Oakes-Wilson Hypnotherapy

Monday: 13:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 13:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 13:00 - 21:00
Friday: 13:00 - 21:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Oakes-Wilson Hypnotherapy

The challenges we face in our daily life can be numerous. Often things just keep piling up resulting in worry, sleepless nights and anxiety. Sometimes we are not even aware of these symptoms until they give us a cause to finally slow down.

Oakes-Wilson Hypnotherapy Description

I offer client-centred hypnosis sessions to help you resolve your issues and gain control over your life. My concern is not for you to feel just ok. I want you to feel great about yourself and to regain that zest for life, that inner glow that has been missing.
You already have all the tools and the means – within you. I merely facilitate the process.
Whichever issue you’d like to work on, we can discuss it at our initial consultation and then make a plan on how best to proceed. All sessions are tailored to your needs and if there are any particulars about your situation that you want to keep private, you are most welcome to do so.
Hypnotherapy helps to deal with various issues – ranging from anxiety and fear to weight management and childbirth, as they all have their root cause in the human psyche. Deep state of hypnosis allows you to reach these causes and to remove the emotional charge associated with them, so they become just a narrative memory.



When I was a child, I used to love to roam the fields looking for dandelions. I loved the ritual of picking them, making a wish, blowing their delicate seeds and watching them scattered into the air. For me, it was like sending my wish into the universe. I have to confess, I still do this when I find one and love to see my two year old do the same. Using our imagination and being able to dream is such a wonderful gift. It is a gift we often forget about, maybe because we ar...e taught to be practical in life and pull up our sleeves. The thing is, when we forget about our dreams we tend to forget about joy, purpose, excitement, possibility as we begin to identify soley with what is. I believe that as long as we remind ourselves of our dreams we will somehow find a way to bring them to life, despite the current circumstances. This week I attended an amazing workshop called 'Build Your Dreams' by Tamsin Kate Acheson. One of the things I have learnt is that any dream we wish to bring into reality is actually an expression of ourselves, a reflection of who we are and a wonderful gift we can give to the world. Do you have a dream? What is that you want to build?
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#InspirationalMonday Michelangelo, one of the most celebrated sculptors that ever lived, is renowned for his majestic 17 feet tall statue of David. David was carved using a single block of marble that had previously been discarded by other sculptors and had been considered unsuitable for 40 years! When asked about his inspired work, Michelangelo said: "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."


The older we get, the more roles we take on. On top of that, we grow expectations towards ourselves and what we need to achieve. If we run our own business it becomes even more consuming because we love what we do - don’t we? The thing is, that same love requires a lot of mental engagement and effort, so is it so different to just jogging in the park or dancing to Zumba. Taking time for play is so important as it gives us so much needed headspace and encourages our body to produce a lot of happy hormones. It is essential we always have this in our diary as it will keep us mentally strong. The Greek philosopher Thales summarized it well in his famous quotation “A sound mind in a sound body.”


What's happening in your world this week? Is there anything you'd like to ask me or know more about? I'm here to answer your questions. If you would like to have a complimentary consultation call instead, you can check my online calendar to make finding time easy.


#InspirationalMonday "To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves there lies the great, singular power of self-respect."... - Joan Didion -
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Super excited to share that yesterday I started a new specialised programme focusing on ageing, with the Essex Institute of Clinical hypnosis. The concept of ageing has always had negative connotations in our culture, and these unhelpful ways of thinking have become ingrained in many of us. We are all inclined to define ourselves according to our current circumstances, seeing our own potential as a fixed state. Sometimes, we may even put time pressure on ourselves, thinking... that we have to achieve certain things by a specific age, such as 30 or 40, as otherwise they will never happen. It is like we are throwing away the power we have within, maybe even writing ourselves off because of certain limiting beliefs! The thing is, the way we think determines how we feel, and if we associate ageing with regret, pain or illness, then we may waste 30, 40 or even 50 years of our life! But by shifting our mindset, and accepting what we cannot change, we can learn to focus our energy on building the new. I invite you to share with me which six words describe your ageing journey! Mine are learning, friendships, patience, adventure, dogs, coffee!
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#InspirationalMonday 'The world will not stop spinning. The clock won't stop ticking. Days won't stop slipping by. It's time. ... You don't need all the answers, or be armed with guarantees. Your only requirement is to start.'
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What is there that you really need or want to do? What is there that has been on your mind for some time but you have been holding back? Why do you think you are resisting making that important step? I'm sharing with you my latest blog on why we all tend to define ourselves according to our current circumstances and what we can do about it. Let me know how you find it. Have a fab day, everyone!


Once we let go of painful memories, or that fear that has been holding us back, we realise that the next step is having trust - in ourselves. Sometimes even against all odds. Let that inner vision, inner seeing, be your guide.


#InspirationalMonday "When you decide which thoughts are going to get you to be a rocket scientist, or to host your own show, when you decide: 'This is the type of thoughts that are going to get me where I want to be in the future', then you realise that you have a choice in how you think about things. We have a choice whether we are going to be scared about things or we are going to go for it no matter what. Every decision that you make reshapes your brain."


As human beings, it is very easy to get distracted because we are constantly bombarded with information or by the thoughts that run through our mind. Very often we get hypnotized by news in the media, commercials, a movie or even our own emotions! The best example of this is when we are angry with someone. If the other party says something to us, most of the time all we are able to hear is ourselves! Working with a hypnotherapist will actually de-hypnotise you from all the unwanted “noise” so you can consciously decide which thoughts and information are of real benefit to you. Hypnosis helps to focus all our attention on a desired goal and silence all the noise in the background. Imagine how powerful it would be if we were focusing our thought energy on how we want things to be, rather than how we don’t want them to be?


I have always believed that, despite how challenging life can sometimes be, every situation can be seen as an opportunity. Even in our darkest hour we still have the power – the power to steer our thoughts in the direction we want to go. Despite all the difficulties, fears or limiting beliefs, as long as there is willingness to move forward, we can create a better life for ourselves. We may sometimes wish to wait until the circumstances change or others recognise our efforts so we can finally be what we have always wanted to be. The truth is – even if we think that somebody owes it to us, we owe it to ourselves even more. Our life is too valuable to be left to chance. Despite how it may feel in this very moment, it can all be so much better in the next. So, reach out, talk to me. I will show you how.


What is there that you really need to do? What is there that has been on your mind for some time but you have been holding back? It can become incredibly easy to get used to everyday scenarios and to live within the context of our current situation. We do the same thing day by day, week by week and suddenly months have passed, maybe even years until we realise that we are enacting the same unwanted scenarios. Eventually, these become so familiar to us, that the idea of doing something different, although beneficial, can seem even more dreadful. The thing is, we are biologically wired to resist change, to not step out of our comfort zone. But just imagine what your life would be like if you decided to give up on some of your fears? What benefit is there to waiting? All you can do is enough.




How do you measure the value of your day? What gives you the greatest sense of accomplishment?


#InspirationalMonday What if we could watch entire lives as they unfold in time? What if we could study people from the time they were teenagers all the way to old age to see what really keeps people healthy and happy? In this talk, Robert Waldinger shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.


We have all had moments in life when we felt stuck or it felt like we were swimming against the tide. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we just can’t find a solution to whatever is holding us back. Or, perhaps we simply get overwhelmed by having too many choices? Sometimes, when these things happen, we tend to get so consumed with the parts of the puzzle we have in hand that we forget to see a broader picture. Moreover, we put even more pressure on ourselves by thinking th...at we have to find a solution immediately – or never! It is good to keep in mind that some things in life unfold themselves at their own pace. Not allowing ourselves enough space to be able to detach from the situation and gain a broader perspective can also negatively impact our emotions. In a society which celebrates speed and busyness as some kind of achievement, taking the time to pause and enjoy the stillness may seem frivolous! The fact is – we all need downtime – time to quieten the thoughts in our mind and connect with our inner wisdom. So how about finding some time every day to keep the sound down and allow our mind to rest? Reminding ourselves that everything in nature has its quiet time when seemingly nothing is happening.
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#InspirationalMonday 'When you want something out of life, you have to be willing to go into action. Don't wait for things to be just right. Don't wait for things to be perfect. Don't wait for an ideal situation - it will never be ideal. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. '


Believe it or not, there are still skeptics who think they might end up being made to do a chicken dance if they come to see a hypnotherapist. But joking aside, some people really do challenge the credibility and efficacy of therapeutic hypnosis because they associate it with what they have seen occur on stage. I hope this blog helps to shed light on what hypnosis is and inspires you to use it in achieving your goals and unleashing your full potential.


Silvia is a kind and empathetic therapist who immediately puts you at ease and takes the time to really listen. Silvia helped me with some mental blocks which were stopping me from taking action and I can honestly say I left with a renewed sense of direction and confidence. Silvia's voice is lovely and calm and I left feeling very relaxed, but at the same time refreshed and excited. I would definitely visit Silvia again and highly recommend her services.


I just wanted to write to completely recommend Silvia Oakes-Wilson, I went to help sort my motorway driving phobia and anxieties, and came out with loads of confidence and feeling like a million dollars! (Plus feeling so relaxed during the sessions, I didn't want to leave!) Really happy with the results! Sian, Bristol

More about Oakes-Wilson Hypnotherapy

Oakes-Wilson Hypnotherapy is located at 30 Alma Vale road, BS8 2HY Bristol, United Kingdom
Monday: 13:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 13:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 13:00 - 21:00
Friday: 13:00 - 21:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -