Orit Adiri - Weigh Less Live More

About Orit Adiri - Weigh Less Live More

You are the only person who can create your future body and health. I can help you achieve the best version of your future self.

Orit Adiri - Weigh Less Live More Description

Orit is a weight loss Maven that works with women who had enough of their yo-yo dieting and false promises of diet pills, powders or teas.

Women who likes to eat but feel guilty after each bite they take as they are not happy with their current weight or body shape.

I teach those women how they can enjoy food while they lose their extra weight.

They end up slimmer, stronger inside and out, empowered with confidence in food and their own ability to succeed.




Sometimes you just feel like having a sweet thing. . But you also know it’s not what you should eat. . Not for your health.... . Not for your waistline. . This is when a creamy and gooey chocolaty treat can help. . Guilt free. . All natural. . 3 main ingredients: - raw tahini. - cacao powder. - carob syrup. . Topping is up to your imagination. . Keep in the freezer. . Alternatively you can just roll the mixture into balls. . . . . . . . #healthyeating #dietfood #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #vegan #raw #rawvegan #rawveganrecipes #rawfood #chocolate #diet #dieting #dietplan #dietfood
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My 10 year’s old prepared his own snack. . Children won’t do what you tell them to do however they will follow your example. . Fact!... . . . . . #healthy #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthyrecipes #healthyeating #healthysnacks #healthylifestyle #diet #dieting #dietplan #dietfood #vegan #veganfood #veganrecipes
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Two years ago I helped a woman to free herself from tummy pains she didn’t even know why she had. . The other day I met her again. She shared with me that she is now on pills as the level of acidity in her stomach is too high and causes her problems again. . Are you still working on your body and mind, I asked?... . The reply was of course negative. . That is just like putting oil in your car once and expect it to last forever. . Every change we go through will have results. . But if you go back to your old ways, your habits, your comfort zone, than you should expect exactly the same results as you got in the past. . For change to work and last a commitment is required. . We are committed to work for someone else. . We are committed to the people around us that we love. . But without committing to yourself, you won’t be able to commit fully to others. . . . . . . . . #weighlesslivemore #weightlosstips #healthyeating #dietfood #healthylifestyle #dieting #healthygut #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation
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Morning jumpers


