Nurture Nutrition

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Nurture Nutrition

I'm Pam and I work with people who want to meet each day feeling energised, bright, with a happy gut, mood and soul. I'm a Nutritional Therapist, Health Coaching and former Palliative Care Nurse - so compassion is at the core of all I do!



Stress- much talked about in our current society and something I regularly support clients with in clinic; looking at sleep, meditation, restorative exercise and time in green space. As always it is those small changes that can have big impact. Indeed this is something we'll cover as part of my Fab Food Feb Program kicking off tomorrow: a warm welcome awaits..... Tonight Dr Chatterjee Medical Doc and functional health practitioner will be zooming in on this at 7.30pm on ITV if you fancy a bit of virtuous tele-watching?


Hi chaps. I've created a cheeky wee closed FB group to help us explore our journey in health together. It's a bit of a cosier affair than the facebook-freeway. I'd love for you to feel comfortable and at ease here so you can ask questions, share success stories and gather strength and hope from one another. I'll be responding to specific queries I may hear when I'm with clients that may be useful to you all too, but always - always with the gentle self-care, nurturing intent - no finger wagging, tutt-tutting here. I'll be posting on a variety of themes and sharing resources that fit with our wee groove; but be sure to PM me as the need occurs. Feel free to share with like minded souls; all are welcome!


Wise words Pooh Bear.........


Who says porridge is dull.... a wee spoony of beetroot powder, some chopped nectarines and some avocado for those delicious essential fats we need for brain, heart, and cellular health. Made in the time it took for number1 son to empty dishwasher and slopped into a bowl to be gobbled up quick smart on our busy mornings, keeping us full for longer and ready for our day ahead.... get in! #quicktastynosh




For me eating well is also about being practical.. Much as I'd love to being cooking up a wee batch of homemade gluten free wraps I quite simply don't have the time when I'm knee deep in researching for my clients. So my quick snap (a food photographer I am not) shows my speedily prepared lunch...BFree wrap, spread of Tescos pea and spinach pot, forkful of sardines, few capers and olives a.d a handful of spinach. Yummmm.... This is what my FabFoodFeb is all about, promoting simple changes with some support from those travelling alongside you. Welcome one and all. X eb-28-days-to-kickā€¦


Find your tribe...... it's such an important concept and one I often recommend for my clients. I'm lucky enough to have a beautiful tribe of inspiring folk around me; talented therapists and skilled practitioners that I access myself and refer client to. Over the next few months I'm delighted to be sharing some very exciting events with you; the first of which is this event in Pershore on Friday with the gorgeous and highly skilled Michelle Beagley.
I cannot recommend a soun...d bath enough; I have tried many therapies and there is nothing quite like this to ease the soul, replenish the spirit and arise refreshed. It's not just the experience of the soulful ancient bowls and gongs; it's the beautiful heartfelt welcome from Michelle, the warmly inviting gently lit environment and the myriad of sound that you journey through cocooned in your blankets... together it really is something magnificent. If you do one thing for yourself; let it be this. Carve out some time for yourself this Friday and come to the gorgeous Art of Pranayama Yoga Studio on the High Street in Pershore.....
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New year and new beginnings......... right? Hmmmmm, I'm not so sure about the whole New Year Resolutions thang as I'm a strong believer in taking action at any time of the year - but sometimes a New Year gives us permission to look at things anew.The fear factor can be a pesky stumbling block though.. "the what if I can't", "I might fail" chatter can resonate all too loudly. Sometimes just starting super small and building from where you are is the simplest and most effectiv...e solution. Want to get fitter; make excuses to climb the stairs, want to have more energy - swap one tea a day for a herbal or glass of water........... keep that sentiment going and the stairs will become a walk then a trip to the gym and the coffee swapped for a nutrient dense smoothie.. and 12 months in you'll have made a honking big lot of positive changes. The 1st change of all is that self-care as we all need our inner cheer leaders; so before you grab the bannister or the tap........give yourself a little mini-hug.......... sure, go on now - it's January; people will just think your flipping cold!
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I love a new year, its like freshly fallen snow... as yet untouched, shimmering in simple beauty and full of potential for fun and adventure.
As much as I can, my morning ritual involves a wee scribble in my journal and a cheeky wee mediation, it helps me focus and find gratitude on a daily basis. And as we enter 2019 I am proper heart-brimming-full of gratitude for my 1st 8 months in business in 2018. Every client I meet provides me with such inspiration...I'm blown away b...y their tenacity and desire for change and have to stop myself doing a celebratory lap of the clinic when the steady, simple changes they've made yield significant, long lasting results. Thank you to each and every person who has crossed my door, joined in my online groups and programs, attended my talks... it.has.been.fab.
2019 awaits, I can't wait to return to my 1-2-1 clients, start my New Year Kick-start FB program and launch my group programs here in Pershore and online. I have some proper slap-my-thigh-with-glee collaborations with folks near and dear to me to try to support Nutrition professionals, schools and patients with life limiting disease... bring it on!!
The rustic heart you see on my window is a beautiful gift from a client, and it serves as a reminder to me and all who cross paths with Nurture Nutrition that there is nothing but love for you here, we all have within us everything we need...sometimes we just need a guide. It is my pleasure and honour to serve you.
Happy New year one and all.
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It can be hard to get motivated on a dreary Monday like today but actually even on the glumest of days there is beauty to be found. This morning whilst chatting to a chum the most stunning rainbow appeared in the sky; and then another and then another - a triple rainbow extravaganza from that 1st faint glow. It made me reflect that this is often the way with diet and lifestyle change... both in the early signs we need to tune in to our body (fatigue, poor concentration, occas...ional altered gut function) to the plethora of full-body experiences my client have come to expect as the norm. And no, there is no magical pot of gold solution but rather by offering an individualised, evidenced based approach we can slowly but steadily add colour and vibrancy to our plates and thus to our well-being; as we work together to gain strength as the storm passes on by............. happy Monday folks. xx
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Chaps if you're interested in finding more about the Microbiome (gut health) and it's impact on chronic health problems this could be worth a watch. It features the top bananas in Functional Medicine; should be an interesting watch!


So I'm on a bit of a Brene Brown love fest; listening my way through her audio books (she's a prolific researcher and writer on shame, vulnerability, courage and the human condition). I don't have a ton of time so I'm tuning into her whilst in the car, on a dog walk or even in the background in the showerroom! I find these snatched moments of listening to some new knowledge offers me perspective, inspiration and clarity in my own life and when it resonates as deeply as Brene...'s work does it makes me realise that any vulnerabilities I may have are shared by many - otherwise she's have nothing to write about -right? Vulnerability is a frequent visitor to my clinic also; it comes along side fear and other negative emotions that can provide little road blocks to us reaching our optimum health and well-being. That all too familiar self-chat that stops us from reaching out, from starting the path to change... The "what if I can't?" ...The "It'll get better".. The "I've always been this way". If we never offer our vulnerable selves then we may never hear someone suggest that with support and advice you absolutely CAN achieve anything you wish; but without making a start it's unlikely to right itself - but my all time favourite phrase to share with clients - "It really doesn't need to be this way; let me help" and I never cease to be amazed by the tenacity, creativity and courage people bring to their journey to wellness. By it's very nature vulnerability can be an uncomfortable place to be; but know that you and whatever you bring are always welcome in our shared space together.
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I had a beautiful Yoga retreat day yesterday set in stunning Worcestershire scenery; well - in a cosy hall with the scenery outside -I'm not that hardcore! It was the perfect balance of familiar and more challenging practice with the chance for facilitated discussion around the discipline: Pranayama Yoga. It's a flow yoga, where breath work is centre stage and having tried lots of Yoga this is working well for me - but the thing is there is a Yoga to suit everyone and every s...tage in life. Taking time out to stop, reflect and breathe is core to my work with clients and I'll often refer on to yoga, sound baths and other restorative work that helps balance our go-go-go lifestyle and support our adrenals; thyroid and gut that take a hammering in the process.
But the thing is - where are we going at such a speed? We'll all cross the finishing line of life at some point and so powering all our energies into that work deadline, house project, family feud will not get us there in any better shape. One of the many things I love about Yoga or Meditation work is it's description as a practice -I am very much a novice and only today was having to do a bit of work on myself to not get caught up in my "busy, busy" story. So, it's not about being the most supple, toe-touching breathy-tastic student.........but may be, just as I did yesterday, enjoying the view as we journey through our practice!
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To celebrate: " To acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity" says the Oxford Dictionary. Well folks, I had cause to celebrate today after swanning about Worcs cathedral at my graduation many, many months after completing my Nutritional Therapy course... with thoughts of my next academic endevour already bubbling! But it caused me to really reflect on how much we really do acknowledge those things we find significant; an...d I don't necessarily mean the big blood, sweat and tears stuff. It's common for me to call out the successes my clients have made in between our appointments; progress and changes in habits that seems so snail-like in speed to them but are actually setting the foundations for a solid healthful life. It might be the introduction of a new food or timing regime or a change in mindset or planning - the what doesn't matter - the why is at the centre of it all -why do we want to make these changes? Who would I be with better sleep/skin/body confidence? Sometimes the sense of enormity of the "job" can seem overwhelming but like any journey we start from where we are and I am happy to navigate the course and provide the verbal equivalent to the party poppers and applause you so deserve; as we build the new together..........
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Getting totally in the zone for pressing "reset" next Monday.... 25 days of feeding our body and mind. Happy days. All are welcome. Xx


Argghh...blethering away to little Red this morning and the entire top layer of dishwasher came off...smash bang..wallop. Wasn't paying attention. Thankfully no one was hurt but as I clear up the mess it makes me think about how so many things happen when our attention is else where....the broken sleep, heart burn, altered bowel function, weight gain, reduced libido.. .all creep up on us...and the list goes on. But why do we wait until we feel like these broken bits on the floor? What if the "some day" or the "I must do" becomes so by tomorrow you've started your healing journey without so much as a cheeky wink to the dustpan and brush ..... right now for me - newspaper...tape...action!


Happy Sunday one and all. I've been doing a little bit of research in anticipation of my Nurture in November online grp program that starts 5th Nov and was guided towards this wee beauty of a clip from my husband Alan. We were discussing happiness and doing more of the stuff that really matters. If you've got the time have a little peek.... and then another... and then another. 3 watches and it was still giving me something. I absolutely love it.

More about Nurture Nutrition

Nurture Nutrition is located at Pershore, UK
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -