Njm Counselling & Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:30 - 21:00
Friday: 09:30 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Njm Counselling & Hypnotherapy

Hi I am Nicola,
Welcome to my page. Please feel free to browse around, look through my videos, posts and comments that past and future clients have left.

If you would like to get in contact then please do so. I will look forward to hearing from you : -)

Njm Counselling & Hypnotherapy Description

Hi, I’m Nicola and thank you for visiting my page.
I am married to my most amazing husband and have a teenage son and a 2-year-old puppy, don’t think she will ever stop being one of those 😊 and right now I am loving my life.

The journey that has led me to become the successful therapist I am today, hasn’t always been easy.
My ambition when I was small was to become a teacher (most little girls dreams) then as I matured a Midwife, the caring role was always in me.
Life didn’t kind of work out the way I planned, like often most don’t, and I just plodded and got by for some time, feeling resentful and let down with myself.

I have a very close-knit family including an older brother and younger sister (yes middle child syndrome lol).
Not quite sure when the wheels started to fall off this, but my brother sadly took himself down an addiction route and that’s when everything changed.
I watched my family fall apart in front of my own eyes, whilst feeling helpless and so, so angry, in fact I got angry with everyone and anyone. My emotions were at overload and I felt completely lost. I went into saviour mode, fix it mode, the only mode I had and knew, but that was exhausting.

A few years went by and my brother went downhill and sadly passed away leaving a massive whole in our family.
At the same time, very close friends were facing a massive trauma themselves, which again I was playing the fix it role and failing miserably in my eyes.

BANG! ! ! ! The walls caved in. My emotions said enough was enough and for the next few months I just ran on auto pilot, in a fog of emotional turmoil, blaming the world for everything.
Trying my best to live day to day, whilst still being a wife, a mum, a sister, a daughter and a best friend whilst most days just getting up and out of bed was a struggle.

Fast-forward a few months and I heard an advert on the radio for training to become a Counsellor and as they say………the rest is history and my life was about to take a dramatic turn for the better.

Here I am writing this today and feeling in the most positive place I have ever been in my life and my goodness it feels great.

The reason I wanted to share this with you, is to let you know I have been there. I have felt the things you are feeling. I understand how painful everyday can be, when you are battling with your inner you, but I also know how to change these feelings, how to lift the fog, how to finally be free of your past and move into your brighter present and future.

I want to show you how you can do this to. I want to show you that no matter how hard you think this may be, that it isn’t that hard at all. I want to show you how you can be better.
I want to teach you the techniques and strategies that I was taught which helped me so much and finally made sense of the brain fog and emotions.
I want to help you get back on your right path in life, just like I have so many other clients and if you would like to read some testimonials from those I have worked with, please follow this link https://www. njmann. co. uk / #testimonials

If you would like to know more about me, then please pop over to my website www. njmann. co. uk and when you are ready you can contact me either through my page here, my website or my email: nicolamann2010@icloud.com

Do something today that your future self will thank you for, because you deserve it and are so worth it.

Thank you for reading

Nicola 😊



Negative thought pattern stops us being who we really are....


Very powerful, please remember children learn most things from their careers, positive or negative......


Completed day two of TFT (thought field therapy) with Janet Thomson today in London. Love this technique, works beautifully in the therapy room, and I use it all the time with my clients.
If you would like to find out more about this technique, and the way it could help you, contact me 🙂


Just be you......You are always enough ❤


Let's get talking mental health 🙂


Are you ready to change?


This is where the magic happens......
My clients love the warm, inviting effect my therapy room has, the minute they walk through the door.
Therapy doesn't have to be clinical. If you, or someone you know, would like somewhere peaceful, relaxing, where you can safely let go of unwanted feelings, behaviours and emotions, then contact me and get booked in 🙂.
... #lovemyjob #lovemytherapyroom
www.njmann.co.uk 07751520369
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I ❤ my job. When your job is your passion, it's never a job 🙂🙂. www.njmann.co.ukI ❤ my job. When your job is your passion, it's never a job 🙂🙂. www.njmann.co.uk


What a beautiful morning!!
Is today going to be the day you make those changes?
Being stuck with negative beliefs, anxiety, depression, fears is not how you have to live your life.... If you know it's time to change and you are ready to start your new chapter, then take action and make contact, together we can get you there.
www.njmann.co.uk 07751520369
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Therapy room open to all......😍.
Poppy was early for her session so bathed in the sun for a while ☀☀


I love this..........always look for positivity ⭐️⭐️


I wonder what negative thoughts you may tell yourself today.......??? Check in with your critical voice and really listen.
You are always listening - keep it positive, keep it kind, as you are amazing.
... www.njmann.co.uk
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So, this happened today ☺☺.
Expanding my knowledge and learning new skills for children and young adults.
Never stop learning.....


Nothing like an early morning walk to get you ready for the day.
Energise Mindset Positivity... Waking hypnosis Let's do this.......
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Ask me how you can turn the page....
I'll guide you to your new chapter!!


Get outside today and enjoy the beautiful weather that we have right now. It's proven that Sunshine and being outside lifts our mood ☀☀ See all you can see Hear all you can hear Touch all you can touch... Smell all you can smell Keep your head up and really go inside your own body Ground yourself with nature and watch what happens.......
If you are experiencing any blockages in your life right now, get in contact.
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What if the journey behind you, is the road to the future in front of you? Take the learnings, not the emotional baggage. Learn from the past, create a brighter future 🙂

More about Njm Counselling & Hypnotherapy

Njm Counselling & Hypnotherapy is located at IP3 8QJ Ipswich, Suffolk
+44 7751 520369
Monday: 09:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:30 - 21:00
Friday: 09:30 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 13:00
Sunday: -