
About Natur-Ally

Time has come to talk, heal, change, develop and evolve, to transform ourselves from caterpillars into butterflies in order to find solutions beyond the current growth model that we exist within. To let nature be our ally and so become an ally of nature.

Natur-Ally Description

Natur-ally has been set up to help create, build and support Allies Of Nature, warriors for a new Earth. The intention being to form an alliance of like minded souls all believing that society is on the cusp of great change and new solutions have to be found beyond our current growth model if we are to live a more sustainable, socially just and indeed happy life.

All Allies Of Nature are prepared to take their own fair share of responsibility for the world we now find ourselves living in and the behavioural change that is required in order to bring more balance back to our planet. This starts with the number of children that we choose to have in any one lifetime, (we recommend two or less), how we feed them, travel about, work and live. We aim to leave no trace of our existence upon the Earth and issue no harm to the Children's Fire (the lives of every child of every species upon the planet for the next seven generations to come).

Our community will be doing their best to live more aligned with nature, either our own inner nature discovering our life purpose in the process, or wider, outer nature, or both. We will then be doing our utmost to honour and uphold the connection between the two, to really value Mother Earth and all that is held within her.

We will be guided by indigenous teachings, shamanic principles and various associated coaching and healing techniques available to us through this website and beyond. In doing so we will recognise that in order to become fully mature adults capable of making the decisions necessary to lead our world forward to where it needs to be we will need to follow the same 5 fundamental stages of personal development native people have gone through in order to reach true adulthood, a similar Transformation Process.

Our journey will be supported all the time by spirit guides, power animals and flower essences in particular the Allies Of Nature range of flower essences. Flowers vibrate at a higher level of energy frequency to ourselves, they wish us to step up and join them. In order to do so we will need to leave behind anything that no longer serves us which is associated with fear, whilst at the same time welcoming more of what we would like into our lives by way of love. The flowers have come to assist us through this transition to where we now need to be heading.

This I believe has been the purpose for me gathering these flower essences together in the way that I have, channeling the messages that have come through to me as to what each of these individual flowers is all about. Each one being designed to help us at a particular stage in our journey upon The Way Of The Warrior.

In this way we can gain a greater sense of our own essence and how that relates to all and everything around us. How it is possible for us to plumb the depths of our own being and search for the hero inside of ourselves in order to be able to honour our true selves for the greater good of every living, breathing thing alive on the planet today, to all of our benefit.

So let us begin the journey and answer that call to adventure.

More about Natur-Ally

+44 7929 312675