Neil Tattersall - Fight Director & Stage Combat Tutor

Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 21:00

About Neil Tattersall - Fight Director & Stage Combat Tutor

York-based Fight Director and HE Lecturer, Neil Tattersall, is the only BADC teacher dedicated to industry recognised, accredited stage combat courses in Yorkshire and the North East.

He likes it when you say hi.



Week 6 - Unarmed in Newcastle. 🤚👊💪 People always enjoy the strangling/choking far too much. . . .... #TrueEdge #slaps #unarmed #ourbadc #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #newcastle #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #theatre #drama #combat #choreography #strangle #choke
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Week 8 in York - Unarmed choreography is done. 🤚👊💪 This week Claire was having none of Jamie's shit. . . .... #slaps #unarmed #ourbadc #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #combat #choreography
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Week 7 - Unarmed in York. 🤚👊💪 Last week we looked at contact strikes and from the look of things it was poor old Nick who took the brunt of it. . . .... #slaps #unarmed #ourbadc #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #combat #choreography
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Week 6 - Unarmed in York. 🤚👊💪 . . . #slaps #unarmed #ourbadc #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #combat #choreography


A master class in taking a slap by Jamie. Lol.


Week 5 in Newcastle: I hate John Dobson Street. . . . .... #TrueEdgeStageCombat #ourbadc #swords #smallsword #rapier #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #theatre #drama #combat #choreography #newcastle
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Week 5 - From Monday in York. . . . #ourbadc #swords #rapier #rapieranddagger #dagger #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #combat #choreography


Week 4... a week late. Choreography is being learnt. . . . #TrueEdgeStageCombat #ourbadc #swords #smallsword #rapier #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #theatre #drama #combat #choreography #newcastle


After a cracking run of Shakespeare's Cymbeline, the cast very kindly gave me a lovely chocolaty gift from @hotelchocolat and a couple of cards filled with very kind messages. Super nice of them! 🤺🤺🤺 . . . .... . . . . . #shakespeare #fightdirector #stagecombat #choreography #rapier #cloak #dagger #axe #cymbeline #actorslife🎬 #theatre #thenorth #york #skillsforactors #ourbadc #unarmed #fight
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Week 4 in York, and a rather small class due to absence. Great class though! . . . .... #ourbadc #swords #rapier #rapieranddagger #dagger #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #combat #choreography
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This is looking pretty sweet! You should definitely go and see it. I believe it to be one of the most ambitious YSP productions for sure, and furthermore it is chock full of action by yours truly!


Week 3 in Newcastle, and this time we were in the excellent Stage 1 space of Northern Stage. . . . #TrueEdgeStageCombat #ourbadc #swords #smallsword #rapier #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #theatre #drama #combat #choreography #newcastle


What on earth is this guy training for?! Post your suggestions below.


Week 3 in York, and a latecomer joins the class.
A little bit blurry but nothing new there. . .... . #ourbadc #swords #smallsword #rapier #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #combat #choreography
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Tonight sees week 3, so I best share a few pics from week 2! A familiar face has emerged again... . . . #ourbadc #smallsword #rapier #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #actorcombatant #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #fight #combat #acting #fd #choreography #badc #dramaticcombat


Another great night at Newcastle, this time actually at Northern Stage (Stage 2). Incidentally I bumped into a friend in the green room, and met Barrie Rutter. #Goals . . . #ourbadc #smallsword #rapier #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #actorcombatant #skillsforactors #york #northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #fight #combat #acting #fd #choreography #badc #dramaticcombat


Not having chance to stop at the moment I was back working another fight for YSP's Cymbeline this evening: Emma getting to grips with the Flanconade. . . . .... . #stagecombat #skillsforactors #domenicoangelo #fightdirector #shakespeare #northernforge
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Last Monday saw the start of my latest Standard Level BADC course in York, but Wednesday also saw the start of a Foundation Level BADC course I am teaching for True Edge, and Northern Stage, up in Newcastle. Fun times! . . . .... . #ourbadc #rapier #stagecombat #actorslife🎬 #actor #fightdirector #actorcombatant #skillsforactors #york hashtag#northernforge #northernengland #thenorth #northwillriseagain #theatre #drama #fight #combat #acting #fd #choreography #badc #dramaticcombat
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More about Neil Tattersall - Fight Director & Stage Combat Tutor

Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 21:00