Nourish By Naomi

About Nourish By Naomi

Connecting the mental, physical and spiritual elements of wellness to offer a whole, complete and balanced approached to well-BEING.

Nourish By Naomi Description

Sharing the love of nutrition and wellness to inspire personal transformation for a happy, healthy and vibrant life



What does it mean to be healthy?‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä I personally love eating healthy fresh food daily (I know, lucky me!) but that's not to say that I don't love a blow out too - the odd glass of wine (or 3), a big bowl of pasta, a double cone of Italian gelato, a delicious piece of chocolate cake..... yummmm‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä I have a very balanced approach to my diet these days and I wear my health halo about 80% of the time (but it does slip to a hula hoop on occasions to...o!) For me balance is best and this is what I try to share with my coaching clients too, a shift in mindset and habits can have such an impact on our health.‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Saying all this, I haven't always had this approach and it did take a lot of time to work through my issues. I used to be really restrictive with my diet which didn't give me the health results I thought it would. Over the years I learnt to develop a healthier relationship with myself and food and this in turn made me feel so much better than any diets ever did. ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä Are you a dieter? Do you feel restricted by diets? How has this affected your life and relationship with yourself and food? I'd love to hear from you so please comment below‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä photo credits: @takenbylauram‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚ †Ä‚†Ä ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä
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Delicious food from LOVEFOODIBIZA who was on tour in France at the weekend - thank you Tess for treating us with so many delicious things to eat.


Thought of the day.... We look after our physical health by going to the gym, eating our greens and taking vitamins but as we can't see our mental health we don't pay it as much attention and this is where the problems can lay.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Noticing thought patterns, the internal chatter and negative thoughts is a starting point for nourishing your mental health. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I'd love to hear your thoughts on this... are you paying as much attention to your insid...e as you are to your outside? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Monaco countdown to the @in_your_element event - weekend 6-7 July.
I am Super excited to be back in Monaco to do some of my nutritional cookery classes at the @columbusmchotel alongside some great likeminded peeps in the well-bring arena who are all coming together to create an amazing weekend of fun and all things health and wellness.
Book your tickets @in_your_element and come and enjoy the weekend with me and the team... @krista_madden @jasminehemsley @alicehartdavis @fannyrigaud @thebreathguy @brothbydesign @markbryanttv @boostmonaco and soooo many more.....


Laughter ūüėāūü§£ I feel that I don‚Äôt laugh enough since life got sooo much more serious with kids, business, commitments and school admin/projects. Sometimes there is little time and energy left for a good belly laugh that makes you chuckle until you cry.
Laughing can decrease stress hormones, increase immunity and improve your resistance to disease. A good old giggle will also trigger the release of endorphins (the body's natural feel-good chemicals)
... To get your dose of goodness giggles catch up with a friend who makes you chuckle or watch a funny movie/series ( I love modern family for a quick 20 minute dose) or hang out with our best laughter teachers - children.
I had a good dose of giggles at the weekend for my friends birthday where I hung out with some of my gorgeous and lovely friends @katharinalarens @absolutelylucyc @donatadavidoff @reinosondoraalicia @lovefoodibiza and I am looking forward to a lot more of this in the summer ‚ėÄÔłŹ
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We live in times where the messages we receive countless times a day tell us we should be prettier, skinner, more successful, younger etc and Society profits from how badly we think about ourselves. We can overcome this by changing our focus, changing our internal conversations and changing the way we see things.
For me Beauty has always been so much deeper than what we see on the surface, real beauty comes from within and is seen in the eyes.
What does beauty mean to you?


Happy Father‚Äôs Day @monacobuff thanks for all you do for us ‚̧ԳŹ


I have been in food and friend heaven this weekend in The South of France celebrating my beautiful friends birthday. We have been treated to the most amazing feast of healthy treats made by @lovefoodibiza, we have danced, done yoga, been inspired to find our purpose, played golf and so much more. I am feeling rested and recharged after time in the sun and still have the rest of today to enjoy ‚ėÄÔłŹ‚ėÄÔłŹ happy Sunday ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ


What thoughts will you change today? What negative beliefs have been holding you back? What can you do to change the conversations in your mind?
I have been really feeling fatigued recently despite resting, sleeping well, eating well, moving slowly and daily meditation. It’s naturally getting me down but I am determined to be stronger than my fatigue so my mantra at the moment is I CAN and I WILL be stronger than my fatigue. I am repeating this to myself hundreds of times a day.
How can this mantra help you today?


Snacks.... I love a snack, probably because I love eating so much but I do always ensure my snacks are perfectly balanced to keep me full, stabilise the blood sugar and to increase satiety. Personally hummus is a winner for me, super quick to make and really simple with cupboard ingredients apart from fresh lemon and garlic. You can also be adventurous and add some delicious flavours. Here is my edamame and coriander hummus that I made at my weight workshop earlier this week. What’s your favourite snack?


Super happy to be on the panel at the @womeninbusinessclub event next Saturday where I will be talking work like balance.
As a mother and business owner I know only too well the difficultly of finding balance, some days / weeks I nail it and some days / weeks it‚Äôs a complete fail. That‚Äôs not a reflection on me personally (apart from thinking I am superwoman sometimes and over committing ) but it‚Äôs about recognising the flow of life isn‚Äôt always as still as a pond but sometime...s as rough as the sea - there are calm moments but then comes the storm. I have found that the trick isn‚Äôt wishing for the impossible (the calm pond) - as our challenges bring personal growth and development, without these life would be pretty flat. And it‚Äôs not about trying to fight the storm (it‚Äôs not pretty and it‚Äôs exhausting). The key is learning how to observe the waves and ride them with Grace. The waves are high at times but they always bring you back to the flat shore in one piece if you work with them and not against them‚̧ԳŹ
What helps you balance work and life ? ‚̧ԳŹ
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Do you Love chocolate? Do you want guilt free chocolate in your life?
I am running a raw healthy chocolate workshop next Thursday 20th June 7.30 at @wholegoodcafe - I will show you how to make your own chocolate with only 5 natural wholefood ingredients plus share with you all the nutritional benefits - and there are a lot!! It is literally life changing. Link in my bio to book ‚ėĚūüŹĽ‚ėĚūüŹĽ‚ėĚūüŹĽ


Another WEIGHT workshop recipe that I will be sharing today with all the lovely ladies joining me. This is a deliciously healthy raw chocolate dessert that satisfies sweet cravings while being nutritionally balanced (that‚Äôs not an excuse to eat the whole lot though!!). Deprivation doesn‚Äôt get long term results but replacing the things we love and crave with healthier alternatives alongside a healthy mindset does. Super excited about today‚Äôs workshop..... see you there ladies ‚̧ԳŹ


The WEIGHT workshop is tomorrow and due to last minute cancellations I have 2 places available at the table in Sevenoaks.
Weight loss isn‚Äôt always as simple as EAT SALAD + EXERCISE like a looney = lose weight. There are so many other factors including metabolic type, mindset, macronutrient balance, eating speed, bio circadian rhythm, stress and of course our friends hormones that impact everything when they are thrown out of balance. Learn how to shape shift body and mind with me and enjoy 3 recipes I will demo plus you get a gorgeous goodie bag with treats from @missfitsnutrition and @squirrelsisters ‚̧ԳŹ
PM me to join x

More about Nourish By Naomi

+44 (0) 7512 144268