Notag Design Group

About Notag Design Group




[KBS WORLD Radio, Business Watch] "NoTag, a Provider of Quick, Efficient Cross-border Commerce Service"
Now itвҖҷs time to take a look at a Korean business bringing about changes in the global economy with some new ideas.
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н•ңкөӯл¬ҙм—ӯмӢ л¬ё [л…ёнғңк·ё, нҢЁм…ҳВ·л””мһҗмқёВ·кіөмҳҲн’ҲмқҖ вҖҳмӢ мң нҶөвҖҷ л°©мӢқмңјлЎң мҲҳм¶ң] вҖңкөӯлӮҙ л””мһҗмқҙл„Ҳл“Өм—җкІҢлҠ” м•„мЈј мүҪкІҢ мҲҳм¶ңн•  мҲҳ мһҲлҠ” лЈЁнҠёк°Җ мһҲм§Җл§Ң, мқҙлҠ” лҸҷмӢңм—җ м–ҙл өкІҢ лҠҗк»ҙм§Җкё°лҸ„ н•©лӢҲлӢӨ. м ңлҢҖлЎң м•Ңм§Җ лӘ»н•ҳл©ҙ кё°нҡҢлҘј лӢӨ лҶ“м№ҳкі  л§җм•„мҡ”.вҖқ мөңк·ј м„ңмҡёкөӯм ңмҶҢмӢұнҺҳм–ҙмҷҖ м—°кі„н•ҙ м—ҙлҰ° вҖҳнҢЁм…ҳ&л””мһҗмқё лёҢлһңл“ңлҘј мң„н•ң н•ҙмҷё мң нҶөл§қ 진м¶ңвҖҷ м„ёлҜёлӮҳм—җм„ң л…ёнғңк·ё(NoTag)мқҳ мөңмӣ… лҢҖн‘ңк°Җ н•ң л§җмқҙлӢӨ. нҢЁм…ҳВ·л””мһҗмқёВ·кіөмҳҲм ңн’Ҳмқ„ кё°мЎҙмқҳ мқјл°ҳм Ғмқё л¬ҙм—ӯ н”„лЎңм„ёмҠӨм—җ л”°лқј мҲҳм¶ңн•ҳкІҢ лҗҳл©ҙ, к°ҖкІ©мқҙ 비мӢём§Җкі  мң н–үкіј нҠёл Ңл“ңм—җ лҜјк°җн•ң м ңн’Ҳмқё л§ҢнҒј мғҒн’Ҳмқҳ к°Җм№ҳк°Җ л–Ём–ҙм§Җкё° мүҪлӢӨ.


[KCDF н•ңкөӯкіөмҳҲл””мһҗмқёл¬ёнҷ”진нқҘмӣҗ көӯм ңмҶҢмӢұнҺҳм–ҙ 2019] NOTAGлҠ” KCDFмқҳ 2019л…„лҸ„ B2B нҠёл Ҳмқҙл“ң м»Ём„ӨнҢ…мқ„ 진н–үн•ҳкі  мһҲмҠөлӢҲлӢӨ. 3мӣ” 21мқјл¶Җн„° 23мқјк№Ңм§Җ мҪ”м—‘мҠӨм—җм„ң м—ҙлҰ¬лҠ” көӯм ңмҶҢмӢұнҺҳм–ҙм—җ мҳӨмӢңл©ҙ мҡ°мҲҳкіөмҳҲмһ‘н’Ҳл“Өкіј кіөмҳҲк°җм„ұ мҳЁлқјмқёмғө нҷҚліҙкҙҖмқ„ л§ҢлӮҳ ліҙмӢӨ мҲҳ мһҲмҠөлӢҲлӢӨ.


