Nigel Askew Solicitor

About Nigel Askew Solicitor

Specialist Personal Injury Solicitor



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Many people are injured in road traffic accidents each year in the UK. In many cases, drivers and passengers suffer injuries in accidents for which they are not to blame, for example when the car they are travelling in is hit by another vehicle.
Traffic accident injuries can vary in terms of severity and nature. Some of the more common ones include:
Broken or fracture bones.... Cuts, bruises and grazes. Concussion. Whiplash injuries.
If you have been injured in a road traffic accident as a passenger or driver, and you were not to blame, you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim.
Contact me today for a free no-obligation consultation on your case.
Find out more at… /Drivers-and-passeng…
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If you’ve suffered an accident or injury while working in a factory, you could be eligible to make a claim.
Employers are legally bound to test equipment to make sure it is functioning properly, and to provide proper safety equipment to their employees. If your employer fails to ensure that machinery and equipment is properly maintained, and you are injured as a result, you may be entitled to compensation.
Defective machinery causes many injuries every year; have you been unf...ortunate enough to be affected by such an accident? See whether or not you have a case to claim against your employers.
Find out more at… /Accidents-At-Work-A…
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Despite strict health and safety protocols, many people each year are injured at work by dangerous machinery. Some of the most serious injuries can include cuts, trapped or severed limbs, or crush injuries.
If you have been injured at work as a result of dangerous machinery, you could be entitled to make a compensation claim. If your employer has failed to provide proper PPE equipment, adequate training, or effective maintenance and safeguarding of machinery, they are liable ...for any injuries caused as a result.
If you have suffered an injury at work caused by dangerous machinery or equipment, get in touch today to set up a consultation, and discover whether you have valid grounds for a compensation claim. Find out more at… /Dangerous-machinery…
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I handle every injury claim personally. Contact me and I'll explain how I can help on a free no-obligation basis. Go to tact.shtml


Have you worked on a construction site, and suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault? You could be able to make an accident at work compensation claim.
Despite stringent building site safety directives, many people each year are injured on construction sites through no fault of their own. Building sites are dangerous places with many potentially hazards, and employers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their workforce.
If you have been injured whilst working on a site, and it wasn’t your fault, get in touch today to discuss your claim. Find out more at… /Accidents-At-Work-A…
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Many thousands of motorcyclists are injured each year in road traffic accidents. These accidents are particularly dangerous; motorcycle collisions and accidents carry a much larger risk of death than those involving four wheeled vehicles. Motorcyclists injured in road traffic accidents may be able to make a compensation claim.
Lincolnshire is a popular place for motorcyclists to ride, because of its scenic countryside and inviting long, straight roads. Cadwell Park is a attraction for motorcyclists who travel there to enjoy track days or simply for a day out to watch motorsport. As a result, the area can carry a much larger risk of accidents involving motorcyclists.
If you have been injured as a motorcyclist in a road traffic accident, contact me today to see if you have a valid claim. Contact me today for a free no-obligation consultation on your case. Find out more at… /Motorcyclists-injur…
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Have you ever wondered what might have happened if the NHS had diagnosed your condition, injury or disease earlier? This is a common question that I am asked to advise on. The consequences of the NHS failing to give any diagnosis, mis-diagnosing or delaying in giving a diagnosis means the treatment you need to get better is delayed. This in turn can lead to long term problems or even worse and often means a longer absence from work which puts a severe strain on finances. This... is why it is important to seek legal advice from me without delay and time limits apply. I will advise you fully and guide you through the claim process if I believe you have reasonable prospects of bringing a successful medical negligence claim against the NHS. A legal claim can be brought against anyone that has treated you, and must be brought to court within three years (in rare cases you can exceed this) of the date you first knew, or could reasonably have been expected to know, that you had suffered a significant injury caused by someone else’s negligent acts or omissions. In the case of a child the three years runs from their 18th birthday. I am happy to meet to discuss your case on a free no obligation basis at your home if you prefer. Call me on 01522 717551 or via tact.shtml
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Many thousands of cyclists are injured each year in road traffic accidents. The most severe instances can result in death, and for countless others their quality of life can be greatly affected by the injuries sustained in such an accident.
These injuries can include:
Cuts, bruises and grazes.... Broken bones. Concussion. A combination of all of the above.
Following basic cycling safety procedures can greatly reduce the chances of an accident, and can also save lives in the event that a cyclist is involved in a collision. For those who are injured through no fault of their own, a personal injury claim may be possible.
Contact me today if you have been injured as a cyclist in a road traffic accident.
Find out more at… /Cyclists-injured-in…
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Many people are injured in road traffic accidents each year in the UK. In many cases, drivers and passengers suffer injuries in accidents for which they are not to blame, for example when the car they are travelling in is hit by another vehicle.
Traffic accident injuries can vary in terms of severity and nature. Some of the more common ones include:
Broken or fracture bones.... Cuts, bruises and grazes. Concussion. Whiplash injuries.
If you have been injured in a road traffic accident as a passenger or driver, and you were not to blame, you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim.
Contact me today for a free no-obligation consultation on your case.
Find out more at… /Drivers-and-passeng…
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Holidays should be a happy time but, unfortunately, accidents do happen and with many more of us going on skiing trips, a lot of these occur on the slopes. Before you travel make sure you are covered by the appropriate travel insurance and be aware of the risks you are taking as a skier. However, if you are involved in an accident, the advice of a dependable lawyer is always your best insurance. At Nigel Askew Solicitor we are here to bring any claim you might have to a swift and favourable resolution. Find out more at… /…


If you’ve suffered an accident or injury while working in a factory, you could be eligible to make a claim.
Employers are legally bound to test equipment to make sure it is functioning properly, and to provide proper safety equipment to their employees. If your employer fails to ensure that machinery and equipment is properly maintained, and you are injured as a result, you may be entitled to compensation.
Defective machinery causes many injuries every year; have you been unfortunate enough to be affected by such an accident? See whether or not you have a case to claim against your employers.


I handle every injury claim personally. Call me on 01522 717551 and I'll explain how I can help on a free no-obligation basis.


There's always an accident waiting to happen...

More about Nigel Askew Solicitor

Nigel Askew Solicitor is located at 10 Manor Park, LN11 8NH Louth, Lincolnshire