Noble Savage Training

About Noble Savage Training

If you are looking for elite personal training and guidance then Noble Savage Training is for you. Accept no limitations.



What's in your shopping trolley? A little glimpse into mine this week. Apologies for the terrible camera voice but hopefully it's an insight #taonoblesavage #savagediet


When competing it's so hard to eat and keep fuelled. Want to learn the game? Get in touch


Find yourself stranded without lunch? Easy. Find your nearest supermarket and walk past all the crap until you get to the hot food section. The other day I got four thighs for £1.00
Cheap ✔️ Easy ✔️ Fast ✔️... Healthy✔️
Stay tuned for some 'out and about lunch options.
#taonoblesavage #savagediet
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Putting on size doesn't have to be unhealthy or unnatural. Currently putting together a plan for another hard gainer. Need help putting on the slabs? Drop me a line-


Some weekly essentials- this is about 3/4 of my food shop as I hit different supermarkets for different produce. A lot of guys who are on my diet programme will recognise a few of these if not all of them. All good diets start with whats in the basket #noblesavage #savagediet


Had a lot planned today training wise so needed the calories. Today's breakfast was the following;
1 Spanish omelette Smoked sausage (albeit I hate eating pork)
... 2 bannana Cup of Walnuts
Smoothie with Coconut milk, 1 whole avocado & egg protein
Do note, consumption is based on exertion which is primary!
Have a great week guys,
Be noble, train like a savage
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Apologies for the hiatus, what have I been up to......
A knee niggle after the open (that I decided to ignore and made worse) has kind of been a blessing in disguise. After a lot of frustration I have been able to realise what an oppurtunity it has been.
Not being able to squat or lift much weight has allowed me to focus on areas of my fitness which are lagging. I spend most of my days as of late either in the pool or on my hands walking around. It has been a really humbling... learning curve, I recommend to those of you who get disheartened with niggles is to re-assess and see the positives and oppurtunities that are beheld to you. Now I am more rounded than I have ever been, and if I hadn't of been injured, I don't think I would of taken the time I have to get better at these aspects. Perspective, hey.
Preparing for competition, with a team aswell. It's a strange feeling to be part of something that isn't solely selfish. I genuinely care and feel reponsible for my team mates and don't want to let them down. Bizarrely this gives ke drive I have never had before.
Spending time with our great community here at CrossFit Maidstone and actually just enjoying the experience!
Learning a new language...brain fitness!
Training weightliftings next superstar little Aimie, she's awesome and already better than me which is annoying. She'll be competing soon but who cares if she wins or loses, seeing a young girl show interest in weightlifting is a victory in itself, we need less Kardashian idolisers in this world.
Back to business though, expect to see some tips and meal ideas, along with some transformation pics.... Stay tuned!
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16.1 l had me in all kinds of hurt, very good test of fitness! #taonoblesavage


If you are part of the Savage diet plan and haven't recieved the second phase attachment, let me know! #taonoblesavage


Awesome job Mick, 12kgs in 5 weeks #savagediet


Finalising the second phase of the Savage diet, excited to see some more results #taonoblesavage #savagediet was all easier over a nice duck roast 👌🏼👌🏼


Diet plan updates coming this weekend for those following the plan, stay tuned #taonoblesavage


The calm after the storm #taonoblesavage


Work is starting on the Noble Savage training website, watch this space! In the meantime- any questions or subjects you'd like to read about? #taonoblesavage


Great coach, wrote me a great programme and trains me regularly at CrossFit Maidstone. Couldn't recommend highly enough!!!


Great coach and a great guy! He coaching me for over two years and no session is the same! Always varied always something new to learn.

I fully recommend to anyone who wants to loose weight, get fit or looking for diet plan.

5 star service


Great coach, wrote me a great programme and trains me regularly at CrossFit Maidstone. Couldn't recommend highly enough!!!


Great coach and a great guy! He coaching me for over two years and no session is the same! Always varied always something new to learn.

I fully recommend to anyone who wants to loose weight, get fit or looking for diet plan.

5 star service

More about Noble Savage Training

Noble Savage Training is located at Estr Fitness, DA1 4LB Crayford