New Scientist

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The best place to find out what’s new in science – and why it matters



Do something enough times and your brain can automate the process making good habits and bad. But there are ways to get back some conscious control


Blown to pieces, submerged or buried – whatever happened to New Zealand’s most spectacular natural wonder?


Genetics pioneer George Church's new company says it will sequence your genome for free and secure it on a blockchain, so that you can choose who uses your data


Antibiotic resistance has spread around the world – so much so that even penguins living near Antarctic research bases have resistant bacteria in their gut


People with genes that make them taste caffeine more strongly tend to be coffee-drinkers, while tea-drinkers have genetic aversions to strongly bitter tastes


Some of us feel constantly drained without knowing why. Some answers are emerging at last, and it’s not down to lack of sleep


A positive mindset isn't just mental – it can trigger physical changes making you fitter, slimmer, more energetic and less stressed. It will even help you live longer


Getting up early on weekdays and sleeping in on weekends to compensate may cause period pain by disrupting the circadian rhythms that control hormone cycles


The Union of Concerned Scientists has overturned its longstanding opposition to nuclear power. Other green groups should follow suit, says Mark Lynas


Genetics pioneer George Church's new company says it will sequence your genome for free and secure it on a blockchain, so that you can choose who uses your data


How to better understand the way you think, and put it to good use


Crude proteins made of short chains of amino acids can form life-like “protocells” that host biological processes – hinting that life began with proteins


A new genetic test that enables people having IVF to screen out embryos likely to have a low IQ or high disease risk could soon become available in the US (Free to read)


Radar surveys have revealed a crater left when a kilometre-wide asteroid hit Greenland – and the impact could explain a climate mystery


A lot of problems in today’s world are too big for our brains. An algorithm that identifies how cause and effect are linked could lead us to better solutions


From the dark energy ripping the cosmos apart to the part consciousness plays in creating reality, quantum physics and cosmology retain many mysteries


Celebrated for their biodiversity, the islands of Socotra could unlock secrets of humans' journey out of Africa – but war and weather hamper the journey there


Rather than a filing cabinet in the mind, it turns out memory is an exquisite illusion that shapes our sense of self. Here's how to understand yours better

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