
About Nutra

Healthy Fast Food





Here at Nutra we believe that it is very important to eat a healthy diet mainly comprising of plant based foods, the body is a very complex machine that needs a wide variety of nutrients in order for it function properly, it needs these every day, not just for Sunday lunch. We care about the health and well being of you and your family and firmly believe that in order to feel happy, healthy and content, a plant based diet is essential. There is an endless amount of junk food ...available, burgers, bacon, chips, pizzas etc etc, although these foods taste good they are void of the nutrients that your body requires, we are on a mission to help change peoples diet by offering them a different type of food thats quick and convenient but still healthy, a bit like low fat fast food or healthy fast food, if you are on a diet you will relate to this scenario im about to describe...Your on a diet, your eating healthy, your doing well then one day you forget to prep the next days food or you just dont have time to cook something healthy so you end up popping in a bakery or sandwich shop and eat something you know you shouldnt, or worse, you order a takeaway at night full of calories that your not going to burn off then the cycle of eating junk starts again, junk food is highly addictive because of all the sugar and additives, they are designed (not grown) to make you hooked so you keep coming back for more. This is where we come in, when you find yourself too busy you can pop in and eat something healthy for lunch or pick up the phone and order the same food for tea so then your not compromising your diet..Win Win!! Anyway I think weve covered the reasons about why we are doing what we are doing and hope to see you very shortly :) Much love Nutra :)
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Nutra is located at 154 Lord Street, FY7 6TH Fleetwood