Old Skool Rules

About Old Skool Rules

The Biggest Small competition in the World

The “Old Skool Rules” competition will be held throughout the year on the following dates:

Old Skool Rules Description

Sunday 20th April - Round 1
Monday 19th May - Round 2
Sunday 15th June - Round 3
Monday 28th July - Round 4
Sunday 17th August - Round 5
Monday 29th September - Round 6
Sunday 2nd November - The Final

The competition will be held at “The Old School Yard and Playground” - 109-111 Long Lane, Borough, SE1 4PH in the city of “London” (close to “Gatwick. But you can fly into Heathrow, Stansted, Luton or London City Airport). if you’re coming from abroad.

This competition is designed to bring flair back to its roots. These days competitors are busting out amazing multiple 5, 6 and 7 object flair, which is incredible, but at the “Old Skool Rules” you are limited to only 4 objects.

We want to see innovative, creative flair with a show to boot. This doesn’t mean you have to dress up in a costume. But think about your music, the audience and how to make your routine the greatest spectacle of the night.

This year the format is changing slightly. We are going to have one round only this year. Last year we saw the qualification rounds very busy and then the final was extremely quiet, so to keep the vibe high we will start slightly later and have just the one round. This also give us more time to have a party.

---------- ---------- ---------- ---Additions---------- ---------- ---------- ---

We are supporting the brilliant work of Lindsay Sanner in Mombasa, who is building a school for lesser privileged children. More info here: http://abaschoolkenya. wix.com/aba-school

Entrance fee is now £15. £5 of which goes towards this great charity. Please feel free to visit the site and donate more. All the money donated goes a long long way, and you can feel proud knowing that you have supported the education of some very underprivileged children in another country.

Big Ass Move
We will have a Big Ass Move Competition for all competitors that want to compete. This will happen after the last competitor has gone on stage.

Running Order
The running order will be roughly seeded depending on your level. We will try to give everyone a chance to go on slightly later, but to ensure you have a big crowd, bring your friends and bar team down with you. They can try their hand at the Pina Colada Bar (see below) and see if they have what it takes to be the fastest.

Wild Cards
There will be NO wild cards this year. You can make it into the Old Skool Rules Final if you enter one of the qualification rounds. There will only be qualification rounds in London at the location mentioned above. No over seas qualification rounds will take place.


This year, we are setting the cocktails to make so as to make it easier on the judges and on competitors. It will avoid competitors having to write down their drinks before their round. Plus it will make it easier for judges to score the competition more fairly.

Ver 2 Cocktail
1oz / 30ml / 3cl - Ver2 Vodka
1oz / 30ml / 3cl - Mystery ingredient - To be put in your own bottles.
Top with juice.
Full with cubed ice


Highball Glass

Lime wedge garnish (no need to squeeze)


ODK Cocktail
1oz / 30ml / 3cl - Ver2 Vodka
1oz / 30ml / 3cl - Mystery ingredient - to be put in your own bottles.
2oz / 60ml / 6cl - juice
1 squirt ODK flavour.

shake WELL and strain (fine strain is not necessary)

Chilled Cocktail glass

Orange Peel


We want to see decent drinks being made on stage please. Majorly obvious over and under pours will be deducted. Please put care and effort into your drinks. Thank you.

General Rules

Any violation of these rules may result in disqualification from the competition.
Any acts that display low integrity, poor taste or disrespect for the competition, sponsors or the host facility are subject to disqualification from the competition.

All bartenders are required to attend the registration meeting at “5pm the day of each competition” at “The Old School yard and Playground”

This event will have just one division and is open to anyone.

All competing bartenders must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.

You can register for this competition by emailing tom@worldflairassociation.com

Competing bartenders will not be allowed to wear logos of any companies conflicting with the sponsors of the event.

Music - please bring your music on CD and USB to ensure we can accommodate everyone.

Competition sponsors (products) include: Ver 2 Vodka and ODK Puree.

All rules, guidelines and drink recipes are subject to change at the discretion of the competition organisers.

Three people from each Old Skool Rules Round will qualify to the Grand Final. This is the ONLY way to qualify for the Grand Final. NO wild cards will be given.

• Please join /like the competition’s Facebook page to keep up to date with any changes to the competition! ! ! facebook page oldskoolrulezflaircomp

Flair Rules

Each competitor will have 5 minutes of show time.

All bottles used in the working flair must be set in at least half full bottle of liquid (we will be checking all bottles before your round)

All bottles used in the exhibition flair must be set in at least 15ml (1 /2oz) of liquid

You can use ANY bottles you like. With or without stickers. with or without labels. Bacardi, stoli, havana, malibu and all the other bottles are allowed on stage. No penalties or deductions for the bottles you use.

You are required to use the sponsor bottles (Ver 2 Vodka and ODK Puree) at least once in your routine. At least one flair move with the sponsor products please. Failure to do so will result in a miscellaneous penalty. Limited sponsor bottles will be provided on the day.

A TD 105-30 metal pour spout is required on the working flair bottles. These pourers will be supplied by us.

Any free flowing pour spout can be used on all exhibition flair bottles.

Pour spouts can taped in place, as long as they are not restricting the flow of liquid.

Bartenders can set up the competition bar any way they choose, but it is highly recommended that nothing starts on the upper bar surface to help with visibility for both the audience and the judges.

No fire tricks of any kind will be allowed.

Remember you a limited to ONLY 4 objects!


The schedule will change slightly throughout the year depending on whether we can get a late license or not for that specific round. We will let you know in advanced whether anything will change before the competition. Below is the earliest times we will be working from.

16: 00 - Doors open for competitors ONLY
17: 00 - Registration & Pina Colada Bar is open.
18: 00 - Competition Briefing
18: 30 - Competition begins
22: 15 - All Results
22: 20 - PARTY!

Please be aware we will strive to keep on time, but sometimes things can run over time, or if we’re lucky, they finish earlier.


To register competitors need to go to www. worldflairassociation.com and go to the calendar. Find the date for the next Old Skool Rules Competition. (all dates listed above) click on the competition and then click “register”

All bartenders are required to attend the registration meeting at 3pm on the day of each comp in The Old School Yard and Playground. Please don’t be late, or let us know if you are.

Registration fee is £15 and it`s collected in cash on the day of the competition. Money goes towards the prizes and the charity. http://abaschoolkenya. wix.com/aba-school


Think Bermondsey Apartments and Think London Bridge Apartments are near by. 5 minute walk to the Old Skool Comp
http://www. think-apartments.com/?gclid=CLKJv_3Z0bYCFTMRtAod_XoA5A

The Bridge Hotel - A little bit cheaper but a little bit further away. Approx 15 minute walk to the Old Skool Comp
http://www. thebridgehotel.net/

Prizes (Round 1 to 6)
1st place - £150 + trophy
2nd place - £75 + trophy
3rd place - £50 + trophy
4th place - Certificate
5th place - Certificate
6th place - Certificate

Big Ass Move - £50 + Bottle Ver2 Vodka + Certificate

Pina Colada Speed Bar - £50 + your name engraved onto the Speed Bar Plaque

WFA scoring system
(200 points – 50 points per sub section)

Variety - 50
This is NOT just about the variety of sequences you perform during your routine. But the different variety of moves you are producing. Judges will also take into consideration different throws, grabs and catches. Using different techniques, turning, spinning, snatching, bumps, taps, rolls, nests, reverse grabs and catches etc. Varying speeds and plenty of different moves.

Someone performing lots of sequences with the same technique won’t score as high as someone performing less sequences with lots of different techniques.

Snatching every move for example is not using variety.

Creativity - 50
Creating new moves obviously has a big role to play here, but also making a creative routine as a whole will help you score more points. Coming up with a new routine each competition and performing new tricks, and not just upgraded moves, will help you score even more

Difficulty - 50
Being difficult is important to help move flair forward, but how to score here is the key. More objects doesn’t necessarily mean more difficulty. Linking one move directly with another is more difficult than having one big move and several “linking” moves then another big move. More objects in the air doesn’t necessarily mean more difficult either. think more about the grabs and catches. Using a nest catch all the time is easier than snatching, grabbing or catching to a pour.

Smoothness - 50
Being smooth is important to show you flair to a crowd. Judges will be looking for how seamless your routine is. Do you stop and start too much. Dance around on stage to “waste” time. Are you readjusting your shakers too much. Do you have to readjust your self between moves. A good smooth routine, should flow nicely all towards making your drinks.

(100 points – 50 points per sub section)

Showmanship - 50
This is quite a general category. Showmanship is how you work with the crowd. The presentation of yourself and your routine. Stopping for applause or recognition from the crowd. Flair is a form of entertainment, and that is what the judges want to see. Interacting with the crowd and the people watching you. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a batman costume. A smile in the right place can make all the difference!

Choreography - 50
This is about your music and Composure. Routines have got to such a point, that they are fine tuned to the final straw going in the drink. Judges want to see you working with the music, as well as using the stage and moving with your routine to make it more entertaining. A well choreographed routine will help you score highly.

Drops have dominated the results in competitions recently, and it is important that sometimes a competitor may have more drops, but a much superior flair technique or show. Now drops will be counted as follows

0 - 3 drops -2 points

4 - 8 drops -3 points

9 + drops -4 points


If the bartender had 9 drops in total, the deductions would work out as follows:

3 x 2 = 6

5 x 3 = 15

1 x 4 = 4

Total -25

Spill -1
From now on ALL spills will be marked, no matter how big or small or how it occurs. Unless it is a spill from two separate bottles or if the spill breaks up. Then two spills will be marked

Break -10
A break anywhere will still be counted as a break. This includes if you throw off bottles to your bar back, they collide and they break. This is YOUR fault. Not the fault of the bar back.

Miscellaneous -5
This section is for those moments when a bartender does something which is “wrong” such as scooping ice with a glass. Something which the judges don’t expect but still deserves a deduction for. This is also for any specifications you miss during the making of your cocktail. Major over and under pours also.

Missing Drink -40
Having a glass with ice on the bar top and no liquid, after time is up, is a missing drink. If there is some liquid in the glass (not including melted ice) then the bartender will be deducted for all the other specifications they missed on that drink. If you are still pouring your drink when time is up, it is a missing drink.

Flair more than 4 objects -1000
That’s right. If you pick up more than 4 objects during your routine, you will be deducted 1000 points. NO EXCEPTIONS! .

A Doimo Flair station will be the bar used for your performance
You MUST bring your own bottles to the competition. We will not supply any bottles for you.
We will supply glassware for you, but feel free to bring your own if you want.
Metal free flowing pour spouts must be used for working flair bottles. Bring your own.
Any free flowing pour spouts can be used for exhibition flair bottles. Bring your own.
All the other basic equipment such as straw caddies, store and pours, napkins, ice scoop etc will be supplied.

Big Ass Move

Here are the rules:
Only TWO OBJECTS maximum are allowed for your move
You will have three attempts.
You will be judged by audience reaction and the judges, so make sure you bring your friends, family and bar team with you.
Everyone has an attempt at their Big Ass Move once they have finished their round on stage.


Pina Colada Speed Bar

To keep the crowd entertained the entire time they are at the Old Skool Rules event there is the Pina Colada Speed Bar. This is open for ANYONE who wants to try and you can have as many tries as you like. All you have to do is make a Pina Colada in the quickest time possible.

1 3 /4oz / 45ml / 4. 5cl: Rum
1oz / 30ml / 3cl: ODK Coconut
5oz / 150ml / 15cl: Pineapple Juice

Shake and strain onto fresh ice.


Pineapple Flag & Umbrella


It is £5 to enter, after which you receive the drink you make.

The ingredients can be poured in any order.

Free pouring is allowed, but you will be deducted for suspected under /over pours.

Any excessive over pours will not be counted and will result in you not receiving your drink and being disqualified from attempting the competition again that night.
This is not a chance for you to make a strong drink for only £5.

The drink must be prepared in a Boston shaker, and strained using a hawthorn strainer into a highball glass with fresh ice. We will provide ALL equipment to make the drink.

You can ONLY use the equipment we provide to keep it fair for everyone.

The garnish will already be made, and the bartender just needs to place it on the SIDE of the rim of the glass, not on top of the drink.

All drinks require a napkin and a straw and to be served on the bar top, not on the drip mats.

Refer to the picture below for setup.

The setup cannot be changed, except to cater for right or left handedness.
Which means you will only be able to put the bottles from one side to the other.

You can have as many tries as you like. Each try is £5.

The winner on the day will receive £50 and another Pina Colada, and their name added to the Pina Colada Wall of Fame! This is all about the prestige of who is the fastest bartender in London! ! Do you think you have what it takes to be the quickest.

Under /Over Pours: + 2 second /disqualification
Spill: + 2 second
Drop: + 2 second
Missing Ingredient: + 2 seconds
Missing “other”: + 2 seconds
Wrong procedure: + 2 seconds

You’ve got to be in it to win it, so sign up, you have nothing to lose.
email: tom@worldflairassociation.com
tel: 0044 7930 416 341
web: https://www. facebook.com/Oldskoolrulesflaircomp

More about Old Skool Rules

Old Skool Rules is located at 109-111 Long Lane, SE1 4 London, United Kingdom