Organised Motion

About Organised Motion

Online Personal Coach



You hear people say that fitness is "20% training 80% nutrition", or some percentage like that.
But it's hard to just throw percentages around. The truth is that both elements need each other.
TRAINING and NUTRITION are two of the three pillars of a strong and healthy body. Take away one, and the structure is seriously weak in its foundations.
... -If you don't nourish your body it won't repair itself properly after training and you won't see good progression and definition over the long run. -If you eat well without training, your body will be light and slender, but also weak and deflated (flat). Bone density will be lost and joints will get weaker year by year.
The third pillar is REST. Rest in the form of good quality and quantity sleep as well as rest days from training.
-Without rest, training, nutrition and will-power suffer massively.
Plan. Organise your life to make sure these 3 things get enough attention and time. You won't regret it.
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Look at weight-loss like a long distance run. In some places you may run a bit faster while in some others you slow down.
But one thing is certain. Run too fast and you'll probably end up stopping before ever getting to the finish line.
If you make your diet too strict, you won't be able to keep it up. Make it just hard enough to get results, while at the same time not burning out.
... Sure, a strict diet in preparation for an event is good. But what happens after, usually? That's right, weight-gain. Not always, but most of the time.
At the end of the day, it's all about a gradual change in lifestyle. That means building the foundations that support times when your willpower gives in.
It didn't take a week to put the weight on. It won't take a week to lose it. Especially if you plan on keeping it off!
One of my clients Katie, and her wonderful progress so far. She admits at being impatient, but after having had a baby 8 months ago, and having put on a lot of weight during her pregnancy, she's made a fantastic, gradual change!
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- Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? 🤔💪
An under-trained or over-weight body will see simultaneous fat-loss and muscle gain up to a certain point.
But, for a leaner person who's been active and training for a while, this won't be possible.
... That is why you then have to choose: -do I want to get leaner and then build some muscle? Or, -do I want to build muscle first, and later lose my fat?
Both options are good, but I personally would recommend getting leaner first.
That's because when losing body-fat, you feel light, happy and full of energy. People start noticing your lean figure and this gives you loads of motivation to continue your training and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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Muscle is much heavier than fat, given the same volume.
When you need to lose a lot of fat, it’s fine to look at overall body-weight as a point of reference. But as you get closer to your goal, you must look at overall body-fat as well.
A quick google search will tell you what a good body fat percentage would be for you. It differs a lot between men and women.
... Looking leaner and “toned” is simply changing the ratios of these two elements in your body. More overall muscle and less overall fat.
Now, dieting alone won’t achieve that. Cardio alone won’t be enough. Weight training must be done as well to create a strong, lean body.
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Thank you all for liking my page! 😁
I will posting fitness related content on here. 💪 Sharing tips and advice on how to improve your lifestyle, training and health. This is also a page for my online personal training, which I've been doing in the last year, on top of my 1-to-1 sessions. Busy days!
There's plenty of information out there as to what works and what doesn't. There is also plenty of contradicting information. I can only share what I've experienced to be working, f...or myself and all the fantastic clients I've had and currently have.
Don't be afraid to like or comment on the posts and share your opinions!
I named my FB page and Instagram "ORGANISED MOTION" because that's what exercise is to me. Your body moving in an organised pattern, training in a structured, precise way.
And perhaps because getting in shape isn't rocket science. All you might need to get fit is a little more "organisation" of your habits, coupled with lots of support from a coach! 😉
Get in touch if you feel you have extra pounds/kilos that you would like to lose, if you want to be lean and healthy, or if you simply need some advice!
Thank you! Sandro / Ale / Alessandro / That handsome guy at the gym
p.s. Website almost ready..
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More about Organised Motion

Organised Motion is located at Earlsfields, sw15 London, United Kingdom