
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About One6Creative

Boutique branding & web design studio that helps creative businesses & passionate entrepreneurs build purposeful and profitable brands.

One6Creative Description

Boutique Branding & Social Media Agency in London delivering first-class services to small businesses & start-ups at affordable prices.



This week has been crazy busy over at One6Creative HQ, and my team and I have had our heads down in full on planning mode working on a secret project 😉
What is it all about?
Well... a while back over on Instagram, I was curious to see where our creative community is currently stuck in their businesses.
... And time and time again, the #1 thing that kept being requested was: TEMPLATES.
We're talking:
👉How to send a proposal to prospective clients (and what goes into them) 👉 What to actually do when you land a client (i.e. the client onboarding process) 👉 How to create KILLER brand guidelines for your clients
And sooooo much more!
We're SO excited to be creating these resources for you, friend!
After all, when you ask for things around here? We'll do our part in making it happen.
So, watch this space, friend!
When the time comes, I'll have something very special for you - as our way of saying thanks for supporting us here at One6Creative! 🙏
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Algorithms change, a LOT. And often without warning.
So, how are we supposed to stay ahead of the curve when these changes happen outside of our control? The answer is: you don’t.
Yup, you heard me.
... Instead of focusing your energy on something that’s unstable, focus on creating a strategy to help you generate leads WITHOUT having to heavily rely on social media.
And that’s why this week on the blog, I’ve got you covered because I’m sharing 5 ways you can capture leads that convert.
To read, head on over to: ure-ideas-that-co…/
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A finalised brand identity means I can share some concepts that didn’t make the cut but will continue living on this page ❤️ like this little mark right here that was part of a “bolder” direction.


Oh, how I love wrapping up the week on a good note! We finished working on the brand identity for @rauchrivera this week and I just love the elegant, sophisticated, heartfelt brand we created for the wonderful ladies from Rauch + Rivera ❤️!
We’re moving onto developing their website now and I can’t wait to share more about this incredible brand with you!
Hope you’re off doing something amazing this weekend! Feel free to share your plans below 👇🏼✨


Don't you LOVE that feeling when you repaint your room, redecorate your house, or clear out your wardrobe?
I sure do. Because they're all signs of renewal, growth, and a time of change in our lives.🌱
And changes are something that's inevitable in our businesses too.
... You and your business WILL evolve over time, and when this happens you'll start thinking to yourself: "Is it time for a rebrand?"
If this is where you're at, I've got you covered in this week's blog post. friend - where I'll be sharing the 3 signs to know if you're ready for a rebrand.
Go to for the latest post!
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Do you ever get frustrated from getting ambiguous feedback from your clients, friend?
I mean, what does: “Can you make it ‘pop’ more?” mean anyway???
After having some honest conversations with some of my clients, I realised that as difficult as it was to get constructive feedback FROM them - it was even more difficult for them to GIVE it in the first place.
... That’s why in my business today, I include a “Constructive Feedback Guide” in the welcome pack I send my clients to help prevent this confusion early on.
And I want to help you do, fellow designers and creatives! That’s why I’m sharing 3 tips on how to get constructive feedback from your clients on the blog today.
Head on over to: for the details!
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When I was a kid, I loved moving furniture around in my room. My room was quirky, it wasn’t very big and it was under the roof, so my ceiling was at an angle... I loved inventing new ways to maximise the space and minimise the distance between my bed and the tv/Xbox... #teenagergoals.
Using an “easy-grab extendable arm” to put cassettes into the VCR, while laying in bed, is still the best invention I came up with to date 😂!
Reason I’m sharing this is because I believe from e...arly years I’ve been a #problemsolver. I always liked finding ways to make stuff more efficient and easier. Coming up with strategies and logical solutions. And this is still the case in my business!
I try to educate people as much as possible on this - branding and design is so much more than “pretty graphics”. So much more than typing out a word in a good-looking font and pasting in on a label.
Us, creatives, we’re PROBLEM SOLVERS, first and foremost. And design is our language. It’s the tool we use to communicate, connect, engage, and drive social interactions, sales, success to your business!
Did I think I would be helping entrepreneurs all over the world when I was building furniture forts at the age of 10? Hell naw. But I’m so glad that I kept this sense of curiosity and adventure, because I think THIS is what pushed me to quit my 9-5 and create my own business.
So hello there, I’m Gigi! 👋🏼 #socialcuratorchallenge . Now off to you - share a bit about yourself in the comments below👇🏼
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Hey! Just a reminder...
Alrighty, carry on scrolling now.
... Byeeee.
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Yay! So you've finally landed a new client... now what?
If you've ever had that worry about what you should do next to ensure your project runs smoothly with your client, trust me - I've been there!
I remember spending SO much of my time drafting everything from scratch every time I signed on a new client.
... After 3 years of running my agency, I have streamlined and automated my client onboarding process to create a memorable client experience.
And now? I want to share my process in 7 easy steps in today's blog, friend!
Head to for the latest post!
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We’re home! 🏡❤️ As much as I love travelling (and I’ve been doing a lot of that lately), I’m SO happy to be back home and settling back into my routine.
Since we have a long weekend ahead of us, I’m dedicating these couple of days to plan my following weeks, settle back into client work and prepare for a team expansion in June 🎉!
I’m also super excited to share more highlights of the amazing projects I’m currently working on:... - 2 brand + web projects - 2 e-commerce websites - A restaurant launch - A crowdfunding campaign launch - And, of course, preparing for our resources shop to open its doors in Aug-Sep!
It’s gonna be a busy summer! ☀️❤️
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A little #wip logo mark for a hospitality consultancy I’m currently working on.
There’s been a lot of gold, rose gold and copper/bronze elements in my current projects and I’ve been loving these little luxury touches 😍 with this project, we’re going for a minimal, contemporary look and I’m really looking forward to see how it will develop in the next phases.


A little romantic postcard from #NYC 🗽 Our holiday had a rocky start, but it’s looking way better. The weather is beautiful, the food is delicious, the company is amazing. What else is needed?
If you have any #NewYork recommendations, share away 👇🏼❤️!


#tbt to 10 years ago.
This is me, exactly 10 years ago, spending a summer in #NewYork, studying at Parsons @newschoolofdesign.
Back then, I wanted to study art so badly but my family wasn’t very supportive of the idea, so I went on to study Sociology and then Entrepreneurship and Innovations. And guess what? I still ended up working in a creative industry and I still ended up following my dream... even if it took 7 years to get to it.
... It’s kind of surreal that I get to come back to New York 10 years later owning my own business.
This is to say: some dreams take time. In this fast-paced world we’re so used to get immediate rewards and get so frustrated when something takes time (how many times have you yelled at your phone because it took too long to load a page)? 🙋🏼‍♀️ #guilty
But if there’s one thing I learned through my experience is this ➡️ A GOAL IS NOT A DESTINATION. It’s a journey.
Yes, you may have a goal to buy a house one day, or earn £500,000 a year. But it’s the destination to get there that will count, not the end-result.
If tomorrow you won £500,000 in Euro Million will you feel the same pride and confidence than if you worked hard for your business to build up to such turnover? Will you feel as satisfied if you inherited a home than if you bought it yourself (even if it’s with that £500K scratch card). You see what I mean?
We all have goals and dreams, some broad, some very precise. But instead of focusing how far and unobtainable your goal seems to be, focus on the journey instead. Focus on, every day, taking a step towards making it happen. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step. ❤️
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Do you love tools & systems as much as I do? Then my friend, you will loooove this week’s blog post!
As you and your business grow, it’s so easy to get caught in the day to day tasks and letting your creative energy fall to the bottom of the priority list.
I know how that feels, because I DIY-ed EVERYTHING for the first 2-3 years, and only a couple months ago did I finally take the leap to grow my agency’s team.
... BUT...! Now I’m able to step into the CEO role and delegate the things I used to get tied down doing. Because I realised something really important— while on the outside, hiring someone else (and investing in tools/software) seems like an expense, my own time was even more expensive.
That’s what I want you to realise too, friend.
YOUR time is also very valuable. So, don’t let yourself get trapped in the day-to-day too often. It’s time for you to take a new stance!
That’s why I’m SO excited to geek out and share all the details with you about the top 5 essential tools I’ve tried + tested in my biz to keep my boat afloat (without breaking the bank!)
Hopefully you’ll get some inspo from this list I have on my latest blog post at (or click the link in my bio and head straight to the blog)
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Need help with visualising your brand, friend?
As a brand designer, what I’ve often found with my clients is that they have an idea of what they want their brand to be like, but they don’t quite know the visual direction.
Have you ever found that, too?
... Where you know how you want something to look, but you’re not quite how to express it?
That’s why this week on the blog, I’m sharing a little of my behind the scenes process on how I help my clients bring their brand visions to LIFE - and it’s with 5 super fun metaphors!

So if you want to gain clarity and visualise your brand, be sure to head to the newest post at:
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⁣So you’ve done all the hard work to drive people to your website— now what?⁣ ⁣ Today, I'm super excited to be interviewing my special guest expert, @maikeetsang !⁣ ⁣ She's a Launch Strategist + Copywriter (who also happens to be the word wizard behind the copy for MY own website), and in our interview, she’s sharing with our One6Creative Community all about HOW to turn your website browsers into buyers.⁣... ⁣ Even with an amazing layout, photos, and even great copy— what matters most is what happens in your visitors’ mind BEFORE they even come onto your site. ⁣ ⁣ To eavesdrop on all the value bombs and gems she shares in this week's interview, be sure to head to the blog at !⁣
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This smoochy snout wanted to say that its hooooman is off to take care of the most important-and-precious-but-too-often-take n-for-granted thing a person has: its own health.
So to all my dear clients: things will be a little slower, but still very much on track here at One6Creative over the next week. We’ve got amazing people keeping this collaborative studio afloat and I couldn’t be more grateful 🖤
Don’t forget to take care of YOU!


#o6cReads 📚 I just finished reading Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang and wanted to share my thoughts.⁣ ⁣ I was actually super excited about reading this one. I'm at a moment in my biz where I definitely work more than I should, and even during "periods of rest" my brain is still deep in client work. ⁣ ⁣ Without giving too much away, this book argues that we should treat work and rest as equals (cheers to that!) and that rest can make us more proactive and increase our creativity...... all the things I love!⁣ ⁣ While the book goes into the theoretical and scientific applications of types of rest and how it reflects on our productivity levels, I guess I was looking for more practical tools to... rest better? You see, I know that I should switch off, and exercise, and nap, and walk more. But I was hoping for some crazy "Tools of Titans"-style secrets that will help me rest in a better way and truly switch off my brain.⁣ ⁣ Talk about adjusting expectations :) BUT... this is strictly my opinion, friends! If you're looking to learn more about the theoretical and scientific side of rest, and how some of the greatest artists, entrepreneurs, and scientists used it in their lives to create amazing things – please do read this! I have no doubt you'll love it!⁣ ⁣ What should I read next now? Any suggestions?
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Need help with visualising your brand, friend?
As a brand designer, what I’ve often found with my clients is that they have an idea of what they want their brand to be like, but they don’t quite know the visual direction.
Have you ever found that, too?
... Where you know how you want something to look, but you’re not quite how to express it?
That’s why this week on the blog, I’m sharing a little of my behind the scenes process on how I help my clients bring their brand visions to LIFE - and it’s with 5 super fun metaphors!

So if you want to gain clarity and visualise your brand, be sure to head to the newest post at:
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More about One6Creative

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -