i’ll put in 5 samples so you can give each one a try! The bottle will be 10 pounds, and I have a choice of 3 colours. I will include 1 of each stik for you to try, 💜CoreAO, Super antioxidants good for everything ❤️GO, Natural energy boost and electrolytes with no crash and no jitters 💙Trim, Appetite control and weight loss aid ...💚Smart, Brain food for mental clarity and focus 💛Soul, Soothes stress and anxious feelings and helps improve mood (Local orders no charge or anywhere else in the UK for 2.95 postage)
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Who out there is need of a good nights rest? 💤 I don't know if i can say enough about the sleep spray. I have been using it for about a month, and I can't believe the difference in the quality of my sleep. I used to wake up all the time, and now, if the kids let me, I'm sleeping THROUGH the night! A friend of mine has a tracker and took some data without and with the M3Z and the results speak for themselves!…/p rodu…/m3z-sleep-spray


It doesn’t happen often in life but, occasionally, something amazing falls right into your lap. You just have to be willing to embrace the challenge. Drop it in the comment 👇 if you want more info about this GROUND FLOOR opportunity!


Always good to learn something new, so lets try some tips for the next few days!


Did you know...


This mornings breakfast brought to you by boring Greek yogurt and Core!! Yum!! Audrey loved it too!


What makes our stiks special? 💦💦💦 Ok so we now have this idea that: 1. We know water is NEEDED by our body. 2. That we want something that tastes good.... 3. Something that can leave us feeling/performing better. BUT.... there are so many products that kind of do this already! BUT, they also aren't necessarily the best. SOOOOOOO.... what if, just what if.... we had something with all of the above but was also... 4. HEALTHY (no harmful chemicals) to deliver these benefits? BUT, aren't there companies that have this? Kind of... but other companies heat/cool the ingredients to extract the nutrients and that degrades the nutrients. So what if, what IF we could figure out a way where we... 5. didn't have to heat or cool them, thus keeping the nutrients in tact? 6. Absorbed by the body quickly and efficiently 7. Can dissolve in water quickly 8. NO PRESERVATIVES 9. Easily portable for our on the go lifestyle
Well - we DO! M has done all the above! As a person who’s biggest struggle with health is water intake, these are the answer!
One of my first observations trying these was that they were a powder, NOT a crystal, and they fully dissolved. No leftovers at the bottom of the glass!
They are also pretty potent. I use on stik in 30oz. 💦💦💦
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CoreAO... the top selling Stik. It contains Mangosteen which has COUNTLESS health benefits when consumed. From lowering cholesterol and hypertension to helping allergies and digestion. It quite literally is a miracle fruit. This stik will literally be your go to for most people. I have included Mangosteen images so you can understand the importance of this single ingredient. Testimonials have helped people with autoimmune disease, blood pressure issues, gut issues, anti inflammatory issues, depression, allergies, sickness, swelling, injuries, kidney function...


This was Monday, but I figured it was time to post!


Here is a little video on our Stiks!


💦A run down of our drinks💦
When I got the samples I genuinely LOVED the taste. And they use RDT technology to integrate real fruits, veggies and botanicals into the stiks! They aren’t crystals - but more of a powder, and they dissolve fully. 💦


This year I promised myself to take care of me - like, realllllly take care of me.
One thing I just haven’t been able to improve is being fully hydrated. Chugging back litres a day is super hard but I know is so important. I often find myself thirsty and headachy.
In comes M Network and these magical little stiks! I’ve tried all of them and I am obsessed. Low calorie, low sugar and made from fruits, veggies and botanicals, they taste amazing and one stik flavours up to 32oz of water!


Just gathering a little info! Please comment below!

More about Nat'S Hydration Station

Nat'S Hydration Station is located at Chelmsford, Essex