Neurodiversity, Support & Autism Advocacy

Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Neurodiversity, Support & Autism Advocacy

Neurodivergent , neurodiversity, Autism Advocacy
Pro Vaccine, pro Science, pro facts, anti ABA
No intolerance, racism, prejudice, ableism tolerated
@AutismAdvoCat - Twitter

Neurodiversity, Support & Autism Advocacy Description

A page for Autism specific information and resources . .
It is a page to promote Neurodiversity /neurodivergence

"Neurodiversity is a concept where neurological differences are to be recognized and respected as any other human variation. These differences can include those labeled with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette Syndrome, and others.
For many autistic people, neurodiversity is viewed is a concept and social movement that advocates for viewing autism as a variation of human wiring, rather than a disease. As such, neurodiversity activists reject the idea that autism should be cured, advocating instead for celebrating autistic forms of communication and self-expression, and for promoting support systems that allow autistic people to live as autistic people. "

I accept this as my definition of Neurodiversity for this page.

Vaccines do not and have never caused autism. We have 120 + peer review research articles and counting. This is not a debate, it is a fact.

There are all neatly put into this update blog. There are over 120 citations inside proving without a doubt that there is no link, no correlation between ANY vaccine and autism. Any "evidence" is anecdotal and not scientifically based.

http://www. . . /yes-autism-rate. . . /

Autism is a neurodevelopmental "condition". It has been around as long as we humans have been. The earliest report of someone autistic was in the late 1700's.

http://www. /history-of-autism /

I will not accept pseudoscientific bunk on this page
I will not accept the promotion of the idea of "cures" of autism, ADHD, or any other neurodevelopmental "conditions" on this page.
I will not accept anyone promoting an Anti- Vaccination stance on this page in any way.
I will not accept any Pro ABA of any kind on this page
I will not accept any "Unfacts" or fake stories on this page
I will not accept any bigotry, misogyny, racism or prejudices on this page ( religion is not an excuse either).

I am the Admin Bobbi - mum of an Autistic young person and older neurotypical young person. I have worked with autistic children and their families as well as University of Birmingham.

I am an autism advocate and a specialist consultant currently available at
www. advocateautism. co. uk



Exactly ŌĆ£ŌƬWeŌĆÖve been warning people about bleach and disinfectant-based #quackery since 2012, just saying.ŌĆ¼ŌĆØ via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
ŌƬŌĆ” /dangerous-interventionŌĆ” -SR


ŌĆ£PAN #DISABILITY EXERCISE with Robert - Tuesday 21 April at 3.30pm
Join Robert for our first #PANDisability Exercise class. This class will be suitable for children and young adults with learning difficulties and we are sure it will prove very popular.
You can also join in live on YouTube on the Ards and North Down Borough Council YouTube Channel at
... We look forward to seeing you all later today. ŌĆ£ via Leisure - Ards and North Down
Autism NI NAS Newtownards Killard House School Autism Awareness Clifton Special School Disability Sport NI Disability Action Northern Ireland Disability support Team N.I Disability Pride Parenting ADHD & Autism NeuroDiversity, Support & Autism Advocacy ADHD & Autism Support Neurodiversity UK Autism Initiatives Northern Ireland ADHD Ireland
#ExerciseatHome #InThisTogether #PANDisability
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ŌĆ£Eye contact, whoŌĆÖs it for? ItŌĆÖs not for the #autistic child. It's for the recipient. ItŌĆÖs no benefit to the child to do something that in many cases is painful. Emma Dalmayne , at TPGA: via The Thinking Person's Guide to AutismŌĆ”/ey e-contact-for-recipiŌĆ” -SR
... [image: Young Filipino girl with long black hair seated at a play table, looking unhappily up at the camera, while an adult leans in and talks at her.]
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Such a loss, so so sad ­¤ś×­¤Æö


Just so very sad.. Mel will be so missed by so many ­¤Æö­¤Æö


ŌĆ£ACTION ALERT: Students with #disabilities will be left behind if provisions under #IDEA are waived!
Congress has requested Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recommend #education waivers that would allow schools to drop services for students with #disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. While schools are designing innovative new ways to bring the classroom to students who are quarantined at home, Secretary DeVos is devising ways for them to skip providing that same innova...tion to students with disabilities!
Tell Congress to say #NoIDEAWaivers using this form: /index.html -SR
Via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
[image: Child with long wavy medium brown hair, seen from behind, using a laptop computer.]
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ŌĆ£Tomorrow: Join our community discussion on #Disability and #InclusiveStrategies During #COVID19, hosted by #ThinkingPersonGuidetoAutism and #MagicalBridge, including TPGA editor Carol Greenburg and Shannon Rosa, with captioning by Max Sparrow. WeŌĆÖll discuss coping, stress, resources, and more. ŌĆ£ via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
The webinar is Apr. 7, 10:30 PT/1:30 ET, and you can register here:ŌĆ”/register/WN_X XJM9IybT5G7pYltef01ww -SR
... [image: Graphic with a yellow background on the top, with text reading "Webinar: Disability and Inclusive Strategies During Covid 19". The bottom background is white, and features the logos for Magical Bridge and Thinking Person's Guide to Autism.]
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Fantastic review about a superb book and must have #resource for all working with #autistic young people.. Highly recommended ŌØż’ĖÅ by the one and only @EDalmayne


#VisualSchedules is something I do and have done for over 16 years now. Feel free to contact me about them here on my page -Bobbi #Autism #Neurodiversity
ŌĆ£A (visual) #schedule can make all the difference during uncertain times, especially when youŌĆÖre a person for whom #RoutineIsLife.ŌĆØ Via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
[image: photo of a vertical visual schedule made using Velcro-backer laminated text-and-photo icons.]


