
About Nuvision

Ophthalmic biotech developing a portfolio of technologies for enhanced ocular regeneration and wound care



Our CEO Dr Andrew Hopkinson is representing NuVison at the @_bcla #bcla2019 conference. Pop by to stand 38 to say HI and go and listen to him talk about OmniLenz at the Pivalion at 13:45 “The Benefits of Early, in clinic Application of Amniotic Membrane using OmniLenz, a New Bespoke Contact Lens” #cornea #contactlens #dryeyedisease #woundhealing #regeneration


Traditionally, the use of amnion for the treatment of Pterygium has delivered mixed outcomes. However, early data presented at the #rcophth2019 using Omnigen is encouraging for specific classifications of pterygium. The study shows Omnigen reduces surgical time, reduces inflammation and accelerates recovery. Further clinical studies will now explore this in more detail. #omnigen #pterygium #ocularsurfacedisease #woundhealing


Great to see the first Clinical data on the in clinic use of Omnigen with OmniLenz for the treatment of corneal disease, come out of Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. The retrospective cases series (n=12) showed a 92% healing rate, 82% of which in less than 4 weeks, of treated persistent epithelial defects. #RCOphth2019 #amnioticmembrane #omnigen #omnilenz #woundhealing

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Merry Christmas from Team NuVision #hometothecurious @biocitygroup @biocity #teamnuvision


Are you an exceptional and committed junior biological scientist looking to join a fast growing regenerative medicine company? If yes, please take a look at an opportunity we currently have on offer:…/nuvision-i s-recruiting-a-manuf… Please direct all enquiries and applications in the form of a cover letter and a CV to be sent to Maria Mendoza,


NuVision is at the BrAVO Winter Conference in Edinburgh talking to veterinary ophthalmologists about Omnigen and it’s applications. Don’t hesitate to come to our stand and find out more! #Omnigen #BrAVO #NuVision


Today, Tonicha and Jack are at exhibiting at Nottingham University's Biosciences careers fair where they will be informing students about what we do as a company together with describing the career pathways they have taken post university #uon #nottingham #biosciences #suttonbonnington


This week NuVision Biotherapies will be attending Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research in Belfast.
On Wednesday, NuVision's CEO and Senior Academic at the University of Nottingham Ophthalmology research department, Dr Andrew Hopkinson will be presenting work carried out on exciting new developments in the use of amnion in ophthalmology. Dr Hopkinson will discuss and evaluate the detrimental effects that cryopreservation has on amniotic tissue.
If you too are attending, please do not hesitate to ask Andrew any questions or talk to him to find out more about our amnion product, Omnigen.


Earlier this year, Dr Anna Malska, from Elham Valley Referrals presented the work carried out by herself, Rebecca Elks and Barbara Gonella. Visit the link below to see the presentation and find out more about the study which focused on cross linking and the use of Omnigen grafts in severe corneal defects:…/veterinary -retrospective-study…


Are you a Nottingham Trent University student or recent graduate looking to carry out a rewarding internship in a fast growing regenerative medicine company? If yes, please see here an opportunity we currently have on offer:…/are-you-a- nottingham-trent-uni…
Please direct all enquiries and applications in the form of a cover letter and a CV to be sent to Maria Mendoza,
Nottingham Trent University


NuVision® ( are delighted to announce that they have signed a distribution agreement with Doctrinemed ( ), a Turkish pharmaceutical and medical device company with a focus on ophthalmology. Doctrinemed will be working closely with NuVision in order to distribute our sight saving regenerative therapy, Omnigen® as well as OmniLenz® throughout Turkey. Read more by following this link:…/nuvision-a nnounce-strategic-pa…


This week we had a visitor 🙂Having worked with us previously, Christi Smith came in to see the team and how the company and Medicity has changed and developed over the last year or so. Thanks for coming @crispy3000


Chemical and thermal ocular burns are among the most frequently reported causes of eye injuries, estimated to account for approximately 8-18% of ocular traumas. Amniotic membrane is already known to be a highly beneficial way of treating such injuries but a recent study has proven that this treatment does indeed prevent subsequent corneal ulceration and aid epithelialisation in these cases. In a study of 39 patients, ulceration was prevented in 54/55 of the eyes treated. Read more about this study here…/amniotic-membr ane-transplant-may-t…


Mooren’s ulcer, a painful, rare disorder whose causation is still not fully determined, can lead to peripheral corneal melt and corneal ulceration. Associated with photophobia, redness, tearing and blurred vision, in addition to intense ocular pain, surgical intervention may be required when there is corneal perforation or ulceration. Amniotic membrane products such as Omnigen could be used in combination with fibrin glue and sutures. In the article below, the technique for such amniotic membrane transplantation is described.…/amniotic-membr ane-can-be-used-to-m…


Over the moon just to be amongst the finalists of the @mesilinkEM Outstanding Achievement award #meminnovationday #omnigen #omnilenz #dfu #whatajourney @ The Nottingham Belfry - A QHotel

More about Nuvision

Nuvision is located at MediCity, D6 Building, NG90 6BH Nottingham, United Kingdom
+44 (0)115 7840120