Northumberland Guided Bird Walks

About Northumberland Guided Bird Walks

Guided Bird Walks from some of Northumberland's best cafes.



Thursday's trek around Newbiggin on another hot morning offered a good variety of typical mid-summer birds (and butterflies). Gulls and terns featured prominently and we were able to see not only Mediterranean Gulls alongside the commoner Black-headed Gulls but a Little Gull feeding alongside them too. At another stop adult and juvenile Kittiwakes offered good side by side comparisons as did three species of tern (Sandwich, Common & Arctic). Returning waders included Curlews, Golden Plovers & Oystercatchers. Offshore two Puffins fed close inshore but there was a noticeable absence of Gannets. On the inland return walk there were few small birds aside Dunnock and Linnet, butterflies made up for this with Speckled Wood, Common Blue, Ringlet, Small Skipper and Meadow Brown noted on the wing.


Our Guided Walk Event from Newbiggin Maritime Centre planned for Wednesday 4th July will now take place on Thursday 5th July (10:15) instead, apologies for any inconvenience.


Wednesday's Drift Cafe walk was full of sunshine and summer! We were accompanied by a constant stream of House Martins over the dunes their white rumps gleaming against the blue sky. Great views of hunting Kestrel and some good opportunities to talk about some obvious ways to pick out Black-headed Gulls in flight. Meadow Pipits played parachute in several locations. On the inland section we had great views of the local Avocets, picked out a single Little Stint and three very unseasonal Goldeneye before typically close views of the local male Stonechat just before coffees back at The Drift. Why not join us on our next Drift cafe walk on 11 July.


Despite an occasionally chilly NE breeze on Wednesday our Guided Walk from Newbiggin Maritime Centre produced lots of birds! The summer gathering of Eiders in the area was in full swing with over 60 seen including some nice close drakes just in front of the Maritime Centre Cafe. Pied Wagtails fed young on the beach here too. House Martins and Sand Martins accompanied us as we walked north. We spent some time checking a high tide roost with great views of Grey Plovers, Sandwich Terns, summer-plumaged Sanderling, Oystercatchers, Ringed Plover and an adult Grey Heron. Linnets and the occasional singing Skylark were noted on land. A little inland we found Common Whitethroats, had great views of Song Thrush and Dunnock as well as Gadwall and Lapwing in a wet area.


Last few places for tomorrow morning's guided walk from Newbiggin Maritime Centre.


How about joining us for our next guided bird walk at Newbiggin. We will hopefully be able to show you some summer visitors on and offshore!


It’s National Walking Month so why not join us tomorrow morning on a short guided bird walk from Newbiggin Maritime Centre/Breakwater Cafe!


There's no bird guide on board (yet) but if you don't fancy the walk across....


Worth keeping an eye out for these if you're on the Northumberland coast this weekend.


Thankfully yesterday’s rain had abated by the time we set off from the Drift Cafe this morning. Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtail and the Stonechat pair in evidence in the dunes to the south. Recent heavy seas appear to have taken a toll on some seabirds with two Razorbills and four Guillemots found dead and a moribund Fulmar at the outflow. Four Twite remain in dunes north of Cresswell Pond though elusive, on the pond 18 Avocets were on the west side and north of the causeway, two Goldeneye still present and a Male Wheatear in the sheep field to the north. On returning to the Drift Cafe a Black Redstart was seen briefly in the car park!


Another damp affair this morning from Newbiggin Maritime Centre, however despite the rain some splendid birds were shown to guests. Looking out into the south bay before we set off a Purple Sandpiper fed along the shore and two Common Scoter dived in the bay, a small flock of 30-40 Sanderling scampered along the receding tide line. On the beach we were lucky enough to catch up with the male White-spotted Bluethroat present for its 3rd day. More Sanderling on the rocks, Turnst...ones and Oystercatchers kept us busy and a male Wheatear showed very well on rocks under the beach edge. Two Skylarks were grounded and confiding on the golf course as we walked back; arriving back at the Maritime Centre we were delighted with a juvenile Iceland Gull on the tide line of the south bay before tucking into some great scones and hot drinks in the warm and dry Breakwater Cafe. (archive images below Bluethroat and Iceland Gull for illustration only).
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Looking forward to our guided bird walk from newbiggin's fabulous Breakwater Cafe at the Maritime Centre tomorrow, why Newbiggin you might ask? Check out this resource produced by local naturalists and inspired by one of our great friends Jimmy Steele.


Saturday's guided walk on Holy Island was a rather damp affair but that didn't prevent us from being able to showcase some great birds. Helping out for the day, guest guide Stewart Sexton, picked up a Hawfinch in the village before we had even started walking. In heavy rain we decided to take shelter below the Vicar's Garden and use our scopes to pick up birds in the channels and around the Holy Isle. Eiders were in good supply, along with several Long-tailed Ducks, three-four Slavonian Grebes moving into breeding plumage were visible as well as several Shags and Cormorant. Many waders have departed for breeding areas but we were able to show guests small numbers of Bar-tailed Godwit, Grey Plover, Knot, Redshank, Oystercatcher and Turnstone. Over 100 Grey Seals basking on the sandbanks were also popular.


Revising for our Pilgrimage To The Islands guided walk on Saturday with Ian Kerr’s brilliant ‘Birds of Holy Island’


Great read about five ways birding can benefit you!

More about Northumberland Guided Bird Walks

Northumberland Guided Bird Walks is located at Pegswood, Morpeth, Northumberland