Your life. . Your choices. . Your experiences.... . It is that simple. . All the choices you make, big or small, will crate your future. . It is true for any area of your life. . But when it comes to your body, you can see the results faster than you can imagine. . And when it comes to your body, the way you feel physically has an immediate and direct effect on the way you feel mentally. . It’s a matter of a single decision. . Just look into the future in your mind’s eyes and think, what do you want for your future self? . A healthy, strong and energetic you or a heavy, tired body that is prone to diseases? . If you chose for the healthy body than I am gifting away my personal cheat sheet. . This is where I share all that helped me to lose weight and keep it off once and for all. . As a bonus, I also lost 99% of my migraine attacks that used to take over my life. . And if I do get a migraine it is much lighter than I ever experienced in the past. . You can access my cheat sheet here http://www.oritadiri.com/resources/cheat- sheet/ or go to my website (link is in the bio ☝️) and you’ll find it in the ‘Resources’ section of the menu. . . . . . . . #weightloss #WeighLessLiveMore #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlosstips #weightlossmotivation #weightlossrecipes #diet #dietplan #dietfood #dieting #motivation #vegan #veganfood #heslthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthyeating #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthydinner #migraine
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Spring is here. . Everything feels so fresh. . Unless of course you haven’t taken care of yourself.... . Taking care of yourself means eating the right food, exercising your body and of course working on the state of your mind. . But what if you are licking motivation? . What if you eat well throughout the day but every night eating the wrong food? . This has nothing to do with will power. . However, it has a lot to@do with your mindset. . Luckily, you can work on and improve your mindset. . I am happy to share with you some if the tools and strategies that helped me change my mindset. . So you can also experience the freedom of being diet free and keep a perfect balance of your body and mind. . Here is the link http://www.oritadiri.com/resources/mindse t-for-weight-loss/ or visit my website ☝️. . . . . . . . . . #weighlesslivemore #mindset #selfworth #motivation #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #diet #dietplan #dietfood #dieting
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Life gives ample opportunities for turns and twists. . Every decision you make to take an opportunity or reject it will get you to a different destination. . You can always be healthy, slim and in good physical and mental shape .... . All you have to do is to avoid the turn that will take you further away from this destination. . We are concerned about the way we look more often more than the way our body feels. . But you can only look as good as you feel. . No makeup will musk your extra kilograms, the luck of shape or worse, the pain you are experiencing. . There is only one way you can feel and look good. . The RIGHT way! . An intelligent way to treat your body and mind inside out. . And if that is what you would like to experience than I invite you to join the Ignite Your Weight Loss 3 weeks program. . You will learn via short videos (because I respect your time) how to up-level your body, your way of thinking and the food you are eating. . Compromising on any of these three aspects is being disrespectful to yourself. . Join today on my website www.oritadiri.com (link is I the bio ☝️). . . . . . . . . . #weighlesslivemore #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #motivation #mindset #diet #dietplan #dietfood #dieting #selfworth
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A relaxing evening walk. . Good for the body. . Good for the soul.... . . . . #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy
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Bread? Avocado? . But...but...I’m on a diet..... . I hear this so many times.... . How come you eat this ‘fattening’ food and stay slim? . Another one is ‘I only need to look at it and I gain weight’... . These are sayings that represent unhealthy relationship with food. . A non-wholistic one. . You see, to become slimmer, toner or able to eat what you now consider as a forbidden food you’ve got to detach yourself from old beliefs that have no basis in reality. . Weight loss doesn’t mean depravation. . Weight loss doesn’t mean ‘hard work’. . Weight loss means changing your perspective into one of self love. . Simple. . And you can learn that in the 3 weeks Ignite Your Weight Loss program. . Why now? . Because what you do now will create your future. . Your future body. . Your future feelings. . Your future self esteem. . Sign up today to the 3 weeks Ignite Your Weight Loss program on www.oritadiri.com (link in the bio ☝️) . . . . . . . #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #dietplan #diet #dietfood #dieting #dietingtips #selfesteem #motivation #fitness
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First visitor in my garden this Spring (that i’ve noticed at least..). . Love butterflies 🦋 🦋🦋. . For me they represent the freedom to choose where you want to be and how you want to appear.... . They are light and full of movement although can also be still at times. . They can be just like you. Very colourful or more toned down. . The difference is that butterfly cannot choose who they are. . But you can! . Not familiar with a butterfly lifestyle? . Learn how to feel light, varied, colourful, with movement but still at times with the Ignite Your Weight Loss 3 weeks program. . Put a spring in your life. . Feel great. Lose weight. Tone up. Naturally. . Our body is so clever. It can do it all for you. . You just need to learn to cooperate with it needs. . Join today to Ignite Your Weight Loss and see results that are long lasting. . Because once you have the knowledge nobody can take it away from you. . Join on my website www.oritadiri.com (link is in the bio ☝️). . . . . . . . . . . #diettips #dietfood #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #dietplan #dietfood #dieting #tonedbody #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthy #healthyeating #healthylifestyle
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5 a day? . How about 5 a breakfast? . What a great way to Ignite your weight loss.... . Feel fuller for longer. . Help your body do what it does naturally in the best possible way - detox itself. . There is no need for positions and powders. . Mother Earth gives it all to us. . All you need to know is how to use it to your advantage. . You can learn all of that and so much more at the Ignite Your Weight Loss 3 weeks program. . In this program I am sharing some of the most withheld secrets of the diet industry. . Withheld because once you know them you will never be a ‘returning customer’. . Withheld because they are so simple to implement yet so effective. . Sign in today and see for yourself. . You can find the affordable Ignite Your Weight Loss sign in on www.oritadiri.com (link is in the bio ☝️). . . . . . . . . #diettips #dietfood #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlossinspiration #diet #dietplan #dietfood #dieting
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Guavas are just like Marmite. . You either live it or hate it. . And I love it 🥰.... . . . . . #weightlosstransformation #weighlesslivemore #weightwatchersfreestyle #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #diet #dieting #dietplan #dietfood #diettips
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Mornings are fresher with a glorious juice. . Your energy levels are higher. . You smile more.... . And you strengthen your body from the inside out. . Great cleanser is the best way to start Spring. . But if you want to take it up a notch, than you want to check out the Ignite Your Weight Loss 3 weeks program. . It is not a weight loss program, however you will lose weight. . It is not a fitness program, yet, your body will get stronger and firmer. . It is not a psychology program and yet, it will change your perspective in a way that you will feel motivated and committed to yourself every single day. . Start today and see a massive impact on the way you look and feel. . Join in today on my website www.oritadiri.com .
. . . #weighlesslivemore #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightwatchersfreestyle #diet #dieting #dietplan #dietfood #mindset #motivation
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I met a guy today after I haven’t seen him for a long time. . I noticed he lost a lot of weight and mentioned it to him. . He told me he did the operation to shorten his stomach.... . He then added there is still along way to go for him. . It’s not like you, he added, that you are naturally slim. . I had to correct him. . There is nothing ‘naturally’ about my weight and level of fitness. . I used to be the fattest kid in my class. . My mum was living on different diets regularly. . In time, I grew up to battle with my own weight regularly. . It took me a few hours to realise that actually he was right. . Not about me being naturally slim. . But about the lifestyle I have created for myself over 3 years ago. . Ever since then I never battle with my weight. . I don’t weight myself. Ever. . I am strong and flexible like I was 20 years ago (and I am 53 now). . But because I turned it into a lifestyle, one that I teach others to follow, then my weight is regularly low, my stomach flat and the general remarks I get is that I don’t look my age. . So now I AM naturally slim. . And you can become one as well. . . . . . #weighlesslivemore #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlossgoals #diet #dietplan #dietfood #dieting #flexibledieting
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A great afternoon spent in nature. . A recipe for quieting the mind, energising and strengthening the body. . The birds’ sing was nothing less than amazing. You can listen to it in the first comment.
... #WeighLessLiveMore #HealthyLifestyle #NaturalWrightLoss #HealthyLiving #Diet #Dieting #WeightLoss
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https://inews.co.uk/…/tonnes-antibiotic s-still-used-uk-pou…/


My son asked me for a healthy dessert. . On Mother’s Day a dessert my mother used to make for us popped into my head. . Baked apple staffed with raisins and cinnamon.... . My mother would have been proud of me. . Happy Mother’s Day. . . . . . . . #weighlesslivemore #mindset #dietfood #weightloss #vegan #dieting #desserts #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #healthyliving #healthydessert
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More about Orit Adiri - Weigh Less Live More

Orit Adiri - Weigh Less Live More is located at SK8 3HP Manchester, United Kingdom