Oakes Baptist Church, Oakes Road, Huddersfield

About Oakes Baptist Church, Oakes Road, Huddersfield

Oakes Baptist is a friendly, active church community of all ages. Together we are seeking to live out our faith in Jesus Christ. You are very welcome.

Oakes Baptist Church, Oakes Road, Huddersfield Description

Oakes Baptist is an active church community made up of lots of different people of all ages and various backgrounds and nationalities. Together we are seeking to express and grow in a living Christian faith and to have a positive influence in serving the community around us, not just on Sundays, but throughout the week.

The main event of the church’s week is our service on a Sunday morning from 10: 30 which combines an informal worship style with relevant Bible-based teaching and provision for families. Afterwards there is time for refreshments and chat. But whether you come along on a Sunday or to one of our midweek or social events we hope you might quickly feel at home among us.

The church is made up of very ordinary people who have encountered an extraordinary God. We believe that having a relationship with this God is not only possible, but also positive and very important. If, even through this facebook page, you pick up some of the excitement and possibilities there are in following Jesus Christ and something of his loving concern for you, we’ll be very pleased!

The church is a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britian, the Yorkshire Baptist Association, the Evangelical Alliance, and Churches Together in Lindley.



Join us this Sunday for our weekly online service.


Together at Home - Easter Sunday online worship from Oakes Baptist Church.


A short reflection for Good Friday 2020.


Is it Wednesday? 8th April 2020
It certainly is Wednesday and not just any old Wednesday but today in the church calendar is known as ‘Spy Wednesday.’ But before you get any ideas about dark sunglasses and secret agents, the name ‘Spy Wednesday’ is taken from the gospel account of when Judas Iscariot “spied” for an opportunity to betray Jesus.
... Judas was a friend of Jesus. A friend who deserted him. A friend who looked at the cost of remaining loyal to Jesus but instead chose the riches that the world was ready to place into his hands. Thirty pieces of silver brought Judas the unenviable title of ‘traitor’ for all generations to come.
This day also has its own traditions, but unlike the chocolate eggs of Easter Sunday, or the hot cross buns of Good Friday, Spy Wednesday has a less tasteful tradition. In Poland, for example, this day is marked by young people throwing an effigy of Judas from the top of a church steeple. If that was not enough, poor Judas is then dragged through the village while jeering crowds throw sticks and stones at him. What remains of the effigy is then drowned in a nearby stream or pond.
I wonder how you react to that tradition? A bit extreme, you might be thinking… or perhaps he deserved everything that he got. After all, John 12:6 tells us that Judas, when entrusted with the finances had no regard for the poor but instead helped himself to the funds.
Whenever I think of Judas, I am reminded that here was someone who thought that he would gain the world by betraying Jesus but instead he lost everything. When Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection, Judas was not there with them.
How easy it is for any one of us to lose sight of just who Jesus is and all that he has done for us.
How easy it is to see all that the world has to offer and to settle for that instead of the fullness of life that Jesus offers.
How easy it is to say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ with our lips but then to live in a way that demonstrates ‘I am the Lord’ in my life.
As we journey through the rest of this week, through the foot washing of Maundy Thursday and the self-giving love of Good Friday, may we see again the one who is Lord of all and live our lives reflecting the riches that we find in Christ.
As the hymn based on the words of an 8th century Irish poem reminds us:
Riches I heed not, nor vain, empty praise; Thou mine inheritance, now and always; Thou and thou only first in my heart, High King of heaven, my treasure thou art.
A prayer from Psalm 119:35-37 Lord, direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes from worthless things; preserve my life according to Your word. Amen.
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Oakes Baptist Church - Together at Home - Sunday 5th April, 2020. Share in worship, prayer and bible teaching.


https://youtu.be/ZZzMxuWsgx8 Is it Wednesday? A midweek moment with God – 1st April 2020
Our dog is getting lots of exercise at the moment. Lockdown restrictions still make an allowance for dog walking, while maintaining the correct social distancing of course.
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Oakes Baptist Church - Together at Home - Sunday 29th March, 2020. Share in worship, prayer and bible teaching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDMj9d6xN 08


Is it Wednesday…? A mid-week moment with God – 23/03/2020
I don’t know about you, but this enforced change of routine has left me struggling to remember what day of the week it is. The usual pattern of church gatherings and meetings, as well as all of the other regular activities that keep us busy have come to a temporary pause.
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Oakes Baptist Church - Together at Home. Sunday 22nd March 2020


We may not be able to meet together at the moment. But this Sunday at 7.00 pm we are invited to join with others around the country in prayer by placing a candle in the window of wherever we find ourselves.
Candles will also be placed in the church windows, a reminder of Jesus who said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Find out more here www.cte.org.uk/calltoprayer


You will be aware that Government advice is that people should now avoid meeting together wherever possible. In response to this advice we will be closing down all meetings and services at Oakes Baptist Church until further notice.
We do this with sadness, but also aware that infection control is a priority at the moment.
However, it is important to remember that ‘church’ is not a building (it never was). As a community, let's be prayerfully thinking about how we can support ...one another and those around us over the coming weeks. So, who can you encourage? Telephone? Text? Facetime? Skype? Doorstep visit?....
Our ‘frontlines’ may change over the coming days, but we continue to be those who carry a message of hope and peace in an anxious world.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
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Join us this Sunday morning at Oakes (10.30am), as we celebrate with David as he is baptised.
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:26-27


Benon will be visiting us at Oakes on 11th/12th January. Come and find out more about his work in Uganda.


A link to the daily prayer resource that was mentioned in the service today.
https://www.facebook.com/126769490673641/ posts/3187166691300557/


Join us this Sunday afternoon at 4.00pm. Hear the story of Christmas and sing some favourite carols. Everyone welcome.

More about Oakes Baptist Church, Oakes Road, Huddersfield

Oakes Baptist Church, Oakes Road, Huddersfield is located at Oakes Rd, HD3 3EW Huddersfield