Newcastle Debating Society

About Newcastle Debating Society

Official page for the Newcastle University Debating Society

Newcastle Debating Society Description

Having tons of fun discussing everything and anything (even zombies) while developing public speaking and presentation skills as well as building confidence.

Whilst the style of the debates is formal (known as British Parliamentary), we do not take ourselves too seriously. It's the taking part and the fun to be had that counts - even for competitions that take place nearly every weekend across the UK and further afield.



Great action shots of our two teams in action over the weekend at KCL Open! 📸 Congratulations to Sam and Chris for breaking 12th, and James and Mehdi for competing incredibly well against some top speakers! ✍🏼 #KCLOpen2019 #Debating #NCLdebating @ King's College London


Congratulations to our 3 teams at Imperial IV this weekend!! 🎉🎉 We had: Team 1 of James and Mehdi, Team 2 of Sam and Chris (Not pictured), and Team 3 of Peiran and his partner Alex 🎓✍🏼 All 3 teams performed incredibly well and did the society very proud! @ Imperial College London


Good Afternoon everyone!
We hope you are all having an excellent summer break so far. We have some exciting news that we are now also on Instagram! Be sure to follow 'newcdebatesociety' to keep up to date with everything the society has going on, and to see how our excellent members get on at summer competitions!


Introducing your new committee!! 🎉
President - Sam Bailey Secretary - James Merryweather Treasurer - Jamie Clark... Training Officer - James Merryweather Public Debates Officer - Stephen Dawes Social Secretary - Eva Brook Welfare and Equity Officer - Glen Samuel
Thank you to the following as well: Adam Warner Dom Sutcliffe Alice Galotola
For their services to the society, we wish them all the best!
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Candidates for tonight's elections are as follows!
President: Sam Bailey (Manifesto: I am one of the most experienced society members and committee members, attending society events every week from my first year. I regularly represent the society with competitive success as a speaker and judge, helping to improve our prestige on the international circuit. As a training officer, I boosted our attendance and competitiveness by revamping training and providing data-led insight i...
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Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder for you all over the weekend that there is still time to apply to be on committee. All it takes is an email to with a brief note about which position you want to apply for and why. In addition, you can vote on motions for our 'Drink & Debate' session following our elections on the 14th May. Voting will finish on Monday 5th at which point motions and the format for the evening will be confirmed. This will be a really good evening with a generous bar tab for you all to enjoy as well so be sure to come along! James Merryweather (Secretary)


Hi Everyone!
In TWO WEEKS, time on Tuesday 14th May, we will have our elections for committee positions. All positions are up for election. They are as follows:
President: The President co-ordinates and ensures the smooth running of the whole society. The President will organise committee meetings, support committee members, and generally be in charge of the society’s activities. (Currently: Adam Warner)
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We'll be in Luthers from 8 and heading down to Cosy Joes at 8:30

More about Newcastle Debating Society