Nippie'S Lactation Cookies

Monday: 06:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 12:00
Friday: 06:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Nippie'S Lactation Cookies

Introducing the 1st UK Freshly Baked Lactation Cookie company, Nippie's Lactation Cookies. Specially made for Breastfeeding Mums to boost your milk supply.

Nippie'S Lactation Cookies Description

Hello, I’m Errin and I’m the founder of Nippie's Lactation Cookies.

As a Mum we all want the best for our children, and with my first child I wasn’t able to breastfeed her for more than a few days, due to an unknown previous medical condition. This caused a terrible delivery, and left me on heavy medication for a long time.

I therefore had to admit defeat and give up on my desire to breastfeed. That was a very emotionally painful day for me, and a year on I still looked back and regretted not being able to breastfeed my daughter. My desire to breastfeed was very strong, I felt that I had missed out on that incredible bonding experience between mother and baby, having only just 1-2 days breastfeeding her. I vowed that if I was ever lucky enough to be blessed with another child again, I would elect to have a c-section so that I would be able to breastfeed successfully.

13 months later I fell pregnant with my second child, and I could not wait to breastfeed. I never knew breastfeeding would be so challenging. I had latching issues, over supply issues, and when my supply settled down I would constantly be questioning myself ‘Am I producing enough milk?’ I knew I was as my daughter was gaining enough weight, but it was always there in the back of my mind when my daughter was fussy and constantly pulling at my breast as if there wasn’t anything there. Another aspect was the fact that my husband wasn’t able to feed her as he had previously done with our first daughter, and so he didn’t feel like he could play a role and spend time with her as she was constantly attached to me. I tried expressing but it was a real effort to try and get even a couple of ounces in a day, for him to be able to take her out for a few hours on his own.

So I started to look for ways to increase my milk supply naturally, and that’s when I found out about lactation cookies. I made a batch for myself to see if they would help increase my supply, it took a few days but wow, my breasts were constantly full and I was able to express 6 ounces in the evening from one breast! I made a few batches for my other breastfeeding friends and they all said the same thing, ‘They really work! ’.

I have to be honest, I had never heard of them, and I couldn’t believe that nobody I knew had heard about them, and there wasn’t anyone in the UK currently supplying these, freshly made, to busy mums like me anywhere. I needed a new hobby and I thought this would be an excellent way for me to be at home with my girls, having a little me time, whilst also helping other busy mums, who simply don’t have the time to bake.

…. And that is how Nippie's Lactation Cookies was born ;-)

More about Nippie'S Lactation Cookies

Monday: 06:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 12:00
Friday: 06:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -