
About Nutrilife

we @ NutriLife are dedicated in helping people choose a better diet. wether your goal is sports related or if you have been diagnosed with health problems



Thanks to Darren for bringing us some Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans!! These are literally the best beans you can buy! Enjoy your weekend folks ŌśĢ’ĖÅŌśĢ’ĖÅŌśĢ’ĖÅ


Interesting read to say the least


Double choc hazelnut cookies! Vegan friendly and gluten free!


SHOCKED?? You should be. Ever wondered why you slim friend who eats like a horse always manages to stay healthy?? Well maybe they are not, if you eat fatty foods and they don't show anywhere then this is where they tend to sit! Visceral Fats! Yes the stat nobody looks at when joining gyms (probably because they gave no idea from a pair of weighing scales!) no amount of fitness will ever get rid of this!! And if you over expertise then it puts strain on a beating heart that's covered!! Enjoy you dinner ­¤ś│­¤æŹ­¤ŹÅ­¤ŹÄ­¤ŹÉ­¤ŹŖ­¤Źŗ­¤Źł­¤Źō­¤Źć­ ¤Źē­¤Źī­¤ŹÆ­¤Źæ­¤ŹŹ­¤Źģ­¤Źå­¤ŹĀ­¤īĮ­¤īČ­ ¤Ź┤­¤ŹĮ


So here is today's breakfast- and yes I cooked it at home which makes it easier however if you have a microwave use it! Or cook at home and put it in a flask for work. The Chia seeds are a nice add BTW! Fibre protein Omega 3 and Gluten free! There are 2g of Omega 3 per 15g serving. That's shed loads and if you as a little here and there to salads you end up with a healthier ŌØż’ĖÅ but remember not one single ingredient is a magic ­¤ÆŖ to a happier healthier life! Have a good day y'all


Try these NO flour pancakes with blueberry jam! Sweet and non guilty


Makrel what the hell is that!!!probably the same fish as Mackerel...... Anywayssss! It was great and refreshing. The children loved it because it was colourful ­¤śē


So today I have the day to myself and the new pup! So I'm in need of inspiration and more than anything sunshine. So here's my sunshine on a plate!! Protein packed with antioxidants in the form of the salsa! Try it out make a load and add it everyday to you lunch or dinner! Enjoy ŌśĆ’ĖÅ


In the style of a reverend!! Breakfast was served


Tomorrow we will be looking at cooking a breakfast burrito with gluten free wraps!! #special


Help comes in many different ways! A helping hand, holding a hand or lending a helping ear! Show the love X


Anyone fancy making this gluten free bread? Let me know and I'll inbox your the small amount of ingredients and method Bosch!


take a look at this from someone whoŌĆÖs knows their oats from their oils!! /686655034793267201


So my Goji berries have been replenished (I'm sure someone ate them all....) and are back in my smoothie! Do they work? Are they an antioxidant? Are they packed with vitamins? It's all a mystery and I haven't got the answer, all I know is there isn't any evidence that they are bad for you and they taste alright!! So I like them and whack them in for brekkie. If you find them a bit hard to chew steep them in a bit of water or juice for 30 mins and they taste like gummy bears!!! Have that on meeee enjoy Tuesday and remember it's nearly half way through to Friday people


Are out of the pan for a macho feel!!! Or like me in a Tupperware box heated up ­¤śé­¤æŹ­¤Å╗­¤æŹ­¤Å╗ taste is the ­¤ÆŻ


Morning!!!! Yes it's Monday but no excuses! Here's my breakfast today should see me through till lunch. Watch out for today's inspiring lunch ­¤śē


we have been working on our YouTube channel today (after coaching rugby is the driving rain!!!! WET) so look tomorrow for a great breakfast that can be pre made and a fantastic lunch!! both fat busting free radical fighting protein packed fresh produce! goodnight all!


pot pourri Rodney pot pourri here we have it!!! enjoy, i know i didŌĆ”


tonight we have home made lamb kebabs. all natural ingredients and whacked under the grill for 20 mins!!! watch for the finished article and method x

More about Nutrilife

Nutrilife is located at Woodfield Drive, RM2 5DD Romford, United Kingdom
+44 7903 583271