Origins Of Vitality

About Origins Of Vitality

Nutritional & Holistic Coaching, learn how to eat for your individual needs rather than being just told what to eat.

Origins Of Vitality Description

Nutrition that allows you to listen to your body.

Unlike doctors and natural medicine ( allopathic system ) I do not want to keep your business by treating your symptoms month after month on end.
The goal is to figure out what works for you and give you the tools to go out in life keeping a healthy system running.

My passion and desire is to understand your genetic /biochemical diversity and figure out what it is calling for in terms of macro and micro nutrients.

Slow down ageing, create vitality, feel energetic, start the process of internal /external disease mending.

Keep a strong, lean, glowing physical appearance with out restricting your diet, but just giving the body a diet it naturally asks for.





#FASTINGFAM18 ☯️ ... 💪🏽1st work out completed fasted, 12 hours in this am. 1st day supported by black coffee, @buckedupsupps deer antler spray and @legallygreen_ CBD oil. ... ☯️Aiming for 5 days, will see how I feel towards end of the 3rd day (72 hours). 1st time trying to train everyday in a fast this long, while sitting at 80kg/5% body fat. Smashed Iron X, Planche, Arrow, Chest/Biceps to start. Working throughout, Calisthenics class tonight @undergroundgyms .... ... 💪🏽Training fasted: Allows your cardiovascular and sympathetic system to keep blood away from digestive system and into feeding your muscles/mitochondria/brain energy/focus to perform. Digestion takes a lot of blood and energy, why eat right before a physical activity that requires more energy/focus, while the body is trying to breakdown food in a parasympathetic system...where is the sense? Of course when starting out your body will be used to routine and if eating high carb, most likely waking up hungry and will feel slightly faint.. this goes. ... ☯️Why can we train fasted and not pass out? Food stays in your system for days, building blocks are utilised, and when these are out, fat stores (making you lean and clearing toxins stored), when that’s all gone, ketones and old cells no longer of use to the body. Yes it’s that clever that you will preserve muscle and burn all the other components not needed to survive. Best thing is that when you allow the body to clear and heal, when you do eat, it’s all utilised and assimilated directly where it’s needed to in the body and not stored as excess or waste. ... Join us @carew_movement @ergogenic_health @biohacking.chick Share your own or fasting image with hosts tagged and sponsors today to start and be part of this wonderful challenge to give information, collect data and have a group experience. ... @collagenblu @elementhealth @ancestralsupplements @real_mushrooms @ketomojo @ Underground Gym
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Dosages and usage on Primal Programs. If interested please do ask 🦌👌🏽 Code - Origins20 at checkout


☯️The goal is to make each individual internally healthy, in order to produce optimum biochemical pathways. ... ☯️By doing so, we can expect the body to have excellent hormonal control, all 4 pathways of elimination doing their work naturally. And the more favourable outcomes we can visually see - aesthetic low body fat, big muscular machine for a carbon vessel, power and strength in control with a balanced autonomic nervous system. ... ☯️All down to how you eat (top right im...age) munching a wild Salmon skewer for my DHA, inflammation and brain clock optimisation. ☯️Down to how you train (left image) not only ripping the muscle fibres, but enhancing neuromuscular control. ☯️Down to protocols (right bottom @buckedupsupps ) ingesting the right chemicals at the right time, with excellent sleep, intermittent fasting and training patterns. ... ☯️If you are willing to work on all those areas, knowing what to do from the beginning, having the right protocols for your unique lifestyle, the fine tuning to change as your body changes and of course an experienced/confident coach to be there for your questions... . 🥩You are ready to change and learn for the future with either of the journeys available with @origins.nutrition Primal Programs, 4 & 8 week courses. (Download Pdf from Services Page - Link in Bio). ... @vivobarefoot Primus Lux Grey - be light and strengthen your feet. @shorefitnessuk Burgundy T - be flexible, warm and stylish. @buckedupsupps - Code Origins20 for discounted 🦌 antler velvet and supps that will keep you hitting each workout harder and harder every time.
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User - Primal Programs - Origins20 for discounted deer antler velvet


☯️Small or Big the Leap, you must commit full intent. ... ☯️This application is not just for extreme sports or stunts. It’s for decisions in life that affect the quality of your life. ... ☯️Some leaps failed and some landed great success in achieving the lifestyle desired. Just the same for changing your nutrition perspective and lifestyle habits. Trust in the ability of the human body and it is not a leap of faith when calculating with the human brain/mind.... ... ☯️Risks are always involved, they try to scare our logic from being confident. Keep working at your changes in life for the positive, that means making the leaps and accepting all risks with sensible calculation. ... ☯️Let @origins.nutrition help you calculate the need, diminish the risks, and go for the leap that will create change for the better ❣️📧 ... 👟 Loving my Primus Lites from @vivobarefoot pop into @vivobarefootlondon to try some on. The feet strength and proprioception development has me never going back to the popular style of modern day shoes.
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Visit to download services pdf.
Visit for Antler Velvet at discount - Origins20 20% off


Watch Instagram Story’s today for more, a whole special on deer antler velvet. Origins20- 20% off


IG Fasting Challenge - #FastingFam18
I am very excited to announce that myself and @carew_movement @biohacking.chick @ergogenic_health will be hosting instagram-based prolonged fasting challenge.
The health and wellness benefits of fasting are becoming increasingly evident with growing numbers of research studies, and countless anecdotal stories from individuals literally changing their lives and fitness with fasting. Contrary to common believe, there is no pill, product, or... food that you need to consume to drastically improve our health. We simply need to stop eating.
We know the existing culture surrounding food, diet, and fitness is not incredibly supportive of fasting. And socially, it can be very hard to commit to a regular fasting schedule. The benefits and healing power of this tool cannot be denied and this knowledge should be shared. This is why we created this challenge; to inform, inspire, and create a supportive community surrounding fasting.
From Nov 4th - 9th we would like you to join us as we collectively fast together. Anyone can join in, and the rules are simple.
RULES: Complete a 12hr - 120hr fast Track your fast with “Zero” or Vora fasting app Complete fasting survey pre/post fast Be a supportive and kind contributor to this community
HOW TO ENTER: Follow all hosts and sponsors Repost this image and create your own post announcing that you’ll be participating in the #FastingFam18 Challenge Use the hashtag #FastingFam18
We would like to thank our generous sponsors for supporting us in this endeavor and providing some awesome prizes to a few lucky randomly selected winners. ,@ketoMojo, @Real_Mushrooms, @ancestralsupplements, @elementhealth, @collagenblu
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🦌 Antler Velvet @deerantlerspray has been used in many ways by our ancestors of northern hemisphere tribes. ... ☯️ I have been using this natural IGF-1 food for a year now and have incorporated its uses with my athletes on Primal Performance Program and in Adaptation Program with clients that have disorders. ... ☯️Prized in Siberia and Asia for its regenerative purposes in our tissues and immune function, especially while fasted. With no side effects as generally seen in sy...nthetic high dose growth hormones, legal and illegal. Nature has it all 👌🏽🦌 ... 🦌So it’s an awesome collaboration with @buckedupsupps @deerantlerspray @buckedupuk to be able to bring high quality and clean velvet spray to my clients/audience with a discount of 20% with code Origins20. 💪🏽For those serious bodybuilders, all their pre work out and supplement lines have this powerful chemical in them, without other harsh chemicals other company’s find the need to use. ... #dasbrandambassador #getbuckedup #daslabs #deerantlerspray #buckedupsupps #daslabsfam
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Deer Antler Velvet users on Programs or on their own can now hey high quality velvet from New Zealand via BuckedUp , with discount code
Origins20 for 20% off
Let the internal/external gains begin!
... ler-spray-igf-1
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☯️Fitness People/Industry always confidently say you can not be lean all year round. .. ☯️Let’s understand why this is poor understanding; A - it’s not genes or training, it’s nutrition and lifestyle. B - Ancestral days showed nothing but lean and muscular bodies all year round for navigating nature and eating wild.... C - we have metabolic and mitochondrial functions that due to high carb diets/irregular light and sleep are all off and our internal clocks busted. D - it’s an excuse used for people to carry on mouth pleasure and not care how they look and feel. C - it’s an excuse for clients and competitors to be puffy, fat and still happy with themselves, despite the health implications. D - You do not have to over work cardio and starve yourself to be lean, while damaging your internal body. Just to put all the weight back on again and repeat the process later when you finally become self conscious again. ... ☯️Most are metabolically dis-regulated and have mitochondrial sickness due to high carb eating. High carb athletes struggle to stay 3-5% body fat all year round while gaining muscle and strength. Most even in their 20s while looking fit, have metabolic syndromes and on the way to pre diabetic. Hence why they feel shit, weak, and skin is atrocious. ... ☯️Those with such metabolic/mitochondrial issues, when turning back to an ancestral way of eating and holistic protocols, lose excess water weight and fat, gain muscle and energy/strength. ... ☯️When the metabolic clock is ticking correctly, you stop exercising and you still don’t gain weight, body normalises hunger. Cut the calories bullshit, as when you exercise more, the body naturally asks for more and you don’t get fat, you add lean muscle with energy. ... ☯️Problem is many are coming from high carb diets and routines full of process food mouth pleasure and reward. People like this take a bit more time with ancestral protocols and circadian rhythm to fix internal clocks. ... ☯️Want to figure out why you are not on the right road to staying effortless lean, full food in your belly, feeling energetically great, gaining muscle and strength with clear mind and skin? ... ☯️Msg for pdf or download (link in bio)
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☯️Balance. ... ☯️Much like ying-yang is a wholesome dance, acknowledging your light and darkness. We should look at everything Holistically and own our imbalances just as much as we love our strengths and sense of perfection in the areas we have focused most. ... ☯️ To do what we run from or ignore, takes dedication and is always of some challenge. It’s okay to admit you do not have the knowledge, experience and time to acquire all the information needed, to pursue balancing ...your body and mind. You should invest your time and money into a resource or coach that will develop the desire and knowledge to remove blockages and walls in your health and performance. ... Coach @hildersonjoachim has managed to bring me into the darkness I pushed aside for years, and revealed a light in my interest for end range conditioning. ... ☯️I will do the same for your Nutrition & Calisthenics, the aim is to empower you to learn skills and knowledge that will carry you forward in life for good! ... 🐉 Squat in my @vivobarefoot Primus Lux ... Stretching in my @ohmmeapparel Eco Warrior II Shorts ... 📸 @netty.upyourrom
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☯️Light, Breath, Water, Food, Emotion, Thought. We really are far more than just what we eat. ... ☯️If you are stress free, full of love and using the human breathing mechanics at full capacity, you will deteriorate much slower, even if eating nothing but starch. This is because we know breathing is the main way to balance blood ph and allow mitochondrial function to utilise proteins and fats for energy. Hence why meditation works and the groups up in the mountains get really... skinny but yet still ticking over years as they sit and meditate everyday. Tie this in with an environment free of blue light and with consistent circadian light patterns from Mother Nature, and your immune system will be strong. ... ☯️ Along with water and food, consuming the cleanest sources of bioavailable and non reactive foods, will rebuild the body. Eating a large portion of food is not the problem, it’s how often. Disabling the process of apoptosis/autophagy from intermittent fasting/feasting. ... 🧠 is 30% DHA 60% cholesterol making up pre frontal cortex. 👁 is 50% DHA making the retinal structure. ... ☯️Inappropriate sunshine and night rhythm, along with over usage of lights and screens in the dark. Little consumption of cholesterol and Omega 3 acids EPA/DHA, plus whack on a stressful and heavily attached/fear of being alone relationships = disease! ... Clients on Performance Programs or mitochondrial/metabolic issues know how to work around this with their anti inflammation/angiogenic protocols. ... ⚛️Now with a thorough understanding and experience in biochemical pathways and holistic analyses, it’s time to fill in the missing pieces of existence with physics. ... ☯️ Know your laws of existence and use it to maximise your existence. Pushing forward to a greater human longevity and quality of life. ... Work with me 👉🏽
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Catching as much of this weather before winter swoops in🍂 ... 💊Many supplement through the winter, but when did our ancestors that made us, ever supplement? ... 🏙It’s true, most modern environments most of us in the Western civilisations occupy, are toxic. Heavier burden on the immune systems. ...... ⚛️Does eating enough of just the right food for a long period of time, from high quality and or wild animal based products... Equate to a chemical balance that self regulates chemical usage, build up and elimination? ... ☯️Implemented with modern holistic protocols to reduce toxic stress on the body, Ready to experience this journey? ... 🧖🏼‍♂️Supplementation does have its benefits in enhancement, but let’s get the basics right 1st, performance will come soon after 💪🏽 ... @shorefitnessuk - Sleeveless T @vivobarefoot - Primus Lux @ohmmeapparel - Eco Warrior II ... 📸 @netty.upyourrom
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☯️So in my years of @origins.nutrition I have come across many different eczema’s and psoriasis. ... ☯️Face/Mouth/Lip, Hands, Elbows, All over body Psoriasis completely reversed and removed from the body via Holistic Protocols and a Keto-Meat heavy relationship to food. These issues would go away with a strict 1-2 months. ...... ☯️Now with more Holistic experience and a meat only adaptation in my clients, we are blasting away with eczema in under a month 👌🏽 ... ☯️It is not normal to have dry/flaky and aggravated bumpy/lumpy itchy spots/blisters and patches. It’s not down to genetics, climate change. And no, using organic skin products, or steroid creams or cleansing/detoxification with so called “superfood” is not the best answer or consistently successful in everyone. ... ☯️Its all about how stressed your liver, mitochondria, nervous system and hormonal system are (of course some other systems in some may be involved also). We identify these immediately and get to work. ... ☯️Think about it... if your Mitochondria are in charge of energy production and this causes waste, but you block the waste from being eliminated and new building blocks of energy to be received. The cells will sit in their own shot and decay to death. This causes an autoimmune reaction. ... ☯️Want to work with @origins.nutrition ? Need to clear your body and build it up to live free? 👉🏽 (link in Bio) or msg direct for Programs PDF.
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More excellent results from adapting back to Ancestral holistic protocols and primal way of eating.
Joint the Primal Adaptation tribe - - Download Programs PDF


☯️There’s more to just trying a diet, or movement. It’s not a random leap of faith. It’s an intelligent and whole heartedly thought out process. ... ☯️ It’s not just about fasting and eating delicious fatty beef. ☯️ Origins of Vitality takes into account life circumstances and conditions. ...... 🐺 Primal 4 & 8 Week Programs ... ☯️We take into account the past and the current relationship to food and stress most come to adaptation with. ☯️So we focus on gently optimising the internal systems, commonly starting on the intestinal tract, stomach/liver/gall/pancreas and the skin. Gently easing off other food habits, altering bacteria and introducing ketones to the body. ... 🥩From there we start the #carnivore and #meatheals experience. But not until we have the internal systems functioning strongly, mended and the mind ready to stick to meals as simple as 🥩 and 💧. ... ☯️Want to know more, head to for services and download programs pdf. ... Wearing the best! Sleeveless T - @shorefitnessuk Warrior II Shorts - @ohmmeapparel Primus Lux shoes - @vivobarefoot ... Find the barefoot experience @vivobarefootlondon @vivobarefootglasgow and try the Primus range 👌🏽 ... 📸- @netty.upyourrom
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A must watch!


Well don't really know where to start , other than little that I knew when I asked Dom to help me with my diet transforming me from body builder to marathon runner , so he done just that and MORE!! Dom has changed my life ! And I couldn't thank him enough . I lost 12kg in 8 weeks and I loved the food ! Never was hungry once :) but what really did it for me it's the change of clarity of the mind !

Energy levels , mood accelerated up the chart .

So if you wanna change your diet see Dom

Wanna feel better ? See Dom

Wanna have a more enjoyable fulfilled life ? See Dom .

I will forever thank my stars that led me to Dom and changed my life ! ❤️


We live in a fast pace world constantly stressing about everything, overworking ourselves for material gains that never really make us happy, and the most important which is our health, mind, body and soul is forgotten until we become sick, due to processed foods, as we are what we eat. Origins of Vitality is focused on changing the way you see food and eat, by only using organic products, prepared in a special way, it is not a diet! but a complete change of habits and lifestyle, to a healthy way of eating and living disease free, as he states "one man's food is another man's poison" by metabolic testing and your blood group this defines what you can eat. It worked for me! each day my taste buds adapt to natural organic food and I leave behind the poison I have put in my body for so many years. Good Luck! Make the change you want to see, and live disease free, as cancer cannot live in a healthy body.


Origins of Vitality has given me the guidance, knowledge and support in completely transforming the way I view my diet, my body and total wellbeing. My lifestyle has become healthier, my mindset healthier, and my body loves my diet. I am so in tune with what my body likes and dislikes, I can now fine tune my diet being particular of what I choose to put in. They say you get out what you put in and this couldn't be truer. Everyone should adopt this lifestyle, I truly believe in it, and cannot recommend Dom highly enough xx


Massive respect,everyone should adopt his lifestyle. Eat healthy and train hard ���


I was feeling sluggish and couldn't shake some extra weight I was carrying. Dom educated me on food and it being more of a medicine. I've been introduced to I intermitent fastening. I'm feeling stronger than I ever have before and much leaner.


I began working with Dom a couple of months ago. My goal was to continue to build muscle and remain lean whilst improving my overall health. Dom completely changed my relationship with food and re educated me about nutrition. Within a few weeks I was completely off most of my medication for insomnia and asthma. We had to tweak a few things around carb-keto cycling etc but Dom was very supportive in adapting things to suit my goals and meet my needs. I have not stuck with keto and recognise myself as a 'carby type' which I think Dom calls it. But Dom offers a variety of methods for different goals so it's really worth being open minded and working with him. Excpect a couple of weeks of feeling way out of your comfort zone!

More about Origins Of Vitality

Origins Of Vitality is located at Brighton