[ KOREA DESIGN POP-UP in UK ] в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ KIDP(Korea Institute Design Promotion) and NOTAG are managing "Korea Design Pop-Up Shops" during the London Design Festival. в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ 29 Lifestyle Korean design brands are carefully selected by KIDP and MAGMA ( The event is held at 3 different locations in Covent Garden, Clerkenwell and Manchester. в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ... OPENING PARTY Location: MAGMA Covent Garden Store Date: 1pm~3pm, 15th Sep 2018 Anybody can enter. No invitation needed. в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ POP UP SHOP Term: 14th Sep - 14th Oct 2018 Location: 3 MAGMA Shops (Covent Garden, Clerkenwell and Manchester) B2B Inquiry: в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ #notag #magma #london #UK #londondesignweek #londondesign #designfestival #londondesignvestival #coventgarden #menchester #ukdesign #design #kidp #korea #design
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лЎҜлҚ°мӣ”л“ңлӘ°мқҖ мҳӨлҠ” 7мӣ”26мқјк№Ңм§Җ м§Җн•ҳ 1мёө лҸ„нҶ лҰ¬мҲІ л§ӨмһҘ м•һм—җм„ң л””мһҗмқҙл„Ҳ лёҢлһңл“ң м•„мқҙн…ңл“Өмқ„ нҢҗл§Өн•ҳлҠ” вҖҳл…ёнғңк·ё л””мһҗмқё нҺём§‘мғөвҖҷмқ„ м„ ліҙмқёлӢӨ. мҳ¬м—¬лҰ„ л°”мәүмҠӨ мң н–ү м•„мқҙн…ңмқё л°Җм§ҡ лӘЁмһҗмҷҖ PVC(нҸҙлҰ¬м—јнҷ”비лӢҗ) л°ұмқ„ мҮјн•‘н•  мҲҳ мһҲлӢӨ.


л…ёнғңк·ёлҠ” мӨ‘көӯ 3лҢҖ B2C мҳЁлқјмқё мҮјн•‘лӘ° VIP.COM мқҳ н•ңкөӯ л””мһҗмқҙл„Ҳ лёҢлһңл“ң кіөмӢқ м„ңн”Ңлқјмқҙм–ҙк°Җ лҗҳм—ҲмҠөлӢҲлӢӨ. мҳӨлҠҳл¶Җн„° н•ңкөӯ нҢЁм…ҳ/лҰ¬л№ҷ л””мһҗмқё лёҢлһңл“ңлҘј мҶҢк°ңн•©лӢҲлӢӨ.
VIP.COM мқҖ мӨ‘көӯ мқҙм»ӨлЁёмҠӨ мӢңмһҘм—җм„ң лӘЁл°”мқјм•ұ л§Өм¶ң 1мң„ м—…мІҙлЎң ліҙмң нҡҢмӣҗмқҖ 3м–өлӘ…м—җ лӢ¬н•©лӢҲлӢӨ.
л…ёнғңк·ёлҘј нҶөн•ҙ м „м„ёкі„м—җм„ңлҸ„ мүҪкі  нҺём•Ҳн•ң л°©лІ•мңјлЎң н•ңкөӯ л””мһҗмқё лёҢлһңл“ң м ңн’Ҳмқ„ л§ҢлӮҳ ліҙмӢӨ мҲҳ мһҲмҠөлӢҲлӢӨ.
... [ B2Bл¬ёмқҳ: ]
#л…ёнғңк·ё #NOTAG #Vipshop #е”Ҝе“Ғдјҡ #entrereves
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[MBC BRAND STORE] NoTag has a partnership with MBC (Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation is one of the leading South Korean television and radio network company). On behalf of MBC we export and distribute all products all over the world. _ #NoTag #MBC #design #kpop #Korea #idol #mudo #л¬ҙлҸ„


Now It's available to shop Korean design products on Citiesocial in Taiwan :) It's easier and more convenient to order Korean lifestyle products. NoTag consistently offers and exports Korean design products to Citisocial рҹҮ№рҹҮј. _ #citiesocial #taiwan #notag #lifestyle #design #trading #homeliving


NoTag is working in partnership with Now it's so much easier for you to order Entre Reves in Taiwan. Korean designer bags are exported by NoTag to all over the world.
#Enterreves #notag #trading #bags #shopping #pixy #ariellin

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