Nutritional Bio-Balance

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:45 - 14:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:45 - 14:00
Friday: 09:45 - 14:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Nutritional Bio-Balance

Nutritional therapy and Hair Mineral Analysis focusing on gut healing and fixing imbalances to support both physical and emotional health.



🌴 Coconut water is an amazing way to get electrolytes to properly hydrate our cells. High in potassium, a 250ml serving of coconut water contains 600 milligrams of potassium (we should be aiming for 4,700 milligrams). Many I know are concerned about the sugar content, so do we need to worry?
🥥 According to this article from Sarah Wilson, coconut water contains around 2.95ml of sugar per 100ml, which is actually not a lot. Plus coconut water’s sugar content is mostly glucose, rather than fructose, unlike coke or fruit juice, where half (or more) of the sugar content is fructose (which kicks your liver into fat storage mode). I usually dilute mine 50/50 with water and add Celtic salt for extra sodium.


🍉Extremely flattered to be chosen to feature in this article as one of Origym’s “Best resources for better eating today”! 😄


🌶Benefits of cayenne pepper 🌶 I’ve recently started adding cayenne pepper to my daily nutrition protocol. Cayenne is a medicinal and nutritional herb. It is a high source of Vitamins A and C, the B complexes, and is rich in organic calcium and potassium. The active component of Cayenne is capsaicin which gives the pepper a fiery kick.
... 🌶Cayenne is an extremely effective treatment for heart and blood circulation problems, palpitations, and cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat). It is beneficial for someone who has any type of circulatory problems, such as high or low blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, high triglycerides, and even varicose veins.
🌶It also is a good digestive aid: it slows intestinal gas, relieves stomach pain, stops diarrhoea and is used as as a natural remedy for cramps. It can even help relieve arthritic pain.
🌶When combined with any other herb, Capsaicin will help the other herb function better as it stimulates the circulation of blood, which helps get the beneficial bio-chemicals and nutrition to the cells.
🌶Begin with 1/4 teaspoon in warm water before working up to 1/2 then 1 tsp- (if you’re brave..!) I take mine before food with ACV. Use in cooking- great as an addition if you make your own sugar free treats (Chocolates- sweeten with stevia, add salt and cayenne).
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🥦Buying organic fresh produce can take a huge chunk out of our weekly shopping budget- so I’m sharing the Environmental Working Group’s 2018 guide to the ‘dirty dozen’ and the ‘clean fifteen’ for conventionally grown produce if you haven’t already seen it.
🍓Strawberries are top of the list again- which is a shame as everyone in my house loves them! The important thing is to be aware, do what you can, but do not stress too much- stress is more detrimental to our health than enjoying a few strawbs at this time of the year ☀️ I couldn’t find separate charts for the US and the UK, I imagine they are quite similar though.


🌱One of the fantastic benefits of herbal infusions is that you get so many more minerals and nutrients by making a whole herb infusion rather than using a teabag due to the greater quantity of herb.
🌿Oatstraw (Avena Sativa) is a herb I use to make infusions that has many medicinal properties. It is a remedy for excessive nervous energy and anxiety- as it’s incredibly nourishing for the nervous system. It’s high in B vitamins (except B12), high in minerals- it’s particularly in silica (one of the best sources of this mineral!) and a really great one for fast oxidisers as it’s high in magnesium and calcium- it has 300mg of calcium per cup according to herbal guru Susun Weed.
Further benefits from Weed’s article: “Its steroidal saponins nourish the pancreas and liver, improving digestion and stabilizing moods. Oatstraw is best known however for its ability to enhance libido and mellow the mood”.
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🐟Should we be eating fish? Doesn’t it contain mercury? Well yes, it does, but do we have to avoid it?
🐠Dr. Klinghardt, an authority on heavy metal toxicity, thinks the benefits of eating fish outweigh avoidance for fear of mercury contamination. According to him- If we have a healthy gut function, there’s no need to be concerned. But who has healthy gut function these days when our gut function is compromised by inflammation brought on by stress, poor diet and toxins?
🐡The o...mega 3 content in oily fish is essential for brain health, joint health, fertility and inflammatory autoimmune conditions, so have a look at this chart. Go for the smaller fish. Wild caught rather than farmed. I eat sardines (tinned is fine!), anchovies, salmon now and again, occasional tin of tuna- and if I do have fish and chips, I try to go for haddock instead of cod (of course I pick the batter off..!)
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🍠 It’s so common to see low potassium on a HTMA chart. The ‘ideal’ level is 10mg% but so many of us are around the 1 or 2mg% mark. We should ideally be consuming 4700mg a day- but realistically we should try and aim for at least 3000mg to help raise our potassium status. One banana provides us with about 350mg- so that’s not really going to cut it.
🥥 Coconut water, baked potato with the skin on, avocado, almonds, raisins, potassium broths (made by simmering veggies like cel...ery, onion, beetroot, potato skin and garlic), are good sources, and according to this list from “Clinical Nutrition: A Functional Approach”, the seaweeds Dulse and kelp are also great sources. A daily 5 gram portion of dulse will provide you with 403g of potassium. It’s not cheap though- I’ll provide a link in the comments. More about dulse:
“It is commonly found from June to September and can be picked by hand when the tide is out. Dulse is commonly used in Ireland, Iceland, Atlantic Canada and the North east United States and used as food and medicine. Sun-dried dulse is eaten as is or is ground to flakes or a powder. It can be pan fried quickly into chips, baked in the oven covered with cheese. It can be used in soups, chowders, sandwiches and salads.”
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🍄Medicinal Mushrooms 🌿Not sure how many of you are suffering from hay fever this time of year? Conventional anti-allergic therapy (anti-histamine and nasal steroids) work to eliminate symptoms during the acute stage, but come with nasty side effects (drowsiness and dry eyes).
I went to a medicinal mushroom seminar last week delivered by Hifas Da Terra- their organically grown mushroom extracts offer a possibility of bringing the immune system back into balance, inhibiting the pro-inflammatory response. HdT recommend their Reishi and Sun Agaricus extracts 2 + 2 capsules before a meal twice a day for 10 days, then 1 + 1 before dinner once a day for two months for a rapid improvement in symptoms with lack of side affects 🍄


🛀A therapeutic magnesium bath before bed is beneficial for several reasons. Absorption of magnesium through the skin (transdermal) is the best way to get our magnesium as it bypasses the gut and is utilised right away. Very helpful when so many of us are dealing with gut issues that hinder nutrient absorption.
Magnesium helps synthesise the calming neurotransmitter GABA which calms anxious brain activity. Magnesium also relaxes and loosens our tight muscles- so can help wit...h back, joint and neck pain. Also a perfect muscle relaxant after a long bike ride or any other strenuous activity.
I prefer to use Magnesium chloride, as it is more easily assimilated, and therefore more bioavailable and utilised by the body. Whereas magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) is not as easily absorbed and utilised.
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Healing takes time- there is no quick fix for most of our health issues. I prefer take a low and slow approach. Balancing minerals and getting the body strong first is a good way to begin, rather than attacking pathogens and toxins. This is a great read and it can be applied to any health issue we might be dealing with 🙂


📊Sulfur is found in all cells and tissues in the body and is crucial for detoxification and chelation of heavy metals. It’s rarely out of balance on a HTMA chart. Most people need more of it and not less- this is because it is a component to many enzymes including the powerful anti-oxidant glutathione.
➡️It’s also needed for collagen production, so sulfur-rich foods help to give you healthy hair, skin and nails. Deficiency signs are eczema, dermatitis and brittle nails.
➡️Th...e National Cancer Institute found that “individuals who ate the most allium vegetables (red onions, scallions, garlic, chives and leeks) had a nearly 50% lower cancer risk than those who ate the least”
➡️A few individuals are sensitive to sulfur containing foods- (usually when CBS gene mutation is expressing). When the body metabolizes sulfur compounds it produces ammonia as a byproduct. Ammonia is toxic to the body but most are able to easily excrete it through the urine. Molybdenum can help with sulfur intolerance.
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More on the amazing dandelion: 🌼 I love this humble weed that’s currently sprouting on our lawns in abundance! Both the leaves and roots can be used for therapeutic purposes. The root is known to improve liver congestion and increase stagnant bile (it quadruples the flow!). It also aids in improving conditions derived from liver stasis such as acne, varicose veins, high cholesterol, eczema and constipation. The leaf acts as a diuretic:
🌼“Because the leaves contain sodium and... potassium they act on both sides of the kidney mechanism: excreting fluids and retaining specific contents. Hence, Dandelion Leaf is one of the few diuretics that retains potassium and builds up the retentive side of the kidneys. As a diuretic, Dandelion Leaf can cause weight loss due to water removal.”
🌼You can begin taking this as a tea/decoction, then move onto a tincture to really get things moving. You can also pick the leaves yourself from unsprayed areas and add to a salad. ofile-dandelion/
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How much salt do we need in our diet? 🔅Salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl). Low sodium levels on a HTMA chart signals a need for increased salt intake. So which salt is the best? 🔅Table salt has been bleached and exposed to many toxic chemicals in order to get it to its final product. The minerals are also eliminated and anti-caking additives are added. Celtic salt from the sea is unrefined and contains 82 minerals in balanced form as it’s found in... nature. Table salt and NO salt will usually result in high blood pressure as too much or too little sodium causes our cells to swell, increasing our blood pressure. 🔅Sodium is an important electrolyte that controls the fluid levels in the body and are partly controlled by a hormone called aldosterone, which is made by the adrenal glands. It works together with potassium. 🔅Low sodium on a HTMA chart indicates low aldosterone and sluggish adrenals. High Na indicates excessive adrenal activity and an indicator of cardiovascular problems. It’s also the first mineral to be wasted under stress! 🔅It is also crucial we have enough salt as it’s a component in our stomach acid (HCl) so we cannot digest correctly with inadequate salt intake. So how much do we need? The general rule is do you crave it? Well then you definitely need it! I use and recommend Celtic salt.
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🇧🇷Notes on Selenium🇧🇷 Selenium protects against chromosomal damage, stimulates DNA repair, and modulates the rate of cell division (think cancer cells). Selenium also inhibits the effect of chemical carcinogens and accelerates their detoxification.
➡️Without sufficient selenium intake Your liver cannot convert the T4 hormone to T3 in the liver.
... ➡️Glutathione peroxidase is an important antioxidant that works to protect the body. To function properly, Glutathione peroxidase depends on adequate levels of selenium.
➡️Selenium also protects tissues from the toxic effects of heavy metals (but does not enhance excretion). Selenium binds these metals, such as mercury and cadmium, rendering them less damaging to cells and tissues.
➡️This chart indicates the average selenium content in our Brazil nuts depending on where they are grown. Some Brazil nuts contain over 200mcg per nut, which is a good daily amount. Have a look on your packet of Brazils. Where are they sourced?
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How awesome has this mini heatwave been here in the UK! ☀️ Before you reach for the spf 50- remember we NEED the sun to synthesise our own vitamin D! I do cover my face (usually with a hat) but I make sure mine and my little one’s arms or legs are unprotected for at least 20- 30 mins daily in the spring/summer months to get our dose of D.
☀️Some sunscreens on the market have an array of ingredients known to be toxic, so I’d choose wisely- check your brand on the EWG (Enviro...nmental working group) website (link site at the bottom of the post👇🏼) you’ll find a safety rating for your brand there. I use Trukid spf 30 for prolonged periods only in intense sun. It’s highly rated on EWG and it contains non-nano zinc. Or better still, make your own! I keep meaning to try this recipe- has anyone else made their own? nscreen/
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Do we need to supplement Iodine? 🔹Every cell in our body needs this mineral, and we are not getting enough from our diet alone. Iodine is what our thyroid hormones T4 and T3 are made of, it is anti- pathogenic and is known to kill cancer cells in our glands (breasts, ovaries, thyroid and the prostate). Iodine deficiency presents itself in cancer of the glands, fibrocystic breasts, hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts and fibroids.
🔹Did you know that the halides fluoride, bromide a...nd chloride will take the place in our iodine receptors in our cells, when we are iodine deficient? the current RDA for iodine is 150 mcg, but evidence shows that this is not enough.
🔹Certain nutrient pre-requisites have to be in place before supplementation: selenium and vitamin C are two of them- they are antioxidants that provide protection against the release of the toxic halides when iodine finds its rightful place in the cell.
🔹Work with a practitioner to find out what starting dose is right for you, as thyroid tests should be up to date (iodine should not be taken if the thyroid is in a hyper or ‘over active’ state, and extra caution noted with autoimmune thyroiditis) and an iodine ‘loading’ test can be performed to determine the individual’s true need for iodine.
🔹For further reading I recommend “The Iodine Crisis” by Lynne Farrow. Check out this excellent interview with her.
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The tonsils are part of our lymphatic system, and during the first few years of our life they can become frequently inflamed as they are the first line of defence against bacterial infections. When it happens in later life it can be a warning sign of a deeper underlying infection.
“All waste that leaves the brain has to pass through the tonsils, which is why they are sometimes referred to as “the toilet of the brain.” If the tonsils are compromised for any reason, they can a...ct like a dam on the lymphatic system, preventing the glymphatic system of the brain from being able to drain into the peripheral lymph. This can cause a toxic build-up in the brain, and resulting neurological diseases”.
I’d recommend getting your lymph moving- not difficult to do yourself. Body brushing with a bristle brush, rebounding on a small trampoline or lymphatic draining massage.
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HCl- hydrochloric acid or stomach acid. Your first line of defence against toxic invaders, it helps to neutralize pathogenic organisms, along with yeast and H. Pylori. As we age, our HCl declines which makes it difficult for us to properly digest our food and absorb our nutrients efficiently. It also hinders bile flow, and if there is not enough bile produced, fat cannot be broken down. Liver support and healing are crucial, as well as digestive support.
“If you have a roll ...of fat at your waist line, your liver has stopped processing fat and begun storing it. Only when you bring your liver back to full function, with the aid of HCl-will you lose this fat”.
By looking at a Hair Mineral Analysis chart, we can see how well your digestion is working. The minerals that indicate HCl production- phosphorus, zinc and sodium- all need to be in good range. We can then guide and support corrections of these imbalances.
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Balancing our magnesium, sodium and potassium is so important for regulating stress, energy and our adrenal health- so while magnesium is a calming mineral for anxiety and for relaxing muscles, too much can lower or ‘crash’ our sodium and potassium levels, which can leave us feeling lethargic and depleted.
“About 80% of people in general are slow oxidizers, which means that adrenals are sluggish. Magnesium *decreases* adrenal function, while sodium supports it. Mag *lowers* ...sodium and further decreases adrenal activity”.
So for under-active adrenals, (as indicated on a HTMA), more sodium is required and for over-active adrenals, generally more magnesium is required.
I recommend Celtic salt (not table salt) as in contains over 80 trace minerals.
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What is Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) and mineral balancing? A sample of hair taken as a soft tissue biopsy can reveal what has been going on in your body’s chemistry at a cellular level over the preceding 3 months. Through measuring mineral levels, toxic metals and relative ratios, It provides an overview of several systems in the body including the digestive and nervous system, thyroid function, blood sugar control, how well your body is handling stress and heavy metals. I can then help you with a personalised mineral balancing plan to restore balance in the body air-tissue-minera…/


Nicola is simply fantastic, She really knows her stuff and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for Nutritional therapy and holistic healing! Highly recommended - Nicola is a real star!

Simon Pepper



Nicola is simply fantastic, She really knows her stuff and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for Nutritional therapy and holistic healing! Highly recommended - Nicola is a real star!

Simon Pepper


More about Nutritional Bio-Balance

Nutritional Bio-Balance is located at Hove treatment Rooms, 233 New Church road, BN3 4EE Brighton and Hove
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:45 - 14:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:45 - 14:00
Friday: 09:45 - 14:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -