Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd

About Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd

We are one of the North East's largest and best known independent heritage consultancies, offering a full range of archaeological and historic environment services across the UK.

Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd Description

We pride ourselves on our relationship with our clients, working with developers, local authorities, national heritage bodies and community groups. NAA's dedicated team of experienced heritage professionals will respond to your requirements quickly and efficiently, helping to ensure that your project achieves a successful outcome whatever its scope or scale.

Established in 1990, NAA's main office is in Barnard Castle, in the heart of the beautiful Teesdale valley and within easy distance of the A1 and M6. We also have a smaller office in Durham. The two directors, Richard Fraser and Mary Fraser, together have over 50 years experience in professional archaeology. Prior to joining NAA, Mary previously worked in Local Government Planning so has personal experience of the development process from both sides of the table.

Richard and Mary are supported by a core staff of thirty six, including specialists in heritage conservation, planning consultancy, site investigation, geophysical survey, building and landscape survey, post-excavation and community outreach. At all levels our staff are committed to providing a first-rate, professional service. Together, we can offer our clients the peace of mind, reliability and consistency they would expect of a large commercial contractor, while still being small enough to ensure a flexible and personal service.



Following on from last week’s #HODs walk, the full Whinfield Coking Ovens report is now available online for you to download for free. Simply check out our new project page where there are also examples of the Structure-from-Motion survey techniques: ovens


It's #FindsFriday! Once our finds have been washed, recorded and reports have been written, we package them up ready for archive and consolidation. This intact ovoid glass flask was found in the coffin of an adult male, and dates to the 4th century. Although examples have been found across the north-western provinces, this glass flask is a unique find in Britain, and so we must make sure it is packaged securely!


The last #Heritage #OpenDay weekend is coming up. There are still loads of things to see and do across the country. Check out the HOD website for details of events in your area: #HODS


Penny Middleton from our Heritage Management Team is leading a Heritage Open Day #HODS walk this evening starting at the Whinfield Coke Ovens, Gateshead. Come along to discover more about the fascinating industrial history of the area. Organised by the #LandofOakIron. Follow the link below for booking details nfield-coke-ovens-…


Some of the finds we encounter during our excavations are miniscule and require fine sorting. We often sift through ‘magnetic matter’ found in soil samples. A lot of this will be natural iron rich stone (and magnetic), but sometimes we find hammer-scale, which is a by-product of the iron forging and smithing processes. When found it large quantities, it can tell us that iron working occurred in the area and can sometimes indicate what the function of a specific feature on site was in the past. #FindsFriday #archaeology #postexcavation


It's #FindsFriday! Here are some of the 128 coins recovered from our excavations at #Binchester this summer. They have been laid out to dry in our finds store before we record and assess them for conservation needs. They range in date, but most date to the #Roman period. We are sure there will be many more to find next year! #AucklandProject #BinchesterDig2018 #communityarchaeology #britisharchaeology #romanfinds #smallfinds #heritage #archaeology #northeast #countydurham


This basket was recovered from a #Roman well during excavations at Catterick. The waterlogged conditions had preserved it, and it has since been conserved by York Archaeological Trust. It is a rare and unexpected survival from the Roman period. #HighwaysEngland #A2L2B #A1upgrade


Today, 16 members of NAA's Archaeology and Heritage Team attended an excellent talk given by Don O'Meara, @Historic England Science Advisor at our offices in Barnard Castle. Don talked us through the changes in guidance for preservation in situ in light of the newly issued NPPF. Thanks Don, we all learned a lot and really enjoyed it, especially the masking taped banana!


The Roker Pier Tunnel Tours now open for bookings!


Happy Birthday to the Lake District National Park @lakedistrictnpa, founded 67 years ago today! NAA have had the pleasure of working on a number of projects in the Park over the years and each time we are in awe of the amazing landscape. Congratulations to all of those who work so hard to protect it for future generations.


This year’s excavations at Binchester have finished, but there’s still plenty of post-excavation to do! This week's Finds Friday is this lovely jet cuboid-headed hair pin was recovered during the final week of the dig. This shape of head is the most common for jet hair pins, and they were popular across Britain. This style of hair pin was also made in bone and metal, and the form was revived in the Saxon period. Fashion always comes around!


Today's #FindsFriday features Dr Hannah Russ, our Post Excavation Manager discussing how the animal bone from #BinchesterDig2018 will be analysed now that the dig has finished!


Further coverage of our #excavation at #Hart is in the news today. Read more about the Anglo-Saxon #burials we have uncovered at…/scores- skeletons-found-site…


Jackie and Cheryl met when they were both volunteering at Kynren but they have become good friends through digging together on several sites, one of which is Binchester. During their first year here they excavated a grave together in which they found several copper alloy bracelets and a whole glass vessel. Their excitement when they found a similar bracelet fragment at this year's dig was infectious!
#BinchesterDig2018 #DiggingForADecade #communityarchaeology #britisharchaeology #romanfinds #smallfinds #heritage #friendship #community #archaeology #northeast #countydurham


One of a series of great talks and walks being organised by #TheSill this summer.


The site is a hub of activity during our final week at #BinchesterDig2018!
#communityarchaeology #britisharchaeology #romanarchaeology #romanfort #northeast #summer #summerholidays #archaeology #heritage


We've been working alongside NEAR Ltd on this former cemetery on the outskirts of Hart. Olly Cooper, one of our Project Managers believes the burials to be Christian due to the east-west alignment of the graves and the absence of grave goods. Read more at:…/secr ets-of-ancient-buria…


For #FindsFriday this week, we have this sherd of Crambeck ware, which was discovered by one of our volunteers during our excavations at Binchester #Roman Fort. Produced in #Yorkshire, it is of a type known as parchment ware and most likely dates to the 4th century. It comes from a mortarium, and shows characteristic orange painted decoration on the inside. The grit found in such mortaria was often created out of iron slag and was very coarse, making it useful for grinding spices and herbs.

More about Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd

Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd is located at Marwood House 28 Harmire Enterprise Park Harmire Rd, DL12 8BN Barnard Castle
+44 1833 690800