Nusu Working Class Students Network

About Nusu Working Class Students Network

A network for working class students at Newcastle university to get together and socialise, campaign and educate on issues surrounding classism,

Nusu Working Class Students Network Description

We are a network for students from working class backgrounds to get together and discuss the challenges they face. We aim to empower students from working class backgrounds through creating a safe space and solidarity with them.



Don't forget - if you would like to run for a position on committee next year please send your name and a short manifesto to us by this Sunday. Positions available are President, Secretary and Treasurer.
You can either message us via the facebook page or send an email to Voting will open next week.


Hello everyone,
It is that time of the year where we must hold an AGM to elect next years committee. The three positions which must be filled for the society to continue next year are president, treasurer and secretary. If you are interested in running for any of these positions please send your name and a short manifesto to us by Sunday 16th June - you can either message us via facebook, or email
We will be holding our voting via an online poll - ...anyone can run for a position on next years committee, but only registered society members will be allowed to vote. Voting will be open from 9am on Wednesday 19th June until 5pm Friday 21st June, and I'll post another message on the Facebook page with the link when voting opens.
Cheers! 😊
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Hello all! As I’m sure you know, it’s NUSU election time. All students at Newcastle University are eligible to vote and it’s a really important way to shape the kind of union that you want to see next year and to ensure a union that is representative of the students that make it up. The Working Class Students Network’s endorsements for the Full-Time Officer roles for the 2019/20 academic year are as follows:
President: Jamie Cameron Activities Officer: Haaris Qureshi Athlet...ic Union Officer: Joe Gubbins Editor of the Courier: Ally Wilson Education Officer: Melanie Anne Post Graduate Officer: Katrina Sorrels Welfare and Equality Officer: Charlotte Boulton
You can find out more about all the candidates and how elections work through the link below! s/
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Catch us until 4pm today in NUSU Venue at the refreshers fair! Come along for badges, stickers, sweeties & a chat or simply to find out more about us and our plans for the coming semester!


An interesting article in this month's Big Issue about who uses foodbanks, written by the volunteers at Elim Church food bank in Newcastle




“...the top 10% have average incomes nine times those of the bottom 10%. The richest 10% of households hold 45% of all wealth. The UK has six of the ten poorest regions in Northern Europe, as well as its wealthiest.”


A reminder about tonight’s event: Dr. Bruce E. Baker (branch president of Newcastle University UCU & Lecturer in American History) will give an overview of the origins and development of trade unions and how they campaigned for a variety of improvements in the lives of workers from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the decline of trade unionism in large-scale industry in the late twentieth century.
If you’re coming along tonight and you are able; please bring a donation for our food bank collection!
Hope to see you all tonight!


This week's donations to the west end food bank! Special thanks to Iqra Choudhry for donating all the way from Manchester ❤✊❤✊


Thanks to everyone who came to our budgeting event tonight! As promised, here are the slides full of information on how to save money as a student in Newcastle! With information on how to get the best deals on bills, ways to heat your home and cheap places to eat and drink around the town, check out and share these slides around to help other students spread their money a bit further 💰💷💰💷💰💷💰


Know Your Rights: part 2
This week we're looking at immigration enforcement, and what your rights are concerning that issue. Information from the Anti Raids Network (
Currently, immigration officers are allowed to stop people on the street, come to your home or your work if you are suspected of being an undocumented person.
... If immigration officers or the police stop you in the street and ask about your immigration status:
– You DO NOT have to answer any questions. – You DO NOT have to tell them your name or address. – Tell them that you do not want to talk to them. – Stay polite but confident. – You can walk away.
They are not allowed to stop you just because of your race. They can only stop you if they have a good reason. If they stop you just because of how you look, or the language you speak, tell them: “I am busy”. “This is racist”. “I will make a complaint”.
If you are detained, call Bail for Immigration Detainees: 020 7247 3590
If immigration enforcement arrive at your home or place of work:
- You do not have to let them in unless they have a warrant (unless the business is licenced to sell food or alcohol) - You do not have to answer any questions if you aren't being detained - You are free to leave, unless you are being arrested - Stay calm and aware of your rights
And if you see a raid, or someone being questioned in the street:
- make sure people are aware of their right to leave - walk away with them if they would like to leave - film enforcers and officers - challenge the officers, ask why certain people are being questioned - tell people around you what's happening
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Coming up this WEDNESDAY: Come along to find out how to manage your money better and learn about all the great cheap and free things to do in Newcastle!


“Poverty is intertwined with human rights standards that the United Kingdom has ratified, including the right to food, housing, and an adequate standard of living and it affects access to civil and political rights.
The Government has made significant changes to social protection in the past decade, and I will be looking closely at the impact that has had on people living in poverty and their realisation of basic rights.”


This week Newcastle west end food bank desperately need things to go with pasta, sauces/ meat and the like. Bring your donations to the SU and we can drop them off for you ✊ posts/1871923386263267/

More about Nusu Working Class Students Network

Nusu Working Class Students Network is located at Kings Walk, NE1 8QB Newcastle upon Tyne