Nottingham Hypnobirthing

About Nottingham Hypnobirthing

Antenatal education that focuses on empowering parents to be, building their confidence and ability to trust their own instincts so they can make the right choices for themselves, their baby and their family and remain in control, calm and relaxed.

Nottingham Hypnobirthing Description

Antenatal education that focuses on empowering parents to be, building their confidence and ability to trust their own instincts so they can make the right choices for themselves, their baby and their family and remain in control, calm and relaxed.



A big hate of mine is when the words only and just are used in labour.
We talk about how different words can have a big impact on you in life, pregnancy and during birth in hypnobirthing.
And sometimes you don’t even realise the different impact they have on you…what makes you feel more positive…
... You are 5cm dilated, great stuff, lets keep going
You are only 5cm dilated, just another 5 to go
Can you see the difference?!
I hear so many stories when mums have been told they are only or just so many cm dilated and it have really changed their mood and effected their confidence. I know nobody would mean to do that during labour but by adding the word just it can have a big impact.
We talk about the impact of others in hypnobirthing and how you can minimise the impact of other people’s words, which can be super helpful in pregnancy and birth.
#hypnobirthing #postivebirth #impactofwords #justandonly #birth #empowered #pregnancy #birth #nottingham #derby
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When people ask me what best thing I can recommend for a new baby my answer is always the same….muslin cloths.
I normally get a odd look and people don’t expect that answer but honestly they are the best thing for new-borns.
They can be used for everything, to wipe up dribble, milk, sick, as a sheet to lay baby on, as a cover for your clothes (think over the shoulder) as a spare blanket, a cover for breastfeeding, swaddle…the list goes on.
... You can see how much I like them by the amount I seem to have….i was just sorting through my old ones from Esme and this is the pile!
#newborn #baby #muslincloth #bestbuy #somanyuses #musthave #ivegottoomany #neverhavetoomany #pregnancy #motherhood #newmum #hypnobirthing #nottingham #derby
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Great things take time….
Remember this affirmation…keep saying it to yourself if you start to feel your labour is taking a long time.
Great things take time….
... Your body and baby are working hard
Give them time
#hypnobirthing #affirmation #greatthingstaketime #postitive #birth #empowered #pregnancy #birth #nottingham #derby
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Massage can be so nice and relaxing in pregnancy and super helpful in birth... That's why I teach a gentle touch massage in my hypnobirthing class which not only feels lovely it helps your body to release your feel good hormone which makes you feel happy and its your body's natural pain win!
#hypnobirthing #pregnancymassage #hormones #feelgoodhormone #painrelief #birthpartnersrole #postivebirth #calm #relaxed #pregnancy #nottingham #derby


There is so much more to hypnobirthing than just breathing...
You will learn breathing and relaxation techniques in my hypnobirthing course as these can be so helpful in pregnancy, birth and life in general.
But I believe the real value in hypnobirthing is all about changing the way you think about birth, feeling empowered, feeling in control, making decisions, feeling positive, feeling informed, birth partner feeling involved and helpful and just feeling like you got this n...o matter what happens.
That's much more then just breathing...
#hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingmyths #morethanbreathing #positive #empowered #informed #choices #decisions #teamwork #birthpartner #igotthis #pregnancy #birth #nottingham #derby
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New siblings...
I can remember a lady at a toddler class told me that she read some books to her little boy about the new baby and she was so surprised to see that he really understood what was happening when the baby was born.
I thought Ollie wouldn't have a clue but I gave it a go and read these book with him when I was pregnant with Esme. I think it really helped him to understand and he was lovely when she arrived.
... So I have them out again and I'm going to start reading them with Esme....I may find the new big sister one too...
#newsiblings #newbaby #reading #bookscanhelp #theycanunderstand #theyknowmorethanyouthink #pregnancy #familychanges #newbrother #newsister #hypnobirthing #nottingham #derby
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My top 5 things for a new mum...
1. Maternity pads - I had massive ones after I had Ollie and felt like I was wearing one of his nappies. I then discovered you can get slim ones that felt much more comfortable.
2. Nipple cream like lanolin - its better to have it in, just in case you need it. And there are breastfeeding support groups and networks available if you need some help.
... 3. Water bottle and snacks - keep your water filled up and near you that way if baby falls asleep on you, you will have a drink and snacks nearby and can relax without having to move.
4. Comfy clothes - anything you are comfortable in. You are unlikely get back into your favourite jeans the day after birth so just be comfy.
5. Feeding pillow - you can buy feeding pillows, you can use your pregnancy pillow if you had one or just normal pillows. Any pillows that can help you get comfortable while feeding.
#newbaby #newborn #mumitems #newmum #pregnancy #helpfulthings #hypnpbirthing #nottingham #derby
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Looking forward to my taster session tonight...
I get to share loads of great stuff about hypnobirthing with some mums and dads to be
If you missed out on this session I have another one next week, Tuesday 5th June @7.30pm in Beeston. You can book online here:
... #hypnobirthing #tastsersession #wanttoknowmore #postivebirth #birthprep #pregnancy #nottingham #derby
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Pregnant and a tea lover??
I try to cut down my tea intake when pregnant but still love it. This pregnancy I didn't have any tea in the first 4 months as it made me feel sick so could only drink water but how I missed that tea feeling...I am now fully back on my love of the stuff.
This is the best decaf tea I can find....twining's everyday might be more expensive tea but its totally worth it. I can hardly tell its decaf at get to enjoy my cup of ...tea whenever I feel like it! I have tried others that don't even taste like tea at all...horrible!
Luckily for me I don't like coffee so don't have that problem...
#pregnancy #mumtobe #decaf #tea #coffee #keeptrying #findoneyoulike #twinings #fussyteadrinker #lovemycupoftea #hypnobirthing #nottingham #derby
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Sceptical about hypnobirthing?
Maybe you have heard bits about it but you are just not sure its for you or perhaps you would like to know more but your partner isn't so sure...
I've had lots of people talk to me about hypnobirthing when they are just not sure its for them, and then they start the classes and are totally change how they feel about it.
... Get in touch if you would like to know more, I will happily talk you through what its all about.
Why not join me on Tuesday 5th June for my free taster session in Beeston if you think you might be interested but feeling a bit sceptical about it. You can book online here:
#hypnobirthing #review #mumswords #dadswords #sceptical #unsure #tastsersession #wanttoknowmore #postivebirth #birthprep #pregnancy #nottingham #derby
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Birth tip...
Playlists are a great idea for labour. Listening to music that you enjoy, whatever that is can help you to feel calm, relaxed, upbeat and happy.
Anything that will make you feel good in labour will help those good hormones flow to keep your labour progressing and will make you will great.
... Create difference ones, ones that will give you energy and get you feeling good, these are brilliant for the first stages of labour and then maybe a calmer more relaxed version for later on in labour when you might want to feel more calm, relaxed and positive. Anything that works for you....
#playlistsforbirth #energy #relaxation #laughter #feelgood #goodmemories #labour #birth #hypnobirthing #pregnancy #positive #nottingham #derby
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I get to meet my baby soon....lovely affirmation for pregnancy (especially the end when time seems to slow down when you are waiting for your new arrival) and birth.
It can be great to remind yourself that you will get to meet your baby soon and have those lovely first new baby cuddles...pure bliss!
#hypnobirthing #meetbabysoon #firstmoments #purejoy #newbaby #happiness #newborn #pregnancy #birth #postive #affirmations #nottingham #derby


Hypnobirthing myth...
I see lots of people discussing hypnobirthing and medical advice online and one of the biggest myths I see if that people think that hypnobirthing means you disagree with medical advice that may be given to you from doctors or midwives.
This is so far from the case with hypnobirthing. Yes I do talk about asking questions to enable you to make informed choices but this is working with your medical team so you can make the best decisions for you in your ci...rcumstances. Its not about disagreeing or ignoring medical advice at all. Its about working with your doctors and midwives to get the best outcome for you as an individual.
You see when you feel you have been part of the decision making process, you feel more in control, empowered and positive. Its totally different from being told you have to do something, that makes you feel powerless and out of control. The outcome maybe exactly the same but when you have been involved, you will so much more positive about it and that can be so helpful.
#hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingmyth #workingwithmedicalteam #notdisagreeing #informeddecisions #choice #control #empowered #decisions #pregnancy #birth #nottingham #derby
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Big pants....a must if you ask me for after birth!
You can get disposable pants but I just preferred to buy big cheap pants that were super comfy and I could throw when needed!
You can get back to your glamorous pants is not the time!
... #bigpants #winnerafterbirth #gottobecomfy #postbirth #pregnancy #babybump #birth #newborn #hypnobirthing #nottingham #derby
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Due to the spaces going so quickly on my taster session next week I have decided to host another one. Free hypnobirthing taster session – Tuesday 5th June
Are you feeling worried about your baby's birth? Do you keep hearing horror stories? Or just nervous about how you will cope? Maybe you have heard of hypnobirthing but think it’s too out there or not right for you and your partner. Or perhaps you just simply want to know how you can get back some control over pregnancy an...d birth and start to feel more relaxed and positive.
Then why not come along to my free hypnobirthing taster event on Tuesday 5th June 7.30pm – 8.30pm at Beeston, Nottingham. A great opportunity for you to get to know how hypnobirthing can help you.
You will come away with an understanding of what hypnobirthing is all about, discover that its super logical and not out there at all. Get an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about hypnobirthing.
Booking is essential as places are limited, you can book online here: Drop me a message with any questions. Ideally you will be between 12-30 weeks and birth partners are welcome and encouraged to come along and find out how it helps them too!
#hypnobirthing #tastersession #freesession #findoutmore #postivebirth #pregnancy #babybump #alllogical #nottingham #derby
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Are you feeling worried about your baby's birth? Do you keep hearing horror stories? Or just nervous about how you will cope?
Maybe you have heard of hypnobirthing but think it’s too out there or not right for you and your partner.
Or perhaps you just simply want to know how you can get back some control over pregnancy and birth and start to feel more relaxed and positive.
... Then why not come along to my free hypnobirthing taster event on Tuesday 29th May 7.30pm – 8.30pm at Beeston, Nottingham. A great opportunity for you to get to know how hypnobirthing can help you.
You will come away with an understanding of what hypnobirthing is all about, discover that its super logical and not out there at all. Get an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about hypnobirthing.
Booking is essential as places are limited, you can book online here: /book
Drop me a message with any questions. Ideally you will be between 12-30 weeks and birth partners are welcome and encouraged to come along and find out how it helps them too!
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Oh how I miss rare steak and a glass of wine!
I was so happy when my midwife told me I could enjoy poached eggs (lion stamped) when I was pregnancy with my second as I craved this so much during my first pregnancy.
What's the thing you miss the most during pregnancy?
... #pregnancy #babybump #steakandwine #poachedeggs #cravings #hypnobirthing #nottingham #derby
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So baby number 3 is cooking....we are over the moon that we will have another little one in our family soon (well maybe Ollie's not so much yet but he will get used to the idea of a brother or sister soon) but as each day is going by I am starting to realise we will be out numbered by kids!
I think I might need more hands! So anyone with 3 already please tell me it works itself out, or at the very least the really hard bit doesn't last long?!
I have been practising my hypno...birthing skills, building my confidence for birth and that I will be able to cope with 3! Looking forward to sharing this journey with all the mums and dads to be that I will meet on my hypnobirthing courses before my little one arrives.
If you would like to find out more about hypnobirthing, I am hosting a free taster event on the 5th June, why not come along. Booking is essential, you can book online here:
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Welcome to Nottingham hypnobirthing.
I am all about spreading the word that birth can be a positive experience. Hypnobirthing is super logical, practical and very effective, it will make a difference to your birth experience. My approach to hypnobirthing is all about you, I will not tell you how you should birth your baby. The course will empower you to be in control and navigate your birth, to make the informed decisions that are right for you. You will learn simple yet powe...rful deep relaxation, breathing and massage techniques for a calm and positive experience no matter what happens on the day. A big part of my hypnobirthing is focussed on the birth partner too, giving them a specific role to play so you can work together as a team.
If you would like to know more about how hypnobirthing can help you feel more in control and confident about birth please get in touch.
Please get in touch for private sessions or for more information
Lauren x
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We would really recommend this programme to those nervous about birth! We came away with a changed mind set and have been practicing techniques with the resources ever since. Now looking forward to my birthing experience in the next few weeks! Feeling extremely positive! Thank you, Lauren!


We signed up to one of Lauren’s birthing programmes almost by accident, and it was the best thing we could have done. We did the 4 week Hypnobirthing Programme and I can now say that both my husband and I feel so much more confident and calm about the forthcoming birth of our baby. Lauren was so knowledgeable and she taught us lots of tools and techniques, showing us how to implement them in a really practical way. I can’t recommend this course highly enough!


Thank you Lauren for teaching us tools and techniques that mean we feel confident and excited about the positive birth experience that we are ready to have! This course has made us both calm and excited about our baby's imminent arrival, and ready to have the right birth for us. We would highly recommend learning the Wise Hippo techniques with Lauren to any expectant parents - Laura & Steve Paine, Derby


I went to a free taster session run by Lauren which looked at being confident in labour and I was really impressed. I had lost my 1st baby at 20 weeks gestation and had also suffered an early miscarriage, so for me pregnancy was so far a negative and devastating experience. I was now 30 odd weeks pregnant and desperately wanted to feel positive and happy about this new baby...but didnt know how!

I signed up to the x4 3hr sessions which Lauren delivered 121 in my home and was amazed at how it transformed my pregnancy and birthing experience. Lauren' s approach was gentle, friendly and tailored to my needs. We got on really well and would often chat about other things too! The course was ideal as it included a mix of videos to watch, hypnobirthing tracks and guided relaxation, facts to discuss and visualisations and tips. I even got a book which covered everything meaning I could 're read bits again and had access to all the mp3s to download. I found that I began to feel more relaxed and positive about this pregnancy, recognising that it was a different baby and therefore a different outcome could be achieved. The relaxation techniques I practised really helped me to feel calm and positive..this baby could survive!! The techniques I found particularly helpful overall included....

Birth partner tips....there was a checklist in the book which my husband could read and refer to before and during labour. This helped my husband to feel empowered and confident and as a result he was a huge support to me during labour keeping me calm and focused.

Anchoring techniques...Lauren taught us various methods to draw me back to my breathing if the pain became too much or I panicked...and it worked!

Breathing baby down and humming breath.. I only used gas and air and a water birth as I focused on breathing baby down. My midwife was amazed that I could birth with no intervention and said she believed my body knew exactly what to do. I felt prepared and confident having watched the videos and as a result my birth was a natural and a positive experience. My birth was 6 hrs from my waters breaking to delivering my baby girl. I used water and gas and air and used a variety of birthing positions, 54321 relaxation and breathing techniques to cope. The result was a focused and calm birth which meant my body and mind coped well and I felt relaxed and positive that this baby would be ok and guess what she was!! Despite being 2 weeks early baby Garce was a healthy 7Ib 9oz and 100% healthy. I finally have my rainbow baby and I have Lauren to thank for keeping me calm and positive in the final weeks. I can highly recommend this course to all who have had a negative birthing experience or need more confidence in birth preperation.

More about Nottingham Hypnobirthing

Nottingham Hypnobirthing is located at NG95bg Nottingham, United Kingdom