Nuria Nutrition

About Nuria Nutrition

Personalised nutritional therapy and health coaching for people who want to stay younger for longer.

Nuria Nutrition Description

I’m Nuria, a nutritional therapist & health coach.
My mission is to help people like you to transform how you eat, without feeling deprived, to stay well for longer and live happier. I have felt the transformation myself.



One of the aims of my life... How many of you do yoga regularly?


28 Day Full Body Reset - join me for this unique nutritional programme with unlimited yoga and Pilates classes at Fix East Village. It runs from Sunday 3rd Feb and gives you the opportunity to create great new habits of nutrition and movement and optimise YOUR health in 2019. To book your place call 020 8555 7165 or 020 8986 5551 or email Get the challenge! -challenge


Last chance to join this unique workshop. Come along and join the team at Fix East Village on Sunday!


Seasonal Special (Only for November) This autumn, get your health kick-started and work with me for Β£45. Book a nutritional health coaching session and experience first hand the power of taking control of your nutrition. Call 020 8555 7165 or email to secure your appointment.


Yesterday was the last day of my 5-day Functional Medicine training (AFMCP) - a must for health professionals of the 21st century. It was wonderful to see doctors, nutritional therapists and other complementary therapy practitioners under the same roof speaking the same language and planning future collaborations. Thank you @clinicaleducation and the IFM @intituteforfunctionalmedicine for organising the training.


Today I attended the Brain Health Progamme training by Cytoplan. I felt really inspired and I will be delivering Brain Health workshops later on this year. Watch this space, if you want to optimise your wellbeing, memory and mood with nutrition and lifestyle. Interested?


I was pleased to attend the open day at the Sir Ludwig Guttman Health & Wellbeing Center. This was used by athletes during the 2012 Olympic Games and it is now a state-of-the-art hub for innovative healthcare, wellbeing and community services in East Village. It was a good day meeting health providers and clients.


Looking for a sugar and diary free chocolate delicacy recipe for Easter? This Keto Mint Chip Fat Bombs are amaising. They will give you plenty of energy without spiking your blood sugar levels, as the sugary chocolate does. Could you share any other good recipe please?


Happy Spring Equinox! Everything in nature is coming alive, the sun is gaining strength and the days are longer and (hopefully) warmer. It is the time to throw off the restraints of the winter and reach out for what we want, make plans, journey forth, take risks! The Earth's energies are now blended. Celebrate the dance of life! I'd love to hear how you celebrate this magical earthy time 🌺


I'm chucking out my plastic containers, at last! I should have done it ages ago but the speaker at the Autoimmunity conference I attended yesterday, Dr Tom O'Bryan, made it clear, just get rid of them! Chemicals in plastics not only disrupt our endocrine system and mess up our hormones but they may also play a part in autoimmune diseases. This is when your immune system attacks your own body. Bon voyage, plastics! Who needs to do the same?


I'm delighted! I've been coordinating a 12-week health programme (incl. nutrition, coaching, healthy cooking, exercise and talks from a local GP) with a group of obese and overweight women with at least 2 risk factors for heart disease. We are awaiting the blood test results to measure the intervention, however the comments from the participants are so encouraging!: 'I feel more energetic and active', 'I walk faster now', 'I'm in much less pain', 'I had never prepared a meal before' (a woman in her 70's), 'I don't eat a packet of crackers in front of the TV anymore', 'I really enjoy the exercise classes, I've never done it before but I will continue doing exercise after the programme finishes' (a woman in her 80's). What a nice end of a working week!πŸŽ‰πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘


Hi, after a couple of months of silence working a lot, I'm back. I have met many clients interested in healthy aging. These are things you can start doing on a daily basis to help you brain and body now and in the future. 1. Get proper sleep, 2. Train your unconscious mind, 3. Focus on one task at a time, 4. Exercise regularly, 5. Write down your thoughts, 6. Eat a healthy diet, 7. Keep your mind active, 8. Eliminate toxins, 9. Meditate, 10. Be optimistic. Which one of the above you need the most?


Thank you very much for your support this year. I wish you all, health, happiness and much success for 2018!


Look after your dog and your dog will look after you. Uppsala University has found out that dog owners might live longer due to an improved cardiovascular health. Dog ownership encourages healthier lifestyles including increased exercise, lower stress levels and constant companionship. Are you the lucky one to have a dog?


Five things you can do to manage anxiety in the evening. Anxiety and the effect on the quality of sleep has been a top topic in my networks lately. I like these simple tips that Dr Taz proposes: 1) Shut off screens at least 1 hour before going to bed, including mobile phones; 2) Have a healthy night cuppa - boil ginger root and few cloves for 2 minutes, transfer the liquid into a mug and add 1 tsp of ground turmeric, 1 tsp of local honey and plant milk to taste; 3) Use the ...4-7-8 breathing technique - inhale for a count of 4, hold the breath for 7 counts, and then exhale for a count of 8. Do this cycle 3 or 4 times, it supports the nervous system; 4) Be thankful on paper - find and write at least 3 things you are thankful for every day. Gratitude makes us feel positive with a less anxious mind; 5) Power up a diffuser with soothing lavender, jasmine, rose, bergamot, chamomile, sandalwood or vanilla. Do you need the above? It works!
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This is one of the reasons why I like Fix! I hope you like it too or even love it!


I feel really excited of working at @Fix East Village. It is a great clinic with fantastic practitioners and a unique multidisciplinary approach to support people's health and wellbeing. See some of you there. Remember that you can book a 25-minute FREE Health & Energy Assessment.< br>


I am running FREE Health & Energy Assessments on Tuesdays 14th and 28th November @FixlondonEastVillage. If you are feeling tired all the time, have poor digestion, cannot shift that extra weight or just not feeling 100%, book your 25-minute free assessment with me. I am the registered Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach at Fix East Village in Stratford and I work with people who want to look and feel amazing by transforming the way they eat. Book your free assessment and learn how nutritional therapy can help you. I will share some top tips on how to move forward and support your health and wellbeing. More information and bookings< br>

More about Nuria Nutrition

Nuria Nutrition is located at Fix East Village, E20 1BN & Ethereal Primrose Hill, NW1 8UR, London
+44 (0) 738 4747 738