Operation Diversity

About Operation Diversity

Training, resources, Information, advice, support, products and events to help Neurodivergent children, teens and adults.

Operation Diversity Description

Operation Diversity is a business set up to provide children, adolescence and adults with a wide range of SpLDs, including dyslexia, with access to information and products that will support them in their daily lives, including at home, in education and employment.

Operation Diversity also aims to provide the right tools, knowledge and inspiration to parents, educators, employers and the wider community whilst promoting the life changing benefits that inclusivity brings.



just wanted to put up a quick post as to why I joined the academy , my son Dexter was really struggling with phonics, we tried everything, but it just wasn't clicking, we spoke to his teacher about our concerns but got nowhere, finally I got an appointment with the school senco, where she informed me that although I was concerned , having observed my son, she wasn't concerned and that should reassure me! I got Dexter privately accessed that week and it was confirmed he has dyslexia, it was still a shock, I didn't really know what that meant , or how to deal with it, I then joined this group, then the academy, for the price of a couple of pints and a bag of hog snacks I got access to tonnes of resources , it gave me the confidence to have a meeting with the head, deputy head and senco, explain that this really isn't good enough, that I am über pissed that despite me raising my concerns you overlooked my child, despite only scoring 4 on the mock phonics test nothing was put in place, that they need to put in place the recommendations from Dexter’s report, and that I don't really care if I come across as a pushy parent, or “that dad”, or a bit of an asshole in fact, this group has taught me you should always be your child's biggest advocate, I really wouldn't have had the confidence, vocabulary, or tools to do this without the academy, thanks Sarah Chapman, I’m in awe at the hours she puts into this group, every question gets answered, everyone gets the help they need, having a child with learning difficulties is isolating at times, this groups a great place to not feel alone, I should also mention since joining the academy, Dexter has gone up 4 book bands, got from counting 1-17 to 1-100 an 1-1000 in hundreds, has a support plan in place at school ..... and a new senco.


absolutely excellent service. I have learned more about my children and myself since joining the group than I have in a lifetime of reading (countless) books about child development and dyslexia and autism and various other neurodivergent labels. The group is so warm and welcoming, and the knowledge and expertise is second to none. Questions are answered promptly and fully, and the community feels like a family.

I particularly enjoy the fact that you can watch the webinars at any time, and access them as many times as you want to. I have learned so much about so many different things, I truly feel grateful. I know operation diversity will go from strength to strength with the ever wonderful Sarah Chapman at the helm, and it will continue to change the lives of so many families. There is so much strength in educating parents - it makes them feel able to tackle schools or local authorities head on. it puts them firmly in the driving seat of their children's lives, instead of feeling out of control and like the 'system' parents their children.

I encourage anyone reading this to join Operation Diversity - i promise you will not regret it.


What a super support group I have through Operations Diversity. I was lost in the complexity and nonsense we are all caught within, in the Schools and Education Authority systems.

Discovered my daughter had Dyslexia traits around a year ago and we are still trying to fight ‘the system’, but fell upon Operations Diversity around 4 months ago and have not looked back, since hooking up with the full support service they offer.

The amount of information shared through their website and their superb webinars have hugely increased my knowledge of my daughters ‘super powers’. It’s been a real personal journey, as have discovered I also share lots of my daughter’s ‘super powers’ and it’s through all the great content that Operations Diversity present, through their inspirational leader, Sarah, that has got me into a really positive position, of where I can help support my daughter.

I currently subscribe to Netflix and Amazon Prime, but have to say I am most excited at looking at what content(via webinars(live video presentations)) that Operations Diversity presents, that I am most excited about and plan my evenings around being free to watch.

This is a proper support group, that brings all like minded and supportive parents and carers together and I never feel alone.

What maxed this out to pure excellence was our Christmas party last week, via video connection, that the group came together, shared stories and had fun games together. I can’t believe myself and my daughter were doing lots of silly fun games, including charades, as a fun way to bring us all together and share some fun.

Keep up the great work, Operations Diversity, Sarah and your strong team.


Well where do I start with expressing how thankful I am for finding Operation Diversity!

3 years ago our eldest son hit rock bottom in primary school, school were failing to support him so we decided to home educate, During those first few months I stumbled across Operation Diversity whilst looking for ways we could help our son gain confidence and become a happy learner as we wanted him to go to secondary school when the time come. The first thing Sarah Chapman, OD founder taught me about was Irlen Syndrome, it was a huge lightbulb moment and a totally life changing moment for our son. Our son has been wearing his Iren filters since and they have totally changed his life. OD also empowered me to ask questions, it has filled me with information to know my rights on what support should be in place, it regularly has guest speakers, these speakers cover every aspect of support you could wish for be it for your child or self help. With thanks to OD my eldest son is back at school with the help andsupport he has always deserved, I am confident in knowing what we can expect from school with thanks to Sarah, OD and it's amazing members. I am not overly involved in any social media groups but I know that OD would be there in a heartbeat should I need them. There have been times when Sarah has given me her number to call when I've needed help and she is 100% always at the end of a message. I would recommend Operation Diversity to anyone, it is by far the best support group I have ever come across.

Thank you Sarah and Operation Diversity :)


Two years ago I was lost in the world of SEN with no where to go or turn to.

Kids don’t come with a manual so I searched Facebook and discovered operation Diversity and quickly learnt about the dyslexia support uk group.

It was a total game changer and I soon got the access to the questions I should be asking. In May this year the academy opening its doors and I never hesitated to join as the knowledge and information I got for free was worth thousands.

In the first month of the academy Sarah spoke to Karen and set up a one to one to go through spellings with my little man. Within ten minutes I was crying happy tears.

He takes part in as many mixers as he can and his face when he realised he wasn’t “stupid” was heartbreakingly warming.

My son is like a brand new being. He wouldn’t be like that if it was not for the help and support Sarah and her team offer.

As a family we will never be able to pay you back for the difference you have made. Every time I read either group I cry happy tears as the massive changes you are making to every family you touch are amazing.

We love you, we love your groups and we love everything that is Operation Diversity.


This is one of the best pages I have found to give me the support and advice to deal with issues with my child who has some educational and emotional issues. The last year hadn't been very easy year at home and and at school and the support here has been brilliant. Sarah who set up the group is the most caring and hard working lady you will ever meet she will go out her way to help anyone with issues even at the end of the phone if you need to talk. This site will help you in any aspect with a child with additional needs that extra shoulder to cry, laugh and just help you understand and believe that you can do it. You can support your child and help you fight for the rights of your child in any means. Do not struggle alone come and join the family as we are all family here to support you!


The operation diversity academy is totally amazing i have 2 children a daughter who is 17 and has dyspraxia autism and possibly pda and odd and a son who is 11 and has irlen syndrome and other learning difficulties undiagnosed who also does ttrs which is run through sarah and sarah and all the team in the academy r there to help whenever u need it i love the sessions with the behavioural intervention specialist as behaviour is one major thing we have with my daughter and find them so useful it just costs £14.99 a month and theres not much u can get at that cost i think it's really worth the money.......I also love the monthly mixers where u get to chat with other parents over the camera I'm a shy person and as yet not been able to have camera or Mic on so I turn them off and chat in the chat box and there is no pressure to take part properly it's for everyone's individual needs I hope one day I can be brave enough for camera though.......thanks Sarah and the team for all u do


Operation Diversity is a lifeline to anyone with a child that doesn't quite fit in with how others would like them to be!! It has given me access to a group of lovely people who really understand what it's like to feel the ups and downs of everyday life. There are so many uncertainties and challenges on a daily basis and it's reassuring to know that there are people out there who won't judge but who will give you the support/advice/understanding that at times is so badly needed. It's a safe place to share your concerns, ask questions and even sometimes it's somewhere just to let off steam.... Sarah Chapman is an inspiration and really cares passionately about what she does - you only have to look at what Operation Diversity has to offer to see this!


Operation Diversity have been able to provide me with the support network I was in need of. The wealth of knowledge that is available is incredible, Sarah and the entire team go out of their way to help in anyway possible at any time of day. I was at breaking point at home, unable to cope and left feeling very alone on how to deal with situations involving my son but since joining operation diversity I can honestly say my relationship with my child has improved 100% we can how have fun again as I am understating his struggles and he is learning that I am doing my best to help him as much as I can. The webinars are fabulous and the extra support from other members in the group is so reassuring as it means I’m not alone when I’m in need of some help! Keep up the amazing (and life changing) work you do


Operation Diversity has been a life line for me with a support network that I was desperate to find and didn't imagine the level of support I would receive and no longer feel I am on this journey on my own. The expert advice from assessors, behaviour specialists to name but a few have helped me with with situations and their knowledge looking at reports and helping with what should go on the support plan for my son is just amazing support. Also pointing me in the direction of relevant documents for meetings with the SENCo. The webinars cover a wide range of topics including tech that may help to the EHCP process, behaviour coaching, speach and language and Q&A sessions to ask the experts anything. The webinars are on the site to academy members to catch up on if you can not watch it on the night. Rant or rave on the wall someone is there just to listen and offer non judgemental advice if needed. Sarah Chapman works tirelessly to ensure members are supported and contacts experts to do webinairs that she feels we will benefit from and has built up a network of professionals on the site to offer expert and factual advice. I have learnt so much and for us parents with neurodivergent children the journey is never an easy one and I feel we are all in it together and someone is always going through the same battles or has been through it and come out the other side. It is also good hear of the success stories to give me hope.


Just want to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to Sarah Chapman and Susan 'carter' Peacock. Mike and I used the Academy, took your amazing advice and applied for an EHCP for our dyslexic son. We didn’t give up when the LA refused to assess...after Susan kindly spoke to us we got back in the saddle and appealed big time. No need for tribunal....they agreed to send an EP in. I wrote scary emails, hounded the case worker and cajoled everyone involved into supporting us. School played ball (even though they were clear that they’d never seen a dyslexic child awarded an EHCP) and wrote their bit too. After almost a year since we kick started the process we were told at the end of last week that not only had we got the EHCP but the secondary school we really wanted (with a dedicated dyslexia base) would be able to offer a place. Our boy had a trial day there on Monday this week and loved it...he will start Year 7 in September. We cannot thank you enough for the advice, information and unwavering support you have shown us. I am #thatmum and I’m also very happy to don my #biggirlpants and fight for what my child deserves. The academy has been fantastic.


Ive just given my first Webinar and Ive got to say Sarah was so helpful in reasuring me prior to the conference session. Very reasurring and gave me the confidence to get through. I felt so relaxed I forgot I was on line.

I recommend people to have a go and get involved with Sarah's work she is a star.

John Gilmour



I was signposted to this wonderful group when I was really struggling with my son, both at school and at home. I was looking for help and support to allow me a greater understanding into what he was going through on a daily basis. The knowledge and guidance I have received...... and also reading other posts that I wasn't involved with, has been a huge resource for me. I now feel less isolated and more able to accept his difficulties and minimise them where possible. Not feeling alone makes me feel stronger, and more positive moving forward. Getting the help and support makes a massive difference..... so thank you to the Admins and members alike.


I remember joining this community when it had less than 500 members feeling a failure as. Mother.

Today it has helped me to help both my children and is helping to change lives every hour of every day.

This community supports every person/family helping them to navigate their own path from the experiences of those before.

I have witnessed and experienced many professionals who have hidden agendas and in this maze of SEND you only discover this hidden agenda after spending money.

The heartbreak and distress on finding out that what you have been sold does not help or stand up under scrutiny is a major reason this group exists.

The community’s ideal has always been to help navigate the murky waters of SEND, to find the right solution for a persons dilemma- whether the need is to secure the right intervention or support at school, or at home, a piece of software or that a professional has the right accreditation to undertaken assessments or tutor a child.

The community succeeds because ultimately at its heart is a person who was treated like a failure growing up due to her SEND. The determination to make sure that other children do not have to go though what she did is the life force that has created such an energised community. Taking this one step further Sarah has created a company that will help people further than any Facebook community can. Being able to help all within the SEND community be it an individual, a parent, professional, employer, locate help with what ever they need and if it has a cost that the cost is justified.


Huge thank you to this group and Sarah, without you guys I wouldn't have been able to deal with all this work for uni head on( with the occasional wobble �) , the academy is amazing I've learnt so much and have recived so much support and information, it's so easy to use too, we're lucky we have a group like this where everyone understands what we're going through, being able to discuss and speak soon freely about issues and sharing information, I'm so glad I found this group and the academy ( you can teach an old dog new tricks �).


How do I put into words how incredible this is?!

The amount of work Sarah puts into Operation Diversity is amazing. There are so many resources - the Academy is bursting with amazing webinars and helpful videos - there's ALWAYS something going on so I know exactly where to go to find the support I'm looking for. Sarah is always in there with an answer and able to direct you to the right place and provide positivity - along with the other members. It's an amazing community and a lifeline for anyone struggling to find help with dyslexia and other needs, cope with family life and any other issues surrounding that.

Operation Diversity is THE go to place for support. Join it. Now. You'll instantly feel better knowing you're not alone and then you'll be able to equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to handle whatever you have to face.


As a parent and a specialist teacher and assessor, I have found the Academy invaluable in enabling me to support both my own children and those that I work with. The regular webinars are very informative and offer practical advice to all. The community as a whole is like one big family with everyone happy to share their concerns and support each other. There are regular opportunities to chat with other parents/carers face to face over the internet and everyone is supportive and welcoming. A range of professionals support Sarah in offering a range of advice and support. The Academy even has its own website where you can access information, previous webinars and discounts on useful products. A five star service, highly recommended!


As a dyslexic teacher, I've found the information and support offered by the academy to be invaluable.

They really are a lovely, supportive bunch who know there stuff when it comes to SEN/ SpLD's!

I have recommended the academy to parents, educators and divergents alike as a wee fount of valuable info :)


As a Mum to a daughter with ASD we have struggled to access help over the past 4 years. I came across Operation Diversity through another FB group and since joining I have been impressed by the high quality information available. The webinars regarding all aspects of education for children with extra needs has been second to none. Accurate and up to date information from experts in their field right here on my laptop. The ability to ask an expert about strategies to help my daughter from everything from phonics to behaviour issues has really changed our lives and that of our daughter. Knowing you are not alone in this is so important. I love the "mixers" where I can talk to other parents and share information. The monthly subscription of £14.99 is a bargain. Forget searching and reading the web, spending all your time fighting with what you hope is the "right" information. Operation Diversity is your one stop shop for everything you and your family need to know. Sarah and the Team are professional, approachable and empowering. Thanks


just wanted to put up a quick post as to why I joined the academy , my son Dexter was really struggling with phonics, we tried everything, but it just wasn't clicking, we spoke to his teacher about our concerns but got nowhere, finally I got an appointment with the school senco, where she informed me that although I was concerned , having observed my son, she wasn't concerned and that should reassure me! I got Dexter privately accessed that week and it was confirmed he has dyslexia, it was still a shock, I didn't really know what that meant , or how to deal with it, I then joined this group, then the academy, for the price of a couple of pints and a bag of hog snacks I got access to tonnes of resources , it gave me the confidence to have a meeting with the head, deputy head and senco, explain that this really isn't good enough, that I am über pissed that despite me raising my concerns you overlooked my child, despite only scoring 4 on the mock phonics test nothing was put in place, that they need to put in place the recommendations from Dexter’s report, and that I don't really care if I come across as a pushy parent, or “that dad”, or a bit of an asshole in fact, this group has taught me you should always be your child's biggest advocate, I really wouldn't have had the confidence, vocabulary, or tools to do this without the academy, thanks Sarah Chapman, I’m in awe at the hours she puts into this group, every question gets answered, everyone gets the help they need, having a child with learning difficulties is isolating at times, this groups a great place to not feel alone, I should also mention since joining the academy, Dexter has gone up 4 book bands, got from counting 1-17 to 1-100 an 1-1000 in hundreds, has a support plan in place at school ..... and a new senco.


absolutely excellent service. I have learned more about my children and myself since joining the group than I have in a lifetime of reading (countless) books about child development and dyslexia and autism and various other neurodivergent labels. The group is so warm and welcoming, and the knowledge and expertise is second to none. Questions are answered promptly and fully, and the community feels like a family.

I particularly enjoy the fact that you can watch the webinars at any time, and access them as many times as you want to. I have learned so much about so many different things, I truly feel grateful. I know operation diversity will go from strength to strength with the ever wonderful Sarah Chapman at the helm, and it will continue to change the lives of so many families. There is so much strength in educating parents - it makes them feel able to tackle schools or local authorities head on. it puts them firmly in the driving seat of their children's lives, instead of feeling out of control and like the 'system' parents their children.

I encourage anyone reading this to join Operation Diversity - i promise you will not regret it.


What a super support group I have through Operations Diversity. I was lost in the complexity and nonsense we are all caught within, in the Schools and Education Authority systems.

Discovered my daughter had Dyslexia traits around a year ago and we are still trying to fight ‘the system’, but fell upon Operations Diversity around 4 months ago and have not looked back, since hooking up with the full support service they offer.

The amount of information shared through their website and their superb webinars have hugely increased my knowledge of my daughters ‘super powers’. It’s been a real personal journey, as have discovered I also share lots of my daughter’s ‘super powers’ and it’s through all the great content that Operations Diversity present, through their inspirational leader, Sarah, that has got me into a really positive position, of where I can help support my daughter.

I currently subscribe to Netflix and Amazon Prime, but have to say I am most excited at looking at what content(via webinars(live video presentations)) that Operations Diversity presents, that I am most excited about and plan my evenings around being free to watch.

This is a proper support group, that brings all like minded and supportive parents and carers together and I never feel alone.

What maxed this out to pure excellence was our Christmas party last week, via video connection, that the group came together, shared stories and had fun games together. I can’t believe myself and my daughter were doing lots of silly fun games, including charades, as a fun way to bring us all together and share some fun.

Keep up the great work, Operations Diversity, Sarah and your strong team.


Well where do I start with expressing how thankful I am for finding Operation Diversity!

3 years ago our eldest son hit rock bottom in primary school, school were failing to support him so we decided to home educate, During those first few months I stumbled across Operation Diversity whilst looking for ways we could help our son gain confidence and become a happy learner as we wanted him to go to secondary school when the time come. The first thing Sarah Chapman, OD founder taught me about was Irlen Syndrome, it was a huge lightbulb moment and a totally life changing moment for our son. Our son has been wearing his Iren filters since and they have totally changed his life. OD also empowered me to ask questions, it has filled me with information to know my rights on what support should be in place, it regularly has guest speakers, these speakers cover every aspect of support you could wish for be it for your child or self help. With thanks to OD my eldest son is back at school with the help andsupport he has always deserved, I am confident in knowing what we can expect from school with thanks to Sarah, OD and it's amazing members. I am not overly involved in any social media groups but I know that OD would be there in a heartbeat should I need them. There have been times when Sarah has given me her number to call when I've needed help and she is 100% always at the end of a message. I would recommend Operation Diversity to anyone, it is by far the best support group I have ever come across.

Thank you Sarah and Operation Diversity :)


Two years ago I was lost in the world of SEN with no where to go or turn to.

Kids don’t come with a manual so I searched Facebook and discovered operation Diversity and quickly learnt about the dyslexia support uk group.

It was a total game changer and I soon got the access to the questions I should be asking. In May this year the academy opening its doors and I never hesitated to join as the knowledge and information I got for free was worth thousands.

In the first month of the academy Sarah spoke to Karen and set up a one to one to go through spellings with my little man. Within ten minutes I was crying happy tears.

He takes part in as many mixers as he can and his face when he realised he wasn’t “stupid” was heartbreakingly warming.

My son is like a brand new being. He wouldn’t be like that if it was not for the help and support Sarah and her team offer.

As a family we will never be able to pay you back for the difference you have made. Every time I read either group I cry happy tears as the massive changes you are making to every family you touch are amazing.

We love you, we love your groups and we love everything that is Operation Diversity.


This is one of the best pages I have found to give me the support and advice to deal with issues with my child who has some educational and emotional issues. The last year hadn't been very easy year at home and and at school and the support here has been brilliant. Sarah who set up the group is the most caring and hard working lady you will ever meet she will go out her way to help anyone with issues even at the end of the phone if you need to talk. This site will help you in any aspect with a child with additional needs that extra shoulder to cry, laugh and just help you understand and believe that you can do it. You can support your child and help you fight for the rights of your child in any means. Do not struggle alone come and join the family as we are all family here to support you!


The operation diversity academy is totally amazing i have 2 children a daughter who is 17 and has dyspraxia autism and possibly pda and odd and a son who is 11 and has irlen syndrome and other learning difficulties undiagnosed who also does ttrs which is run through sarah and sarah and all the team in the academy r there to help whenever u need it i love the sessions with the behavioural intervention specialist as behaviour is one major thing we have with my daughter and find them so useful it just costs £14.99 a month and theres not much u can get at that cost i think it's really worth the money.......I also love the monthly mixers where u get to chat with other parents over the camera I'm a shy person and as yet not been able to have camera or Mic on so I turn them off and chat in the chat box and there is no pressure to take part properly it's for everyone's individual needs I hope one day I can be brave enough for camera though.......thanks Sarah and the team for all u do


Operation Diversity is a lifeline to anyone with a child that doesn't quite fit in with how others would like them to be!! It has given me access to a group of lovely people who really understand what it's like to feel the ups and downs of everyday life. There are so many uncertainties and challenges on a daily basis and it's reassuring to know that there are people out there who won't judge but who will give you the support/advice/understanding that at times is so badly needed. It's a safe place to share your concerns, ask questions and even sometimes it's somewhere just to let off steam.... Sarah Chapman is an inspiration and really cares passionately about what she does - you only have to look at what Operation Diversity has to offer to see this!


Operation Diversity have been able to provide me with the support network I was in need of. The wealth of knowledge that is available is incredible, Sarah and the entire team go out of their way to help in anyway possible at any time of day. I was at breaking point at home, unable to cope and left feeling very alone on how to deal with situations involving my son but since joining operation diversity I can honestly say my relationship with my child has improved 100% we can how have fun again as I am understating his struggles and he is learning that I am doing my best to help him as much as I can. The webinars are fabulous and the extra support from other members in the group is so reassuring as it means I’m not alone when I’m in need of some help! Keep up the amazing (and life changing) work you do


Operation Diversity has been a life line for me with a support network that I was desperate to find and didn't imagine the level of support I would receive and no longer feel I am on this journey on my own. The expert advice from assessors, behaviour specialists to name but a few have helped me with with situations and their knowledge looking at reports and helping with what should go on the support plan for my son is just amazing support. Also pointing me in the direction of relevant documents for meetings with the SENCo. The webinars cover a wide range of topics including tech that may help to the EHCP process, behaviour coaching, speach and language and Q&A sessions to ask the experts anything. The webinars are on the site to academy members to catch up on if you can not watch it on the night. Rant or rave on the wall someone is there just to listen and offer non judgemental advice if needed. Sarah Chapman works tirelessly to ensure members are supported and contacts experts to do webinairs that she feels we will benefit from and has built up a network of professionals on the site to offer expert and factual advice. I have learnt so much and for us parents with neurodivergent children the journey is never an easy one and I feel we are all in it together and someone is always going through the same battles or has been through it and come out the other side. It is also good hear of the success stories to give me hope.


Just want to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to Sarah Chapman and Susan 'carter' Peacock. Mike and I used the Academy, took your amazing advice and applied for an EHCP for our dyslexic son. We didn’t give up when the LA refused to assess...after Susan kindly spoke to us we got back in the saddle and appealed big time. No need for tribunal....they agreed to send an EP in. I wrote scary emails, hounded the case worker and cajoled everyone involved into supporting us. School played ball (even though they were clear that they’d never seen a dyslexic child awarded an EHCP) and wrote their bit too. After almost a year since we kick started the process we were told at the end of last week that not only had we got the EHCP but the secondary school we really wanted (with a dedicated dyslexia base) would be able to offer a place. Our boy had a trial day there on Monday this week and loved it...he will start Year 7 in September. We cannot thank you enough for the advice, information and unwavering support you have shown us. I am #thatmum and I’m also very happy to don my #biggirlpants and fight for what my child deserves. The academy has been fantastic.


Ive just given my first Webinar and Ive got to say Sarah was so helpful in reasuring me prior to the conference session. Very reasurring and gave me the confidence to get through. I felt so relaxed I forgot I was on line.

I recommend people to have a go and get involved with Sarah's work she is a star.

John Gilmour



I was signposted to this wonderful group when I was really struggling with my son, both at school and at home. I was looking for help and support to allow me a greater understanding into what he was going through on a daily basis. The knowledge and guidance I have received...... and also reading other posts that I wasn't involved with, has been a huge resource for me. I now feel less isolated and more able to accept his difficulties and minimise them where possible. Not feeling alone makes me feel stronger, and more positive moving forward. Getting the help and support makes a massive difference..... so thank you to the Admins and members alike.


I remember joining this community when it had less than 500 members feeling a failure as. Mother.

Today it has helped me to help both my children and is helping to change lives every hour of every day.

This community supports every person/family helping them to navigate their own path from the experiences of those before.

I have witnessed and experienced many professionals who have hidden agendas and in this maze of SEND you only discover this hidden agenda after spending money.

The heartbreak and distress on finding out that what you have been sold does not help or stand up under scrutiny is a major reason this group exists.

The community’s ideal has always been to help navigate the murky waters of SEND, to find the right solution for a persons dilemma- whether the need is to secure the right intervention or support at school, or at home, a piece of software or that a professional has the right accreditation to undertaken assessments or tutor a child.

The community succeeds because ultimately at its heart is a person who was treated like a failure growing up due to her SEND. The determination to make sure that other children do not have to go though what she did is the life force that has created such an energised community. Taking this one step further Sarah has created a company that will help people further than any Facebook community can. Being able to help all within the SEND community be it an individual, a parent, professional, employer, locate help with what ever they need and if it has a cost that the cost is justified.


Huge thank you to this group and Sarah, without you guys I wouldn't have been able to deal with all this work for uni head on( with the occasional wobble �) , the academy is amazing I've learnt so much and have recived so much support and information, it's so easy to use too, we're lucky we have a group like this where everyone understands what we're going through, being able to discuss and speak soon freely about issues and sharing information, I'm so glad I found this group and the academy ( you can teach an old dog new tricks �).


How do I put into words how incredible this is?!

The amount of work Sarah puts into Operation Diversity is amazing. There are so many resources - the Academy is bursting with amazing webinars and helpful videos - there's ALWAYS something going on so I know exactly where to go to find the support I'm looking for. Sarah is always in there with an answer and able to direct you to the right place and provide positivity - along with the other members. It's an amazing community and a lifeline for anyone struggling to find help with dyslexia and other needs, cope with family life and any other issues surrounding that.

Operation Diversity is THE go to place for support. Join it. Now. You'll instantly feel better knowing you're not alone and then you'll be able to equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to handle whatever you have to face.


As a parent and a specialist teacher and assessor, I have found the Academy invaluable in enabling me to support both my own children and those that I work with. The regular webinars are very informative and offer practical advice to all. The community as a whole is like one big family with everyone happy to share their concerns and support each other. There are regular opportunities to chat with other parents/carers face to face over the internet and everyone is supportive and welcoming. A range of professionals support Sarah in offering a range of advice and support. The Academy even has its own website where you can access information, previous webinars and discounts on useful products. A five star service, highly recommended!


As a dyslexic teacher, I've found the information and support offered by the academy to be invaluable.

They really are a lovely, supportive bunch who know there stuff when it comes to SEN/ SpLD's!

I have recommended the academy to parents, educators and divergents alike as a wee fount of valuable info :)


As a Mum to a daughter with ASD we have struggled to access help over the past 4 years. I came across Operation Diversity through another FB group and since joining I have been impressed by the high quality information available. The webinars regarding all aspects of education for children with extra needs has been second to none. Accurate and up to date information from experts in their field right here on my laptop. The ability to ask an expert about strategies to help my daughter from everything from phonics to behaviour issues has really changed our lives and that of our daughter. Knowing you are not alone in this is so important. I love the "mixers" where I can talk to other parents and share information. The monthly subscription of £14.99 is a bargain. Forget searching and reading the web, spending all your time fighting with what you hope is the "right" information. Operation Diversity is your one stop shop for everything you and your family need to know. Sarah and the Team are professional, approachable and empowering. Thanks

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