This is a WHOLE NEW level... To put it into perspective? Not ONLY #LD need help with tasks .....­¤śĪ­¤ż¼
... ŌĆ£The new #CoronavirusBillguidelines suggest that anyone who cannot perform everyday tasks like cooking, managing money and personal care independently ŌĆō all things that people/children with a #learningdisability often need #support with ŌĆō Might NOT get Intensive Care Treatment - They WILL Be Allowed To Die... #Mencap responds to ŌĆ£deeply troublingŌĆØ new NICE COVID-19 guidance
22 March 2020
#NICE has published new guidance on the care of patients in critical care during the #COVID19 outbreak.
NICE has published new guidance on the care of patients in critical care during the COVID-19 outbreak. The new guideline on critical care states that all patients with confirmed COVID-19 must be assessed on the basis of ŌĆ£frailtyŌĆØ when healthcare professionals are making decisions about whether to admit a patient in need to critical care.
Responding to the new NICE guidance, Edel Harris, Chief Executive of the learning disability charity Mencap, said: ŌĆ£These are unprecedented times and our NHS is under extreme pressure. But people with a learning disability and their families are deeply troubled that the latest NICE guidance for NHS intensive care doctors could result in patients with a learning disability not getting equal access to critical care and potentially dying avoidably. These guidelines suggest that those who canŌĆÖt do everyday tasks like cooking, managing money and personal care independently ŌĆō all things that people with a learning disability often need support with ŌĆō might not get intensive care treatment. ThatŌĆÖs why we urge NICE to include specific guidance on learning disability to make it clear that healthcare professionals should not judge patients on their cognitive ability when making life or death decisions.ŌĆØ
Read Guidelines here.
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#CoronaVirus #Covid19 #shopping #Elderly #Disabled #Neurodiverse Please share


#poll #autistic


A new venture.... Come check it out. But please remember it is brand new and I'm currently building it- Bobbi Elman 3lWMj4kjCnXSR0ŌĆ”


ŌĆ£The #MontereyBayAquarium's live streaming animal webcams are all going full-blast, for those craving a virtual visit. Click on the link (not the photo) to visit the Jelly Cam: via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism #Neurodiversity #CoronavirusŌĆ” /live-cams/jelly-cam/ -SR
... [image: Photo featuring a silhouette of a teen boy with curly hair in front of the bright orange sea nettle jellyfish tank at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.]
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ŌĆ£Hello! Welcome to Heart n Soul Asks, a place where people with #learningdisabilities and #autistic people ask the questions.ŌĆØ Via @#HumanToo


ŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅ THIS ­¤æć­¤Å╗ - Bobbi
ŌĆ£ŌƬSo #EverythingsGonnaBeOkay not only has an #ActuallyAutistic actor in the delightful Kayla Cromer, but is featuring realistic autistic #LGBTQ+ relationships? Sounds like time for a binge-watchŌĆöfor those who arenŌĆÖt already hooked.ŌĆ¼ŌĆØ via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
ŌƬŌĆ”/everythin gs-gonna-be-okay-shows-ŌĆ” -SR
... [image: Actor Kayla Cromer, a white young woman with straight long dark blonde hair, shown snuggling in bed with another young woman, in a scene from the series EverythingŌĆÖs Gonna Be Okay.]
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­¤Ü© TW
ŌĆ£CN: Self-injury
An evergreen post from Kirsten Lindsmith about when #stimming causes harm or self-injuryŌĆöplus some ideas for both #autistic people and family/caregivers on avoiding triggers, and supporting #autistic people/selves through these rough patches.ŌĆØ Via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
...ŌĆ ”/the-dark-side-of-ŌĆ”/ -SR
[image: Illustration of a white person with long curly red hair biting their hand.]
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ŌĆ£In case anyone doubts that a driving force behind the #ABA Industry is The Money.
Please don't leave #NotAllABA comments. That's not what we're talking about here. -SR via The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
[image: Screen capture of an advertisement by Special Learning, Inc., reading ŌĆ£Big Money in ABA: REVIEW OF THE DATA. Join the LIVE Webinar - March 25th. In our upcoming webinar, we will address these questions by reviewing data gathered over 6 months, with thousands of hours of investment to begin to piece together the real story. 2010 marks a new era in the field of behavior analysis and those ABA Service Provider organizations. In January 2010, Great Point Partners, a private equity (PE) firm with $370 million under management, was the first PE firm to enter the #autism industry...]

More about Neurodiversity, Support & Autism Advocacy

Neurodiversity, Support & Autism Advocacy is located at Broomgrove gardens, HA8 5 London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -