Nutriheal Dora Walsh Nutritionist, Reiki Master & Personal Development

About Nutriheal Dora Walsh Nutritionist, Reiki Master & Personal Development

Lose weight easily and quickly, overcome your health problems, get to root of your weight or health concern whether it be emotional, spiritual or physical so you become healthier, confident and glow. I'm the best at what I do! Read my reviews!

Nutriheal Dora Walsh Nutritionist, Reiki Master & Personal Development Description

Call to reserve your FREE 10-20 minute consult with a Nutriheal Nutritionist.

Have your questions answered and find out how to lose weight and improve your health

+ 44 (0) 207 474 6880

We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve better health and wellness.

With best wishes,

Dora and the Nutriheal Nutrition team




It's Monday
It's getting later
It's even starting to get dark....
... At times like these that I look back on my weekend and think about the good times I had with family and friends.
I made some amazing food this weekend as hubby was home and I wanted to make him happy.😍
Check out the cod brunch we had with toasted rye bread with pure organic butter....
πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ Join Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight for more recipes and F-R-E-E nutrition trainings.
*Cod steaks - for good protein *Pre-chopped onions from my freezer -for immune and liver health *Tenderstem brocolli - for liver health *Asparagus - for liver health *Baby tomatoes - for lycopene for immunity and skin health *Coconut oil - to help us absorb our fat soluble vitamins A,D, E, K, and for taste *pinch tumeric powder- for taste and immunity *Himalayan crystal salt - for minerals and taste *A bit of water to stop the cod drying out
Stick it in the oven at 180 celsius until the cod it cooked through.
I look to cook by feeling,.......
But it ill probably take about 30 mins in the oven!
Do it how you feel though, but just make sure it's cooked!
I like to think of health with everything I eat. I also love the taste of this lovely cod brunch.
Join Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight for more recipes and F-R-E-E nutrition trainings.
Much love
Dora xxxx
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What are you up to this weekend?
I hope you have a good one :-).
I'm off to nutrition lecture on inflammation....
... It's now believed to be the predisposing factor to so many diseases.
We all need to get our inflammation down!
>Reduce refined sugar, white bread, white pasta and too much alcohol >No trans fats >Avoid soybean oil and vegetable oil >Cut processed meat
> Start eating anti-inflammatory foods like oily fish, green leafy vegetables, green juices. > Dark leafy greens, including kale and spinach. > Blueberries, blackberries, and cherries dark red grapes > Crucifers like broccoli and cauliflower > Beans and lentils > Green tea > Red wine, in moderation. > Avocado and coconut
Do you think you can manage a green tea and a good red wine this weekend?, Then snack on blueberries and have a salmon salad with dark green leafy veg?
You can make it work for you :-) Yum!
And the anti inflammatory diet tastes good!
Have a good one!
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Find out MORE on how to achieve it in my F-R-E-E community: ➑️➑️➑️ Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
Self control seems to be a dirty word these days in a world where anything goes.... πŸ€”
... But how do you think top athletes get to the top?
It takes self control to be the best, and achieve anything!
It takes self control to reach your health and wellness goals! Especially when some people just want to bring you down!, and you also battle your own temptations!πŸ˜πŸ˜€
Watch my video and get some inspiration on what you can achieve with self control and how!
Implement it and see the results in your body and how you look and feel!
With self control you are strong enough to stand up for what you want!
Join my F-R-E-E group for more tips and F-R-E-E weekly live trainings on nutrition, health, weigh loss and mindset. JOIN HERE ➑️➑️➑️ Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
Let me know what you think!
Do you find it hard to have self control?
Much love😍
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Check our my latest radio show on fermented foods like sourdough, yogurt, kefir etc.
Such a hot topic!
> You gotta look after your gut health!... > Fermented foods can help you!
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Are you ready to start the week with good intentions?😁
As the sun goes down on a Sunday I always start thinking about Monday.
It used to be a scary thought when I worked in the corporate world full of deadlines, targets, goals and multiple business travel.
... Ah yes, I've been there before... :-)
And I know what's its like...
I learned so much there, and I loved and also hated it sometimes!
But I'm very grateful for my corporate life!:-)
It taught me to make my week positive and productive. 😁
It taught me how much I needed to fuel myself well in order to achieve those amazing goals, and keep up with the fast corporate jungle where your feet never touch the ground!
And now I like to teach my clients the same.
And then they become unstoppable in their corporate careers! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸ€©
Because they are cooking on gas and fueling themselves with the best nutrition they can get their hands on. πŸ“πŸ’πŸ₯₯πŸ—
Highly targeted to their needs and physical goals!
It takes a decision to eat well.
But if you are committed to your life and your work, then you should be committed to your nutrition.
It's the basis for your success!
> It will fuel your success and help you to focus.
> It will give you the physical strength to succeed
> And the nutrients to help you fight off illness
> And stay focused!
So my fridge is stocked up and I've focused my mind on my tasks ahead.
I know my healthy foods will help me! 😍
Are you doing the same?
Much love
Dora xxx
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Let me show you the process of releasing yourπŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ weight and health problems easily.πŸ’ƒπŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ€©πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ
Get more F-R-E-E advice on weight loss and health in my community➑️... ➑️ Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight ⬆️⬆️
Each new member get's a F-R-E-E 1-2-1 strategy session with me.
Much love 😍
Dora x Head Nutritionist, CEO & Founder
Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
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Did you ever ask your gut what it really wants vs. your taste buds?
Try this and you find you will stop overeating, or eating foods that don't serve you or your health...
Your body will settle at the perfect weight.
... Find more info on this in my community: Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
Your normal diet might be toxic because you base all your decisions on your addictions and your taste buds vs. what your body really needs to be healthy and happy.
Connect to your gut, and give your body what it needs.
Follow your body and what it wants.
Start connecting to yourself.
See and feel the difference.
Much love
Dora Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
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See my video here and learn my secrets in my F-R-E-E Group @Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
And see results!
... Dx
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Check out my FREE TRAINING TOMORROW at 11:00 am UK time on: How to Adopt Healthier Habits and stick to them πŸ₯πŸ“. ⬇️ The training happens in my F-R-E-E community➑️➑️➑️ Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
Or catch the replay 😍
... Much love
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Are you a creature of habit?
I am, and I find it so hard to change…
...Continue Reading


Hear REAL LIFE stories about how eating well and committing to health can CHANGE YOUR LIFE AMAZINGLY!
Discover HOW TO DO IT to do it by joining my F-R-E-E group CLICK ⏩⏩⏩Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
... in the last year the people I have worked with have achieved outstanding breakthroughs in their bodies, and their lives...
A healthy, happy body has a knock on effect on your life!
A healthier happier body can lead to:
> A promotion > Earning more money > An engagement > A better love life > Passing an exam > More confidence > More energy to do things
And this is just the tip of the iceberg my friend ;-)
Your body carries you through life.
Your body works for you...
Let it work well and it will do amazing things for you and enable you to do and ACHIEVE so much more!
Let me know what you think and learn to fuel your body in my F-R-E-E community ⏩⏩⏩Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
Much love
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Are you looking and feeling old before your time? πŸ™„ Are you stressed in your life right now and the demands work and family are wearing on your face and body, and you have little time for you? πŸ˜₯😐
...Continue Reading


My amazing friend is doing a fab workshop! Dxx


Want F-R-E-E tailored WEIGHT LOSS + HEALTH ADVICE? πŸŽƒπŸ’ƒπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸš£β€β™‚οΈπŸŒοΈ β€β™€οΈπŸ“πŸ₯πŸ…πŸ₯₯
Ok 😍 so join ➑️➑️➑️ Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
... Achieve your health and weight goals easily without struggling.
> You got this! > You can do it! > Start shifting! > Start transforming πŸ’ƒ
See you there ➑️➑️ Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight
Much love
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Weight loss isn't about what you eat, but about how you eat it!
Do you know what to do?
Watch and learn ;-)
... And join my F-R-E-E COMMUNITY Glow From Within with More Energy, Better Skin & Perfect Weight for many more free trainings
Much love
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I hope you guys are eating in season.
Warming foods
Butternut squash... Pumpkins Carrots Apples
Enjoy seasonal foods and get in touch with the flow of nature vs. tropical fruits flown in from so far away.
Much love
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I had a consultation with Dora after I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and a whole range of metabolic conditions connected to this. Having tried to diet before and failed miserably I met with Dora and she put together an amazing plan for me, which allowed me to shed the weight really quickly (2 stone and counting!!!) and address all of the health issues.

I feel amazing! I have so much more energy in my day-to-day life and I feel better in myself being thinner and more confident.

At first I was a little bit worried about the plan and what it would entail (is this another miracle diet which doesn’t work?) but with Doras advice and encouragement I really started to change my eating habits for good! She gave me loads of great ideas of not only what to eat but how to incorporate it into my diet. I lead a really busy lifestyle and even I could manage it with some small but important changes.

I recently had a blood sugar test and my doctor was amazed at how quickly my blood sugar had come down. Knowing what that disease can do to you it is such a relief to be on the road to a complete reversal of it!


I didn’t think much about nutrition programmes but signed up with promise to help my fibromyalgia, tiredness, foggy brain and constant infections. Now 4 weeks within the programme I am a changed person. Fibromyalgia has almost decreased fully. Towards the end of the first week I found new energy from within. Clear mind and new focus is a bonus. I was a night binger but I am no longer craving rubbish food. So all together I am grateful to Dora for returning my life back. Plus I am slowly and steady dropping in weight. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Dora works impressively hard, takes time to find out about the lifestyle and prepares the program taylored to my needs.

The best thing is that she is also coaching me on how to make changes.

Thank you Dora πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


I can highly recommend - Dora is a very experienced Nutritionist, and has a really clear and effective approach. οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½


I had a consultation with Dora after I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and a whole range of metabolic conditions connected to this. Having tried to diet before and failed miserably I met with Dora and she put together an amazing plan for me, which allowed me to shed the weight really quickly (2 stone and counting!!!) and address all of the health issues.

I feel amazing! I have so much more energy in my day-to-day life and I feel better in myself being thinner and more confident.

At first I was a little bit worried about the plan and what it would entail (is this another miracle diet which doesn’t work?) but with Doras advice and encouragement I really started to change my eating habits for good! She gave me loads of great ideas of not only what to eat but how to incorporate it into my diet. I lead a really busy lifestyle and even I could manage it with some small but important changes.

I recently had a blood sugar test and my doctor was amazed at how quickly my blood sugar had come down. Knowing what that disease can do to you it is such a relief to be on the road to a complete reversal of it!


I didn’t think much about nutrition programmes but signed up with promise to help my fibromyalgia, tiredness, foggy brain and constant infections. Now 4 weeks within the programme I am a changed person. Fibromyalgia has almost decreased fully. Towards the end of the first week I found new energy from within. Clear mind and new focus is a bonus. I was a night binger but I am no longer craving rubbish food. So all together I am grateful to Dora for returning my life back. Plus I am slowly and steady dropping in weight. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Dora works impressively hard, takes time to find out about the lifestyle and prepares the program taylored to my needs.

The best thing is that she is also coaching me on how to make changes.

Thank you Dora πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


I can highly recommend - Dora is a very experienced Nutritionist, and has a really clear and effective approach. οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½

More about Nutriheal Dora Walsh Nutritionist, Reiki Master & Personal Development

Nutriheal Dora Walsh Nutritionist, Reiki Master & Personal Development is located at Blackheath Quarter Concierge Suite, 1-3 Handley Drive, London (by appointment only), SE3 9BU London, United Kingdom