Nutritional Gps

Monday: 17:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 17:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 17:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 17:00 - 23:00
Friday: 17:00 - 23:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Nutritional Gps

This is the site of Graham P Sutton.
I offer Nutritional Advice and Dietary Guidance.



For those of you contemplating a calorie restricted diet (Weight Watchers or Slimming World) I urge you to watch this short and informative video comparing those diets with a short water fast. If I were to go back to when I had over 20 pounds to lose I would now choose a 5 day fast to kick-start the weight loss followed by a normal amount of calories each day but eaten within an eight hour window. This method of eating reflects the eating habits of our ancestors who might not... get food for a couple of days then kill an animal and feast for a whole day. The problem today is that people very rarely experience real hunger and so their fat stores do nothing but grow. This method is recommended for Type 2 Diabetics that want to get off their medication as soon as possible and return to a normal lifestyle. It is possible. S0
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When you adopt a ketogenic, paleolithic or low carbohydrate diet you will obviously lower your intake of carbohydrates. This is seen as the healthy choice for Type 2 Diabetics or for weight loss in general but people often ask what they should be replacing their missing carbs with. My reply changes for everyone who asks because we all have individual needs and different limitations on what we can eat or choose to eat. This short video gives a very good explanation as to how w...e make that switch away from carbs and right at the end gives a list of foods to replace them with. I hope this explanation helps people who may have been confused by newspaper stories or even by the nutritional guidelines offered by doctors. I am always happy to give more individual advice to anyone who asks. Please share this with anyone who might benefit from it, thanks. H0
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I have spent this evening listening to a couple of presentations from the Alzheimer's & Dementia Summit and guess what. That's right, it's got a lot to do with nutrition, or lack of it. If you know someone suffering with early onset dementia then I would advise listening to a few of these interviews this week. It's a multi-factorial disease, like many others, but if you feed your body correctly with quality food and supplements then this will help slow down and even reverse dementia. I'm happy to answer questions on this subject or you could get yourself registered for this summit and find out what your doctor doesn't understand about this very modern disease.


Here's a short video by Summer Peterson explaining what few people know about exercise. If you don't change what you're eating no amount of exercise is going to release the fat in your cells. If the food you eat turns to glucose then it doesn't matter how little you eat, your body will want to store it as fat and not release any of its existing fat. Exercising more will just make you more tired and make parts of your body shut down in order to conserve the fat it has stored. ...Your body would rather sacrifice muscle mass than give up precious fat stores. If you then stop your calorie controlled diet you will then start to regain weight as the body tries to store as much fat as possible, ready for the next time you try dieting. Followers of Weight Watchers and Slimming World diets will probably have made this discovery for themselves, but they still return and try the same thing again expecting a different outcome. If you want help understanding all this I can be contacted through this page. I'd be happy to explain the better solution.
Here is part one. Part two is on the same page along with several other educational videos. e-can-slow-down-y…/
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This will keep me busy from Sunday night for nine evenings. It's the new documentary series about auto-immune diseases. The nine episodes will cover the wealth of knowledge of scientists and doctors from around the world. These are diseases where the majority of the damage is done by our body's own defence system. When we understand what causes these attacks we can start to reduce the frequency and intensity of the attacks and eventually stop them, allowing us to reverse the ...damage done. You probably know that the trigger for Celiac disease is eating food containing gluten. If you stop eating gluten the symptoms go away. You still have a disease but you know how to stop it from harming your body. In the series we will learn that there are similar triggers for most of the listed diseases. This should give hope to many sufferers around the world who have been let down by doctors who treat theirs symptoms with pharmaceuticals that don't address the underlying cause of their disease. I am hoping to learn a lot from Episodes 6 & 7 because these diseases are on the rise now and could affect one in three of us by the time we get to retirement age. I don't intend to let this happen to any of my friends and family. Join me, please, and share with your friends and family.
Episode 1 - Autoimmune Disease Revealed: The Shocking Truth Episode 2 - Leaky Gut: The Gateway to Autoimmunity / Rheumatoid Arthritis Episode 3 - The Microbiome: How to Restore the Good Bacteria Episode 4 - Digestive Diseases: Inflammable Bowel / Gluten Sensitivity / Celiac Episode 5 - Environmental Toxins: Protect your Family Episode 6 - The Brain: Alzheimer’s / Parkinson’s / MS / Dementia / Autism Episode 7 - Success Stories: Reversing MS / Psoriasis / Lupus / Asthma / Chronic Fatigue and more! Episode 8 - Patients Share their Secret Path to Healing Episode 9 - Doctors Unveil WHY They Do What They Do
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Here is another set of videos from Dr Sarah Hallberg. She carefully explains the reasons behind Type 2 Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes. She then goes on to explain how this worldwide epidemic was caused by official dietary guidelines changing to recommend eating more carbohydrates and fewer fats. The videos are short and quite easy to understand. Finally there are a few suggestions of meals that will help to control blood glucose levels and reverse a Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis. The added benefit of these meals is that they will help you lose weight. abetes-101-truth-…/


It's been a while since my last post so I have decided to write my own rather than post a link.
A lot of people ask for advice about weight loss and while I would always recommend a personalised plan for each individual there are some general points that find their way into each diet plan. If you were to follow one or more of these recommendations you would naturally start to lose weight.
1. Remove sugary foods from your diet. Not always as easy as it sounds as food companies...
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I read a lot of what Dr. Mark Hyman writes. The reason for this is that he understands that nutrition is at the heart of a healthy life. In this article he introduces us to his new roadmap for treating disease and the seven core systems of the body. Of course the first and most important core system is nutrition. The conclusion we reach from this is that everything we put into our mouths has the power to make us sick or well. The choice is ours and some people just make bad choices. It's not their fault either. A lot of people have been advised to eat low-fat food and heart-healthy grains. This is just about the worst advice we have ever been given as it has caused the obesity epidemic we are now suffering. It's my job to explain what the good choices are. You can contact me through this site and don't forget to tell your friends.


Some of my friends suffer from acid reflux or heartburn. This is sometimes referred to as GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease or GERD. Doctors will try to convince you that it is caused by too much acid in your stomach and prescribe antacids or Proton Pump Inhibitors but the truth is that it is caused by too LITTLE acid. I have recommended a little apple cider vinegar diluted in water and this certainly helps stimulate the natural production of stomach acid and puts a stop to heartburn. It also helps digest your food better and kills off dangerous bacteria in your stomach. This video goes a lot further to explain the whole process. It's well worth watching and perhaps sharing with your friends. vw


Sometimes during my research I come across a video that provides so much information in a clearly understandable way that I feel it would make my job so much easier if I could just show it to everyone. The subject matter here is fat and how we have been persuaded to avoid it for the sake of our health. This has since been exposed as misguided propaganda from a scientist with a hypothesis to prove. He failed but in the process he managed to change the dietary recommendations o...f America and the UK and cause the obesity epidemic that we have today. As a bonus, if you watch to the end, you will discover just how useless Statins are and why cholesterol is not the cause of the problems in your arteries. It's only 14 minutes long but it could lead to a lifetime of questioning what your doctor tells you in future. Knowledge is an important part of a healthy diet. Please share with your friends.
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For all of you that think dieting begins by replacing sugar with Aspartame this should open your eyes to the dangers of artificial sweeteners. I tried replacing sugar in my tea with sweetex for years and I just got fatter and more depressed. When I stopped I no longer craved sweet things and I felt so much happier. Doctor Mercola explains the reasons and the science behind it on his website. Now put down that Diet Cola and get yourself some real hydration. Thanks for reading.


Dark chocolate has been a feature of my diet for about four years now. The more I research it the better it gets. It really must be at least 75% Cocoa/Cacao to be truly healthy though. It contains many minerals including potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc and magnesium which are all required for a healthy body. It's just a small step to take away from the sweets that many of us now consume but the benefit to your body will be noticeable. Now that's got to be good news for everyone.


Tonight I've been listening to some of the Keto Edge Summit talks that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Following on from that I realised that not everyone is perfectly suited to this type of diet for several reasons. One of those reasons is that you might've had your Gall Bladder removed. These people can certainly still benefit from a Ketogenic diet but they might need to supplement their diet with Digestive Enzymes or Ox Bile to help break down the fatty foods that bile would normally deal with. This post from Dr. David Jockers explains all about the diet and how supplementation can help. ic-diet-without-a…/ It's not too late to join the Keto Edge Summit. Just click on the link below. It's all free and they'll send regular informative emails to you.


One of the reasons I've studied nutrition is to help treat and reverse chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. Many doctors don't believe this is possible so they continue prescribing medicines that just manage the symptoms but never get to the root cause. Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is different. He sees the big picture and takes time to get to the root of the problem. Diet and lifestyle changes are just two of the ways to treat these chronic diseases. Please watch this 18 minute TEDx video to understand his revolutionary approach to 21st Century health. And let's not forget that Hippocrates said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" over 2000 years ago. Feel free to share this with friends and family who might not be aware such cures exist.


This is probably one of the most comprehensive descriptions of a ketogenic diet that I have found. Dr. Axe explains which foods to eat more of and which foods to eat less of to ensure success. There are many chronic illnesses that can be managed successfully by adopting a ketogenic diet. The only potential downside is the transition period when you are switching from being a glucose burner to being a fat burner. This period can last for a couple of weeks and you may feel the ...equivalent of withdrawal symptoms because your body has been addicted to sugar and foods that quickly turn to glucose like white bread and pasta. Once over this period you will start to lose the brain fog and the afternoon dips in energy and start to feel more energised. You will also start to burn the excess body fat that you're carrying because that is what your body is now trained to burn. This diet is highly recommended for type 2 diabetics as it addresses the underlying cause which is insulin resistance. I would also recommend it for children with ADHD and their parents. If you need to ask any questions about this please message me and I'll answer as soon as I can.
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Here is a video from 2014 introducing the Paleolithic Diet. If you're looking to reverse the damage done by living a 21st century life then you need to (temporarily) eat like our ancestors did for centuries before we discovered the agricultural way of life. Why not try adopting this diet for a month and see how much better you will feel. It's also a bit easier to stick to than the Ketogenic diet so you shouldn't find yourself giving up after a few days. My personal diet is a mixture of Keto and Paleo and I don't think I've ever been healthier. Give it a try and if you need any advice you know where to find me. Good luck. 1U


Here is another docu-series to educate us on how to avoid disease by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices. These programs are watched by hundreds of thousands of people but when you realise the extent of the dietary problems in America alone you will realise that this is just a drop in the ocean. If the 50% of Americans that are overweight were to watch this that would be 150 million viewers but that's not going to happen because most of those people don't even think they have a problem. This free education is not only for Nutritionists like me but for everyone with an interest in staying healthy by avoiding preventable diseases. Join me and let your friends know about it too.


If you can spare 18 minutes I think you might find this YouTube video quite enlightening. Sarah Hallberg explains why we need to ignore the official nutritional guidelines if we are to reverse Type 2 Diabetes. I know this to be true as I've already had some success when I recommended this to a colleague at work. His diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes has been reversed, he lost about 40lbs and consequently lowered his risk of heart disease. This is something that came as quite a surprise to his doctor. A change of diet is a much better choice than a lifetime of medication. Please feel free to message me if you need a little more information about this. This is something I intend to specialise in very shortly.


You've probably heard of the many uses of a ketogenic diet from the newspapers or on TV. It can be very useful for those looking to lose a little weight. It has been shown to reduce your risk of many chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's. About 100 years ago it was the preferred treatment for epilepsy in children. I would personally recommend it for the treatment of ADHD these days and there are many more people who would just feel a whole lot better if they tried it for 30 days. If you want to know more about the ketogenic diet and how to incorporate it in your life then you should join me watching this docu-series next month. If you only watch one hour of this you'll know more about nutrition than your doctor.

More about Nutritional Gps

Nutritional Gps is located at Cross Way, BN7 1NE Lewes, East Sussex
Monday: 17:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 17:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 17:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 17:00 - 23:00
Friday: 17:00 - 23:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -