One Man Empire - Charlie Hutton

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About One Man Empire - Charlie Hutton

The One Man Empire: For Every Man At The Helm Of A Business Who Wants To Build A One Man Empire, Without Being Held Hostage By An Army Of Employees.

One Man Empire - Charlie Hutton Description

One Man Empire




This has been a tough one to write....
All this happened way back in the beginning of the year, yet it's taken me four months to be able to write about it.
Why? 'Cos it’s not easy to admit when you’ve majorly ****** up.
... See I broke the No1 role of One Man Empire No ****heads ⛔
Let me explain.
Back at Christmas time started working with someone new.
From the beginning I really wasn’t sure about working with this guy – he was a bit of a wide boy, very flash harry, and the old bull**** radar was telling me something was off about him.
But he was insistent on wanting to work together. So after some serious chasing, pestering, and cajoling on his part, against my better judgement I took him on.
And then **** ME did it backfired 💣 spectacularly.
All started off well, great meetings, awesome results and what have you.
And then about a couple of months in - this guy confirmed every niggling doubt 😡 I had about him.
He missed calls, missing meetings, and ultimately missed payment
And finally, he must have miss-placed his manhood, as he didn’t even have the ***** to talk to me. 👎 He literally vanished off the face of the earth.

I let a ****head into my business and I paid for it.
I wasted a tonne of time, energy and money on this guy only to have my pride and my pocket battered like a 'gloves off' showdown on the ice.
Sure the money hurt, but the most painful of all?
The beating up I gave myself for going against my gut.
How could I have been so stupid?!?
I’m embarrassed to say thinking about it consumed me for a good week. 😠 I could not let it go. I swung between all-out rage and being utterly ashamed.
It was only when Em sat me down gave me the “lesson learned, enough now, move on” talking to that I snapped out of it.
Now, a few months after the event?
🥊 It was one of the best things to ever happen to me.🥊
‘Cos it’s a massive smack in the face of the unavoidable truth of being in this game we call business
No one will ever know your business like you do and trusting your own instincts is how it’ll thrive.
Think about it - your business was conceived out of your desire, born out of your guts and determination.
The only way it’s gonna survive and thrive is through your care, protection, fire and FURY!!
So, this week: Trust your gut, trust your instinct and protect your empire with the fire of a thousand suns.
You’ve been warned....
Make More. Provide More. Be More. 💪🔥
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Finally Getting Paid What You Deserve 🎯🎯🎯 - Paul In The Confession Tapes ...
In this tape Electrician Paul talks about growing a tradesman business, mining the gold that's right under your nose, and making customers cry (in a good way).
In this confession tape, Paul talks about
... - Why ‘Slipping Through The Cracks’ is f**king you - Acknowledging the failures of ‘trades’ and looking to other rebels for growth - The super simple ‘Surprise & Delight’ tactic - Making customers cry (in a good way) - Automation as a ‘non-tech’ - Accepting the rollercoaster and finding a ‘boost’ in other people - The hunt for ‘free money’ - Finding the potential in every single customer…..
What I’m gonna say right now is gonna all-out offend a few folks - The majority of tradesmen are dropping the ball.
Dropping the ball by thinking just doing the job is enough… Dropping the ball by failing to communicate with customers… Dropping the ball by not following up… Dropping the ball left, right and centre.
Electrician Paul has well and truly picked up the ball. He shares A LOT what he is doing inside his business that is working like gangbusters and he lays out his tactics step-by-step.
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The clean desk policy is going a treat at One Man Empire HQ 😂😂😂


While the mediocre majority have to suck it up, bend over and take it where the sun doesn't 🚫 shine... we've had the courage 💪 to grab the bull by the horns and be free!


WARNING : Avoid this popular mindset attitude like the plague. Ignoring this single warning will make your life miserable, leave you broke and divorced


WARNING ❌❌ Emotions are contained within in this epic post!
Getting emails like this from members makes me happy, proper happy.
‘Cos folks like us that have our own business …. we’ve not taken the easiest road in this life.
... It can be lonely as hell when you’re the captain of your own ship.
When you get knocked down… When you dunno what the hell to do next… When the buck stops with you and working like santa at xmas eve….
Not many people in your life get the game we’re in.
And frankly, that feeling, that loneliness, it slowly but surely grinds you down.
And it makes you fall out of love with the very business that you built.
The business that you’ve built with your own two hands.
The business that you’ve sweated, sacrificed, and shed tears for.
I know, I’ve been there.
❌ When I took less than 36 hrs leave to meet my new son - none of my friends & family really understood ❌ When I lost an epic contract and didn’t know which way to turn - none of my friends & family really understood ❌ When Emma packed my bags for me and asked me to leave (when I thought I was being an absolute hero for working so much) - none of my friends & family really understood
Being captain of your own ship is a long journey…
Being in this game for yourself is a long road and you gotta get a good crew round you.
➡ Start hanging around with people that understand you ➡ Start hanging around with people that know exactly how this game goes ➡ Start hanging around people that are going to reignite you love for your business and make you unstoppable!!
And doing that…
Reigniting that fire, making people unstoppable …. I love it when The Fellowship and our motley crew of awesome members do that for someone
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Brilliant few days in Atlanta 🇺🇸 where it is officially still as hot as balls 🔥🔥🔥 _______________________________ Hanging around people that are right at the top of their game 💪 really pushes you to raise your game


Every week without fail some 'keyboard cowboy' 😜 spews a serious bit of hate for me.
Most would dislike this, maybe even hate it. Thing is, as masochistic as it sounds, I 🖤 it.
I relish their spew, 'cos deep-down I feel for them...
... Stuck with the sh1tty label of being lumped with the mediocre majority, working 9-5 and hating on anyone who’s escaped their cable ties.
Their venom as is rocket fuel for my goals. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
I know it’s not politically correct to say it, but I love them because I love the fact I’ve managed to do something they haven’t got the balls to do.
I wasn’t born this way, I made myself this way ✊ So did you.
Everyone has a choice and they choose NOT to be great. And they hate that. 😈
The likes of you and I, we’ve surpassed the whiners, moaners and spit on your face’ers 9x over, because whilst they’re sitting on the couch scoffing their way through a multi-pack of mediocrity, we’ve pulled up our sleeves and got to work.👷‍♂👷‍♂
Us’ens, the protectors, the providers, the risk takers, we’ve galvanised our balls and gone out there to make a better life for ourselves.
They could have done it too but chose not to.
💯💯💯People like you and me; we don’t believe in destiny, we believe in hard work and expansive results.
So, the next time you get hate from someone you don’t admire remember this….
➡ It’s just a manifestation of their frustration for not taking their lives in their own hands. ⬅
Stay strong comrade.💪💪💪
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
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“It ain't over till its over” ― Sylvester Stallone


Meet AJ.... Swinger of chisels, Owner of an excellent moustache, and One Man Empire


⚠⚠⚠ “Who the fuck does he think he is” ⚠⚠⚠
Has someone ever thought that about you?
Let me tell you, if they have, then good. Fucking great.
... See I had a speaking gig the other week and at the end, I was getting the Britney mic taken off and some dude decides to come over and offer me some ‘constructive criticism’.
Straight off the bat I told him, “it’s not necessary” in fact, “it’s irrelevant”.
The guy looked at me bemused and I could see the cogs in his head turning, him thinking...
“Who the fuck does he think he is” 😡😡
I get that this guy thought he was doing me a favour, just like every Tom, Dick, Rick and Prick will offer their opinion.
Yet he neglected to realise something very important...
⚠ I don’t give a fuck ⚠
See, in this game, I don’t care what other people figure I should do; I care what I figure I should do.
Only my opinion is gonna make me authentically me.
Think about it ...
👉When I’m writing you an email do you think I’m gonna ask what someone else thinks I should write to sound like me? Er, nope. 👉When I’m filming do you think I’m gonna ask someone else what they think I should film? Nah. 👉 When I’m giving a keynote do you think for one minute I’m gonna open up the polls and accept votes on what that thing should be? FUCK NO.
See, you were made with the divine ability to think for yourself.
And in yourself YOU SHOULD TRUST. 💪🔥
Sure, consult, engage, get inspired, but let that final call on how to run the empire be down to the Emperor himself.
So, this week, I’ll have you consider just one thing …
If it’s only your advice that’s necessary, what you gonna say to yourself to smash it?
Make More. Provide More. Be More. 💪🔥
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“Cowards never start. The weak never finish. Winners never quit.” - Navy SEALs


Bona spray anyone?!?! 😂😂😂 Just found this in Walmart before I fly back to Blighty... needless to say the 🇺🇸 locals 🇺🇸 couldn’t figure out why I was pissing myself or why I was taking a photo with it!! 😁


➡ I am a provider, a protector, a risk taker, a freedom seeker. ➡ I took the leap of faith to ‘go it alone’ even when everyone else around me told me it wasn’t going to work. ➡ I took control of my own destiny. ➡ I have the guts and determination to succeed standing on my own two feet. ➡ I am not shackled by the drudge of the daily grind.... ➡ I fight the temptation to do nothing and just get it done. ➡ I see the word “unemployable” as a badge of honour to be worn with pride. ➡ I do things for myself because I know no one else will do them for me. ➡ I make more. I provide more. I am more.
💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥< br> See More


This is WORST thing you can focus on in this game, yet 97% of men do...and they're SCREWED


If you smell what the Rock is cooking….


⏰ AT 5PM ⏰ The Iron Bulletin goes to print, so if you want your free copy now is the time! ➡️< br> Charlie


“My head is blown. Every job I go to creates more jobs.”
The success is happening for this awesome Fellowship member… watch out Devon this electrician co is on the road to domination ⚡⚡⚡

More about One Man Empire - Charlie Hutton

One Man Empire - Charlie Hutton is located at Lichfield Business Vlillage, Staffordshire University,, WS13 6QG Lichfield
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -