Nlp World

About Nlp World

NLP World is a futuristic training company, that assists people and companies to fulfill their visions www. nlpworld. co. uk

Nlp World Description

NLP World started out with a vision for NLP training and development within the UK. Wanting to get away from usual money grabbing, churn-mill ethics to something a little more intimate; something that integrated the trainings on an individual level, as well as being technically sound. Our ambition, to create a network of people rather than seeing participants as disposable commodities, is bearing fruit.

Why train with us?

We offer the highest quality NLP course at very competitive rates. We also offer a fast track approach to training which means that you can cut down the number of training room hours. We combine this with a comprehensive pre-course home study pack, with specially designed audio CDs and DVDs containing information, theory and demonstrations of techniques, which means that delegates complete our NLP training with knowledge and confidence greater than most people who attend longer training's. We run bespoke business NLP trainings as well as the standard NLP Practitioner Training (duration 7 days), and the Master Practitioner Training (modular 3 x 4 days plus two out of the training environment).

We also work with small group sizes. Our training's are limited to 10-20 people which means that you will always receive personal attention from the trainer and also be closely monitored and supervised throughout the training. We have 1 assistant to every 3 /4 participants, increasing your contact to the materials and concepts being put before you.

Youtube training video:

http://youtu. be /8yFyCwq6U1M

We also offer a unique continual learning and support programme. After our training's, we invite you to stay in touch and ask your NLP related questions. We have a seminar programme that takes place one evening a month in London, where you can learn new skills, refine existing skills and ask questions. If you go on to do the Master Practitioner Training with us, you will also complete a comprehensive home study package to refine your Practitioner skills and prepare you for the Master Practitioner Training.

On our training you train with Terry Elston & Adam Sprackling, leading NLP trainers who over the last 15 years has been teaching and coaching with NLP to a wide range of different clients. They are often involved in training major blue chip companies and have also worked with hundreds of different clients on a one to one basis, or in training. Terry is a trainer of Time Based Techniques and Hypnosis as well as being a trainer of NLP.

Your trainers are some of the most experienced in the country, and in constant demand. They are committed to make your learning experience the best possible and your training will be fun and intensive. Terry has himself trained with Tad James, David Shepherd, John Overdurf and many other respected names in NLP. He is constantly updating the NLP training with new ideas and breakthroughs, and incorporating the best techniques and approaches that he has learned in over a decade and is continuing to develop.

We believe that all work is an opportunity to develop ourselves as people. There is no activity on earth that cannot lead in some way to learning and development. As managers and leaders, we all have the responsibility to set up conditions for that to happen.

The techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Based Techniques and Hypnosis are now seen as the most powerful tools around to change situations and get what you want in life.

If you don't feel like taking a training just yet, we have also developed an array of incredible MP3, CD and DVD products to suit your tastes.

http://www. nlpworld. co. uk /nlp-world-shop

Yet, if the question you want answering is the "who do you choose" as your provider question, then that may be answered this way; NLP World has been chosen by the Government, the MOD, the Home Office, the Education Department and many, many blue chip companies (see NLP Business Training), to supply all kinds of learning and development using these amazing techniques.

On our trainings, you will have the opportunity to work on your own self-development as well as gaining NLP skills that enable you to get to the next level of your life.

The personal touch is what our theme at NLP World is. Our motto is "taking your training personally", that means we really do care what result you get and will do everything to ensure that it happens!

Your ability to learn and progress does not stop when you have finished the training, in fact for some, it's an amazing start! Therefore we encourage you to stay in touch, using NLP World as a facility into the future.

At NLP World we have research which is proven that your productivity (or your staff's) increases with happiness levels; your time off work decreases because of being in tune with your environment, and therefore less stress and your efficiency within the company or practice contributes to the whole rather than just doing a job.

Now we think at least part of our mission is coming closer to the Intention , as the natural networks of delegates are growing around us and we regularly get introduced into their own organisations to run trainings or to see how to improve the working environment.

Many people also want to come and assist on the trainings and take part in a context they feel at home in.

NLP World Trainer: Adam Sprackling

Adam Sprackling has been part of the NLP World structure for many years now. His unique love of people and change-work has been part of the success that has people coming back to this company because they feel the intimate connection and the individual attention put on them. He also has a similar vision to Terry in creating an empowering network that continues even after your training ends.

At NLP World, you can begin to use this network leading you to further your business, health practice or your own personal life under the banner of excellence!

You can begin to believe that you still can get fantastic quality at a price that affords looking at very closely. We can do this by putting any profits right back into training, development and research, and as one of our business delegates said, "making this the place where you'll find the most updated concepts and training styles in the country".

This is what you should expect to find from participating in our trainings:

Quality up to date material
Excellent Trainers
Fully certified courses backed by the ANLP in the UK and ABNLP in the US
Individual Coaching before, during and after the courses
Incredible growth and results in your personal and professional life
Appropriate classroom sizes with one assistant to every three /four delegates

NLP World Trainer: Susanne Billander

Susanne Billander was only 22 years old when she became a Practitioner of NLP. From a standing start, just three years later, she was training top executives in American Express and getting the highest feedback of all the trainers! Her ability to "see" the highest in people, whilst giving feedback of the top order, leaves participants lost for words as they change into the best individuals and Practitioners that they came here for.

We are a company that takes your training personally. We have all been practitioners before and sometimes there are more questions when finishing training, than there were at the beginning. That's why NLP World is a world of resources for you before, during and after your training with us. The people here at NLP World are hand picked for their technical training abilities and personalities; and, above all, we all care! We also believe in good value. We will give you the best possible training, with the most up to date material at the least cost to you.

You have trainers here who are qualified to teach NLP to the Master Practitioner level, Master Time Based Techniques material (of which there are only a few in this country) Hypnosis (as a qualification) and also have valuable experience in Meta- Medicine techniques, for health and healing.

Here's what a few of the people from our trainings have to say:

http://youtu. be /TzS7x2Jn0Is

"I've attended a great many trainings in my role as CEO of a City Communications business and none have got close to the sequence of deep learnings I have experienced for the last week. A big thank you! "
Robin Johnson - Business Consultant, Sussex

"The whole presupposition of fun and passionate belief in the material was outstanding and especially the intelligence in the delivery of the training, giving respect to the intelligence of the delegates: passion, love and respect"
Shana Dean, Legal P. A. New York

"I have grown, changed and improved myself so much over the sum of just one week. It has been a true and remarkable experience. For your expertise, energy and love! Thank you so Much! ! "
Nick Penny, Accountant, London

"I really loved the presentation of the material, . . I just didn't even notice the days passing. " Theodore Kyriacos, Psychotherapist, London

"The NLP World experience is one of totally enthusiasm about the subject and that really passed it on to me. There was also a lot of participation so that we all had a chance to try out the techniques I had a great time - lots of fun! "
Sally Price, Staff Liaison Officer, Cardiff

"Time Based Techniques is simply amazing! Very exciting stuff! Wow factor 10! ! ! "
Max Kirsten, Life /Business Coach and Hypnotherapist, London

"I loved the hypnosis part of the course. For a start, I hadn't expected to laugh quite so much or for so long, and had also not realized that hypnosis would go so far beyond my expectations. I found it to be an immensely powerful and very gentle treatment that makes profound change possible in a short time. And besides all of this, it also feels great to be hypnotized! "
Greg Southey, IT Business Consultant, Surrey

"I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the training, particularly the experience of making major personal changes. I'm very very grateful; It's been an honour to be among such a gathering! "
Sheila Morrell, Lancashire

"The course was high energy and definitely transforming, enabling me to access the best that I have to offer! "
Paul Bailey, Therapist, Eastbourne

What We Do

At NLP World you will be trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Based Techniques and Hypnotherapy at the Practitioner and Master Practitioner level. Your certificates are valid worldwide. We also run two day courses, called The Secret Weekend, to give a taste of the techniques, just for you! There are Practitioners and Trainers available if you require one-to-one work on any issues, and a business training department for your bespoke corporate needs.

The products at NLP World are growing by the day. We have extensive MP3 and CD products to help you sell, communicate, perform or present excellently! If we cannot find the product you need we will know who can and have friendly links worldwide.

Our Vision

To achieve things in life and progress, you need to honour the good things that you already have. Here at NLP World we honour the people that come through as the important ones. Too many times we hear that people come back from trainings saying how amazing the trainer was. We want you to leave here saying how amazing you are!



Inside an NLP Training, you will normally find a section on strategies. NLP was created as a result of Modeling. Bandler and Grinder's system for Modeling was essentially to discover somebody's belief systems, physiology, and mental strategies. In the process of modeling, they would elicit a person's internal program, which they called "mental syntax" or "strategy." [ 1,352 more word ] trategies-2/


The Hierarchy of Ideas [ 2,165 more words ] er-hierarchy-of-i…/


Tip For a Week: Judgements are usually just old habitual ways of thinking. Distance yourself from them and give yourself more room to have new thoughts and actions.
Starting today, make no judgements without first looking at what the obstacle may be doing for you that’s in the way.
Take at least one minute to look at each obstacle and what development it may have for you, before evaluating whether it’s right or wrong.
... #tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
See More


Tip For a Week: Judgements are usually just old habitual ways of thinking. Distance yourself from them and give yourself more room to have new thoughts and actions.
Starting today, make no judgements without first looking at what the obstacle may be doing for you that’s in the way.
Take at least one minute to look at each obstacle and what development it may have for you, before evaluating whether it’s right or wrong.
... #tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
See More


What's it like after your NLP Practitioner Course? Written by Dan Clark, Master Practitioner of NLP and now Shaman and Cacao scientist e-after-your-nlp-…/


Tip For a Week: Judgements are usually just old habitual ways of thinking. Distance yourself from them and give yourself more room to have new thoughts and actions.
Starting today, make no judgements without first looking at what the obstacle may be doing for you that’s in the way.
Take at least one minute to look at each obstacle and what development it may have for you, before evaluating whether it’s right or wrong.
... #tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
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The title for this article is a take-off on Dr. Candace Pert’s groundbreaking book on neuropeptides entitled Molecules of Emotion. (Dr. Pert’s book is a must read for anyone working with the human body.) [ 1,513 more word ] ody-connection/


Is NLP a pseudoscience? Written out of frustration where people haven't understood the basic premise of NLP and where it fits into Philosophy, Psychology, Coaching, Counselling or self-development. oscience/


Tip For a Week: Judgements are usually just old habitual ways of thinking. Distance yourself from them and give yourself more room to have new thoughts and actions.
Starting today, make no judgements without first looking at what the obstacle may be doing for you that’s in the way.
Take at least one minute to look at each obstacle and what development it may have for you, before evaluating whether it’s right or wrong.
... #tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
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What you think you become, by Wesley Kew, Clinical Psychologist and Master Practitioner of nLP about maintaining your internal thought patterns. nk-you-become/


Tip For a Week: Judgements are usually just old habitual ways of thinking. Distance yourself from them and give yourself more room to have new thoughts and actions.
Starting today, make no judgements without first looking at what the obstacle may be doing for you that’s in the way.
Take at least five minutes to look at each obstacle and what development it may have for you, before evaluating whether it’s right or wrong.
... #tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
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Structure of the Mind, by Wesley Kew, Clinical Psychologist and Master Practitioner of NLP discusses the vagrancies of the mind -the-mind/


Tip For a Week: There is a huge difference between a goal and a state. A state is how you feel, what your energy is like, how you are feeling. A goal does not depend on a state - although some people get that confused.
They think they cannot move or act on their ambitions because they don’t feel good at the time.
Today, once you’ve decided your goal is good and aligned to who you are in life, decide on the actions to take regardless of how you feel at the time. ...
Watch out for the blogs this week as they may also be aligned to this message….
#tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
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Tip For a Week: There is a huge difference between a goal and a state. A state is how you feel, what your energy is like, how you are feeling. A goal does not depend on a state - although some people get that confused.
They think they cannot move or act on their ambitions because they don’t feel good at the time.
Today, once you’ve decided your goal is good and aligned to who you are in life, decide on the actions to take regardless of how you feel at the time. ...
Watch out for the blogs this week as they may also be aligned to this message….
#tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
See More


Tip For a Week: There is a huge difference between a goal and a state. A state is how you feel, what your energy is like, how you are feeling. A goal does not depend on a state - although some people get that confused.
They think they cannot move or act on their ambitions because they don’t feel good at the time.
Today, once you’ve decided your goal is good and aligned to who you are in life, decide on the actions to take regardless of how you feel at the time. ...
Watch out for the blogs this week as they may also be aligned to this message….
#tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
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As I teach, I’m taught, by Wesley Kew, Clinical Psychologist and Master Practitioner of NLP. His experience of coaching using the presuppositions of NLP namely "there is no failure, only feedback" m-taught/


Tip For a Week: There is a huge difference between a goal and a state. A state is how you feel, what your energy is like, how you are feeling. A goal does not depend on a state - although some people get that confused.
They think they cannot move or act on their ambitions because they don’t feel good at the time.
Today, once you’ve decided your goal is good and aligned to who you are in life, decide on the actions to take regardless of how you feel at the time. ...
Watch out for the blogs this week as they may also be aligned to this message….
#tipfortheday, #tipfortheweek, #motivation, #nlptip, #nlp ,#coaching, #mindfulness , #coachingtips, #nlpworld #weeklytip #nlparticle #nlpcoaching, #nlpcourse ,#nlptraining, #twitter
See More


NLP Predicates, written by Terry elston outlines the importance of knowing another person's preference when expressing their inner world in pictures, sounds, feelings or self-talk. /

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